Practical Tips For Protecting Your Domain NamesBy Brett
Lewis, Esq.
After experiencing a letdown following
the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2000, the sheer number of
domain name registrations, their value and use have eclipsed
their former peaks, by a number of different measures.
Yet, there is a finite supply of the best top level domains.
As a result, there is more pressure to own the existing good
domain name registrations than at probably any time in the past,
and fewer available options.
In this regard,
legitimate domain name holders must be especially careful to
make sure to use their domain names in a manner that is
consistent with third party rights. The simple truth is
that the UDRP process can be, and has been, used wrongly
to wrest valuable domain names from legitimate holders. Full

Attorney Brett Lewis
Words" as Domain Names By Stevan
Lieberman & Debora McCormick
When is it permissible to use a generic word as a domain name?
When can generic words be registered as a trademark pursuant to
United States law?
When can the person / company that has a registered trademark for
the generic word(s) bring an action to have the registrant
relinquish a generic word(s) domain?