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The Lowdown

March 15, 2009 Post

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Further Update to the item below:  I have learned that six board members have resigned at Associated Cities (three more than noted in the original item below). A seventh has stated he is leaving his position but he will be replaced by an associate. It is my understanding that will leave four members on the board and that the remaining members are all in favor of  proceeding with the 2009 GeoDomain Expo next month in San Diego. A board vote is scheduled for Monday (but may be delayed until later in the week) and it now appears that an official announcement will follow the vote confirming that the show will go on. Of course, circumstances could change yet again.

If it does happen, I'm sure it will be a relief to everyone to have this resolved so the focus can return to the very attractive prospects for geodomains. AC will have a short time to pull this show together, but they were able to stage an exceptional show on short notice last year in Chicago. Despite the recent issues we have reported on, I have no reason to doubt that they can do it again as long as the talented leaders still on board are all rowing in the same direction again. 

Here is an update on the situation surrounding the 2009 GeoDomain Expo that may or may not take place April 23-25 in San Diego. As we reported yesterday, a member of the 

Associated Cities board of directors, Josh Metnick, issued a statement saying the show would go on (Associated Cities stages the annual GeoDomain Expo). That came after another board member told us on Thursday that the board had voted to cancel the conference (a report that was confirmed to me by others in leadership positions at AC). 

Metnick said yesterday that an "official" announcement would be released today, however that may not happen. One of the board members who voted to cancel the show said that Metnick did not have the authority to reverse the board's decision (a decision Metnick contends was never made by the board in the first place). The board member with the opposing view has called on the attorney for the group to advise the organization on who has the authority to act under the LLC's operating agreement. 

In a further complication, three members of the board have now resigned, including the chairperson, Jessica Bookstaff. Dan Pulcrano informed us that he has stepped in as acting chairman until a new chair is elected and that only he and AC's Executive Director Patrick Carleton have the authority to speak for or bind the organization. Like Metnick, Pulcrano said the show will go forward, noting that a block of rooms has been contracted for and that those rooms can only be cancelled by an AC officer. 

Given the current situation, I would think that all of the parties involved would wait to hear from the group's attorney (probably on Monday) before issuing an "official" statement on the status of the show, but we'll see. At this stage anything could happen.
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