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August 27, 2012

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Dear Domey Archive - Page 2

Dear Domey, 

I hear from the grapevine that you are a very well nurtured bloke. I have a couple of .INFOs that I'm keeping in the cellar. Can you please advise me when they might nurture to full body? 

Grapefully Yours,


 Dear Gollum,

I recommend selling some now and saving some for a couple years, to hedge your bets.  I call it the "some seller, some cellar" strategy.  By the way, congrats on your great performance in the recent movie "Lord of the Strings"!  Here is my favorite scene -- 


[Info Baggins and Gollum are scaling a slimy cliff.  Gollum shows a wild look in his bloodshot eyes and sports a lurid grin.  Info Baggins looks exhausted. He holds listlessly onto his registration pouch.  Suddenly, overhead in the darkness, there is the sound of screeches and flapping wings.]  

Gollum: Ahhhhgh! String wraiths! Come from SoreCom the Dark Lord! Baggins must hide his preciousssss INFOsssss.  Not let SoreCom getssss them. 

Info Baggins: ...can't ...go ...on ....COM too strong... COM always be King... new extensions... no use.... 

Gollum: Hide! Hide!  

[Gollum pulls Info Baggins down under a rotting log.  Sounds of hooves and drooling heard above.  Info Baggins clutches at his registration pouch.   Suspenseful moments, then again the sound of flapping wings, now growing fainter.  Gollum and Info cautiously poke out from under the log.] 

Gollum:  Nasssssty string wraiths.  Destroy all string extensions except COM!  Come from SoreCom the DarkSoreCom sore about growing popularity of new extensions, especially INFOs.  He wants COM to rule all InterEarth. Very dangeroussssss for Bagginsessss

Info Baggins: ...INFOs so heavy... can't hold... must sell out now... will never catch on... no major companies use as main URL.... can't hold....  so weak..... must surrender to SoreCom... 

Gollum:  Nooooo!!  Gollum Googled INFOs.  He sees number of INFO pages on Google up from under a million in 2002 to four million in 2004.

Bagginsssses must not let SoreCom get preciooooouuuuusssss INFOsssssss.  Give INFOsssss to meeeeeeee.  I will keep them safe... yesssssss..... I keep INFOsssssss safe.  

Info Baggins: ...but... when I use INFOs.... I seem invisible... no one sees INFOs.... can't go on.... 

Gollum: Maybe still invisible in USsssssss, but not in Germany and other countriessssss.  INFOs precioussssss there.  Look at DNJournal salesssssss.  INFOs preciooooosssss. 

[Cut to scene of giant red eye scanning the horizon.  Lightning flashing out.  Thunder echos across the cliff like a giant voice saying "Coooooommmmm! Coooommmmm!" Switch back to scene of Info Baggins quivering against the cliff.] 

Info Baggins: It's no use... it's all... just.... speculation... no one can challenge COM.... no use..... so tired. 

Gollum [reaching out his hand toward the pouch]: Let me take the INFOs. Gollum will help.  Yessssssssss. 

[Info Baggins begins to loosen his grip on the registration pouch.  Gollum's bony fingers almost touch it.  Suddenly a heavily-armored figure steps out of the darkness.  His eyes glint in the moonlight.] 

Elequa:  Step away, Gollum

Gollum: Ahhhghh! Nooooooo. 

Info Baggins: Elequa!? Is that you?  The guy who registered all the remaining three-letter INFOs

Elequa:  Yes, it is I.  Just in time too. 

Gollum:  Oh, please, Mr. ElequaGollum just being helpful to INFOssssss

Elequa: Helpful?  By taking his INFOs at dirt cheap prices in his moment of weakness?  I don't think so.  Hold on to them and develop them in Mt. Yahoo, Mr. Baggins.  More and more INFO pages.  INFO domain prices are up. INFO ads are appearing in Europe, New York, and California. Don't give in. It is your destiny to provide an alternative to SoreCom for the good of all InterEarth

Info Baggins [color returning to his face]: Ah... Elequa. I am sorry I ever doubted. 

Elequa: That's what friends are for Mr. Baggins




Dear Domey,

While scouring a pending delete list late last night I inadvertently put my cigarette out in my peanut dish while simultaneously grabbing a handful of butts out of my ashtray and chucking them into my piehole.  Now I can't get the smell of burnt nuts out of my office, to say nothing of my breath.  As well, there is the greater issue of how and why this happened in the first place. Is there a 12 step program for domain speculators?  Any suggestions?  



Dear Sharpy:

Where there is smoke, there may be fire. Not to alarm you, but these may be   symptoms of "Speculosis Domainia" -- commonly known as "Mad Domain" disease.  If untreated, Mad Domain disease can cause: atrophy of social graces; depletion of bank accounts; Internet Separation Anxiety (ISA); forum addiction; domain envy; and confusion between fumes and legumes. I recommend that you gargle and then take the following diagnostic test.  Seek the 12-schlep program for help if you score high.   


Take the Test: Ten Signs of "Mad Domain" Disease 

1. How important would internet access be during your honeymoon? 

a.  Honeymoon would be better without internet access
b.  Some internet access would be good
c.  I will only consider honeymoon locations with dedicated T1 line to catch drops 24/7. 

2.  What was your first reaction to Britney Spears' wedding?  

a.  Oooops!
b.  Hmmm... I wonder if "BritneysWedding.com" is registered?
c.  Hot dog!  I registered "BritneysWedding.com" last year (along with several    thousand other speculative combinations) and now I'll snag "BritneysWedding.cc" too! 

3.  What is WLS? 

a.  Show where big guys with makeup and spandex taunt each other in a ring and bash chairs
b.  Support group for dieters
c.  I'm not sure what it is, but I feel *very* strongly about it 

4.  What are the most desirable qualities you seek in a date? 

a.  Intelligence, nice body, sense of humor, wealth
b.  I want someone who gets all worked up debating the pros and cons of having hyphens in domain names.
c.  What's a date?  (some kind of field in the WHOIS?) 

5.  What draws things in, but does not let them out? 

a.  Astronomical black hole
b.  Venus fly trap
c.  Network Solutions 

6.    What is "udrp"? 

a.  Frog making conversation
b.  Person expressing satisfaction with a good meal
c.  A greeting from someone who went to the IP League

7.  What happens to you without internet access? 

a.  You wind down and relax
b.  Shake uncontrollably and obsess over what you miss online
c.  Don't know. Never been offline. 

8. How much time have you spent trying to figure out who  NamePopper really was or is? 

a.  Who?
b.  Less than a hour.
c.  Over 10% of my waking hours. Ask my partner, Scully. 

9.  What do you tell your significant other if he/she asks you how much you spend each year on domains? 

a.  The truth -- around $10.
b.  Roughly as much as our mortgage payments are
c.  Roughly as much as our mortgage payments were -- before we lost the house and car paying renewal fees. 

10.  What is a good reason to register a domain? 

a.  Actually develop a website for commerce or information
b.  Its worthless, but someone else may still buy it from me
c.  Because its there... and I have over $7 left in my credit line


For each (a) answer, add 0 points.

For each (b) answer, add 1 point.

For each (c) answer, add 2 points.

0-2 points: You are probably safe from Mad Domain disease.

3-10 points: You are at significant risk for Mad Domain disease and should seek help from a professional Domainologist for further diagnosis.

10-20 points: You display advanced symptoms of Mad Domain disease.  You should contact the Office of Domainland Security for immediate quarantine, transfusion of social graces, and enrollment in the 12-schlep program -- "Schlep around your house and rediscover who the members of your family are...  schlep to a public place and interact with real live human beings...  schlep to a museum and look at art, go to a concert, walk in the park... etc."  With perseverance, you should be able to tell the difference between your ashtray and peanut dish within a couple of months.  Best wishes for a sharpy recovery.



Dear Domey,

I met this really good-looking woman in a bar and spent all night trying to get her phone number. Finally she wrote it on a matchbook and gave it to me. The only trouble is, I have called it and keep getting this odd message -- “beee deee beeeep… We’re sorry, but the number you have called is not in service.” What should I do?



Dear Unconnected:

I am sorry to hear about your situation. It must be frustrating. I do, however, have some great news for you. Telefine, the company with a complete monopoly on the telephone grid and call routing system, has announced a new service to help people in your situation. Here is their recent press release:

“Many phone users misdial telephone numbers or dial inoperative telephone numbers and wind up getting an annoying message – ‘beee deee deeeeep… We’re sorry, but the number you have called is not in service. Please check the number and dial again.’ This message does not profit anyone. The caller does not reach the person whom they were trying to reach and we do not make any money. To solve both of these problems at the same time, we at Telefine will be implementing (tomorrow at dawn) a consumer-driven, service-oriented, wonderful new technology called ‘CallFinder.’

Starting tomorrow, phone users who dial an incorrect or inoperative phone number will no longer get an annoying and useless error message. Instead, they will reach our revolutionary AI-powered ‘CallFinder’ service at 1-900-CallFinder. When people reach this number, they get introduced to an innovative voice directory system (it takes several minutes) and can chat with people who are far more interesting than the dull folks whom they originally were trying to reach! 

CallFinder also helps callers to learn how to make money right from their home, get special deals on fund transfers to their bank account from far-away countries, and hear amazing offers for all sorts of other things that they (in their ignorance) did not know that they needed when they misdialed in the first place. Best of all, CallFinder helps us in the burdensome task of trying to run a monopoly in the black!”

Cheer up, Unconnected. “CallFinder” is designed just for people like you.




Dear Domey, 

Who would really benefit from WLS? 

Confused Domainer*


Dear Confused, 

There is song about this and the general issue of how domains should be distributed. Please refer to the lyrics below:

Who Gets the Surplus?
(“ruff”ly based on "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by the Baha Men)

When da-value of do-main be many many dollars,
"Ohh Ahh, Dat's nice!" say everybody hollers,
Well the gap be'tween what you get and pay,
Called de "consumer surplus"... now everybody say, Hey...

Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)

Well de Reg-i-strant want de do-main cheap,
Don' like de auction cause de price be steep,
Dey say "Ain't fair!" and dey b____ and moan,
'Cause dey want dat surplus all dey own, Hey...

Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)

Well de Reg-i-strar wanna piece ah de action,
Why sell reg fee and get jus-sa fraction?
Have an auction, have a club, hold a lot-ter-y,
'Cause da profits be laggin at da plain reg fee, Hey...

Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)

Well de Reg-i-stry got mo-nop-o-ly,
But not much dough from da plain flat fee,
Dey say "centralize to increase competition"
But might it jus' be da surplus demolition, Hey...

Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)

Hard to know whose wallet dat should be padded,
Hard to know which parties create value added,
*Stry, *Strar, and *Strants could all get together,
Split up da surplus and dey all feel better, Hey...

Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)
Who gets the surplus? (who, who, who, who)

*disclosure, not really received by Domey




Dear Domey,

How can I meet desirable and available members of the opposite sex? Each time I meet someone I would be interested in, they are already in a long-term relationship with someone else.

Sincerely, Single and Frustrated Domainer*


Dear Single and Frustrated:

I receive many letters from people such as you who are frustrated that “all the good ones are taken” and that “someone else always gets there first.” This is a problem with the current, disjointed and unorganized system of dating and mating that most cultures have today. People roam bars, post personal ads, read magazines, go to yoga classes, cruise town, go to singles groups in houses of worship, frat and sorority parties and all sorts of other activities to try to find desirable and available members of the opposite sex… but the result is often chaos and confusion. 

Pros who move “quick and slick” have an unfair competitive advantage. They make rapid, repeated connections -- picking up the best folks just when they are dropping from long-term relationships. Average folks do not stand a chance getting a shot at the really desirable mates because people with money and rapid connections always beat them to the punch.

There is a proposal to change all this dating and mating chaos into a more organized and fair system. VeryFine has proposed a new way – called the “Date Listing Service (DLS)” -- to catch desirable people who are dropping out of long-term relationships and will become available on the dating scene. VeryFine has a central registry of all long-term relationships and monitors those that are in the process of going sour. 

When couples start arguing and it looks like long-term relationships will fall apart (and enter into a “deletion period”), then VeryFine will sell a place in line for people wanting first shot at dating one of the splitting parties. No more mess, no more confusion, no more blind dates, no more being beat out by some guy with a corvette or some curvaceous gal with flirty eyelashes – just “pony up your dough and you are first to go”!

Not everyone likes the proposed DLS. A number of bars and nightclubs and dating services and romantic poets are saying that it would create a monopoly and put them out of business. Also, some geneticists have raised concerns about the implications of this auction-based breeding for the gene pool. In fact, GenePool.com* is suing VeryFine. However, VeryFine contends that bars and nightclubs and dating services and poets are just low-life types living off human insecurity and weakness. They contend that the Date Listing Service (DLS) will be much more fair and less humiliating than the current methods of finding a mate.

I personally have mixed feelings about the DLS, having met my wife the old-fashioned way. However, I might buy stock in VeryFine just in case. Best wishes with your search.



*(Full Disclosure: this was not an actual letter to Domey, but I could not resist! Also, the name genepool.com was used for satirical purposes. To our knowledge they aren't really suing anyone, though after this they may decide to!)



Dear Domey,

I do not think there is any trademark for my domain, but I just got a Cease and Desist letter. What should I do?



Dear Anonymous,

I recommend getting professional advice from a lawyer at the Domain Name Journal or  one of the popular domain forums. Until then, sing the following to the tune of "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen:

Well I like doin' what is right,
to keep my ethics high...
I stay clear of trademarked names,
to be an upright guy...
I search the U.S.P.T.O.
I search in Europe too.
I search in Google high and low.
but whatever I do...

[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
And another one comes, and another one comes
Another "Cease and Desist"
Hey, they're gonna get you too.
Another "Cease and Desist"

Their firm started in ’02.
They say I should desist.
I made my site in '99,
before they did exist.
Their mark is "UncleEdsUsedCars."
It has four words you see.
Now they claim that "Cars.com,"
should be their site for free.

[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
And another one comes, and another one comes
Another "Cease and Desist"
Hey, they're gonna get you too.
Another "Cease and Desist"

Well I believe [0837728] the law [1736791] is good [1458016],
but letters [0809166] makes me spark [1845613].
Seems for ev’ry word [1130259] we use [2433320],
Some company [1192531] claims a mark [0160916].

[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
[be da boom boom boom]
Another "Cease and Desist"
And another one comes, and another one comes
Another "Cease and Desist"
Hey, they're gonna get you too.
Another "Cease and Desist"


Dear Domey,

I have this incredible urge to bash .COM. Am I going nuts or is
there some curable basis for it?



Dear Mole:

The urge that you describe is a symptom of one of several electronically-transmitted TLDs. Although there are cures for some of these TLD conditions, increased public awareness is critical to prevent them from spreading. The following are descriptions of some of the more common electronically-transmitted TLDs.

1. COMjunctivitis: Comjunctivitis is a restriction of the eye that causes myopia, extreme hind-sightedness, and blurred long-range vision. People with comjunctivitis prefer domains like "StocksOnWallStreet123AllDay.com" to domains like "WallStreet.us." Sadly, many people with comjunctivitis miss out on cable television saying -- "There have always been only twelve numbers on my TV dial and that's the way it will always be."

2. INFOmania Nervosa: Infomania Nervosa is an insidious condition involving intense aggravation by Sunrise and Chronotropia (the recurring expectation that things will be better "in a year or so"). Public health officials say that it is primarily endemic to northern Europe, but there have been sporadic outbreaks in the rest of the world as well.

3. USpectus Kidpromotus: Symptoms of Uspectus Kidpromotus include inflammatory price spikes prior to the summer of 2003 based on expected transmission among youth, particularly in central North America, and bouts of extended patriotism. Efforts have been made to contain the spread of USpectus Kidpromotus through the use of nexus and other therapeutic agents, but there have been reported cases elsewhere in the world.

4. ORGanoprofita: Researchers believe that organoprofita is caused by a virus that begins as a nonprofit, but often mutates into a different organism. Symptoms among registrants with organoprofita often include receipt of condescending comments at domain forums, but this can be cured by repeated administration of healthy sales margins.

5. WS Syndrome: WS syndrome continues to baffle the medical community. Scientists have not yet been able to determine conclusively whether it is a regional condition (originating from Western Somoa) or a true electronically-transmitted TLD associated with use of websites. Advanced cases are marked by extension dysfunction and repeated unintelligible vocalizations such as "but keyword... but keyword... but keyword."

The most important tool for preventing further spread of these electronically-transmitted TLDs is extension education in public schools and forums. If you have experienced two or more symptoms of one of these conditions, consult your forum professional.




Dear Domey:

There is this domain that I really want -- I feel it's current
owner is not worthy and not treating it properly. I want to go
after it -- but feel so unworthy -- what shall I do?



Dear Anonymous:

The following song may help. Check it out and try your skill at rapping!


"If yo see a domain gettin no respect,
Been treated like dirt and the reg neglect,
Get an Exody list and yo don't be stoppin,
'till yo plan laid out cause it might be droppin.

Say, huh. Say, huh.

Yo can make a Snap at the Snapnames site,
Yo can get Namewinner if the price is right,
Yo can use DropWizard if the name is good,
Then yo be a playa in the drop name hood.

Say, huh. Say, huh.

If the name's real good, yo in for a fight,
Buydomains and Ulti they be makin it tight,
At the second it drops, and the big guns fire,
If yo beat big boyz, then yo can retire.

Say, huh. Say, huh.

If the name is prime, then its worth the fees,
That yo pay to increase probabilities,
So jack your bling bling to the boyz,
Catch the domain, man, and yo make some noise.

Say, huh. Say, huh."





Dear Domey:

My domain left me again. I have nowhere else to turn. Can you please Help me get it back! What can I do to keep my domain by me ????

Domainless in Seattle


Dear Domainless in Seattle:

A good domain is hard to find. Here are some tips to keep you and your domain happy and together. The keys to a successful domainship are respect, communication, and keeping that spark of passion that you felt at first registration.

Respect is essential to any domain relationship. Too many times I hear from domains that were "parked" for the night and then forgotten the next day. Do you google other urls when they pass by? Think of how your domain feels about this! Never let a third party be your administrative contact for your domain or you may wake up to find that your domain has left you. Also, don't skimp on your domain by using a registrar with a reputation for sloppy security procedures.

Communication is also vital to keeping your domain. Make sure that your e-mail and other contact information are fresh and accurate. Don't forget the anniversary of your registration… or your domain could wind up on someone else's drop list! Make sure that neither you nor anyone else in your organization pays scam bills that look like they are needed to renew your domain, but actually are from a totally different registrar and may result in the loss of your domain.

Keep the spark of your registration burning. Consider a firewall for your hard drive. Google your domain frequently. Work on ways that you and your domain can click together. Also consider protection for domain interactions -- some registrars offer you the option of locking to prevent unauthorized transfers.

These easy steps will help strengthen your relationship with your domain. Each day you'll be able to ask your domain -- "Whois your daddy?" -- and the response will be "You dear!"


If you have a problem that is screaming out for help, just send it to [email protected]. Domey will quickly have you and your problem screaming in unison. Remember -- "Any problem can be made bigger with the appropriate advice."

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