
2010 Archive |
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the The Lowdown from
DN Journal,
updated daily to fill you in on the
latest buzz going around the domain name
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Are They? Now We Know! Readers Help Us Match Names With
Industry Faces
my last Lowdown post
I asked readers to help us identify
some people in our massive industry photo
archives that I did not have names for. As I
expected, our readers came through like champs! To
start the first of what I expect will be many
identification quests, I posted the shot of the
two lovely ladies in the photo below that was
taken at the 2008 T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York conference
and asked anyone who knew them to send me their
names. The story quickly |
a spooky twist that makes me believe ESP is
couple of hours after posting the photo a random
thought went through my mind - "If there is
anyone I don't know Laura Schmidt will
know them." Now Laura, who produces the
Roundtable conference, certainly
knows a lot of people, but the same can
be said for others who have been in the business
for awhile. So I wondered why Laura's name specifically
popped into my head. A short time later I was
back at my computer and there was a note waiting
from, you guessed it - Laura! As I told her -
cue the Twilight Zone music! And
sure enough she had the answer too - identifying
Paolo Antik and Debbie Santoyo.
Antik (left) and Debbie Santoyo |
addition to names, Laura had the back story for
me. Paola had worked for Yahoo and then TrafficZ
but has since left the industry (don't worry she
will be back - no one can get this business out
of their blood for long!). Debbie is also a Yahooite
and the two of them had gone to T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
New York to represent the company. First case
identifying two people might seem like a
small thing to you, it is a huge help
to me. When industry people pop up in
the news I was having a hard time
finding the best photograph (or finding
one at all) among the tens of thousands
of photos on my hard drive. Someone told
me |

Logo |
about Google's
program and it his been a Godsend (it is
also free - amazing considering
what a time and work saver it is).
If I have a
photo of someone and know their name, I
can enter the name under the face in one
photo and Picasa, using facial
recognition, will then scour my hard
drive and pull up every picture I
have with that person in it and copy
thumbnails into an album for that
individual! Suddenly I could look up any
name and see, in some cases, hundreds of
shots of that person along with the
exact location of the original photos on
my hard drive. It made it a snap to find
the best possible available shot of
anyone in our database. That's why I
want to identify the people in our files
whose names I do not have. |
some of those photos I need IDs for also gives
me a chance to introduce you to some industry
people you may not have known before either and
it puts some fresh faces in DN Journal alongside
the old standbys we have all come to know so
By the way,
I found that I need to give someone else
credit besides Laura. Barbara Neu,
who is the wife of T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
co-founder Howard
Neu, is a terrific
photographer, so at the end of most
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conferences, she and I
trade copies of each other's camera
cards. When I got the names I needed
from Laura and pulled up the original
photo again in Picasa I noticed it was
in one of my folders of photos taken by
Barbara - so she gets credit for that
great shot of Paolo and Debbie. I might
have known - Barbara always takes the
best pictures!
Since my
first call for help yielded positive
results I'll post another photo next
week and we'll see who can be come up
with an ID first next time. |

& Howard Neu
at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Las Vegas 2010 |
July 29,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Feature at DNJournal.com: Who Are They? Help Us Match Unidentified
Domainers With Their Photos! Plus, More Upcoming
Conference News
the years
I have taken thousands upon thousands of
photos of domainers at industry events around
the world, including domain investors, company
representatives, speakers, etc. While I try to
get to know as many people as I possibly can, I
noticed in going through our massive photo
archive recently that we have hundreds of
photos of people whose names I don't have on
file. I would like to change that. I have always
been a big believer in trying to put a name
with a face when industry people come up in
the news. I think that photos add a dimension
that help all of us get to know each other
better and in a small industry like ours where personal
relationships can be invaluable, that is
especially important.

match up more of our photos with names I
decided the best course would be to call
on our readers for help. Once or twice a
week, for the next few weeks, I will
post a photo from our files. If you can
identify the person (or people) in the
photo, send me an email (editor at
dnjournal.com) with the person's
name and if you have it, how I can reach
them to verify the identification is
correct. Also include the URL to the
Lowdown post (or the day it was posted)
so I can bring up the photo you are
see what kind of response we get over
the next month or so and if it looks
like this idea will help me match up
enough unidentified people with their
photos, I will make it more fun in the
future by setting up a reward system
of some kind for the first person who
provides a verifiable accurate ID
(I still have to give some thought |
what those rewards might be - I would
like to offer a choice from among
several options so winners can pick
something they can use - might be a
domain company T shirt, a free DNJ
classified ad, cash or whatever other
cool thing we can come up with). |
see if this will fly, let's try some test runs
over the next 30 days. I'll post a photo along
with when and where it was taken. If you can ID
the person (or persons) send me an email -
again, editor at dnjournal.com. If it is YOU in
the picture by all means let us know! When we get
a |
ID I'll publish it in a follow-up Lowdown post
along with the name of the first person to come
up with the correct identification. It could be
fun on a lot of levels, not the least of which
will be introducing you to some new people
that haven't been featured in our pages
any publisher will tell you, nothing gets
people's attention quicker than a pretty face
(fortunately in our business the pretty faces
are accompanied by a lot of brain power too!).
So, let's start with the photo at right.
These two lovely ladies were photographed at the
New York conference in September
2008. Who are they?

are they? |

also have a couple of notes on
upcoming domain conferences for
you today. The keynote speaker
for the DOMAINfest
New York Power Networking Day
coming up August 18 at
the Grand Hyatt in Manhattan
has been named. That will be David
Mason, Senior Vice President
for the AOL Content Platform.
Mason joined the company
when AOL acquired StudioNow,
which he co-founded in 2007 and
developed into the world's
largest web-based video
creation platform.
A veteran technology
entrepreneur and e-commerce
pioneer, he started one of the
first Internet bookstores in
1994, which later became
Buy.com. With all of the
interest in video and creating
content on websites, Mr. Mason's
talk should be a very
interesting one. |
We also
have an update on Chef Patrick's DN
Cruise - the first domain
conference on a cruise ship - coming up October
11-15. The Carnival Cruise Lines
boat will leave Miami and make
stops at Key West and in Cozumel,
Mexico before returning to South
Florida just in time for the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
South Beach conference October
For those
who may have been on the fence about
whether or not to take the cruise, host Patrick
Ruddell just posted a money back guarantee
in a You
Tube video today.
You can
also find answers to the most common
questions about any the
cruise/conference on a FAQ
page at DNCruise.com. I
will be on the boat as well as at
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. South Beach the following
week. Hope to see you there! |

July 27,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
III Adds Castello Brothers As Keynote Speakers For Next
Month's Conference in Spain + NameDrive Names Kamila
Sekiewicz to Key Position
weeks ago
we told you about the Domaining
III conference
up at the Hotel Sorolla Palace in Valencia,
Spain September 23-25, 2010. This
is the third annual edition |
Spain's biggest domain conference, an event
started in 2008 by Inverdom CEO Dietmar
At that time we told you that Sedo CEO Tim
Schumacher would be one of the keynote
speakers. Today we learned that two more
industry leaders, Michael Castello and David
Castello (of Castello
Cities Internet Network Inc.) will
fill the other keynote slot (Michael and David
were profiled in one of our most popular Cover
Stories ever in December
2006). In addition to their keynote
address the Castello Brothers will conduct a
seminar, "Domain Names & The Power
of Branding."


and David Castello (above) will join Tim
Schumacher as keynote speakers
at Domaining III in Valencia, Spain
September 23-25.
can learn more about the Domaining III
conference and register at the
show's website (the
site can be viewed in Spanish, English or German
- click on the flag icons to switch languages).
today, our congratulations go out to Kamila
Sekiewicz who has been named as the
new Director of Business Development
at domain monetization service NameDrive.com.
With this new position Kamila returns to
the domain industry after taking a short
break following her previous position as
an International Senior Account Manager
at Sedo.
We also
want to let you know that after 40 shows
Owen Frager is bringing his Domain
Success webcast series to a
close Wednesday (July 28) when
his special Power Lunch guest will be Rob
Monster, the Founder of domain
development platform Epik.com.
Frager said, "Rob will show us how
to transform dormant domains into
revenue generating powerhouses through
complete traffic and revenue
transparency and 50/50 revenue
one-hour webcast will air at 2pm
(U.S. Eastern time) on Wednesday. There
is no charge to listen in - all you need
to reserve a spot is register
here. |

Director of Business Development
NameDrive.com |
July 26,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Just Went Live Tuesday But Domain Aftermarket
Sales Sites Devoted to the Extension Have Already Popped
newly re-launched .CO extension
just opened for general registration Tuesday
but before most new .CO domain owners even had
time to change their nameservers new websites,
forum and Facebook threads popped up offering
newly registered .CO domain for sale. the
highest |
sales site among them is Flipping.co
by virtue of the fact it was launched by Francois
Carrillo. Francois is the force behind a
series of popular industry websites including
news aggregation service Domaining.com,
appraisal site Valuate.com
and all extension discount sales site BargainDomains.com
to name just a few.

value proposition for Flipping.co includes free
listings for anywhere from 15 days to 6
months and a sales commission of just 7%
(escrow fee included). With other busy sites
like Domaining.com in his network Carillo has
the advantage of being able to drive traffic
to .CO listings on his site. Just
how much of an aftermarket there is for .CO
domains at this very early stage remains to be
seen. The registry itself has said this is an
extension for developers rather than
those hoping for a quick profit by selling newly
acquired domains. .CO has a higher registration
cost (typically $25-$30) than .com so
that puts added pressure on sellers to
turn domains over quickly before they start
getting eaten up by renewal fees that are almost
four times higher than .com. That being the
case, Flipping.co appears to be well positioned
because quick flips are going to be more
important for .CO domain owners than most

In related
news, the .CO registry reports that
total registration passed the 300,000
mark today. That's an impressive number
for just 72 hours on the market,
especially given .CO's premium pricing.
developers also got some good news when Google
confirmed they would treat the extension
as an international TLD rather
than look at .CO as purely a country
code extension. ccTLDs are usually
favored in search results within
their respective countries but
usually do not have such high visibility
in other markets. .CO is officially the
cTLD for Colombia, but the nation
decided to re-launch the domain this
year and open it up for use around the
world. |
other note today, Great Britain's Jilo Media,
headed by James Iles, has launched a new
website at DomainersWorld.org,
a resource that Iles describes as "a guide
to the best registrars, blogs, development
services and drop catchers, as voted for by site
The voting
process is the site's hallmark.
DomainersWorld.org profiles the major
domain service providers and blogs and
then gives visitors the opportunity to
vote for a particular service or site if
they have found it useful. Visitors can
also leave comments about the service or
blog. Iles said, "It gives new and
experienced domain investors the chance
to find out what services other
domainers like, what blogs they read
and which forums they visit. |

July 23,
2011) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Shows in 14 Days! With the Addition of Two MeetDomainers
Events in August Next Month's Domain Conference Schedule
Will Be The Busiest Ever
supposedly slow down in the summer
but that certainly won't be the case for the
domain conference circuit next month. In
fact August will end up being the busiest
show month ever with no less than five
major conferences scheduled between the U.S.
and Europe. The calendar is actually even
more jam-packed than it looks at first glance
because the five events will be shoehorned into
a period of just two weeks in the latter
half of the month!
recent weeks I have already told you
about three of those shows (DOMAINfest
New York, T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Dublin
and the SedoPro Forum in Boston)
and today I have details on two more
events that have been added to the
August mix. In
an effort to keep things straight, |
run through all five of them in chronological
order and in the process I will give you
some extra details that I just received
today about two
MeetDomainers shows coming up in
Europe next month. |

one-day DOMAINfest
New York Power Networking
event will kick off the summer
conference marathon on Wednesday
August 18 at the Grand Hyatt
Hotel in Manhattan. |

very next day, Poland's third
annual MeetDomainers
conference will get
underway at the Sofitel Grand Hotel
in Sopot,
Poland where it will continue
through August 21.
MeetDomainers show was founded
by Daniel Dryzek two
years ago and debuted with a show in Krakow,
Poland. The
event's 2009 sophomore outing was held
in Warsaw,
Poland. Dryzek dropped me a
note today and said this year's show
will advise attendees using tax
havens to pay lower taxes, how to find
and develop profitable domains and how
to run a |
internet business. Speakers will include
"Man of the Year in the Polish
Internet" and Ernst & Young
"Entrepreneur of the Year" award
winner Michal Branski as well as
Andrzej Paczuski - voted the best
tax advisor providing services to the
financial sector in Poland. |
will also be extensive networking opportunities
and for those who want to combine pleasure with
business, the conference schedule also includes
a full day of beach activities in Sopot.
More information about the show is available here.
days after the MeetDomainers show
concludes, T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Dublin will get underway in Ireland
at the Shelbourne Hotel (a
national treasure built in 1824).
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Dublin will run August
24-26, then, just a day after
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. ends, the spotlight
shifts back to |
and that group's first
ever UK show. That event
will be held at
the Hilton Deansgate Hotel in
Manchester August 27-28.
and NameDrive joined forces with
Dryzek to bring the MeetDomainers
conference to the UK. They promise to
bring together top domain investors,
entrepreneurs, developers & SEO
experts from around the world for this
NameDrive is best known for their domain
parking service, the organizers say the
focus of this show will be domain
development. Lesley Cowley
of Nominet and Bryan Lip
of |

Expedia are
among the confirmed panelists and our
friend Morgan
Linton has also reportedly
agreed to attend and speak. The 1st day
of the conference will feature
panellists and parties with the
following day highlighted by Paintballing
with the idea that working in teams will
encourage networking. |
On August
31, three days after MeetDomainers
Manchester ends, Sedo will welcome invited
guests to their U.S. home base in Boston
for a SedoPro
event - the first of several
meetings on a SedoPro
World Tour. If past SedoPro events
(the most recent having been held in Key
West, Florida last
October) are any indication, the
Boston meeting (a two-day event ending
Sept. 1) will be a real treat. |
will also be plenty of show activity in
September and October but we will save that for
another day. However, for those who really like
to plan ahead, I have to add that Domain
Roundtable announced on their Twitter
feed last night that they will
be returning to the conference fray March 1-4,
2011 at the Atlantis
Resort on Paradise Island
in the Bahamas. No other details were
released but a conference
site is up and details will be
posted there when they become available. Domain
Roundtable is staged by Thought Convergence
(parent company of TrafficZ). Their last
show was held in Washington,
D.C. in June 2009. Several weeks
back Thought Convergence CEO Ammar Kubba
told me the company had decided to give Domain
Roundtable this year off while they
considered how they wanted to position the
conference going forward. At
that time Ammar told me the idea was to go upscale
and make it a truly memorable event that would
stand out from the pack (when we spoke, show
producer Laura Schmidt was |
already out
scouting locations around the world). The
spectacular 2011 venue shows they are going full
steam ahead with their new vision for Domain
July 22,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
After 7 years
of tracking the domain aftermarket we saw
something this week that we've never seen before - non .com
domains took more places on our weekly Top 20 Domain
Sales Chart than .coms for the second week in a
row. Last
week non .com's outnumbered .coms 11-9. The score
was the same this week (in both cases the non .coms included
eight ccTLDs and three non .com gTLDs). Get all of the details
in our new weekly
domain sales report.
July 21,
Gets Off to a Fast Start - O.CO Sells for $350,000 and
Total Registrations Pass the 100,000 Mark Within 30
Minutes of Launch
.CO extension
for public registration this afternoon (at 2pm
U.S. Eastern time) and the re-launched TLD
(officially the country code for Colombia,
but now available to anyone worldwide) got off
to a blazing start. In the months leading
up to the start of general |
39,000 .CO domains had been taken during
the Sunrise and Land Rush periods, however
within 30 minutes of today's open registration
launch, the total number of .CO domains taken
had soared past the 100,000 mark and they
were still going strong as of this writing.
extension also got a major boost when it was announced
that Overstock
had purchased the rights to O.CO from
the registry for a whopping $350,000.
While that is a very nice chunk of change, the
registry should receive even more value from
having a USA
Today Internet 50 Index company
putting a high profile .CO domain into everyday
use. Corporate adoption and promotion is the
real key to success for any extension that wants
to achieve widespread public recognition.

no registry has the resources to make their
extension a household name on their own, the .CO
Registry has done a phenomenal job
of putting .CO on the radar of everyone
in the domain business, as well as a significant
number of people in the business world at large.
Their marketing team, led by registry CEO Juan
Diego Calle and Director of Marketing Lori
Anne Wardi has been working around the
clock for the past few months to keep .CO at the
center of industry conversation. With many new
extensions expected to launch in the years
ahead, I think you'll see a lot of new registry
operators use their playbook in an
effort to break through the TLD clutter. .CO
certainly got Overstock's attention. Their
Chairman and CEO Patrick
Byrne said "In the new era of
the Internet, where short and memorable web
addresses are critical for capturing the
attention of mobile and socially connected
Internet users, our O.CO web address
will help to reinforce our brand and expand our
business among these audiences." By the
way, for the very interesting back story on the
Overstock - .CO connection, check out Michael
Berkens' account of how it
germinated at a cocktail party during the recent
ICANN meeting in Brussels (with
Michael himself playing an important
July 20,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Registration at Everyday Prices Just Hours Away for .CO
Domains - Also in the News: Sedo, Rick Schwartz, ICANN
and Canada's Rick Silver
general public can start registering
.CO domains at everyday prices starting Tuesday
(July 20) at 11
registrars that have been selected
to offer the newly re-launched extension. Each
registrar will set their own retail price but it
look like most will fall in the $25-$30 range.
is officially Colombia's country code but
that nation decided to open the TLD for global
use, allowing individual registrants to take
advantage of the fact that "co" is a
popular abbreviation for a number of terms, with
"company" being the one I think of


are several other items to bring you up
to date on today . A couple
of weeks ago we told you
about a new format for the SedoPro
Forum that is transforming what had
been an annual conference for Sedo's
best clients into a "World Tour"
that will take it to a number of cities
in the months ahead. At the time we
noted Sedo planned to put up more
details on a dedicated website,
including registration and hotel
information. That site |
now online at SedoProWorldTour.com.
The invitation only conference series
starts in Boston (home of Sedo's
U.S. headquarters) with a two-day
event August 31-September 1. |
conference co-founder Rick
Schwartz is reporting another big
generic domain sale - Punchbowl.com - a
name he sent to Punchbowl Software Inc.
for an undisclosed sum. Though this sale was
subject to an NDA, knowing Rick it is unlikely
he let the name go for less than six figures (he
rarely lets any name go for less than
some important public comment
deadlines coming up. An issue that
is of special concern to domain owners
is an proposal to change the domain
transfer process. The idea is
to enhance security and reduce hijacking
but many believe the initiative could disrupt
the aftermarket by allowing a seller
to undo a transfer months
after it has been completed.
Operations Manager Peter Stevenson |

a comment
today that nicely sums up what is at
stake (thanks to George Kirikos
for the link to this). The deadline for
making your voice heard on this is Sunday
July 25. You can post
your comment here.
deadline for public comment on a
Registrant Rights Charter and
Improvements to the Registrar
Accreditation Agreement is coming up
July 30. For more background on this
issue you can read the comment
posted by Mr. Kirikos here.
You can post
your opinion here.

Silver |
in case you missed it - we
posted a new Cover Story
over the weekend - a profile of n49
Interactive Founder Rick
Silver titled Country Code Alchemist: How .CA Devotee Rick Silver Is Turning Canadian Websites Into Gold.
rules an online empire
built on his nation's relatively
unheralded country code
extension - .ca - an
extension that most others
routinely overlooked. While
there is no doubt that .coms
still rule the Internet roost, ccTLDs
have been coming on like gangbusters
over the past couple of
years, making Silver's bet on
top tier generic .ca domains
look smarter with each passing
new cover story will take you
through the entire journey that
led Silver to where he is
today – |
trip that began when he became
the first member of his family
born on Canadian soil after his
parents had barely escaped the
Holocaust. I think you will find
his story to be fascinating on
both a personal and a business
level. Hope you enjoy reading it
as much as I did writing
it. |
July 19,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Partnerships Allow Skip Hoagland to Expand His Empire
Again With the Launch of Shooting.com and
Hoagland's ever expanding Domains
New Media
has expanded yet again with the launch of Shooting.com
and CarClassifieds.com.
Hoagland, who was profiled in our July
2008 Cover Story, has one of the
world's best portfolio's of .com geo and
generic keyword |

Founder, Domains New Media
names. As Hoagland explained in our
article, he has managed to develop many
of his outstanding domains into popular
websites (including Atlanta.com, MyrtleBeach.com,
BuenosAires.com and
Fishing.com, to name just a few) by
forming partnerships with skilled
designers and developers. Hoagland
applied that successful strategy again
to transform category killing domains
Shooting.com and CarClassifieds.com into
new destinations online. Hoagland worked
with cousins Juan Pablo (J.P.) Reynal
and J.J. Reynal of Buenos
Aires, Argentina based Patagonia
Publishing Company S.A.
to get Shooting.com off the
ground. Patagonia
is a well-established publishing company
that has produce numerous books, videos
and websites since being founded in
2000. Like Hoagland, J.P. and J.J.
are avid |
and anglers - self described
"outdoor fanatics - so the men had
an instant rapport that led to their
business partnership. |

Publishing Company S.A.

Pablo. Reynal
Publishing Company S.A. |
Reynals set up Shooting.com as a social and
interactive online network devoted to
hunters in U.S. and around the world.
Visitors can post their own photos, videos,
stories and hunting knowledge on the site and
participate in Shooting.com's specialized
has also become a major player in the Classified
Ad space and owns dozens of product and
geo-targeted classifed as domain names. To get
CarClassifieds.com developed he joined forces
with Tony French, the President &
Co-Founder of Automotive
Internet Media, a premier integrated
media and lead distribution company.
the weakening (and even demise) of many of the
country’s newspapers over the past few years -
and over a billion dollar decline in
traditional classified ad revenue - CarClassifieds.com
expects to help fill the void with an online
automotive classified site that lists millions
of new and used vehicle for sale.
pointed out the many advantages the web provides
over fading traditional classified
platforms. “When many people think of
classified advertising, they usually think of
text-only running down a narrow column in the
newspaper, generally with no pictures,” French
said. “With online classifieds, you’re not
limited by the boundaries of print.”

French, President
Automotive Internet Media |
provides the vehicle price, descriptions and
options, multiple photos, seller’s contact
information, optional vehicle videos and more.
Consumers can get an appraisal on their
trade-in, communicate with sellers, shop for
insurance and save money on financing - all in
one place without leaving their home.” Hoagland
noted, “My philosophy has always been to team
up with the right partners. I was very impressed
by what AIM had accomplished in such a short
time, but what is important to me is their
understanding of the automotive industry and
their expertise in SEO – a powerful

One other
note today - this is the final day
of the .CO Land Rush (the period when
the most desired domains are available
at premium prices before general public
registration begins). You can claim a
Land Rush domain through any one of 10
.CO Accredited Registrar partners,
including GoDaddy.com, Register.com,
Network Solutions, eNom, InternetX,
Dotster, Melbourne IT, OpenSRS,
My.co, and Dominio Amigo,
or any of the resellers within each
registrar’s extended networks. When
more than one party seeks the same
domain those names go to auction. |
registration of .CO domains will begin on Tuesday
(July 20). From that point on anyone can
register a .CO domain at lower everyday prices
that will be set by the various registrars whom
the .CO
Registry has authorized to offer
the extension.
July 16,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary - Do You Know What the
1st .ORG Domain Ever Registered Was? Plus, DevHub Gets a
Game-Based Makeover
.ORG registry
is celebrating its 25th anniversary this
week. It was on July
10, 1985 that the first .ORG domain
name was registered. That was Mitre.org,
a domain
claimed by the MITRE Corporation, a
not-for-profit organization that provides
systems engineering, research and development,
and information technology support to the
was one of the six original generic top
level domains (TLDs), along with .com,
.net, .edu, .mil and .int. From the
start, .ORG was meant primarily for
non-profit organizations but it has
always been open for anyone to
use. Over the years .ORG had acquired a
high level of trust among internet users
and, with more than 8.5 million registered
names, .ORG is universally
recognized around the globe. |

.ORG registry has been operated by the Public
Interest Registry (PIR) since 2003
with partner Afilias
providing registry and DNS services that ensure
the reliability and security of the popular
extension. Since PIR took over the .ORG contract
from the original registry operator, Verisign,
seven years ago, the number of .ORG domains
registered had jumped by close to 300%, a
testament to the extension's key role in the
domain name system.

One other
note today - DevHub.com
has launched the latest iteration of
their large scale domain development
platform. DevHub Sr. VP Mark Michael
said the upgraded system solves a huge
problem for publishers who want to turn
their domains into live websites. |
biggest problem in site publishing is
the fact that so many people start
building a site/blog but NEVER
finish!" Michael said. "We
figured it out! and within a week's time
we saw a 500% increase in sites/
blogs completed."
how did they do it? Michael
said, "Think: Wordpress
+ Farmville + Adsense =
DevHub.com. Over the past
six months we've built a system
that enables guided, fun online
brand building (beyond just
website creation) that is
directly associated with a
game of building a city/empire.
We also have analytics, quality
control, etc. that enables us to
place great monetization next to
content and pay out monthly to
our users. It's a game that
pays it users! There are
levels/modules to unlock, awards
based on custom ‘tracks’ the
publisher uses, devatars,
a marketplace and
those who prefer to work without
the gaming aspects, those can be
turned off, so it looks like the
new platform has a very good
chance of keeping everyone
happy. It is certainly a
fresh approach to the mass
development conundrum. |

Sr. VP Mark Michael speaking
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Vancouver (June
10, 2010) |
July 15,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Off Their World Cup Win Spain Is Now Gearing Up for the
Country's Biggest Domain Conference + Oversee CEO Jeff
Kupietzky's CNBC Interview is Now Online
continue to spread around the globe and
another international event - one you may not
have heard about before - is coming up at the Hotel
Sorolla Palace in Valencia,
Spain September 23-25, 2010. Domaining
III (this site can be viewed in
Spanish, English or German - click on the flag
icons to switch languages), will be the third
edition of an event started in 2008 by Dietmar
Stefitz, CEO of Inverdom (Spanish
language site/English
site). |
year's show attracted
90 domain professionals who owned a cumulative
total of approximately 200,000 domain
names. Stefitz said he expects growing local
interest in domains to draw a record crowd for
the event this time out. He has already
confirmed Sedo
co-founder and CEO Tim Schumacher as one
of the keynote speakers for Domaining III.
said, "Domaining III is the leading
industry event in Spain, attracting the
country's most important domain name investors
and online entrepreneurs. With top domainers
from across Europe also cominng in, we are sure
this event will be a win win for all

Stefitz said the conference agenda will
cover the latest market trends through seminars,
workshops and networking. "Additionally,
important issues like Search Engine Optimization
(SEO), the potential of new country code top
level domain name extensions (ccTLDs) or the
potential conflicts in terms of intellectual
property will be discussed," Stefitz

President & CEO Jeff Kupietzky |
One other
note today - when I was vacationing
in the Carolinas at the
beginning of this month I unfortunately
missed Oversee.net
President and CEO Jeff Kupietzky's
live appearance on CNBC-TV where
he was given an opportunity to explain
the value of high quality domain names
to a huge mainstream business
I'm sure
many of you missed the live broadcast as
well. Fortunately, thanks to YouTube,
the four-minute segment Jeff was
featured on is now available online. You
can check it out for yourself here
(this would also be a good link to send
friends and acquaintances who wonder if
you actually work in a real
We've all
been waiting for the day when the value
and importance of good domain names
become common knowledge on both Wall |
and Main Street. Kupietzky helped
moved the ball downfield for all of us
with his well prepared appearance on the
influential cable network. |
July 13,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Directi Livened Up ICANN's Latest Meeting: Inside Their
Brussels Beerfest at the World's Best Stocked Bar
most of you know by now, the latest
international ICANN was
held in Brussels, Belgium June 20-25. A
lot has been written about about the various
policy issues discussed there (new
gTLDs were among the hot topics) but
the event wasn't limited to dry banter about
technical matters and Internet governance. Directi's
and Skenzo
units saw to that by hosting an invitational
Brussels Beerfest on the night of June 22nd
at the Delirium Cafe.
was not just any old beer tasting event. If you
are a beer aficionado you probably know that the
Delirium has been cited by the Guinness Books
of World Records for having the largest variety of beer
commercially available at any one place on
earth - more than 2,000 types in all!
To give you another metric that puts it into
perspective - the beer menu is 3" thick!
We, or course, sought out pictures to put you
inside the event. |
Co-Founder Bhavin Turakhia
was on hand to welcome guests. |
made sure guests knew they had
arrived at the right place by stationing
staffers outside the Delirium Cafe. |


servers had to be the
most popular guys in the place! |
a long day of ICANN meetings guests
had a chance to get better acquainted. |
Just a small section of the sumptuous buffet
that assured guests
would find the perfect food to go along with
their beer choices.
and below: The Delirium Cafe proved to be
the perfect venue for socializing with friends
old and new.
Judi Berkens (wife of TheDomains.com
blogger Michael Berkens)
visits with good friend Gregg
McNair of PPX International.
Vishal Manjalani (left) catching up with
friends at the company's Brussels Beerfest.
you really love your beer and want to see who else
had a chance to sample some of the 2,000 brews,
Directi has posted 173
photos from the event on their Flickr
page for your enjoyment.
beers. That sounds like it could be just enough to
have one for each of the unlimited number
of new gTLDs ICANN's hopes to roll out over the
next two or three years. |
July 12,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/lowdown/2010/dailyposts/20100712.htm |
News Roundup: .CO Land Rush Extended, CFIT Wins Another
Round Against Verisign & New Domain Auction
returning from vacation
I've been playing catch up while
simultaneously putting out a new double length domain
report and working on our next
Cover Story that will be out the first of the
week. As the week progressed there were several
interesting industry developments that I wanted
to pass along to you before getting back to work
on the Cover Story. |
the .CO registry announced
that, due to high demand, their Land Rush
period that had been scheduled to end Tuesday
(July 13) has been extended to Friday,
July 16. Land Rush is a period when
the most desired domains are made available at
premium prices before general public
registration begins (open public registration of
.CO domains will begin July 20th).
.CO registry says 26,000 premium .CO domain
names have already been registered with many
being taken by top global brands and Fortune
500 companies. Nicolai
the chief operating officer of .CO Internet,
said " July 16th will be the last opportunity for
corporations, major brands, start-ups and
individuals to secure their desired domains
early." On July 20, all unclaimed
domains will be added to the general pool and
released on a first-come, first-served basis.
can claim a Land Rush domain through any
one of 10 .CO Accredited Registrar
partners, including GoDaddy.com, Register.com,
Network Solutions, eNom, InternetX,
Dotster, Melbourne IT, OpenSRS,
My.co, and Dominio Amigo,
or any of the resellers within each
registrar’s extended networks.
The registry said Land Rush domains are
priced at a premium level "to
reflect their high value and high
demand." Prices average between $250
to $300, depending on the
registrar. |

more than one Land Rush application is
received for a particular domain name,
it will be auctioned to the highest
bidder. |

The Coalition
for ICANN Transparency (CFIT) has
won another skirmish in its long running
legal battle with Verisign in
which, among other things, CFIT is
challenging Verisign's sweetheart no
bid contract with ICANN. That
arrangement has led to a steady stream
of price hikes on .com and
.net domain names, the latest of
which just went into effect July
In the
latest round Verisign had asked the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals for a
rehearing after the court had overturned
a |
court's dismissal of the CFIT case. On
Friday, the 9th Circuit denied
Verisign's request. One of the CFIT
attorneys, Bret Fausett, released
the news and you can read the entire
decision here
(.pdf file). |
this point (barring a settlement of some kind)
Verisign could try to take the case to the U.S.
Supreme Court, otherwise it will be tried by
the District Court. So, it will still be awhile
before the final chapter is written in this
There is
also some news on the domain auction
front. Moniker and SnapNames
completed their first ever .US
showcase domain auction on Thursday
and the results
were better than many expected. 35%
of the domains listed were sold (30 of
86 domains totaling $42,127), led
by Flights.us, a name purchased
by an end user for $11,770. |

and CreditReports,us were next at
$3,600 each, followed by Psychics.us
($2,915) and Gadgets.us ($2,050).
I put a few domains into the auction
myself and sold three at an average
price of $1,100 each. That is
right at the level I average in selling
.US domains to small business end users
so the outcome was better than I would
have predicted for an industry auction. |
the .US auction was winding down Moniker
and SnapNames announced they will stage
a live premium domain name
auction on Wednesday, August 18
during the DOMAINfest® One-Day Power
Networking Event
at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New
York City.
The catalog
is packed with generic gems including Quotes.com,
Rate.com, Stocks.com, StockQuotes.com
and Reggae.com to name just a
few. The auction will run from 4:00-7:00pm |
Eastern time) on August 18 and will be
followed by an extended online auction that will run through Wednesday,
August 25 at 5 p.m. (U.S. EDT). |
July 10,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Forum Moves To New "World Tour" Format
Featuring Multiple Events Around the Globe - Plus
WhyPark Announces Major Upgrade With New Domain Apps
running four annual gatherings
most recent being held last
October in Key West, Florida)
the SedoPro Forum is switching to a new
"World Tour" format that will
begin next month with a get together in Boston,
the home base for Sedo's
North American operations. That meeting, to
be held August 31 & September 1, will
be the first in a series of events that
will be staged worldwide. |
Sedo spokesperson said the company hopes
this new "World Tour" approach will
accommodate a more diverse group of clients, who
aren't always able to attend a single annual
SedoPro event due to the location or timing.
the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Dublin conference (August

occurring right before the newly announced
SedoPro event in Boston, a number of domainers
may choose to go directly from Ireland to
Boston to enjoy some more Celtic pride.
Sedo said guests will be given a taste of local
culture and entertainment the Massachusetts
Boston conference will kick off a series of
events that will take place in seven
different cities on four continents
throughout the upcoming year. Other locations
are to include Seoul, Korea; Tuscany,
Italy; London, Cologne, Germany
and two other yet to be named locations in Australia
and South America. Sedo said a new
SedoPro event website, with full event details,
will be up some time next week and will include
information regarding discounted reserved room
blocks. The events will be spaced out so guests
can attend one or all of the events worldwide.
SedoPro Partner Forum is a different animal
than the mainstream domain conferences like T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
and Domainfest Global. Where those shows
cover a broad range of industry issues and
trends and attract registrants of all kinds,
SedoPro Forums are special corporate events that
are staged primarily to thank top clients and
business associates for their support.

Elsewhere, WhyPark.com
(the scalable domain development division
of Parked.com, Ltd.) has announced
a major upgrade to the service. The
company said a new suite of Domain Apps
will allow users to "add depth,
relevant engaging content and
functionality, through the use of
one-click installs, to domain names hosted
at WhyPark." |
founder Craig Rowe said,
"Customers have been demanding new
engaging applications that will attract
and retain visitors to their sites.
Domain Apps By WhyPark offers just that
through relevant search engine friendly
text as well as video, photos and data.”
new Domain Apps available to WhyPark
customers include Comparison Shopping, a
Hotel Directory, Local Business Listings,
Online Flash Games, Twitter Stream,
Weather, Web Directory and YouTube Videos.
Several of the Domain Apps provide new
revenue stream opportunities including the
Web Directory and Comparison Shopping
Apps. To learn more about Domain Apps by
WhyPark, you can visit http://www.whypark.com/domainapps/.
other note today, a special .US
showcase domain auction
being staged by Moniker
SnapNames will end Thursday
afternoon (July 8) at 3:15pm
U.S. Eastern time (12:15pm
Pacific). The auction features a
number of generic gems including, Candy.us,
Slots.us, Now.us,
FederalGrants.us and CreditReports.us,
to name just a few. |

July 7,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Memorable Summer Vacation in a Corner of the Country
That the Internet Forgot
wife Diana and I just returned from a delightful
summer vacation
that, for the first time I can remember,
took me beyond the long reach of the Internet
over the entire 4th of July weekend. Before
completely escaping the clutches of the web, we
started the trip last Wednesday (June 30) in Asheville,
North Carolina, a popular destination in the
mountains that grace the scenic western edge of
the state. We went to Asheville because we had
always wanted to see the famous Biltmore
Mansion, the largest private residence ever
built in America.

Biltmore Mansion in Asheville, North
(that's Diana sitting on the edge of the
fountain in the foreground)
175,000 square foot home, featuring 250 rooms -
including 40 bathrooms - was built on a stunning
8,000 acre estate by George Washington
Vanderbilt over a six-year period from
1889-1895. It is still owned by his descendants
today but the house and its fabulous gardens have
been open to the public since 1930 and the estate
attracts more than one million visitors annually.
The house is even more spectacular inside but
photos are not permitted indoors so unfortunately
I can't share those sights with you. If you ever
get the chance to go see it for yourself, do it
- I guarantee you won't be disappointed. We
spent a couple of days in Asheville, then rented
a car and drove a little over two hours south to
historic Abbeville, South Carolina (the
first meeting to consider seceding from the
Union was held there in 1860 and five years
later, Confederate President Jefferson Davis met
in Abbeville with his top generals to decide
whether or no to continue fighting the Civil
War. The decision to surrender was made and
later executed by General Robert E. Lee
at Appomattox).

Hearthside Manor, the bed and breakfast where we
stayed in Abbeville, South Carolina
rich history and lovely Victorian homes (we stayed
in one - a charming B&B called the Hearthside
Manor) were not the reason we went to
Abbeville though. Our oldest daughter and her
husband had bought a lakefront vacation home on Lake
Secession, about 15 miles northwest of
Abbeville, a little over a year ago and invited us
to come see it and spend the 4th of July weekend
with them and their friends. They live across the
state in Charleston and have been driving
the four hours to Abbeville almost every
weekend since they bought the place. I don't like
to drive around the block and couldn't understand
why anyone would make that kind of trip so often. Now I know.

View of Lake Secession from the lakeside
Below: Out on the lake July 4th with our son-in-law
Pat at the wheel of their pontoon boat.
had no Internet access at the lake and cellphones
worked only occasionally, leaving me disconnected
from the outside world for the first time since I
entered the domain business. I am usually busy
every waking minute so spending every hour of
every day just enjoying the scenery and talking
with family and new friends made time feel as if
it had slowed to a crawl. Though we were
away less than a week, it felt like I had a
month-long break from the normal routine. The
people who have homes at the lake have formed
close friendships and spend a lot of time
together. On the evening of the 4th, we joined
about 30 people (including kids, parents and
grandparents), at neighbor Chris Brown's
house for a big cookout. Brown owns a popular
local grocery store (Corley's Market in Greenwood,
SC) and he knows how to do a cookout right. As
darkness fell, we all set up chairs along the
house's shoreline to watch the annual fireworks
display the city stages at the lake.

Moving our chairs down to the shoreline to watch the July
4th fireworks display.
Below: A rocket explodes over Lake Secession.

it was time to pack up and reluctantly return to
the real world. I love the domain business and
living in Florida, but the Carolinas have an
environment that is hard to top. There are a lot
of great places to visit or live there and
even more great people - Southern
Hospitality is not just a slogan there, it's
the way people live and treat the people they
meet. They made this one of our most memorable
and enjoyable vacations ever.
it's time to get back to work. There is a
busy week ahead. I expect to publish a
double-length weekly domain
sales report tomorrow evening and
in the next Lowdown post I'll recap some of the
things that are currently happening in the
domain business. By the first of the week we
will also have a new Cover Story out (a
profile of one of Canada's top domain
investor/developers) and a new monthly
newsletter is also in the works.
So, though I've been AWOL the past week, you'll
see a lot of me in the days ahead!
July 6,
2010) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
you've been out of the loop lately, catch up in the Lowdown
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
Lowdown, so please email [email protected]
with any interesting information you might have. If possible,
include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site
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