one bites the dust.
The Chicago
Sun-Times has filed
for chapter 11 bankruptcy, just a few months
after Chicago's other major daily newspaper, the Chicago
Tribune, did the same. The Sun Times
plans to keep publishing under bankruptcy protection but
it looks like their |
will be wiped out and more job cuts and enforced
furloughs are expected.
this morning our local paper, The Tampa Tribune,
announced they were cutting 65 more jobs. This
continuing devastation in traditional media (and how city
.com website operators can benefit from the historic
shift of media to the Internet) will be the theme of
next month's GeoDomain
Expo in San Diego (April 23-35
at the Catamaran Resort). We will be publishing a
preview of that conference later this week. |

our preview of next month's T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley conference, featuring a wide
ranging interview with show co-founder Rick Schwartz,
went out to subscribers
of our monthly newsletter last night. You can also read
it online here. The show will be held at the
Santa Clara Marriott April 27-30. Incidentally,
the perfect domain name for that location,,
is to be auctioned off at the show by
latest free monthly newsletter
be emailed to opt-in
subscribers tonight. It will contain an
in-depth interview with T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder
Rick Schwartz previewing next month's T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley conference that will be
staged at the Santa Clara Marriott April 27-30.
In the course of that interview I asked Schwartz a
question not directly |
to the upcoming show, but one that many in the domain
business are pondering given the current shaky state of
the global economy.
With scary headlines in the mainstream financial news
every day, there is a natural human instinct to hunker
down, zip up the wallet and wait out the storm. After
the .com bust in 2000, we saw that going against
that instinct paid off big for people like Frank
Schilling and Kevin
Ham who bought up assets others no longer |
Schwartz, Frank Schilling & Kevin Ham |
because they were confident that domains had a bright
future despite that severe downturn. Do you think
history will repeat itself in this downturn or are we
dealing with something so different that it will change
the equation with respect to domains? |
Schwartz: I think we may see a set of larger
players coming but I doubt we will see what happened in
2000. The opportunities are there, but they will take
different shapes and forms. We need to come to grips
with the fact that the industry of truly professional
domainers is very small. There will always be a
way to make money with domains. New ways, old ways,
different ways. What you saw with Frank and Kevin will
happen again, but they won’t happen in the domain
industry. They will be there at the next big
thing. Their names may change, but they will show up
and if we do it right, we too will find the next
big wave.

it does not matter if opportunity comes in the
form of domains or mashed potatoes. We all need
to take our blinders off. The folks I
have met on the Internet have roots from another
industry. Another industry that was small and
was very profitable. Many of us won’t be
domainers forever. We will be there to see the
next great things and a small segment of a small
group will once again follow a similar path. So
it won’t happen in domains. It will happen
with what is to come. When you live your lives
as we do, looking into the future, you
see things before others. That never changes. So
the next Frank or Kevin has the best chance to
happen to one of us or even them again.
Just not in domains. That cake is baked.
The history has been written. That trail has
been blazed. It is what is to come from here. |
2000, I stated that “From the ashes would rise the
real Internet” That is a reality now. The Internet has
shown it’s worth and staying power. It has slayed the
enemy in the forms of other media. The Internet has been
declared the winner. But the net, too, is
at an ebb tide. From this period will rise the next
great race. That “Storm” has yet to take shape. But
it is forming. The clouds are coming. New leaders are
emerging. New products will change the way we live. That
is what recessions produce. Innovation. We are all at
the epicenter of what is coming.
(Posted March
30, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
we reported earlier
this month
theme for next month's GeoDomain
Expo (April 23-25
in San Diego) will be "Freefall! (How to
Monetize the Collapse of Traditional Media). The |
of that theme was brought into clear focus Thursday when
the Newspaper Association of America (NAA)
reported massive year over year revenue losses
across the industry for the 4th quarter of 2008. The
numbers were even worse than I could have
imagined and as you know I have been following the train
wreck in the newspaper business for a long time
now. Erik
Sass broke down the bad news from the NAA in a post
in his Media
Daily News column Thursday. Newspapers
lost a stunning 20.6% of their print ad revenue
in the last quarter. Perhaps even more ominous, their
online revenues (the income stream many of them are
looking to for salvation), fell 8.1% after
several years of double digit increases. Sass said,
"ultimately their online strategies proved
brittle and shortsighted" indicating that the
papers are being outmaneuvered by nimbler online
companies that are more savvy about what it takes to
succeed on the web. |

Sass said
the confluence of two trends - a long-term shift in
print ad dollars to the Internet and one of the worst
economic downturns in American history - have created
the perfect storm for newspapers. However he
added that their decline began long before the current
recession, with the first major cracks appearing in 2004
when their cash cow - classified advertising - starting
teetering toward collapse.
Sass wrote, "The first
classified category to feel the effects of Internet
competition was automotive, where ad revenues
have fallen continuously since the second quarter
of 2004. Online recruitment also went south
before the recession, with continuous declines
since the second quarter of 2006. Then the recession
piled on, beginning with the housing market
meltdown in 2006, which turned the last successful
classified category from a gold mine into a rubble
The numbers in
classified advertising are indeed stunning. In
the fourth quarter of 2008 automotive dropped
39.2%; real estate fell 41.3%;
and job recruitment plunged an alarming
51.8%. |

As traditional
media outlets continue to crumble owners of .com
city domains hope to position themselves as the
preferred media platforms of the future. Ways to
seize that opportunity will be the focus of the
GeoDomain Expo next month and it promises to be
a very interesting conversation. I'm looking
forward to sitting in on it. |
(Posted March
27, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
If you are a domainer
have undoubtedly been hearing a lot about
lately. Domainers seem to have adopted the micro-blogging
social networking platform en masse and |

domain bloggers frequently write about the service on
their regular blogs (
are a couple of good examples of this). A lot of
domainers you know are using the service (I am also on
it @DNJournal).
DotSauce even maintains a frequently updated list
of domainers on Twitter, making it easier to
find friends and informational sources that you want to
follow. For
those who haven't opened a free Twitter account yet and
are wondering what all of the fuss is about, I
came |
an incredibly detailed Twitter guide at
It is titled The
Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter
and it truly is that, covering everything from
the basics (tweets, profiles, followers, etc.)
to more detailed topics like using Twitter to
build your business, expanding your network and
how to give your followers value. |
also mentions something domainers can readily
identify with - the importance of grabbing your
name now before someone else gets it,
even if you don't intend to use the service
until sometime in the future. Adam Strong at
made that exact point a few weeks back and
seeing his post is what prompted to me to open
accounts in both my company and personal names.
Soon after I started "tweeting" myself
and it isn't nearly as painful as it sounds!
is also a large domainer's community on Facebook.
Though the basic functions of that service are
easy enough to use, I still find parts of their
system to be inscrutable and have yet to come
across a user guide to Facebook that is nearly
as impressive as |

Strong |
Twitter guide. If anyone knows of one drop
me a note with the URL and I
will pass it along to others here.
(Posted March
26, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
In our current
Cover Story about new mass domain development
I mentioned that two more companies, both with ties to
well-known figures in the domain industry, were |
to enter the competition. One of those,,
went public today. The other will likely make its
debut at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley conference next month. is a partnership between DN
Media and Telepathy Inc.. Telepathy
is run by veteran domainer Nat Cohen. DN Media
co-founder Bogdan Nastea said, "We are
thrilled to be partnered with Nat Cohen of Telepathy on
this project. Nat has ten years of experience in the
domain industry, and he brings an impressive track
record of turning domain names into successful
offers three levels of mini site development. The Micro,
starting at $80, is a one-page site geared for lead
generation and affiliate marketing. The Mini, starting
at $170, is a five-page site with more content and The
Big Mini, starting at $290, offers an advanced link
building campaign and analysis of monetization options.
company says that all packages include a dedicated
project manager, unique content written by native
English speakers, text logo |

Cohen, Telepathy, Inc.
header design, link building campaign, flexible
monetization options, targeted keyword research, search
engine optimization, and free hosting. |

Today is the
last day to enter's
Madness contest that is offering a $1,000
prize to the winner. Contestants try to estimate
the final sales tally from an online domain
auction will will start tomorrow and end March
31 at 2:15pm U.S. Central time. The person
who comes closest gets the money. To take part
you have to get you free entry in no later than 11:59pm
U.S. Central time tonight. |
have a few other domain deadline dates you should
be aware of. The latest
premium online auction ends tomorrow (March 26) at
1pm U.S. Eastern Time. The names up for bid include, and to name just a few.
Friday (March
27) is the deadline to submit names for's
live auction at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Silicon
Valley conference coming up April 27-30.
Meanwhile the early
bird registration deadline for next month's GeoDomain
Expo in San Diego has been
extended to Monday (March 30). If you
sign up before the deadline you can register for
$595. The price jumps to $695 Tuesday. |

the way, I will be at both the GeoDomain Expo and
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Silicon Valley. I will have a special
preview of both events in our next monthly
newsletter that will be emailed to opt in subscribers
before the end of the month.

One other note
today, the folks at
have announced a major change for their auction
platform. In the past Bido accepted only .com
domains, but now they have thrown the gates
opens to all extensions. This move comes
on the heels of a recent decision to allow
sellers to set reserve prices on their domains
for a small fee that is refunded if the domain
sells. The site previously ran no reserve
auctions only. |
don't forget the big charity
auction coming up at Bido Wednesday,
April 1 at 1pm U.S. Eastern Time. A large portfolio
of animal related domain names, currently
numbering more than 4 dozen domains and still growing,
will be sold with all proceeds going to Arizona's Hacienda
de los Milagros (House of Miracles) animal
shelter. You can read more about that cause in our Lowdown
post Monday.
(Posted March
25, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
newest global domain extension
opened for public registration today. .Tel is an odd
bird in that, unlike other extensions, you cannot
host a website on it. Instead it is meant to |

you to present your contact information on the web via a
page that is hosted at no additional charge by the
central registry. You can see a sample
.tel page here.
fees vary dramatically from one registrar to another. A
couple of the lowest prices we have seen are being
offered by
and is offering one-year registrations for a
limited time at $8.95, but additional years or
renewals will be $14.95. Dynadot is offering .tel
registrations at $10.99 per year for both new
registrations and renewals. |
other bits of news to pass along today. T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Co-Founder and pioneering domainer Rick
Schwartz will be the special guest
latest live webinar tonight from 9pm-10pm
(U.S. Eastern time). You can register
for the free event here.
Rick talks you can always expect some fireworks
and on his blog today he said you shouldn't
expect that to change tonight. Schwartz wrote,
"I just may ruffle a few feathers. I don't
have much value in giving politically correct
answers. I always give folks a choice. I can
tell you what you want to hear or I can tell you
the truth as I see it. Some folks can't handle
reality so I give them a choice. Tonight, no
sugar coating." |

Schwartz |
go out today to another legendary domainer, Kevin
Ham, and his wife Irene who are
celebrating the birth of a healthy baby boy Monday. The
proud parents named their new son (who weighed in at 8
pounds, 6 ounces), Gabriel.

Legal Counsel Phil Corwin |
The Legal Counsel
for the Internet Commerce Association, Phil
Corwin, has posted two important new
articles on the ICA
website that address threatening issues for
domain owners. The first
one dissects a new report titled “ICANN
At A Crossroads: A Proposal for Better
Governance and Performance” that was
just released by The Technology Policy
Institute, a Washington-based
“think tank." While the report's title is
innocuous enough, Corwin points out that some of
the proposals (including one that would have
registries and registrars run ICANN) are
In the second
article, Corwin shines a light on
some new WIPO proposals that could
substantially increase the risk of reverse
domain hijackings by over reaching trademark
You can get
additional insight into the |
important points
Corwin has raised with these articles in an
analysis (and reader commentary section) that Michael
Berkens posted on his
blog Sunday. |
on the heels of last
week's announcement by the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer that they had become the
first major American daily newspaper to discontinue
their print edition to become an online-only
publication, comes word that the Ann Arbor News
is going down the
same path. The 174-year-old Michigan
newspaper said it would issue its final print edition in
July then publish via the Internet only. At least their
company has a huge ace in the hole. They own,
an asset that will assure them of a steady stream of
visitors seeking news and information about the area
they serve.
(Posted March
24, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
have always been proud of this industry
and appreciative to be in a business that attracts so
many good-hearted people. The vast majority, despite
sometimes mind boggling success, have remained extraordinarily
well grounded. Perhaps that is because so many came
into domaining from humble backgrounds before hitting it
big. Those people haven't forgotten where they came from
and they always seem to be ready to ride to the
rescue when they hear about bad situations where
their help could save the day. |
was reminded of that again over the weekend when I heard
about a group of domainers who have banded together to
try to save an animal rescue facility in Arizona.
With hard economic times in the general economy,
charitable donations have started drying up and many
such facilities have been forced to shut down.
domainer Donna Mahony (who was featured in our
February 2005 Cover
Story), lives near (and has frequently
visited) Arizona's Hacienda
de los Milagros (House of Miracles).
She was the first to sound the alarm when she learned
that the rescue facility for burros, horses, llamas and
other animals had only enough money left to feed the
animals for four more days.
Friday night she issued a plea on Facebook asking
her friends in the domain business if they could send a
few dollars via PayPal to buy hay for the
animals. Within minutes, Sahar
Sarid, one of the |
Mahony |
co-founders of,
replied, asking for more information so he could do
something to help. By Saturday morning, Sahar had
decided to hold Bido's first
charity domain auction to raise money for
the Hacienda de los Milagros. Sahar wrote more about the
auction on his
blog Saturday.

Donors, including
Bido's own Jarred Cohen, immediately
started contributing animal related domain names
for the sale that will be held online at 1PM
(U.S. Eastern Time) on Wednesday, April 1 at
The entire portfolio of donated domains will be
auctioned off at that time. As of this writing
more than three dozen domains had already been
given, including |
wrote a great
letter about how she first learned
about the Hacienda de los Milagros and why she
went looking for help when she found out how
desperate the situation had gotten there.
She wrote,
"Some people go to church, do yoga or
whatever... I go to the sanctuary. It's a
spiritual place for me. So here I am, folks, begging,
simply for the love of a sanctuary. I am asking
for your help in saving a very special place.
Both in the Bible and history books, burros
have done their share for man, let's try to do a
little something for them."
Donna went on to
talk about the selfless founder of the House of |

de los Milagros Founder Wynne Zaugg
sharing some love with one of his beloved
burros. |
Miracles, Wynne
Zaugg, who walked away from the
corporate world at 49 to care for
animals every one else had given up on.
Recalling her first visit to the
Hacienda Donna wrote that every |

animal had
a name and Wynne knew them all. "He
would call out the name and that burro
would approach. Now these are not pets
he had since babies. These are wild burros,
collected - not too gently - off their
own land and sent to slaughter... unless
somebody or someplace will take them.
But in Wynne's presence, they are like
the family dog. The mutual love,
affection, and respect between Wynne and
these animals envelops you in its
With over
100 animals at the rescue facility the
bill for hay alone runs $500 a day and
the money is dwindling fast. If
you can find it in your heart to help
there are four ways you can do
so. Send Donna a donation for hay via PayPal
(to [email protected]),
send a donation directly
to the House of Miracles, or
if you have an animal related domain you
can donate to the auction, drop Bido's Jarred
Cohen a note about that. His |
email is [email protected].
Last but not least, you can log on at April 1 and place your
bid on what may end up being the largest
portfolio of animal related domain names
every offered at one time. The House of
Miracles needs one of their own right
now - let's see if we can make it
happen! |
23, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this
URL: |
got some very welcome news this morning. As I
reported last week there have been some issues between
the co-owners at Associated Cities/Geos that for
a time looked like they might derail next month's GeoDomain
Expo in San Diego. Though the dispute
only recently broke into
public view, the
core issues have been a source of contention for
well over a year now. Those centered on how the
organization should be structured and what its
future mission should be. |
Monday evening acting AC board chairman Dan
Pulcrano announced that the
GeoDomain Expo would go on. At the same time, a
fellow co-owner of the group, Skip
Hoagland, said he would not stand in
the way of that decision. Hoagland and some
other AC members felt that with time growing
short before the Expo dates, it mighht be
best to postpone the show until the
organizational dispute was resolved, allowing
the board to devote its full attention to the
conference. |
This morning Pulcrano told
us the owners and board have come to an agreement
which should put all of these issues to rest and allow
AC to continue the impressive growth of both their
association and their signature conference. Pulcrano
said, "On Thursday, the Board of Managers and all
owners of Associated Geos, LLC voted unanimously
green-light the 2009 GeoDomain Expo in San Diego.
Although this was a foregone conclusion and
previously announced, the legal vote affirms that
the entire leadership group is now fully and
officially committed to the event's
three trade associations of GeoDomain owners:
Associated Cities, Associated States
and Associated Countries. Each group of .com
domain operators will elect its own leadership
and manage its own activities.
addition, the Board voted to appoint Executive
Director Patrick Carleton to fill a vacant
Board seat.
I am personally
delighted to hear this news because I believe
that Associated Cities/Geos and the GeoDomain
Expo are invaluable assets to the domain
community at large (not just geodomain owners).
With their total dedication to building
domains into thriving businesses they serve as
an example for all domain owners whose long term
goal is to build out the best of their own
domains. The GeoDomain Expo provides direction
on how to get that done. |

While the leadership dispute drew some negative
attention to the organization, I don't think it really
surprised anyone who has spent time trying to get a
group to go in one direction. When you consider
this particular group is composed of highly
successful entrepreneurs who are used to managing
enterprises on their own (and have track records that
show their methods have worked) it is not surprising
that with their different management styles they found
it difficult to reach consensus.
in the end wisdom prevailed. AC co-founder Josh
Metnick of (the person who
originally conceived of the Associated Cities idea) told
me a few days ago, when the board turmoil has reached a
crescendo, that even though the situation was very
painful for him he was sure that the concept
for AC and the GeoDomain Expo was bigger than him or
any other person in the organization's
leadership. He was confident that in the long
run those concepts of working together to cross
promote each other businesses and grow the geo space and
the industry at large would continue to flourish. I told
him I had no doubt he was right and couldn't be happier
that the leadership is again working together to make
that happen.
(Posted March
20, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
past couple of days I've talked about improving
in the domain aftermarket this month. Maybe it is just
the coming of spring, nature's time for rebirth
after a long winter (not that we feel the winters much
down here in Florida!), but I feel the buzz
of activity in almost every corner of the
industry this month (would someone please wake PPC
up!). Organizers
are gearing up for a new string of conferences with four
major ones slated over a period of less than 60 days
between April 23 and June 17. Too many for
such a short |
time span? The obvious
answer would be yes, but a closer look at each's shows
focus, audience mix and location (everywhere from America's
West Coast to Washington D.C. to Europe)
tells me no. Promoters have wisely responded to a more
crowded show calendar by taking steps to freshen formats
and clearly differentiate themselves from each other.
First up will be the GeoDomain
Expo at San Diego's Catamaran
Resort April 23-25. I had canceled plans to go after
an internal dispute at |
from San Diego inviting people to
the 2009 GeoDomain Expo coming up April 23-25 |
Associated Cities
(the show sponsor) left the status of the event in
doubt. But it is a definite go now and whenever
this conference is on I intend to be there, so I have
rebooked my flights.
As a show focused entirely
on domain development (geodomains in particular),
this show has truly unique high value content
that is worthwhile to anyone interested in building out
their domains. More importantly, the experts you will
meet at this show have a proven track record of success
and they bend over backwards to help others follow in
their footsteps.
The GeoDomain Expo
will end on Saturday (April 25th) and the next
day I will take a short flight up the
coast to Santa Clara, California where T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley will start on Monday,
April 27 (it |
runs through the
30th at the Santa Clara Marriott). After
attending the landmark show at the same location
in January
2006 I am very much looking forward
to this edition of T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Promoters Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu
have never failed to deliver the goods and
that's why they keep topping surveys
that ask domainers to pick their favorite
No one makes the
case for attending T.R.A.F.F.I.C. better than
Schwartz and though he |

Co-Founders Rick Schwartz
(at the podium) and Howard Neu |
has an obvious
vested interest I know from being at 13 of the
14 past T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conferences that what
he says is backed up by the show's
track record. |
a break in May (actually I also have to fly that month
to my daughter's college graduation in Philadelphia)
thinks kick back in gear on the other side of the Atlantic
June 1-4 when
takes a bold risk by staging a show devoted entirely to ccTLDs
(under the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
banner) in Amsterdam. Actually it is looking like
less of a risk with each passing month as ccTLD aftermarket
sales seem to get hotter and hotter. Two
weeks after the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. ccTLDs show its back to
the States for the next Domain
Roundtable conference, one that will be held
in a city that I think will provide a fabulous backdrop
for this event, Washington, D.C. Registrations
for the show just opened today and they are
offering a very attractive early bird price of $795
through the end of this month.

top of all of the show activity, the industry is
bustling with some innovative auctions including
one, Domain
Madness, that is tied into a cool
contest with a $1,000 prize. The money
goes to the person who comes closest to guessing
the final sales results of the auction
that ends March 31. Super smart
promotional gimmick from the guys at
not to mention a nice tie-in to March madness in
college basketball. |
latest premium auction at
also got underway today and it runs until 1pm
(U.S. Eastern time) on April 2. They have
another outstanding line up of domains including
such gems as, and
today's mainstream business news is enough to
send people into a state of depression, but
clearly the movers and shakers in this business
have no time for self pity. They are too
busy coming up with new ideas and seizing the
unique opportunities we are blessed to have in
this industry.
(Posted March
19, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
post yesterday about seeing a surprising upturn
in my domain sales business drew more visitors than any
other Lowdown post this year. Given the current
situation in the general economy it is understandable
that people are hungry for some good financial news.
Though |
domain industry has taken some body blows (especially in
PPC revenue declines) I still see more good news here
than in just about any other sector in the economy. The new
weekly sales report I just published
(actually covering two weeks since I was on vacation
last week) had the best industry-wide sales results
I've seen this year. We're
even seeing action at the high end of the market
again, an area that I expected would be dead until the
economy gets back on track. Just minutes before I
started writing this, Rick Schwartz announced
that he had a deal in the works to sell
for $3 million (plus a percentage of future
sales) to an American candy manufacturer. As everyone
has already heard, just sold for $5.1
million and word came today that
has been sold
for $1.7 million. |

don't mind telling you that when then President Bush
announced last September that the financial world might
end the next day if taxpayers didn't turn over the keys
to the U.S. Treasury, I was a frightened
about what might lay ahead. There is still no telling
how that is all going to play out but now that six
months have gone by and my business is actually going
better than ever, the fear factor is starting to fade. I
am feeling confident that domains (other than ones that
are being sold solely on the value of PPC revenue) are
going to hold their value relatively well in this
downturn. As more and more existing businesses and
individual entrepreneurs come to the realization that
their future prospects are going to require a
strong online presence, good domains names look like
great assets to be holding at this volatile point in
(Posted March
18, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
everyone else
I was shocked when then President Bush
announced last September that the nation's financial
system might completely collapse without an immediate
government bailout of various Wall Street firms
and tottering banks. That was six months ago and though
things are still extremely dicey, a funny thing
happened on the way to the poorhouse. My domain
sales business has been setting one monthly record after
another and this month will almost certainly be the best
ever with 11 decent sales (most in the low
four-figure range) on the books barely halfway through
the month. |
Today I
exchanged notes with Pete Lamson, the Senior VP
and General Manager of NameMedia's Domain Marketplace
(including both the AfternicDLS
and BuyDomains)
and he told me they have also seen a noticeable
uptick in sales since the middle of February. Lamson
opined that some of the millions of people who have lost
their jobs are taking the entrepreneurial route and
buying domains to start businesses of their own (one of
the few options people have with job prospects so weak in
this recession). I
told Pete I also believed the same force was at work and
some of my buyers have confirmed that was their reason
for purchasing a domain. Like NameMedia, my focus is
almost entirely on the small to medium sized business
(SMB) end user market, a segment of
the domain aftermarket that has held up better
than any |

Lamson, Senior VP and GM
of NameMedia's Domain
Marketplace |
other. These newly minted
entrepreneurs typically start out as a small enterprise
with limited capital to work with so they naturally
gravitate to the low to middle end of the domain
This situation, fueled by a
bad economy, has produced one wave that has broken in my
favor after years of waiting. When I entered the
business in 2002 I picked up a lot of good keyword
domains and 3-letter acronyms in alternate extensions,
primarily .us, .biz and .info. Over
the next few years that portion of the portfolio eked
out a profit but nothing compared to the returns owners
of respectable .com domains were enjoying. |
I always
thought the alt extensions had good potential because I
felt they would eventually start paying off as the
diminishing pool of .com options forced SMB buyers to
consider other extensions. I had gotten pretty tired of
waiting for that day to come but in 2008 the alt TLDs
really began picking up steam for me and the momentum
is increasing here in 2009. This
month I have sold names like,
and to small businesses, as
well as a trio of 3-letter domains (a .us, a .biz and a
.info) and a pair of domains to the State of
Washington's Department of Transportation (
and - names they have started
redirecting to their existing .gov site that
promotes Washington's electronic toll collection

of a local Ford dealer's four-page
newspaper spread this morning - note
their .biz web address at the bottom. |
importantly, though it is a long way from
being commonplace, I am seeing more alt
extensions being advertised which
helps build public recognition. This morning
a large local Ford dealership had a
four-page spread in the local community
newspaper that prominently promoted the name
(another Ford dealer in California has
In many cases (including these two), the alt
extension domain is used as a redirect to an
existing .com site with a clunkier address, but
the fact that the public is beginning to see
more alt extensions in every day advertising
should help them immensely as time goes on. |
make no mistake - .com is still king and all of
the alt TLDs put together (excluding
major country code domains) are still a minor
force in the marketplace, but it has become
enough of a force to make me happy I placed
those bets several years ago.
experience over the past year is just one
person's observation so it has to be considered
anecdotal and not statistical evidence of any
kind of major shift happening. Depending on the
kind of keywords and phrases you hold in alt
extensions, your results may be much better or
much worse than mine. However, six months after
it looked like the financial world was ending,
what I am seeing leaves me feeling much better
about the ability of domain names to continue
providing a solid financial foundation in what
are exceptionally scary times in the financial
world at large. |
One other note
today, the folks at
rolled out a new option for domain sellers
today. In the past they would only accept
domains with no reserve for their auction
platform. That severely limited the quality of
domains submitted to them so they have adapted
with a new program. If you want to list a name
with a reserve you specify you can |

now do so,
but a small cost will be involved if the domain
does not sell. A name selected for auction will
pay a listing fee of 3% of the
Reserve Price, but you only pay if the name
fails to sell. If it does sell Bido will take
the 3% fee off the 8% commission they
charge for selling a domain. I think it is a smart
move that should lead to more exciting
offerings on the Bido platform.
(Posted March
17, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
question marks surrounding next month's GeoDomain
Expo in San Diego have finally
been erased. The event will go on as scheduled April
23-25 at the Catamaran Resort & Spa. |
Pulcrano, the acting chairman of Associated
Cities (the organization that stages the
annual conference) sent us a statement this evening that
said, "The 2009 Geodomain Expo is going full
steam ahead. AC has an iron-clad contract with the
hotel, a theme, confirmed attendees and sponsors.
emailed us today to say they were fully on board."
Pulcrano added "Interest
is especially high now thanks to the publicity windfall
of the DNJournal coverage, and the collapse of
several daily newspapers. Nothing could be more timely
and important than focusing on the future of local media
at this critical moment in history. Reports of the
Geodomain Expo's demise — and suggestions that this
had anything to do with the economy — were obviously
greatly exaggerated." As
Dan mentioned, we have had the unsavory task of
reporting on a rift on the Associated |
Acting Chairman, Associated Cities |
Cities board that had
temporarily left the status of the show up in the air.
Though this is not the kind of publicity you normally
want to have, it did draw a lot of attention to AC and
the Expo. As George M. Cohan famously said "
I don't care what you say about
me, as long as you say something about me, and as long
as you spell my name right!" If you
missed that coverage it can be reviewed in posts in this
column from Thursday,
and Sunday.
If you want the Cliff's
Notes version, a board member, Skip
Hoagland, (who just resigned from that
position) contended a vote had been taken to cancel the
show. Hoagland, who still has a minority ownership
interest in Associated Cities, continues to have some
issues with how organization decisions are being made
but he told us he will not try to stop the show.

That should
eliminate any doubts among those who have been
waiting for the smoke to clear before making a
decision on whether or not to book a trip to San
Diego. Though the turmoil at AC has been a
distraction I have no doubt that the
organization will stage another top notch show,
just as they did in Chicago
last year and in San
Francisco the year before that. |
fact, they have already started rolling out the
agenda and we are happy to be the first to give
you a peak at that. The show's theme will be Freefall!
(How to Monetize the Collapse of Traditional
Media), certainly a timely topic given today's
headlines. Traditional media is on
its way to being overtaken by online outlets and
the .com city domain sites
operated by Associated Cities members are
especially well positioned to take advantage of
this sea change.
to the agenda preview we saw, industry leaders
will tell you how to:
and buy quality geodomains
Destination portals
through social media tools
business directories
compelling copy
SEO for
search term placements
through affiliate programs
for commerce conversion
flat-fee advertising
linking programs
and leverage community relationships
noted in our coverage of the problems at
Associated Cities that six board members had
resigned (with a seventh, Hoagland, stepping
down today). Does that mean there will be fewer
experts than in the past for you to meet and
learn from? No. In fact, many of those
who left the board remain committed AC members
and they will be actively involved in the show.
Their reasons for stepping down from the board
in many cases centered on a desire to get out
of the crossfire being exchanged in a heated
debate over how the group should be structured
and what its future mission should be.
its focus on domain development and a
roster of experts with a record of proven success building
out some of the world's best geodomains, the
Expo offers specialized content and networking
opportunities that give them a unique place
in the conference world. If you go, past
experience tells me your time and money will
be well spent. |
(Posted March
16, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
will be a landmark day in media history and a
very important one for the domain industry too. The
146-year-old Seattle Post-Intelligencer
will publish its final
print edition |
Tuesday then
become the first major daily paper in the U.S. to
operate online only. This event could also have a
major impact on domain values, especially geodomains. Even
though every one knew this day was coming (and that more
daily papers will follow the Post-Intelligencer
online) the actual reality of it happening is
bound to wake up a lot of people in the
mainstream business world. If they have been waiting for
hard evidence that the web is replacing
traditional media, here it is - not at some point in the
future - it is happening now. |
In many
major markets the local city .com geodomain website (for
example competes for advertisers
with the local paper. As David Castello of
pointed out to me today, the newspapers, in moving
online, lose one of the the last significant selling
points they had with advertisers - the fact that the
paper was something tangible that people could hold in
their hands. Now that they are bring forced to give that
up, it will be easier for the online city brands to take
advertising market share away from the papers that are
going all digital too.
(Posted March
16, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
Update to the item below:
have learned that six board members have resigned
at Associated Cities (three more than noted in
the original item below). A seventh has stated he is
leaving his position but he will be replaced by an
associate. It is my understanding that will
leave four members on the board and that the
remaining members are all in favor of
proceeding with the 2009 GeoDomain Expo next
month in San Diego. A board vote is scheduled for
Monday (but may be delayed until later in the
week) and it now appears that an official
announcement will follow the vote confirming that the
show will go on. Of course, circumstances could
change yet again. If
it does happen, I'm sure it will be a relief to everyone
to have this resolved so the focus can return to the
very attractive prospects for geodomains. AC will have a
short time to pull this show together, but they were
able to stage an exceptional show on short notice last
year in Chicago. Despite the recent issues
we have reported on, I have no reason to doubt that they
can do it again as long as the talented leaders still on
board are all rowing in the same direction again.
is an update on the situation surrounding the
2009 GeoDomain Expo that may or may not take
place April 23-25 in San Diego. As we
reported yesterday,
a member of the |
Cities board of directors, Josh Metnick,
issued a statement saying the show would go on
(Associated Cities stages the annual GeoDomain Expo).
That came after another board member told us on Thursday
that the board had voted to cancel the conference
(a report that was confirmed to me by others in
leadership positions at AC). |

said yesterday that an "official" announcement
would be released today, however that may not happen.
One of the board members who voted to cancel the show
said that Metnick did not have the authority to reverse
the board's decision (a decision Metnick contends was
never made by the board in the first place). The board
member with the opposing view has called on the attorney
for the group to advise the organization on who has the
authority to act under the LLC's operating
agreement. In a
further complication, three members of the board have
now resigned, including the chairperson, Jessica
Bookstaff. Dan Pulcrano informed us that he
has stepped in as acting chairman until a new chair is
elected and that only he and AC's Executive Director Patrick
Carleton have the authority to speak for or bind the
organization. Like Metnick, Pulcrano said the show will
go forward, noting that a block of rooms has been
contracted for and that those rooms can only be
cancelled by an AC officer. Given
the current situation, I would think that all of the
parties involved would wait to hear from the group's
attorney (probably on Monday) before issuing an
"official" statement on the status of the
show, but we'll see. At this stage anything could
(Posted March
15, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
just returned this weekend from a very nice spring
vacation in
one of America's most history rich and
picturesque cities, Charleston, South Carolina.
My daughter Brittany was home on her college
spring break and wanted to visit her older sister Jill
whose family lives in Charleston, so we piled in the
car and made the 8-hour drive from Tampa. |
The first
thing I noticed when we reached the Palmetto State was a
new domain name on South Carolina license plates
- one that makes you immediately wonder "what
were they thinking!" State officials decided to
use the second (or third) tier domain
to fill the important role of promoting the state's
tourism website. actually redirects to,
a name that is too unwieldy to fit on a license plate.
While Travel2SC fits, that is about all it has going for
it. |

together a word with a number and an abbreviation for
two other words is not a memorable combination for such
an important function. The name also fails the basic radio
test - when people hear "Travel to SC"
they have to wonder if the speaker meant the word
"to" or the number "2". Most states
also use "Visit" (a la Pennsylvania's plates) rather than the clunky phrase
"Travel to" (or is that "2"!) Note
to state tourism departments - hire someone with a clue
before picking your domain name! Fortunately
South Carolina has a lot going for it despite the
license plates! We spent a gorgeous afternoon Wednesday
at Charleston's City Market, a historic structure
that, unfortunately, housed the largest slave market in
North America 250 years ago. 
the foreground Jill, Brittany and Diana
check out jewelry at Charleston's City Market
When lunch time
rolled around we headed across the street to
another unique Charleston attraction - the Mad
River Bar & Grille - a quaint restaurant
built inside an old church building (with all of
the stained glass windows still there to give
the cafe a divine glow). Jill especially
appreciates the place because she is skilled at
putting together her own stained glass art
The next afternoon
was the highlight of the trip for me, a visit to
the Boone Hall Plantation, a gorgeous
Southern plantation founded in 1681 that
makes you feel like you have walked into a scene
from Gone With the Wind. |

Jill and Brittany at the Mad
River Bar
& Grille |

Hall Plantation - Charleston, South Carolina In
fact many movies and TV shows have been filmed at Boone
Hall Plantation, including The Notebook, North
and South, and Queen (the sequel
to Roots). If you saw the Civil War
miniseries North and South you may remember the
scene of Patrick Swayze galloping his horse down
the stunning Avenue of Oaks that leads to the
plantation house (see photo below). 
Hall Plantation's Avenue of Oaks, lined with
300-year-old live oak trees. Boone
Hall Plantation is still a working plantation today
producing an endless bounty of fruits and vegetables.
The plantation also has polo fields and Brittany, in the
photo below, made a quick friend of this polo pony by
offering him at handful of clover. 
you are ever in Charleston this is a place you will want
to visit. They have a website too, located just where
you would expect - at
(Posted March
15, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
Thursday I reported that a reliable source
told me that the
2009 GeoDomain Expo scheduled to be held next
month in San Diego was going to be cancelled.
I confirmed that |
report with several other
members of the hierarchy at Associated
Cities, the organization that stages the
annual show (including several AC board members).
Tonight I received a message from board member Josh
Metnick of who was one of the
founders of |

Associated Cities. Josh
said that contrary to what I was told the show will go
on as scheduled April 23-25 at San
Catamaran Resort & Spa and that an official announcement
confirming that would be released by Associated Cities
tomorrow (Sunday). |

Metnick ( |
said the multiple reports I received that the
show would be called off resulted from "internal
politics" that have since been
resolved. However as of this writing, that does
not appear to be the case. One of my original
sources, who is also in a position of power at
AC, disputed that, saying the board had voted
against holding the event. According to this
source the board will meet again to try to
resolve the issue once and for all.
the conflicting information I have been given
about the event while an apparent power struggle
within the organization plays itself out, I have
cancelled my own reservations for San Diego and
will look forward to a 2010 show when I am
hopeful the current issues will have been
resolved. |
have many friends within the AC and geodomain
community and it is painful to see personal
conflicts drawing attention away from one of the
most important sectors in the domain industry. I
am hopeful those can be resolved and that the
GeoDomain Expo will continue to build on its
well deserved reputation as one of the most
beneficial conferences for attendees on the
domain show calendar.
AC finally releases an official statement
about the status of the San Diego show (which I
assume will require the support of a majority of
voting board
members) I will post it here, as well as any
other developments in this story.
(Posted March
14, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
to a reliable source,
2009 GeoDomain Expo that was scheduled to run
next month in San Diego will be cancelled.
The event had
been slated to run April 23-25 at San |
Catamaran Resort & Spa, right before the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Silicon Valley show that will be held April
27-30 in Santa Clara, California. There
has been no official statement yet from Associated
Cities, the organization that stages
the annual event, but one should be forthcoming soon.
I have heard that current
economic conditions contributed to the decision and that
the conference may be rescheduled at a later date. |

I am
posting this note from Charleston, South Carolina
where I am wrapping up what has been a very pleasant
spring vacation trip with my wife and daughter (visiting
her older sister and their family). We will be driving
back home to Florida Friday. This weekend I'll
post some photos and highlights from the trip, along
with an observation on the ill advised domain name that
South Carolina chose for the state site that is promoted
on their licenses plates.
12, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
Note: I will be on vacation through
Friday of this week, so no Lowdown posts are scheduled again
until I return Saturday. If I find a wifi connection and a
hiding place I may try to slip away to get one in somewhere
along the way, but my wife and daughter are keeping a close eye
on me, so I'm not counting on that! I will try to post a few
tweets from the road to @DNJournal
followers at Twitter via my cellphone (assuming they
don't confiscate that too!).
(Posted March
10, 2009)
next domain sales chart will feature some real
The public Whois
record indicates that was
transferred to its new owner, Toys R Us, over the
weekend. Unless you have been living in a cave, you know
that Toys R Us bought rights to the domain |

a $5.1 million bid in a bankruptcy court auction
a couple of weeks back. We do not consider sales
complete until the names have been paid for and
transferred to their new owners and now that that has
apparently happened, this landmark sale is eligible for
our list.
a another big deal,
reports that they have sold for €357,700
($451,889 at today's exchange rate).
Unless something else breaks between now and our next
sales report, that will be the 3rd highest sale of the
year, trailing only and ($1,760,000). |
Speaking of
our next weekly sales
report, that will be published Wednesday, March
18. There will not be a report this week because I
will be away on vacation (heading out early tomorrow
morning). I will bring you completely up to date with
all sales since our last report March 4 by producing a
double length report on the 18th.
Another note
related to Sedo. Our latest
monthly newsletter was emailed to
opt in subscribers Sunday. It featured three
industry executives, including Sedo VP Sam
Nunez, President Donny
Simonton and Neustar Senior Director Ivor
Sequeira talking about domain investing in
2009 and beyond. Their comments were made during
a seminar at last month's Domainer
Mardi Gras conference in New
This morning Sam
told me that the format for that session had
been switched to a Q & A discussion at the
last minute. As a result he did not show a Powerpoint
presentation that he had produced for the
seminar. We have uploaded a copy to our site so
that anyone interested can check
it out here. |

VP Sam Nunez |

Elsewhere, country
code fans now have their own
domain forum. Rick Latona has just
opened the new meeting place and as you would
expect he built it on the perfect domain name
for this purpose -
We just registered (User ID: DNJournal) to
become member #7 of a forum that we expect will
quickly build a large and enthusiastic user
base. |
major ccTLDs have gotten hot over the past year
so Latona's timing couldn't be better. He also
plans to put country codes squarely in the
spotlight June 1-4 when
will host a T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference in Amsterdam devoted
entirely to ccTLDs. |
has scheduled another free webinar for March
19th from 2-2:30pm (U.S. Eastern time) that will be
devoted to "Using Google Analytics to Help Your
Email Marketing Campaigns Succeed." You can register
here for that special event.
since I will be on the road vacationing with my wife and
daughter through Friday, I may not be publishing another
Lowdown item until I return Saturday (unless I find a
wifi connection and quiet corner somewhere to hide in!).
However, there is a good chance I'll post a few tweets
from my cell phone between now and then. For anyone who
would like to follow
DN Journal on Twitter, our ID is
(Posted March
9, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
hadn't heard from pioneering domainer Marc
Ostrofsky for awhile so it was
good to get a note from him last night even though the
message contained both good and bad news. It was good to
hear that he and his wife Beverle are doing well
(their first anniversary will be coming up in June) and
that they enjoyed a private dinner with comedian/actor Robin
Williams a few days ago when he came to their
hometown of Houston on a concert tour (see photo
below - if you don't know which one is Marc and which
one is Robin you definitely need to get out more!. Easy
to pick out Beverle - she is the good looking one). 
said he and Williams became friends several years ago
when he introduced Robin to Microsoft founder Bill
Gates at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las
Vegas. After Williams' show in Houston he
joined the Ostrofskys for dinner at the Four Seasons
Hotel where this photo was taken. Williams'
tour moved on to Florida but as you probably
heard in the news
yesterday, he had to cancel the rest of his
shows to undergo emergency heart surgery after experiencing
shortness of breath. He will need an aortic valve
replacement (the same operation former first lady
Barbara Bush recently underwent). The
bad news in Marc's note was that his mother, Shirley
Welcher Ostrofsky, passed away last Saturday
(Feb. 28th) at the age of 78. Funeral services were held
Wednesday in Houston. We want to extend our condolences
to Marc, Beverle and their family. In lieu of flowers,
the family said donations may be sent to: The American
Diabetes Association (P.O. Box 11454,
Alexandria, VA 22312) or the City
of Hope (1055 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA
(Posted March
6, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
$5.1 million sale of to Toy 'R'
Us in
a bankruptcy court auction last Friday continues to draw
mainstream media attention to domain names. Yesterday it
was The
BBC, |

today it was ABC
News. I spoke about the sale at length with
ABC reporter Ki Mae Heussner for the
report she published today (and was also interviewed for
the BBC's report yesterday).
Both reporters were
surprised to see a single domain name sell for this much
money given the state of the |
general economy. The fact
that domains can still hold that kind of value in
the worst of times has, I think, been a real eye
opener for the reporters and will be for their readers
as well. As I have written before, the outside world is
bound to pay more attention to the inherent value in
high quality domain names when they see them
outperforming almost every other class of assets in
this kind of downturn.
Ms. Heussner took the time
to convey part of what I told her about the reason why
owning a generic domain like "" is so
valuable on the web, explaining that search traffic
generated by such a name gives the owner a constant
flow of traffic akin to having a storefront in Times
Square. She did not go into the direct navigation
origin of the traffic (entering the term, plus .com in
the browser bar) but few mainstream outlets would want
to do that, knowing that anything but the most simple
explanation would go over their reader's heads. The most
important thing is that business owners get the bottom
line message that good generic domain names can bring
customers to their door and the sale of is
certainly helping get that message out to the man on the
The ABC News piece also
lists the top ten domain sales we have reported since we
started tracking the aftermarket six years ago. While
these ultra high end sales are obviously not representative
of the average domain sale - they make headlines and let
people know that good domains have real value. |
(Posted March
5, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL:
new BBC
News story about the recent $5.1
million auction sale of and the
domain aftermarket in general, quotes Sedo
business development manager Nora Nanayakkara as
saying sales prices for domains (Great
Britain's country code) had been halved
by |
the current economic
downturn. However the article also quotes Nora as saying
small to medium sized business end users are buying more
domains than ever. "Sales have tripled as
businesses see the value in having a presence
online," she said, according to this report.
I was also
quoted extensively in this article and I suspect that
the reference to prices being cut in half was a misunderstanding
by the reporter of median and average sales
prices. I was misquoted myself as saying the average
price of the domain sales reported to us was virtually unchanged
from the same quarter a year ago, |

when I
actually said (in writing) that the median price
reported was essentially unchanged. The median is the
price at which half of all sales are higher and half are
lower. The median tends to provide a more accurate
picture because it throws out outlliers at the high
and low ends of the market. By contrast, the average
price can by heavily impacted by a few
blockbuster sales.
I told the reporter that
there have been fewer sales at the high end of the
market in this recession but that small to medium sized
businesses were as active as ever (the same thing Nora
reported seeing). I have not seen any huge plunge in the prices that Sedo sends us, so while fewer high
end sales may have driven the average
price down considerably, I would bet the median price,
as with other extensions, is holding up just fine
for the popular TLD.

While sales at the
high end have been slower, they have certainly
not disappeared. In addition to the
sale, a report
out today says Vancouver, Canada
based Live Current has sold two
unidentified domains at a total price of $1.65
million (last month they announced the sale
of another unnamed domain, believed to have been, for $400,000). Live
Current |
Chairman and CEO Geoff
Hampson said, “We believe the recent sales of three of Live Current’s non-core domain names for a total of over
US $2 million is a testament to the inherent value of our domain name assets, especially in this challenging economic
climate." |
Finally today,
veteran domainer Michael Berkens, who
writes an excellent blog at,
will be the special guest on's
live web broadcast tonight at 8pm (U.S.
Eastern time). Michael is one of the most
knowledgeable people in the industry, but aside
from those who follow his blog, a lot of people,
especially newcomers to this business, don't
realize the depth of his knowledge and the
degree of success he has attained. I think that
is because the soft spoken Floridian has never
been one to toot his own horn.
Having been active
in the business since 1997, Berkens has gained a
lot of experience along the way (along with 75,000
domains, many of them prime generics). I
have no doubt that anyone who listens in tonight
will pick up more than a few bits of information
that will help them boost their own business as
well. |

Berkens |
(Posted March
4, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
Cities has opened registration
for the 2009
GeoDomain Expo coming up April 23-25 at
the Catamaran Resort & Spa in San Diego,
California. An early bird registration |
fee of $595 will be
in effect through March 15, a savings of $400 off what
it will cost to register at the show. Dollar for dollar
this event offers one of the best deals in the domain
conference space. The
GeoDomain Expo is an especially worthwhile event for
anyone interested in developing their domain
names. The key speakers have long |

track records of
development success, including the Castello
Brothers, Dan
Pulcrano, Josh Metnick (,
Sean Miller (, Jessica
Bookstaff ( and many others. If you
would like to get a taste of what the show is like,
check out our reviews of the 2008
GeoDomain Expo in Chicago and the 2007
Expo in San Francisco. Several
other bits of news to pass along today. The Internet
Commerce Association just posted its latest
newsletter so everyone not on their mailing
list can read it on the web. The newsletter includes Legislative
and ICANN updates from ICA President Jeremiah
Johnston. ICA Legal Counsel Phil Corwin is
currently in Mexico City representing
professional domain owner's interests at the ICANN
meeting underway there.

Those of you who
enter our site through this daily Lowdown
section may have missed the introduction on our
home page to the new Domainer Mardi Gras conference
review article that we published
last night.
Though I filed
daily posts from the Feb. 19-21 show in New
Orleans in our Lowdown
section, those highlights just skimmed the
surface of what went on during the show. In
this comprehensive review article, we give you a
closer look at the event through the many
photos and details I didn't have a chance to
share with you in those daily briefings. |
first ever no
reserve online domain auction will be ending
Thursday (March 5) at 1pm (U.S. Eastern
time) so now is the time to review the catalog and get
your bids in if you see anything you like. While this
sale is winding down, Sedo is gearing up for a premium
.me domain auction in partnership with the .me
registry (.me is Montenegro's country code but
anyone can own .me domains). Sedo will put 35 one-word
.me domains on the block, including,
and to name just a few. The auction will
start at 1pm March 26th, with the auction ending
at the same time on April 2nd. You can check out
the complete auction
catalog here. The
has some thing cooking too. In an email that Pete
Lamson, the Senior VP & General Manager of the NameMedia
Marketplace, sent to AfternicDLS members today,
company announced
it would be rolling out two new initiatives
this spring. One will be the introduction of a
"Premium Promotion" service
that will give domain sellers a marketing option
with greater reach than ever before. Details are
to be released later.
The company also said
new Quality and Integrity Standards would
be introduced with the goal of creating a better
user experience for buyers and sellers
alike. Lamson said, "All names listed for
sale will be vetted for ownership confirmation,
U.S. trademark compliance and vice content."
compliance checks are underway
(completion will take some time, as we have millions
of names to review). Members whose
portfolios raise questions will be contacted
over the course of the next three months.
It is our hope that AfternicDLS’ leadership
position on important issues such as |

Senior VP and General
NameMedia Marketplace |
listing, U.S. trademark violations and vice name
listings will benefit our entire industry,"
Lamson said. |
(Posted March
3, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
President and CEO Dr. Paul Twomey today announced
that he will be leaving ICANN at the end of 2009. The
announcement came on the opening day of the current
ICANN meeting in Mexico
City today. |
said "Last year, I told the Board
that I did not want to renew my contract as President
and CEO for another 3 year term. While I am deeply and
personally committed to ICANN and its success, I think
this is the right time for me to move on to another
leadership position in the private or international
sectors." Twomey was named CEO and President in
2003, after serving for four years as the Chairman of
ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC).
"Paul Twomey has made
an extraordinary contribution to ICANN" said Peter
Dengate Thrush, Chairman of the Board. "He was
involved in its set up, helped establish the role of
governments in his term as founding chair of the GAC,
and then was its longest serving CEO. He guided the
organization through the World Summit on the
Information Society in 2005 and has been one of the
strongest and most persuasive advocates for the
multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance" |
Paul Twomey
ICANN President and CEO |
Thrush said the board was delighted to be able to retain
Twomey's unique skills until the end of the year.
"This is a momentous year for ICANN, and it is good
that we will be able to continue with business as
Vint Cerf, known as the Father of
the Internet and an eight-year Chairman of the ICANN
Board said "I can think of no other person who has
had more influence on the course of ICANN's evolution
than Paul. We owe him a great debt for long and faithful
service and I owe him personal thanks for his counsel
during my time on the Board. The Board will be
challenged to find a worthy and capable successor." |
(Posted March
2, 2009) To refer others
to the
post above only you can use this URL: |
- ICANN President and CEO Dr. Paul Twomey Announces He Will Step Down at the End of the Year
(Posted March
2, 2009)