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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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BIG Week for Domain Sales: Castello Brothers 6-Figure Sale + Three More at That Level Led the Charge

Action in the domain aftermarket has been a bit slower than expected in the opening quarter of 2011, but a lot of catching up was done over the past seven days. In fact, four of the year's 10 biggest sales were logged since last week's report as the market served up its best performance of the year to date. A quartet of six-figure sales set the pace, with the Castello Brothers claiming the chart topper after selling Driven.com for $225,000. 

Sedo claimed two of the four headliners with broker Dave Evanson orchestrating the $190,000 sale of #2 Shield.com and #4 Mariage.com adding $129,729 to the till. Sandwiched in between those two was domain pioneer Gary Chernoff's $150,000 sale of #3 BlueJeans.com for $150,000.  

An even bigger sale could be eligible for next week's chart. As we were wrapping up this report MediaOptions announced they had brokered a $440,000 sale of AutoInsurance.org. That has been a developed website but there are some indications that the buyer, 360 Quote LLC, may be planning to rebuild the site from scratch (if the price paid was based on the name only it would be eligible for the chart. If other assets were included it would not be, but in either case it is obviously a very noteworthy transaction and a big feather in .org's cap).  

By Ron Jackson

Returning to the past week's action, Sedo had another solid outing claiming nine entries on the new all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. Their roster featured six of the first nine sales, including #5 Juegostronic.com ($95,000), #6 Stradivarius.com ($84,600) and #7 Violet.com ($65,000). Sedo also had the week's biggest ccTLD sale - #9 SportsBetting.in (Indian country code) at $42,300.

SportsBetting.in wound up being the only non .com domain on the elite list this week as the .coms turned in their most overpowering performance of the year. Moniker/SnapNames played a big role in the .com rout with a hand in four charted domains, led by #8 Bingou.com at $45,000 and #10 VisitHouston.com at $25,175. They also teamed up with MediaOptions to sell #14 (tie) StartABusiness.com for $20,000

Michael Berkens's MostWantedDomains.com also rang up multiple chart entries, hitting the Daily Double with two domains that tied for #11 at $25,000 apiece - ElectronicSignature.com and ElectronicSignatures.com. The Castello Brothers (CCIN.com) had a second charted sale as well, using Frank Schilling's ProForma Inc. brokerage service to sell #14 (tie) HuntingtonBeachRealEstate.com for $20,000. Two other venues, GoDaddy Auctions and the AfternicDLS also earned chart honors.

Here's how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, March 27:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. March 21, 2011 - Sun. March 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 30, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Driven.com $225,000 Castello Brothers 
2. Shield.com $190,000 Sedo
3. BlueJeans.com $150,000 Pvt Sale
4. Mariage.com €92,000 = $129,720 Sedo
5. Juegostonic.com $95,000 Sedo
6. Stradivarius.com €60,000 = $84,600 Sedo
7. Violet.com $65,000 Sedo
8. Bingou.com $45,000 Moniker/SnapNames
9. SportsBetting.in €30,000 = $42,300 Sedo
10. VisitHouston.com $25,175 Moniker/SnapNames


ElectronicSignature.com $25,000 MostWantedDomains
ElectronicSignatures.com $25,000 MostWantedDomains
13. ZipLook.com $23,555 GoDaddy Auctions
EndOfTheWorld.com $20,000 Sedo
HuntingtonBeachRealEstate.com $20,000 ProForma
LiveDots.com $20,000 Sedo
LiveSource.com $20,000 AfternicDLS
NewCoupons.com $20,000 Sedo
StartABusiness.com $20,000 MediaOptions/Moniker
20. UnderPar.com $17,650 Moniker/SnapNames


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Further evidence of what a break out week this was is that fact that there were 22 more five-figure sales just off the chart (more than enough to fill a second chart!), led by Sedo's $17,625 sale of AutoBlog.co.uk at $17,625. They had 13 more at this level including CreditCard.co ($17,000), GetMe.com ($16,000) and PlaticSurgery.info ($14,805)

3.ly added $14,241 to the Sedo ledger while Net4.com notched $13,959 and SingerSongwriter.com sold for $13,395. CloudAppStore.com downloaded $12,690, OXI.com commanded $11,393 and LogisticsGroup.com landed $11,280. Sedo also scored with EPS.net ($10,575), eBangladesh.com ($10,500), IVKO.com ($10,001) and Kitchen-Doors.co.uk ($10,000)

Elsewhere NameJet.com earned $17,100 for Effort.com and $10,302 for Vertis.com, MediaOptions.com chalked up $15,000 for Cheap.org, GoDaddy Auctions also banked $15,000 for YoungMoneyEntertainment.com and the AfternicDLS posted four sizeable sales; WMart.com ($12,000), IRSPay.com ($10,200), SiamPark.com ($10,000) and VDF.nnet ($10,000)

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the supporting cast of  four-figure .coms with RedFlag.com at $9,790 and Destroyer.com at $9,540. GrowingLights.com generated another $8,000 while 247PC.com and NTER.com added $7,500 apiece. Another pair; FireproofFileCabinet.com and MyLaunchpad.com posted $6,800 each

ShavingCreams.com dispensed $6,750, NPCP.com kicked in $6,500 and two others; Avadon.com and DocumentCameras.com clicked for $6,000 apiece. PhotoCakes.com and iDisciple.com followed at $5,500 each while EasyPools.com produced $5,188.

The AfternicDLS reported 92 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. Those are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
giftandgarden.com $5,000   gaoshan.com $2,500
vipcall.com $5,000 indental.com $2,500
sblp.com $4,926 merchantnation.com $2,500
HistoricImages.com $4,800 nded.com $2,500
luxman.com $4,508 orderservices.com $2,500
TempleArt.com $4,500 qualityfiber.com $2,500
1946.com $4,400 readingpassages.com $2,500
tradepoint.com $4,000 resourceonemortgage.com $2,500
meninblue.com $3,750 theguarantee.com $2,500
iaservices.com $3,740 VPS4You.com $2,500
suitedeal.com $3,688 tubeguru.com $2,488
creativeaction.com $3,588 yeslearning.com $2,488
kitchenpoint.com $3,588 ChinaPuzzle.com $2,400
smartercommerce.com $3,588 iFishOil.com $2,400
BODYFATCALIPERS.com $3,500 housecentral.com $2,388
photoscans.com $3,500 proactiveparenting.com $2,329
ultramortgage.com $3,500 axgt.com $2,327
allford.com $3,400 automotivesafety.com $2,316
rafichariri.com $3,390 eurotans.com $2,250
sprinty.com $3,321 tasim.com $2,250
email101.com $3,250 hbcllc.com $2,200
holatravel.com $3,188 speedmarine.com $2,200
silvertrading.com $3,188 windplay.com $2,200
travelizer.com $3,188 evershore.com $2,188
aaastorage.com $3,150 urbancomm.com $2,188
CheckpointDesign.com $3,095 findhire.com $2,125
vigilent.com $3,088 peritem.com $2,100
anorthosis.com $3,000 worksltd.com $2,077
attorneyoncall.com $3,000 trade-school.com $2,016
foodrewards.com $3,000 atlasmotors.com $2,000
shoeinsoles.com $3,000 baoonline.com $2,000
SilverPoints.com $3,000 consumerchampion.com $2,000
ebusinessplan.com $2,995 dbvision.com $2,000
fireplacereviews.com $2,950 domaingalaxy.com $2,000
usadopt.com $2,900 dtime.com $2,000
hugefan.com $2,850 erinc.com $2,000
silverplates.com $2,810 insuranceguard.com $2,000
CasinoAffiliatesProgram.com $2,800 losingmymind.com $2,000
milpro.com $2,750 magnusmedia.com $2,000
theauctioneer.com $2,730 mancenter.com $2,000
eliteplus.com $2,630 momstalk.com $2,000
eatingmadeeasy.com $2,588 mrconcierge.com $2,000
rekcah.com $2,588 thevirtuoso.com $2,000
chrisc.com $2,500 timegame.com $2,000
demolicious.com $2,500 vendorselect.com $2,000
elegantfoods.com $2,500 youryacht.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS's domain listing service partner, GoDaddy Auctions, piled up more sales including a trio of four letter .coms; CCUS.com ($7,500), TBRS.com ($5,558) and BADZ.com ($5,400). The AfternicDLS/GoDaddy Auctions tandem produced 18 more four-figure .com sales between $2,000 and $4,670 that are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS/GoDaddy Auctions .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,670
absee.com $4,670   twenty5.com $2,500
webuyjunk.com $3,500 catsillustrated.com $2,488
managewell.com $3,288 heritagecity.com $2,388
njbgroup.com $3,188 dailycart.com $2,188
startyoursearch.com $3,188 aircafe.com $2,088
thestethoscope.com $3,188 cenek.com $2,088
cycleaction.com $3,060 comclass.com $2,088
crazysound.com $2,588 naturalday.com $2,088
lovevino.com $2,588 commercialhub.com $2,000

Another AfternicDLS domain listing service partner, Sedo, sold WomensSki.com for $2,500

At Moniker/SnapNames SquareItUp.com cornered $9,200, GoodBed.com fluffed up $8,200 and SEOReseller.com returned $6,088. Remixable.com made $6,000, CompareMerchant.com chalked up $5,149 and MeditationX.com contemplated $5,000

Back at Sedo DocBook.com banked $9,000, CrazyPark.com cracked $8,249 and two others; Bundled.com and RollerShutter.com raised $8,000 each. DatingPartner.com connected for $7,700, CellC.com secured $7,500 and BondShop.com banked $6,750. FloorSigns.com fetched $6,500, Manja.com managed $6,400, ITNinja.com chopped $5,411 and Asili.com corralled $5,400

Sedo had 55 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
bet10.com $5,000   world-citizen.com $3,000
lunchdeal.com $5,000 logisco.com $2,900
loop21.com $4,935 offshoreaffiliate.com $2,820
photome.com $4,500 rottendorf.com $2,820
fabula.com $4,230 surfcampbali.com $2,820
planeo.com $4,230 winepad.com $2,800
2sin.com $4,000 adslide.com $2,600
getpayback.com $4,000 worldinternetmarketing.com $2,512
lunchdeals.com $4,000 northstarlottery.com $2,500
motie.com $4,000 noti7.com $2,500
myairports.com $4,000 skypulse.com $2,499
phpcloud.com $4,000 kcenter.com $2,480
openpartners.com $3,900 allergyalert.com $2,295
firstfuel.com $3,525 joueurs.com $2,256
travel-box.com $3,525 immoway.com $2,250
castbook.com $3,500 bedclic.com $2,115
estanbul.com $3,500 mucoviscidose.com $2,115
funnyradio.com $3,500 manzai.com $2,050
modiv.com $3,500 101sports.com $2,000
pizazz.com $3,500 chiep.com $2,000
ralas.com $3,370 corvetteperformance.com $2,000
golf-sport.com $3,102 deepchallenge.com $2,000
fotoaufleinwand.com $3,032 gobiker.com $2,000
hobbyfriend.com $3,000 gosongs.com $2,000
real123.com $3,000 nahora.com $2,000
semw.com $3,000 repucheck.com $2,000
substrata.com $3,000 seatshop.com $2,000
  solarcalculator.com $2,000

At GoDaddy Auctions the winners included TrendAid.com ($8,800), TechDevFund.com ($6,221) and Incompetent.com ($4,255). HDMovie.com screened $3,000, AffiliateSniper.com snipped $2,790 and MusicaClasica.com contributed $2,763

ERPJobs.com attracted $2,655, BikeCab.com braked at $2,500 and DigitalKiss.com coaxed $2,499. LoveYourBody.com yielded $2,350, SanAntonioComputerRepair.com revived $2,099 and W3M.com went for $2,006

At NameJet Teli.com dialed up $8,789, Axminster.com mined $8,000 and JewishStar.com lit up $6,877. Nystax.com nabbed $6,600, SaveOurStrays.com rounded up $6,424 and 1223.com counted out $6,400. SmartAppliances.com plugged in $6,251, GreenhouseSupplies.com sprouted $6,025 and FreeJobs.com delivered $5,900. Tagheur.com tacked on $5,644 and AOMA.com commanded $5,544

NameJet had 43 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,700 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,700
cyberteddy-online.com $4,700   rosebuds.com $2,500
flyingdragon.com $4,100 torgersen.com $2,500
nutritiondirect.com $4,000 lillie.com $2,499
xuanke.com $3,902 4um.com $2,450
smallbusinesstrends.com $3,700 kipa.com $2,450
citygo.com $3,500 tipme.com $2,450
waidan.com $3,399 northcounty.com $2,433
solvency.com $3,303 fishingkayak.com $2,411
depraved.com $3,300 energyoptions.com $2,322
careersfromhome.com $3,230 maiguang.com $2,311
thebackup.com $3,200 spywaresoftware.com $2,300
carn.com $3,130 saogugu.com $2,247
aeromobile.com $3,100 hipower.com $2,200
0058.com $3,006 fishinreport.com $2,199
rustica.com $3,002 zunke.com $2,118
ziloow.com $3,000 boxingdigest.com $2,100
helpwithbills.com $2,801 pinstore.com $2,100
makeadonation.com $2,750 weiren.com $2,100
tech24.com $2,600 lcdtelevisions.com $2,050
filtro.com $2,500 thecampus.com $2,046
remaxnj.com $2,500 ilsr.com $2,010
  nablus.com $2,005

YummyNames teamed up with the AfternicDLS to sell CareCard.com ($6,000), Hubli.com ($4,350) and Athenaeum.com ($2,000). They also sold Yeji.com ($3,582) and Timey.com ($2,142) on their own.

Elsewhere, EasyHR.com changed hands for $5,800 in a private transaction and MediaOptions sold iSudoku.com for $2,500.

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

Sedo swept 20 of the 22 entries on our Country Code Top 20 Chart this week (the extra positions resulted from a four-way tie for the final spot). SportsBetting.in at $42,300, the second biggest country code sale reported so far this year (trailing only TuttoAuto.it, a name that Sedo sold for $45,360 in January) led the Sedo charge. 

That was one of five five-figure ccTLD sales in the past week. We showed you all of those in the all extension section above, so the highest country code sale you haven't seen yet is #6 Ligue.fr (French ccTLD) at $7,755. Stories.co was right behind at $7,500

The two charted sales Sedo did not account for were a pair of .TV domains that changed hands in a private transaction. Jiaqiang Chen sold #16 (tie) Test.tv and Tests.tv for $4,500 each in a deal first reported by AllThings.tv

Germany's .de and France's .fr tied for the most chart entries with four each. Great Britain's .co.uk was next with three (all of which reached the top ten) while .CO and .TV had two each.

Here is how the Country Code Top 20 stacked up for the week ending March 27:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. March 21, 2011 - Sun. March 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 30, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. SportsBetting.in €30,000 = $42,300 Sedo
2. AutoBlog.co.uk €12,300 = $17,625 Sedo
3. CreditCard.co $17,000 Sedo
4. 3.ly €10,100 = $14,241 Sedo
5. Kitchen-Doors.co.uk $10,000 Sedo
6. Ligue.fr €5,500 = $7,755 Sedo
7. Stories.co $7,500 Sedo
8. Pflege24.de €5,001 = $7,051 Sedo
9. WarehouseFinder.sk €5,000 = $7,050 Sedo
10. WinMarket.co.uk €4,500 = $6,345 Sedo

ILike.it €4,000 = $5,640 Sedo
PhotoBox.ch €4,000 = $5,640 Sedo
Urlaubssuche.de €4,000 = $5,640 Sedo
14. Aktivreisen.de €3,570 = $5,034 Sedo
15. Halal.fr €3,350 = $4,724 Sedo
Test.tv $4,500 Pvt Sale
Tests.tv $4,500 Pvt Sale
18. Solaires.fr €3,020 = $4,258 Sedo
Auto-Werkstatt.de €3,000 = $4,230 Sedo
Garantie.fr €3,000 = $4,230 Sedo
Psychologies.be €3,000 = $4,230 Sedo
Taiwan.se €3,000 = $4,230 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure country codes sales off the chart with Sedo again accounting for the vast majority of those. Their line  up included HolidayPhone.de ($3,948) and a trio of names at $3,525 each that included BWorld.de, Fuda.nl and TravelMarket.co.nz

Sedo had 39 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,468 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,468
sga.it $3,384   divorcios.co $1,410
cheep.eu $3,356 escuelasdenegocios.es $1,410
prestamos.co $3,243 formbox.de $1,410
gogirl.de $3,102 fussballverband.de $1,410
keter.fr $2,820 hier-bei-uns.de $1,410
koop.be $2,820 homextra.at $1,410
luxstyle.ch $2,820 kananga.es $1,410
maintain.de $2,820 kofferpackliste.de $1,410
abschalten.de $2,538 kuenstler-im-web.de $1,410
tappeto.it $2,538 migros.at $1,410
funnygames.lt $2,495 nachmieter.eu $1,410
hb.be $2,468 assistentin.ch $1,389
smarterpartner.co.uk $2,392 dentistjobs.co.uk $1,360
teneriffa.eu $2,186 hedge-trimmers.co.uk $1,272
domainshop.eu $2,115 centremploi.fr $1,269
myproduct.de $2,115 einfach-anders.de $1,269
trike.at $2,115 floornature.tv $1,269
mbastudium.de $2,098 freiraum-immobilien.de $1,269
markem-imaje.es $2,080 internet-satellite.fr $1,269
familytree.me $2,000 leinwandbild.de $1,269
level.me $2,000 partytickets.nl $1,269
trade-paint.co.uk $2,000 memorymakers.co.uk $1,262
babygiftboxes.co.uk $1,900 autotechnica.nl $1,259
d.ly $1,800 spsgroup.co.uk $1,224
carnevale.eu $1,763 hotelessevilla.es $1,199
volksabstimmung.de $1,763 hotelesvalencia.es $1,199
axe.co $1,750 reisen-24.de $1,199
airpod.co.uk $1,700 unternehmen-mit-zukunft.de $1,186
modenet.be $1,692 eagletrack.co.uk $1,152
makeuptips.nl $1,678 lawinenpiepser.de $1,128
myindia.in $1,600 mein-photo.de $1,058
tpc.fr $1,586 laserpod.de $1,007
is.cc $1,500 hub.me $1,000
bestereisezeit.de $1,410 onlineshopping.no $1,000

Elsewhere, DomainLore.co.uk sold TaxInsurance.org.uk for $3,213 and American.co.uk for $2,928, GoDaddy Auctions got $2,800 for OOA.co and Moniker/SnapNames moved Familia.tv for $1,180 and Heather.tv for $1,150.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

The non .Com gTLDs had four five-figure sales at the top of this week's Non .Com gTLDs Top 20 Chart. We showed you all of those in the all extension section earlier, so the highest sale you haven't yet seen in this category is #5 SearchEngine.org, a domain that went for $8,700 at NameJet.

That sale helped the .orgs pile up 11 chart entries (including #1 with Cheap.org), the most of any extension. The .nets were a distant second with six, including #6 (tie) Maha.net at $8,000. The .infos took two places; #2 PlasticSurgery.info ($14,805) and #19 You.info ($3,364) and .biz claimed one - #14 Musik.biz at $4,230.

In the race among venues, Sedo and the AfternicDLS each has a hand in seven charted sales. Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending March 27:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. March 21, 2011 - Sun. March 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 30, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Cheap.org $15,000 MediaOptions
2. PlasticSurgery.info €10,500 = $14,805 Sedo
3. EPS.net €7,500 = $10,575 Sedo
4. VDF.net $10,000 AfternicDLS
5. SearchEngine.org $8,700 NameJet
Maha.net $8,000 Sedo
Sommeil.org $8,000 Sedo
8. HopeForHaitiNow.org $7,100 NameJet
9. 2015.org $5,000 AfternicDLS
10. Egg.net £2,950 = $4,720 Sedo

ENT.org $4,500 NameJet
Headway.org $4,500 YummyNames/
Noel.org $4,500 AfternicDLS
14. Musik.biz €3,000 = $4,230 Sedo
Ascendant.org $3,688 AfternicDLS
SoftSkills.net $3,688 AfternicDLS/
GoDaddy Auctions
17. ICASSP2006.org $3,540 GoDaddy Auctions
18. Babykleding.net €2,500 = $3,535 Sedo
19. You.info $3,364 NameJet
20. Haggerty.org $3,288 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure non .com gTLD sales just off the chart. The AfternicDLS had the highest of those with HPRC.org at $3,188. TecPoint.net added $2,691 and Hornaday.com drew $2,521.

The AfternicDLS had 32 more non .com gTLDs sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,500
sharedservices.org $2,500   customdecals.net $1,488
knowledgenow.org $2,188 markford.net $1,488
targetunion.org $2,100 chinaconnect.org $1,400
voisin.net $2,000 allparts.net $1,388
keanureeves.net $1,945 changeup.net $1,288
b2g.net $1,750 premiersports.net $1,188
dipper.net $1,700 employmentagency.org $1,180
manyblessings.net $1,700 countyjail.net $1,160
shaun.net $1,688 comclass.net $1,088
spsystems.net $1,621 fashionfantasy.net $1,088
flamex.net $1,600 humanis.net $1,088
joinforces.org $1,588 advertisingjobs.net $1,000
tview.net $1,520 janvier.net $1,000
businesslawyers.org $1,500 poorboys.net $1,000
gowest.org $1,500 rhodiolarosea.org $1,000
octobre.net $1,500 socialista.net $1,000

AfternicDLS domain listing service partner GoDaddy Auctions also sold YellowLine.net ($2,788), Rhinos.org ($2,588), GreenLab.net ($2,488) and BusinessValuations.net ($2,088). Another DLS partner, Sedo, sold Calculs.net ($1,953), Hovland.net ($1,182) and Beitragsbemessungsgrenze.net ($1,046)

From their own listings, Sedo's hit list included BAS.org ($3,000), Silvester.org ($2,836) and Guenstigekfzversicherung.org ($2,820). Klick.info claimed $2,221, Glaserei.org and KD.biz booked $1,692 each and HotPics.net nailed $1,440.

Also at Sedo, LUO.net located $1,350, NearBuy.net bagged $1,200 and DNATest.info revealed $1,100. YDUS.net deposited $1,099 and GeigerCounters.org detected $1,058.

Back at NameJet the sales list included Stroller.org ($2,900), MillenniumAssessment.org ($2,800) and OnDeck.net ($2,750). TVTurnoff.org took in $2,318, ComCare.org delivered $2,211 and GGSW.net added $2,100. Filling out the NameJet roster were FitnessClub.org ($2,001), Ruraleship.org ($1,828), DRR.net ($1,100) and FijiIslands.net ($1,000)

Elsewhere, Moniker/SnapNames sold Distilled.net ($2,625) and RCCarsForSale.net ($1,075) while GoDaddy Auctions completed deals for PrinterToner.net ($1,560) and UStream.org ($1,505)

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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