
2009 Archive |
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the The Lowdown from
DN Journal,
updated daily to fill you in on the
latest buzz going around the domain name
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Helps Industry Pioneer Warren Weitzman Regain All of the
Domain Names Stolen From His Account Last Month Last
month we told you about a major domain hijacking
in which more than a dozen names were stolen
from industry pioneer Warren Weitzman's account
at eNom. At the time Weitzman said he thought
there might have been a security breach as high as the
registry level at Verisign - but the cause turned
out to be the same one that is the culprit in most
such |
incidents. "Using a weak password
and user name appear to be the blame,"
Weitzman told us after eNom succeeded in recovering all of
the names the thief had transferred out to other
registrars after gaining access to Weitzman's account.
Weitzman said, "eNom security is as stable as it always was and
I will continue to use their services. There was no evidence of an insider hack at
eNom or leak. All in all, the hijacking was more a matter of a weak password and some clever work by a thief with lots of time on his
hands. Once DN Journal’s article was published executives at
eNom jumped in, support was there and it appeared that as word got out,
all of the receiving registrars cooperated with eNom towards the domain’s safe return."
Weitzman added, "The domain community came directly

to me in support and offered
assistance from around the world. I never realized how connected we all were and am extremely grateful for all the aid and advice
from everyone. To all my domainer friends out there and
my attorney Stevan Lieberman, THANK YOU for
your help and support."
Based on his
harrowing experience Lieberman also wanted to pass on one
critically important piece of advice. "Don’t forget to
change your passwords frequently and avoid using the same password
at more than one registrar or website,” Weitzman

Demand Media President of Platforms |
Indeed, Demand
Media's (parent company of eNom) President of
Platforms Michael Blend told us thieves
typically steal user names and passwords from
sites with weaker security in place than a
registrar like eNom employs. So, if you use the
same user name and password at, for example, a
free email service that you do on your critical
accounts, a hijacker could steal the log in data
from the unprotected site and use it to get into
your high value accounts. "The weak link is
often someone else's security," Blend said.
He also advises devising names and passwords that
are not easily "guessable."
Blend added that eNom
would be releasing a slew of |
domainer-specific security products in upcoming
weeks to give their customers added layers of
protection against would be hijackers. Blend said
Demand Media registrars eNom and BulkRegister
will be offering large portfolio owners inbound
transfers at cost if they like what they
see once the new services are introduced. |
Week for DevHub as They Celebrate a T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Award Nomination, New
Partnerships With Meebo & Priceline and Passing 1
Million Visitors on Their Network DevHub,
who is one of only two companies
that were nominated this week for a T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Award for "Best New Monetizing Solution,"
tells us they reached a couple of special
milestones this month (the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Award winners
will be announced at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C
New York conference coming up October
26-29. Trellian's Above.com was also
nominated in this category). DevHub was also one of the
five companies we profiled in our March
2009 Cover Story called "The Next
Big Thing in Domain Monetization?: New Companies Are
Making the Dream of Affordable Mass Development a
Reality". |
co-founder Mark Michael told us the company reached
profitability August 8 and hit a new high water mark for
traffic with over 1.1 million visitors across their
network. "Within six months of
launching, we have struck a number of
exclusive partnerships and integrated a slew of
monetization tools including: job listings, local business
listings, property listings, all 8 of the major affiliate
product networks and premium text ads," Michael said.
Wednesday the company launched their most recent partnership with
which enables site creators on the DevHub platform to

DevHub Co-Founder and Senior VP
instantly drag-and-drop chat functionality on their sites.
The same day they also launched a partnership with Priceline
travel-related sites created on DevHub to easily incorporate hotel, airline and car
rental offers.
said more new features will be coming in the next few
weeks including their DevHub Community. "It
will enable ‘DevHeads,’ to communicate and share tips with one
another," Michael said. "We
designed DevHub to be a dynamic platform so that as our
publishers demand more we have a platform they
can scale with."
launching in February, DevHub has grown
to an active base of over 25,000. Michael
said "This community of
publishers use DevHub's site creation tools and
monetization modules (of which DevHub has exclusive
partners and |
premium revenue streams) to easily create
niche-focused topical sites, which publishers receive a
majority share of all revenues generated from their
sites." |
added, "As opposed to site building tools for a community, a small
business, or vanity-personal website (already addressed by
the likes of a Weebly or Yola), the DevHub platform is
optimized for publishers who want to create sites that
attract commercial intent-based users. These type of
users are much more valuable than the casual Internet
surfer as they are looking for information on or are ready
to purchase a service or product, resulting in a higher
likelihood of revenue-generation activity (think revenue
per user difference between Facebook versus Google)."
First Domain Name Ever Registered (In 1985) Changes
Hands For the First Time With XF.com Investments
Acquiring the Historic Domain Symbolics.com,
the first domain name ever registered,
has changed hands for the first time since its
original registration on March 15, 1985.
Missouri-based XF.com
Investments purchased the historic Internet
address from the Symbolics company for an
undisclosed price. Symbolics sold the domain even
though the company is still in operation nearly 25 years
after they made history by registering the name. Since
that initial .com registration a quarter of a century
ago 180 million domains names have been
registered. |
Meystedt, the 29-year-old CEO of XF.com Investments,
said "We are extremely excited to own the
Symbolics.com domain name. Since our core business is
Internet investments, we really pursued the purchase of the
original domain name, Symbolics.com. For us to
own the first domain is very special to our company, and
we feel blessed for having the ability to obtain this
unique property.” Meystedt
said XF.com has plans for the domain name, and are
creating something special for the 25th anniversary of
this URL. “On March 15, 2010, Symbolics.com
will celebrate its 25th year,” Meystedt noted. “This is a special milestone for all of us. The
Internet has changed the face of business and
entertainment, and to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of
the domain that started it all is very special.”

CEO, XF.com Investments

Symbolic Logo

XF's new
Symbolics.com logo
original Symbolics company pioneered computer
development. Symbolics designed and manufactured a
line of Lisp machines, single-user computers
optimized to run the Lisp programming language.
The Lisp Machine was the first commercially available
"workstation" (although that word had not yet
been coined). Symbolics also made significant
advances in software technology, and offered one of the
premier software development environments of the 1980s
and 1990s. |
XF.com is a real estate and domain investment
company that owns many premium web properties including iBlog.com,
HY.com, March.com, Copies.com, TrafficEstimate.com and
a historical note - the first domain name ever created
(as opposed to registered) was Nordu.net, a name
that was created by the registry on opening day (Jan. 1,
1985) for use as the first ever root server
(nic.nordu.net). While it was was technically the first
domain name in the current domain name system it was
created for a special purpose before domains were allowed
to be registered. Once that process was put in place,
Symbolics.com was the first name taken.
in the Domain Jungle - 2010 Conference Schedule To Kick
Off With Three Major Shows In a Span of Less Than Four
Weeks Hot
on the heels of Parked.com's announcement
that their Domainer Mardi Gras conference
will return to New Orleans February 11-13, 2010
came word
today that |
is going back to Las Vegas (after a one year
absence) for a big show at the Hard Rock Hotel &
Casino January 21-23. Last month Oversee
became the first to declare their 2010 intentions when
they announced their popular DOMAINfest
Global event in Los Angeles would move
across town from Hollywood to the Santa Monica
waterfront for a conference running January 26-28. Math
has never been my strong suit, but I'm pretty sure that
adds up to 3 big shows packed into a stretch of just 23
days! When the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. news came out today,
assuring a conference battle royale to start the New Year,
one our readers (referring to all of the show
promoters) dropped us a note listing the three sets of
adjacent dates and asked "are these guys nuts!?"
No, they are
not nuts but they are all pretty darn competitive
and you know who wins when companies compete for your
business - you do. You are going to have more
options than ever in 2010, so check out what these events
have to offer and pick one (or more) that look the most
attractive to you and attend (I'll be at all
three). Each of these shows will pull out all of the stops
to make you happy and create the word of mouth buzz
that keeps people coming back to their events.
Having their dates
fall so close together will almost certainly cost
each show some attendees as people, especially in
the current economic times, have to make choices.
For the promoters of the two west coast
shows in parfticular, it is obviously not the best
situation to be so close together in both time and
locale, however most registrants who want
to be at both will |

appreciate having
them back to back on the calendar. That is
especially true for those of us in the Eastern
U.S. Rather than make two coast to coast
trips, I can now fly to Las Vegas for
T.R.A.F.F.I.C., then take the short hop to L.A.
for DOMAINfest before returning home to Florida.
That will save me time and money and still
let me attend two shows whose programs differ
enough and offer enough value to make them both
musts for me.
Likewise, my
experience at the first
Domainer Mardi Gras conference this
past February makes going back next year a
no-brainer, especially since it is such a short
hop across the Gulf of Mexico from Tampa to
New Orleans. If you haven't been to a
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference or DOMAINfest Global
event before, our reviews of their last shows (T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
ccTLDs in Amsterdam in June and
Global in Hollywood in January)
will give you a good look at what they are all
Registration for
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Las Vegas will open soon. Early
bird registration is already open for DOMAINfest
Global and Domainer
Mardi Gras. Signing up early for any
of these shows will save you a lot of money.
DOMAINfest also just posted the preliminary
agenda for their conference. |
week's news has all focused on the start of the
2010 show season, but there is still plenty of
activity left to go on the 2009 conference
circuit. The second annual MeetDomainers
show will be held in Poland at the Warsaw
Marriott Hotel, September 25-27.
English-Polish & Polish-English simultaneous
translation will be provided at the Meeting
organizer Daniel Dryzek said, "This
meeting will be a great networking opportunity and
a chance to learn from the best authorities in the
field of domain name law, domain name
monetization, advertising, affiliation, web
development, SEO and more! You

will be able to meet
lots of Polish domainers and company owners as
well as specialists and entrepreneurs from other
European countries." You can check out our
coverage of the debut edition of MeetDomainers
last year here.
Sedo will be
holding their always special SedoPro
Partner Forum (a private event for
clients) in Key West, Florida October 7-9
(I will be speaking there). The last
SedoPro Forum held in the U.S. at New
York's Mohonk Mountain Resort two years ago
was one of the most enjoyable events I've ever
attended. A scheduling conflict kept me from going
to the 2008 forum on the French Riviera
last October but the photos
we ran from that event will show you Sedo's
penchant for doing everything in style.
The grand conference
finale for 2009 will be T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
New York, coming up October 26-29
at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott (also the
location for last
year's New York show). With a break of
several months since the last major conference I
am expecting a very strong turnout in New York. A
few weeks before that event, we will be running a
detailed preview to let you know what is in store
there this year. |
Level Domain Holdings Merges With Minds + Machines:
Combined Entity Plans to Acquire and Operate New ICANN
Top-Level Domains Top Level Domain Holdings, Ltd. (AIM:
TLDH.L) today announced that it has completed a
merger with Minds +
Machines, a leading registry services provider for top-level domains. TLDH previously owned a significant minority share in Minds + Machines. The merger follows TLDH’s announcement that it
has raised 2.5M pounds (approximately $4.1
million) in a private placement. |
TLDH is the only public company focused exclusively on acquiring and operating the new top-level domains authorized by
ICANN which has announced its intention to allow any qualified organization or business to create its own web
address - though at a very stiff price (well into six
figures per domain). ICANN plans to start rolling out the
new TLDs early next year.
TLDH said it now has roughly $7 million on hand to invest in new top-level domains, and as a reserve fund for eventual auctions at ICANN in the event of
competing applications.
Fred Krueger, Chairman of TLDH, said “Bringing Minds + Machines and TLDH under the same ownership makes total sense for our companies and
for our shareholders. We were extremely pleased with our previous investment in Minds + Machines and we are delighted now to take the next step. With Minds + Machines backing our portfolio investments in new top-level domains with world-class registry services, we are extremely cost-efficient and scalable.”
Antony Van Couvering, CEO of Minds + Machines,
said, “This merger is a natural evolution. Minds + Machines and TLDH have grown up together, and joining up fully was the logical next step. With TLDH as our investment arm, and Minds + Machines providing the operational capabilities, we are extremely well positioned to participate in the new top-level domains.”
TLDH is already a major investor in several high-profile new applications for web addresses, all of which will be contracting with Minds + Machines for registry services. They include:
.ECO backed by former
Vice President Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate
Protection, which if approved will devote a majority of profits to fighting climate change.
.NYC backed by former
Mayor Ed Koch, which if approved will return a substantial portion of profits to
New York City. www.dotnyc.net.

Van Couvering
Minds + Machines CEO |
The registry platform of Minds + Machines,
Espresso, is in use by more than a dozen country-based top-level domains. In addition to new web addresses backed by
TLDH, Minds + Machines is providing registry services to other applicants, including
The Minds + Machines management team previously launched or helped launch more than 20 top-level domains, with business models ranging from small communities to large commercial enterprises. In addition, they have owned and operated
ICANN-accredited registrars, managed reseller channels, developed systems software for domain names and overseen global top-level domain roll-outs. In addition to its for-profit work, Minds + Machines provides funding for emerging countries to use the Internet more effectively through its Capacity Building + Grants program. |
Full details of the merger and the private placement can be found on TLDH’s web site at
http://www.tldh.org. |
Mardi Gras Announces Dates and New Location for Their
2010 Conference in New Orleans and Castello Brothers
Give Domain Convergence High Marks After
a successful
debut this past February,
organizers of the
Domainer Mardi Gras conference announced today
that they will be back in the Big Easy for round
two in 2010. Next |
show will run February 11-13, 2010 at the New
Orleans Marriott Hotel on Canal Street
in the French Quarter, just steps from Bourbon
Street. The Marriott is a new venue, replacing the
Westin Canal Place. The conference secured an
exceptionally low room rate for Mardi Gras season at the
Marriott - just $179 a night. The
show will conclude three days before Fat Tuesday (February
16), which is the
day of Mardi Gras festivities that run for approximately
two weeks with dozens of nightly parades highlighting the
Executive Director of Domainer Mardi Gras, Michael
Ward, said “Domainers stated that the
inaugural show was a hit and wanted to see it
happen again in 2010. We listened and are moving
forward with putting together a larger than life domainer
extravaganza. In addition to quality
industry panel sessions, and plenty of networking
opportunities, Domainer Mardi Gras will also
provide over the top entertainment, all during
Mardi Gras, that combined will make for an
unbelievable experience.”
publishers, registries, registrars, investors,
domain parking companies, members from the ICANN
community and others are all invited to attend
the event. The theme and agenda for Domainer Mardi
Gras 2010 will be announced in the coming weeks. |

Ward, Executive Director
Domainer Mardi Gras |
bird conference passes are available now through
October 15th, 2009 at a reduced rate of $795.
In an especially attractive offer, attendees who also stay
at the Marriott can get another $300 discount off
the registration fee. A conference pass gives
attendees access to all conference sessions, meals,
entertainment, including new activities that will be
revealed in the coming weeks, and the popular demand
Bourbon Street balcony party that is back by popular
demand (the photo at the top of this column was taken from
the Parked.com balcony party at this year's
Mardi Gras 2010 is also planning to have specials and
other prizes during the registration process. You
can sign up to receive email alerts and special
notifications at www.DomainerMardiGras.com.
Ward said sponsorship opportunities are also available.
You can email [email protected]
for more information on the show.

In another conference
note, I was away on vacation when the 2nd annual Domain
Convergence conference was held in Toronto
August 13-14, however the keynote speakers for the
event, Michael Castello and David
Castello, say they were very impressed by the
people they met there.
The Castello Brothers
have developed some of the world's top geodomains,
including PalmSprings.com, Nashville.com
and Acapulco.com, so they were especially
pleased to see the show's focus on development and
selling ads directly to advertisers, a model they
have thrived with. |

Castello (left) and David Castello of Castello
Cities Internet Network (CCIN.com)
delivering their keynote talk at the Domain
Convergence conference in Toronto. |
said the show gave he and Michael, who are building their
many prime generic .com domains (including Whisky.com,
DayCare.com and Bullion.com) into global
brands, some great insight into the opportunities in the ccTLD
market. Many of the registrants have achieved excellent
results from developing prime generic .ca (Canada's
country code) domains. Among the examples David cited was Rick
Silver of N49.com
who has attracted a sizeable stable of advertisers to a
network that includes developed sites on such gems as Kitchens.ca,
Flights.ca, Printing.ca and dozens of
Gabriel Sells DropShippers.com for $1.5 Million - His
Second 7-Figure Sale in Five Months
Richard Gabriel has just closed the $1.5 million
of DropShippers.com
to Tom
Hashem of Scranton, Pennyslvania. You may
recall that Gabriel
is the man who sold Auction.com to |
REDC for $1.7
million in March, so he has now racked up $3.2
million in just two transactions over the past five
said that Hashem was originally planning
buy a different name but the seller backed out before that
deal was closed so he decided to go after the category
killing name that Gabriel held. Gabriel
has been running his own ecommerce software on the domain
in recent years. He said Hashem bought the name only but
Gabriel also gave Hashem the software because Gabriel will
have no use for it after signing a 10-year non-compete
agreement as part of the deal. (Update
Sept. 2, 2009) - For those wondering why this
sale does not appear on our 2009 Year-To-Date
Top 100 Sales Chart, the inclusion of a
software platform in this transaction made it more than a domain
only sale (a requirement to be charted). Also,
$500,000 of the $1.5 million purchase price was financed
and will be paid off over 10 years. Until the full amount
has been received it can't be ranked on a chart as a
completed sale at $1.5 million (according to the sales
contract, $1 million was paid upfront). More details on
this transaction are in the weekly sales report we
published Sept.
2, 2009.
Gives .Pro Green Light to Offer 1, 2 and 3-Character
Domains and .Mobi Launches a New "Resource
Center" Website RegistryPro,
the operator of the .pro
says it has reached an agreement with ICANN that
will allow them to release and allocate of one, two
and three-character domain names
in the fourth quarter of this year. The registry said
availability of names like i.pro, pr.pro and
777.pro is expected to generate significant
interest from registrants.
extension could certainly use a boost as it has struggled
to find an audience since it was introduced in 2005.
Sigmar, the general manager of RegistryPro, said
“We’re excited to make these unique .PRO domains
available to business and service professionals worldwide.
We’ve received over 4,000 emails about 1, 2 and
3-character .PRO names. This contract amendment allows
RegistryPro to answer this tremendous demand in the coming
with fewer than four characters have been available in
other gTLDs for several years. No information has been
released yet on how the new one to three character domains
will be allocated. The registry said details will be made
public soon. A complete list of .pro registrars is
available at http://registry.pro/professionals/find.shtml.

has also announced a new initiative - the creation
of a special "Resource Center" at mobiDomain.com.
.Mobi Director of PR and Communications Vance
Hedderel said a .com address was used because
the resource center is
a site intended to be used on PCs (the address
re-directs to a folder at mtld.mobi which
should keep purists happy too). |
the third anniversary of general .mobi
availability approaching Hedderel said "we
created this special “Resource Center” so that
investors in, and followers of, the .mobi domain
can get a fuller picture of:
using the domain
it’s being used
the domain remains relevant in a world of
iPhones & Palm Pres, and
to monetize .mobi domains.
Hedderel said they
would be continually adding to the site and if you
have suggestions for other features you would like
to see, there is a contact page so you can pass
them along to the registry. |
AfternicDLS Expands Its Global Aftermarket Network &
RickLatona.com Releases the Initial Catalog for an
Online Domain Auction That Starts Friday
continues to expand
global distribution network. Today parent company NameMedia
announced it has formed a strategic partnership with www.freshdrop.net
to |
premium domains for purchase through FreshDrop’s
Domain Marketplace. Domains owned by sellers
who choose the Expanded or Premium Promotion levels at the
AfternicDLS will now be available for sale
at FreshDrop (along with the many other sites the
AfternicDLS has partnered with). Domains from NameMedia's
BuyDomains platform are also accessible from FreshDrop.net
Visitors to the FreshDrop homepage can search
NameMedia’s inventory of more than two million
domains by clicking dedicated tabs for NameMedia's BuyDomains
and the AfternicDLS. Pete Lamson,

and general manager of NameMedia’s domain marketplace,
said "NameMedia is pleased to partner with FreshDrop.
FreshDrop’s innovative approach to domain sales further
benefits AfternicDLS members looking to sell names, as
well as benefiting FreshDrop’s customer base through
expanded quality inventory.”

Also today, Rick
Latona Auctions released the initial
list of domains that will be offered in a Themed
CPA - Lead Gen - Affiliate Marketing Online
Auction that will get underway Friday
morning (August 21) at 8am (U.S. Eastern
The event will run seven days, closing at the same
time on Friday, August 28.
auction catalog is posted at www.proxibid.com/ricklatona
and registration and bidding will take place at
the same address. Any technical questions
you may have
regarding Proxibid registration and bidding can be
answered by calling 877.505.7770 ( toll
free from inside the US) or +1.402.505.7770
from outside the US. |
Made in Heaven? Industry Exec Craig Snyder Exchanges
Vows With Oversee.net While Real Wedding Bells Ring for
IDN Investor Dave Wrixon While
I was away on vacation last week
the domain business, as it always does, marched on
with a variety of news items and events. In the next
couple of Lowdown posts I'll put that information on the
record. I always try to put people first, so I'll start
with those items, then tomorrow we'll recap some events
and company news from the past week. |
a key addition to the management team at Oversee.net®
(the parent company of DomainSponsor.com, Moniker.com
and SnapNames.com), Craig Snyder
came on board as the General Manager of
Oversee's Registrar and Aftermarket division.
Snyder is now responsible for management and growth of
SnapNames and Moniker businesses. He will work closely
with Monte Cahn whose duties remain unchanged
(Monte also has responsibilities at DomainSponsor).
comes to Oversee after three years as CEO of Internet
REIT, where he successfully rebuilt
company's senior management ranks and closed a $30
million round of equity financing. Prior to
Internet REIT, he was Executive Vice President of Marchex,
where he led its Enhance Interactive, goClick
and TrafficLeader business units.
General Manager
Registrar & Aftermarket Divisions
will report to Peter Celeste, Oversee’s Senior
Vice President for Domain Services,
who said "Craig has
right blend of experience and knowledge to assume
leadership of SnapNames and Moniker. Not only does he
industry deeply, he has extensive experience in managing
multiple lines of business. Craig is a very strong
fit for this role."
Snyder is excited about his new assignment. He said,
"SnapNames and Moniker are two of
most trusted names in
industry. The division's technology, sales, marketing and
operations teams are outstanding, and I'm looking forward
to helping
businesses grow and extend
ir client bases."

Lenka and Dave Wrixon |
While Craig Snyder
was anticipating a long and happy business
relationship with Oversee.net, veteran domain
investor Dave Wrixon was making an even
bigger commitment near Opava in the
Czech Republic. That's where he and new bride Lenka
Spacilova were married after a three-year
Dave is the CEO of Chinese
Domains Ltd., a company that controls about
3800 generic IDN domains, mostly dot coms
in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi
with registration dates going back to 2004 when
most others were over-looking the international
Wrixon is also
Co-Founder of IDNForums.com,
although he said he leaves the day to day
administration of the forum to others these days.
With the lovely Lenka at his side, I can certainly
understand that. Wrixon has also been an active
advocate of IDNs on general interest forums. If
you frequent |
the major forums you
may know him best as Rubber Duck. Our
congratulations to the happy couple and best wishes
for a wonderful lifetime together! |

Supernatural Vacation: A Remote Beach, A Victorian
Mansion & A Ghostly Encounter Diana
and I are back from a vacation trip
to St.
George Island, a pristine barrier island
that sits between the Gulf of Mexico and Apalachicola
Bay in the Florida Panhandle. As you can see
in the photos below, the first morning we hit the
secluded 9-mile long beach (that has been permanently
preserved as a state park), there wasn't another person
within sight. This remote stretch of the Florida
coastline is known as the Forgotten Coast because
it is far removed from the state's population centers
and the major highway systems.

George Island, Florida. Above and below: Diana catches
some sun while I snap photos.

have some very nice beaches where we live in the Tampa
Bay area but almost all of those have condominium
towers as a backdrop rather than the unspoiled sand
dunes you see at St. George Island. Though we have lived
in Florida since 1972, this was our first visit to the
isolated area. We had to be in the state capital, Tallahassee,
on Friday for our daughter Brittany's "white
coat" ceremony at the Florida State University
College of Medicine where she just finished her
first semester. So, we decided to turn the trip into a
summer break by visiting the island and historic Apalachicola
for a few days before moving on to Tallahassee which
sits about 80 miles inland from St. George Island.
stayed in Apalachicola (about a 15 minute drive
from the island) at the beautiful Coombs
House Inn (named one of America's 30
Best Inns by Travel & Leisure Magazine).
We found the Inn while researching the area on the
Internet and were sold by their website
which is one of the best I have ever seen.
Victorian mansion was built by local lumber baron James
N. Coombs in 1905. Coombs and his wife both
died within 30 days of a tragic fire that swept
through the town and severely damaged their home
in 1911. Over the years the house fell into severe
disrepair |

Coombs House Inn
Apalachicola, Florida |
and was finally
boarded up and abandoned. In the early 1990's,
one of the world's top interior designers, Lynn
Wilson, came across the property and
decided she had to save it. Two years and
countless dollars later she opened the doors of
the meticulously restored property that has been
winning awards ever since.
Wilson bought two
more adjacent homes (one that Coombs had also
owned) and restored those as well, giving the
Inn a total of 23 suites spread across the three
structures. We stayed in the Coombs
Suite in the main house, which was
the ill-fated owner's original master
bedroom. |

catches up on some reading in the Coombs Suite at the Coombs
House Inn. The
final night of our stay in the Coombs suite yielded an
unexpected "ghost story." For Diana and
I, this trip was also part of a 25th wedding anniversary
tour of Florida bed and breakfasts (I wrote about one of
our other stops in Mount
Dora last month). Thursday evening we picked
up a bottle of champagne and enjoyed it while sitting on
the rear porch at the Coombs Inn. While we were talking,
I picked up an article about the Coombs family and read
that James and his wife were buried in the centuries old
Chestnut Street Cemetery, located immediately
across the street from the house.
It was about an
hour before dark so we decided to walk over and
pay our respects to the couple who had built
this magnificent home and whose bedroom we had
spent the week in. The history-rich cemetery is
the final resting place for many of
Apalachicola's early residents, including
several Confederate veterans of the Civil War
battle of Gettysburg. The cemetery dates
back even further than the town's official
founding in 1831. Unfortunately it has
not been tended well with many headstones
cracked and some in danger of falling over. That
presents a bit of a spooky atmosphere when you
are there just before dark and that imagery was
still in the back of my mind when we went to bed
later that night. |

In the middle
of the night I immediately woke up when I heard the
sound of a water bottle hitting the floor next to the
bed. I knew I had left a plastic bottle of spring water
sitting on a compact refrigerator that sat on the floor
about three feet from my side of the bed. At first I
thought Diana must have gotten up and accidentally
knocked it over but I glanced across the bed and saw she
was still sound asleep. Then, with faint moonlight
through the window barely illuminating the room, I
looked back toward the refrigerator where I could make
out the outline of the bottle still in the place I had
left it sitting at room temperature when I went to bed.
I slipped out of bed and picked up the bottle. The hair
on my arms immediately stood straight up because, not
only was the bottle that I heard hit the floor still
standing where I left it, the bottle and water was now
ice cold!

no ready explanation I didn't see any point in
waking Diana and scaring her too, so I crawled
back into bed and closed my eyes (okay, maybe
just one eye while warily keeping the other open
and on the lookout for apparitions). After an
uneasy hour or so, I dozed back off and slept
until the sun peaked through the blinds the next
morning. With the room fully lit, I now saw that
there was a bottle of water laying on the floor
(so I hadn't imagined hearing that fall after
all), but there was also one sitting on the
refrigerator - the one I had picked up that was
ice cold. When
Diana woke up at least half of the riddle was
solved. She had gotten up while I was still
asleep and taken a cold bottle of water out
of |
the refrigerator
for a drink. Rather than put it back, she left
it sitting on the refrigerator. The other bottle
must have fallen off the refrigerator (though we
still don't know how) not long after she went
back to bed, leaving her still cold bottle there
for me to pick up and mistake for the one I had
left out the night before. I was relieved
to learn there was a logical explanation for
what happened. But next time we have a glass of
champagne, just to be on the safe side, I'm
going to skip the twilight trip to an old
cemetery! |
On Friday
morning we made the 90-minute drive north to Tallahassee
where the first year med school students who had just
completed their first terms were welcomed to the medical
profession in a white coat ceremony that night. This is a
ritual that I understand is now performed at 90% of U.S.
medical schools. On
Saturday we all headed back home to Tampa. Brittany has
just a one-week break before going back for the fall term,
but it beats the one day she had between graduating
from the University of Pennsylvania in May and
arriving in Tallahassee to start med school. This week is
her first real respite from studying since spring break
last March. She has been using it to go the beach, the
movies (District 9) and to get in a little
tennis. After
a refreshing break, I'm ready to dive back into the domain
business. Now that I've brought you up to speed on where I
disappeared to over the past week, I'll begin assembling
some comments and photos from industry news and events
that occurred while I was away. That information will be
posted in this column over the next couple of days. To
bring everyone up to date on recently reported domain
sales I will also be producing a double length report for
publication on our Domain
Sales page Wednesday afternoon. That will
cover every sale reported to us since our last sales
column August 5th.
Above: An FSU
College of Medicine faculty member helps Brittany
Jackson (far left) put on her white coat for the first
time while other students wait for their turn.
Below: Brittany (a
semester closer to her M.D. degree and fulfilling her
dream of becoming a pediatrician), after the white coat
ceremony Friday night.
Note: We are on vacation this week -
daily Lowdown posts resume Monday (August 17). Our last
post before leaving (immediately below this note) has a photo of
our summer break destination plus highlights from an interesting
new report on 2Q-2009 domain sales at Sedo. The
aftermarket powerhouse provided numbers showing demand for
premium generic domain names remains strong.
Says Despite Recession Demand for Premium Generic Domain
Names Remained Strong in the Second Quarter of 2009 Sedo
has issued a detailed
report breaking
down domain sales at the popular aftermarket site for
the recently completed 2nd quarter of 2009. The company
said they booked $15.6 million in sales from
9,403 transactions over that 90-day period. |
accounted for 76% of all sales at Sedo, but the
report said the average sales price for .com domains
dipped a bit, while average prices for .nets and ccTLDS
rose. The average sales price regardless of extension was $1,467. The
average price for .com sales dropped $759
falling from $2,527 to $1,768. In an unusual
anomaly, the .nets, at $1,775, wound up with a
higher average sales price than the .coms. That is up from
a $1,307 average in 1Q-2009 and .nets' share of all
sales at Sedo also rose from 7% to 11% in
the latest quarter.
popular .de continued to dominate the country code
action at Sedo (who is based in Germany), accounting for 60%
of all ccTLD sales there. Great Britain's .co.uk
was a distant second at 13%. However, the co.uk
extension saw its average sale price soar from $1,444
to $2,556, far above the average price for all
ccTLDs which was $1,503. .de on the other hand saw
its average sales price slip from $1,175 to $897.

of the 9-mile long stretch of undeveloped
at Florida's St. George Island State Park. |
This will be an
uncharacteristically short work week for me - one
day to be exact. Tomorrow Diana and
will take off for a rare vacation. Much of it will
be spent on the beach at St. George Island
in the Florida Panhandle (one of the few
places in the Sunshine State we haven't
previously visited in the 37 years we have lived
Even though
mid-August is typically a slow time of year in the
domain business I will have a lot of things to
talk about when I return next Monday. |
week's schedule includes the 2009
HostingCon convention that started
today in Washington, D.C. where it will run
through Wednesday. A lot of people from our
industry are there including Richard Meyer
who is checking the show out for us so we can
bring you some photos and highlights once I'm
back. Another conference event, DomainConvergence,
runs Thursday and Friday (August 13-14) in Toronto
where the Castello
Brothers, Michael and David
will deliver what I am sure will be an interesting
and illuminating keynote address. |
There will be a lot of stuff
going on online as well. The monthly Moniker/SnapNames
Showcase Auction runs tomorrow through
Thursday (August 11-13) with several dozen no and low
reserve domains highlighting the
On Wednesday
(August 12), BuyDomains is running another free
webinar from 2-2:30pm (U.S.
Eastern Time) devoted to "How You Can Earn Money as a BuyDomains Referral Program |

The company said they will be covering some fresh
ground in this webinar. The synopsis says "This
program was met with such a popular response that
we recently launched a whole new line of
widgets. We’ll give you a sneak peek at our
new designs and sizes. Plus, at the end of the
seminar, we’ll have a Q&A session. We hope
you’ll join us!" |
The preceding activities are
just the week's scheduled events. A week in this
business never goes by without a few surprises so I'm sure
we'll have some of those to talk about next week too. In
the meantime I'm going to do my best to try and
concentrate on sun, sand and seafood at St. George Island.
Of course I'm only human and the new surroundings could
prompt a few ideas for domain registrations, but Diana has
already warned me that had better be it as far as business
Owned By One of World's Richest Men Found Guilty
of Reverse Domain Hijacking
was not a good week for Hong Kong based
billionaire Li Ka Shing
who Forbes Magazine
listed as the world's 11th richest man
last year. A World Intellectual
Property |
(WIPO) domain name dispute
adjudication panel ruled
that two of Shing's companies (Cheung
Kong (Holdings) Limited and Cheung
Kong Property Development Limited)
were guilty of reverse domain name
hijacking when they tried to wrest an IDN
domain name, 長江.com (YangtzeRiver.com)
away from its rightful owner, Canada's
Netego DotCom.
The Muscovitch
Law Firm, experts in
Intellectual Property and Internet Law
represented Netego in the dispute. Firm
Principal Zak Muscovitch said,
"This judgment is a great victory
for our client, Netego, and sends
a |

message to any large company that
thinks that they can abuse the legal
system to wrestle a domain name away
from the rightful owner. The fact is
that the Yangtze River was around long
before Li Ka Shing’s corporate name.
Accordingly, anyone in the world,
including my client, has a right to
register this domain name." |

boat on the Yangtze River |
Ka Shing’s companies had alleged that
Netego registered the domain name eight
years ago in order to capitalize off of
the complainant’s trademark rights in
"Cheung Kong" (meaning Yangtze
River). Netego however defended the
legal proceeding on the basis that it
had an inherent legitimate interest to
register the name of one of the most
famous rivers in the world, the Yangtze
River, as a domain name, and was using
it in connection with a web site about Yangtze
river cruises. |
Muscovitch said
this was not the first time Li Ka Shing’s
companies had tried to grab this domain name.
Only months before, they had tried and lost a nearly
identical arbitration against Netego. The
Panel of three intellectual property
adjudicators stated in their decision that
"what is particularly troubling here is
that Complainants never even notified the Panel
that this was a re-filed Complaint. The
fact that the submitted Complaint nowhere refers
to the previous proceeding suggests to the Panel
that Complainants may have deliberately
attempted to hide that fact from the
Panel." Accordingly, the WIPO Panel found
that Li Ka Shing’s companies’ actions
constituted an "abuse of process"
and therefore entered a finding of "Reverse
Domain Name Hijacking".
Yields to Protests and Stops Redirecting
Searches on "Domainers" and
"Domaining" to a Cybersquatting Page
are happy to be able to report
that online encyclopedia Wikipedia
had yielded to protests from the domain
community and stopped redirecting people to a
page on cybersquatting
they enter "domaining",
"domainer" or
"domainers" in the site's
Search box. Now those searches lead to a
revamped page on the legitimate business
of domaining that is largely the world
of veteran domain investor Max Menius
of North Carolina. We reported on
this issue in our current monthly
newsletter in whch we also
printed the original document that
Menius submitted to Wikpedia. What
appears on their site in a heavily
edited version of what he wrote, but it
is still an enormous step in the right
direction and one that gives their
visitors a fair capsule summary of what
domaining is. We
wrote more about this incident with
Wikipedia in a Lowdown post on Tuesday
when we also had to take Los
Angeles Times |

David Sarno to task for unfairly
disparaging this industry. No correction
or apology has come from him or the Times
which tells you all you need to know
about how much regard they have for
accurate and unbiased reporting. Everyone
who took the time to file responses and
complaints with Wikipedia and in the
commentary section of the L.A. Times article
is to be commended. This industry
has its bad actors just as all
industries do but it is important that
media outlets be reminded that it is grossly
unfair to demonize any industry or
group for the actions of a few. |

.US fans got some more good
news this week when TechCrunch
reported that the social
recruitment service at Koda.us
has gotten another $1 million
from private investors to
complete a $3 million
round of angel |
For newer non .com
domains like .US (which wasn't
opened to public registration
until 2002), increased usage
by viable businesses and high
profile organizations or
individuals is the key to future
growth and higher aftermarket
sales. |
Plans To Break Ties With the U.S. Hit a
Roadblock as Key U.S. Congressmen Try to Bar the
Exit Door - Planned New gTLDs Could Be Delayed
a major and unexpected development
several key members of the U.S.
Congress today called for the
relationship between ICANN and the U.S.
to be made permanent and strengthened This comes
less than two months before ICANN's current Joint
Project Agreement with the U.S. expires on Sept.
30. Internet Commerce Association
Legal Counsel Phil Corwin put this
breaking news into a perspective in a letter
that will be posted to the ICA
website shortly. In the meantime
here is a copy of that letter: |

a stunning rebuke of ICANN’s assertion that it
had achieved sufficient accountability and
professional stature to justify termination of
its unique relationship with the U.S.
government, the Chairman of the House
Committee on Energy and Commerce as well as
the Chairman of its Internet Subcommittee,
along with eight other Committee members,
dispatched a joint letter on August 4th to Commerce
Secretary Gary Locke urging that the
relationship between ICANN and the U.S. be made
permanent and strengthened. (Editor's
Note: Here is a link
to a .pdf copy of the letter sent by
the Congressmen).
the letter is signed only by Democratic members
of the Committee, it follows on the heels of a
June 4th ICANN oversight hearing (see http://www.internetcommerce.org/node/190
) at which ICANN encountered strong
bipartisan criticism. The letter apparently
stems from a feeling that it is time to move
beyond repeated renewals of temporary MOUs and
JPAs – and that the best way to achieve
this is to enter into a strengthened
arrangement under a “permanent instrument”.
letter calls for the U.S to take steps to:
Ensure that the
Department of Commerce continues in its
present relationship with ICANN.
for periodic review of ICANN’s performance
in a number of key areas – including management
of existing gTLDs and the implementation of
any new ones.
Outline steps
to improve ICANN accountability.
Create a
mechanism for implementing new gTLDs and
IDNs that assures appropriate
consultation with stakeholders (which we
note, by implication, seems to assert that
such consultation on new gTLDs does not
yet exist).
Ensure that
ICANN assure timely public access to accurate
and complete WHOIS information critical
to tracking malicious websites and domain
commitments that ICANN will remain a U.S.-based
not-for-profit corporation.

Legal Counsel Phil Corwin |
Congress cannot bind the Obama Administration,
it would be typical for members of the
President’s party to engage in discussions
prior to sending such a letter to assure that it
is generally well-received. The current Joint
Project Agreement between the
and ICANN expires on September 30th, so
the Administration must show its policy hand
within the next few weeks. Should the Obama
Administration decide to request an extension of
the JPA, much less a strengthened permanent
relationship, there is a possibility that
ICANN could refuse to enter into such an
arrangement and that a confrontation could be
ignited. However, as the letter notes in
passing, the U.S trump card is the
separate contract for the IANA functions
of running the root zone servers.
Obama Administration call for a permanent
relationship will undoubtedly set off strong
protests from other nations and
organizations that have called for termination
of ICANN’s special relationship with the
In addition to these international
repercussions, the mechanisms called for by
these Congressional Members could well delay
the introduction of new gTLDs.
the full implications of this unexpected
communication cannot yet be envisioned,
expectations that the
would request a short extension of the JPA in
contemplation of full ICANN independence in the
next year or two may well need revision. All
we can advise is to stay tuned as September 30
Season on Domainers and Domaining - Overtly
Biased L.A. Times Article Leads Latest Assault
on Objectivity and Accuracy
there a full moon this week or
In the wake of Wikipedia's
indefensible bonehead
decision to redirect
searches for "domaining" to a
page on cybersquatting comes a |
slanted article at the Los
Angeles Times website today. In
a piece by David Sarno about the arrest of the New
Jersey man who stole P2P.com,
the "reporter" begins
his article by writing these words:
"In a strange series of events
befitting the shady world of domain
name speculation..." What!?
I hate to
sound like an old fogy but not many
years ago any so-called journalist that
wrote |

like that in a "news"
article would have been
given the bum's rush to the nearest
exit. Whatever happened to objectivity
and accuracy in
reporting? These seem to lost arts
in mainstream media today. |
The Times
writer obviously knows NOTHING about the
domain business yet he writes something like
that, smearing an entire industry and
everyone in it? I’ve watched this ongoing
deterioration in journalistic standards at major
papers for years now but never would have
dreamed it would reach the dismal state
it has today. The professionals have
apparently all left the building. Joe
Isuzu had more credibility than a
lot of the inexperienced and under skilled
writers that are all that's left in many
newspaper offices (the modern day equivalent of
ghost towns) - offices that once housed media
giants and real reporters who actually
did silly things like fact-checking and
delivering unbiased accounts of the news.
And newspapers wonder why new media is cleaning
their clocks? This isn't the only reason but
it is certainly one of them.
Today you will get
more accurate and reliable news about
specialized topics (like domains) from experts
who write blogs about the business than you will
ever get from the typical reporter in mainstream
media. Michael Berkens wrote about the L.A.
Times article on his blog
today and one of his commentators, Johnny,
summed up the current state of traditional
journalism very well. He wrote, "I always
knew news stories were incomplete and biased
quite often, but having been a domainer for 15
years and reading all these stories has jaded me
into thinking almost nothing reported
is as it seems. Only experts, most often,
can write a good report on the subject matter in
which they are experts. The rest are amateurs
writing poor articles on subjects they know
nothing about." That's a bingo
Johnny, take the stuffed animal of your choice.

what is Wikipedia's excuse? Well for
one, they are not even pretend
journalists so objectivity and fairness
are apparently not part of their
lexicon. The way they are grossly
mishandling subject matter related to
domaining is just the latest of many
examples of serious missteps that are
destroying the credibility of the once
high flying user edited online
encyclopedia. In fact New
Scientist Magazine just wrote an
article about their travails called After
the boom, is Wikipedia heading for bust?
domainer Max Menius from North
Carolina has been spending endless
trying to
get Wikipedia to stop allowing heavily
biased admins to paint all domainers
as cybersquatters. In a post at the NamePros
forum Max summed up the
unwarranted damage Wikipedia is doing to
the reputation of the many good people
and companies in this industry. |
In a letter to
administrators at Wikipedia Menius wrote, "Due
to the despicable decision to redirect
domaining and domainers to the Wiki page on
it is now indexed very highly in all the major
search engines. This is extremely unfortunate
and will be very difficult to reverse. This
alone should illustrate the unnecessary damage
which can occur when someone is allowed to commandeer
an entire industry and trash its
community on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is often
considered an authoritative resource so in this
instance Wikipedia was being exploited and
used to defame thousands of people in
the domain community by labeling them as
Never again should something like this be
allowed. And in the future, there should be a much
more expedient process in place for undoing
improper redirects. Someone one can call in
urgent situations. This wasn't an innocuous or
laughable situation. Very, very serious.
Thank you Wiki admins for your time."
Today the
redirect and the grossly inaccurate
impression it gives Wikipedia readers remains
in place. Those who read our new monthly
newsletter about his issue
wanted to know how to reach someone at
Wikipedia to complain. Wikipedia
apparently has no email service
for users to contact them, however
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is
on Twitter (http://twitter.com/jimmy_wales)
where you may be able to send him
a direct message (he does not have
messaging turned on but the following
procedure should work).
Go to his
Twitter page and highlight any one of
his posts. You will see a gray arrow
appear in the lower right corner. Click
on that arrow and it will open a reply
screen on your home page filled in
with @jimmy_wales. Change the @
sign to a d (for direct message)
and hit the space bar once to separate
the d from jimmy_wales. You can then
write your message (140 character limit)
and hit the Send button (if the
button says Update instead of
Send you did not put a space after the d).
Let's hope Jimmy will stop letting a few
bad inmates run (and ruin) the asylum. |

Founder Jimmy Wales |
Thief Lands in Jail After Picking the Wrong
People to Steal From
you have spent any time in this business
you know that domain
hijacking is a serious, ongoing
problem, one exacerbated by the fact
that the criminals who perpetrate the
thefts have little fear of
prosecution. In the past victims
have found that most law enforcement
agencies |
have little
interest in helping recover assets they
don't understand, much less trying to
run down crooks who execute these crimes
with a keyboard rather than a gun. Many
agencies consider domain theft a civil
issue rather than a criminal offense (Gary
Kremen eventually recovered Sex.com
from career criminal Stephen Michael
Cohen through a civil suit rather
than a criminal prosecution).
little chance that he would ever have to
answer for his crime, a thief stole P2P.com
from co-owners Marc Ostrofsky, Albert
Angel and his wife Lesli Angel
in 2006 and sold it on Ebay four
months later for $111,000 (the
victims had purchased the domain for $160,000
in 2005). However,
the thief overlooked one thing. Marc
Ostrosky is an industry pioneer (who
sold |

in a deal valued at $7.5 million)
and Albert Angel is a noted
attorney and former Justice
Department prosecutor who wasn't
going to rest until justice was
served. |
Thursday it was when 24-year-old Daniel
Goncalves was arrested at his Union
City, New Jersey home and charged
with the theft. The Angels' persistence
got the New Jersey Cyber Crimes
unit involved in the case and they are
now credited with a landmark bust,
believed to be the first ever
criminal prosecution for domain theft in
the U.S. |
Angels and Ostrosfky sent us details of
the fascinating case which we have been
going through today. Adam Strong
at DomainNameNews.com also
received the information and he posted
an excellent
article this morning that runs
down how this particular theft occurred
and what it took to put Goncalves behind
bars - at least temporarily. He is
currently out on bail but he will have
to answer the felony charges against him
in court.

the meantime the victims have
filed a pending federal civil
lawsuit that aims to recover
the domain from NBA
player Mark Madsen who,
not knowing it was stolen,
purchased it on Ebay. The Angels
and Ostrofsky are also trying to
recover damages from the hacker
and co-conspirators by applying
common law theft, conversion,
breach of contract claims, RICO
claims, and to apply federal
Computer Fraud and Abuse and
Anti-Cyber Piracy statutes.
Registrar Godaddy.com is
also named in the suit for
negligence and contributory
trademark infringement under the
Anti-Cyber Piracy statute.
are hopeful that this arrest
will be just |
first of many that will bring
some security and peace of mind
to domain owners who have been
victimized without
repercussions in the past. The
entire community owes a debt of
gratitude to the Angels and
Ostrofsky for putting domain
theft in a spotlight that could
keep similar crimes from being
swept under the rug in the
Rick Fuentes,
Superintendent of the New
Jersey State Police, said
“The domain name industry is
in some respects still like the wild
west. Many of the
rules are not yet codified into
state laws, let alone federal or
international laws. There is no
deed for ownership of a domain
name. In most cases they
are protected solely by a login
and password for the site
through which they are
registered. Nevertheless, theft
is theft, and that law that
can be applied whenever
possession of an own-able thing
is improperly transferred for
gain.” |
you've been out of the loop lately, catch up in the Lowdown
We need your help to keep giving domainers The
Lowdown, so please email [email protected]
with any interesting information you might have. If possible,
include the source of your information so we can check it out (for
example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site
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