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The Lowdown

March 14, 2009 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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On Thursday I reported that a reliable source told me that the 2009 GeoDomain Expo scheduled to be held next month in San Diego was going to be cancelled. I confirmed that 

report with several other members of the hierarchy at Associated Cities, the organization that stages the annual show (including several AC board members). Tonight I received a message from board member Josh Metnick of Chicago.com who was one of the founders of

Associated Cities. Josh said that contrary to what I was told the show will go on as scheduled April 23-25 at San  Diego's  Catamaran Resort & Spa and that an official announcement confirming that would be released by Associated Cities tomorrow (Sunday).  

Josh Metnick (Chicago.com)

Metnick said the multiple reports I received that the show would be called off resulted from "internal politics" that have since been resolved. However as of this writing, that does not appear to be the case. One of my original sources, who is also in a position of power at AC, disputed that, saying the board had voted against holding the event. According to this source the board will meet again to try to resolve the issue once and for all. 

Given the conflicting information I have been given about the event while an apparent power struggle within the organization plays itself out, I have cancelled my own reservations for San Diego and will look forward to a 2010 show when I am hopeful the current issues will have been resolved.

I have many friends within the AC and geodomain community and it is painful to see personal conflicts drawing attention away from one of the most important sectors in the domain industry. I am hopeful those can be resolved and that the GeoDomain Expo will continue to build on its well deserved reputation as one of the most beneficial conferences for attendees on the domain show calendar.

When AC finally releases an official statement about the status of the San Diego show (which I assume will require the support of a majority of voting board members) I will post it here, as well as any other developments in this story. 
(Posted March 14, 2009)

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