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September 15, 2013

Domain Sales

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No Blockbusters But the Middle of the Market Boomed Over the Past Seven Days

No six-figure sales were reported over the past week but that dearth of deals at the high end of the market was offset by a flood of solid five-figure sales in the mid range. In fact we had almost enough of those to fill two Top 20 charts. In addition to the 20 domains that did make our weekly leader board, we logged 18 more five-figure sales. 

GolfLessons.com leads the pack after changing hands for $65,000 in Moniker's live auction at the 2010 DOMAINfest Global conference. That was one of six sales from that event that closed over the past week. Latonas.com locked up the #2 spot with GoFish.com, a name they had auctioned off for $50,000 during last month's T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in Las Vegas.

The ccTLDs continued their winning ways by placing five names on the elite list, led by #5 Ringe.de (German country code), sold at Sedo.com for €30,000 ($41,400). Sedo accounted for all five of the country code sales on the Big Board including another .de that made the top ten - #7 Musik-Base.de at €25,001 ($34,501)

By Ron Jackson

As most of you know, German domain registrants - unlike their American counterparts - love hyphenated domain names (approximately half of all .de domains have hyphens in them!). Apparently their neighbors in Switzerland like them too because this week we have a .ch (Swiss country code) domain on the all extension Top 20 Chart that has three hyphens it! That is #19 Ab-in-den-Urlaub.ch, sold at Sedo for €11,305 ($15,601).

The non .com gTLDs continue to lag the rest of the market. None made the elite list this week as .com swept 15 places with the remaining five going to ccTLDs.  In the race among sales venues, Moniker came out of top with a hand in eight charted sales. Sedo had five and Latonas.com four (all four of the Latonas sales hit the top ten though). DomainNameBroker.com and NameJet.com also earned Top 20 honors this week with each placing one name on the all extension chart.

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 14:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 8, 2010 - Sun. Feb. 14, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 16, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Golf Lessons.com $65,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
2. GoFish.com $50,000 Latonas.com
GolfShirts.com $45,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
Husband.com $45,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
5. Ringe.de €30,000 = $41,400 Sedo
6. CatFood.com $41,000 Latonas.com
7. Musik-Base.de €25,001 = $34,501 Sedo
8. MensSuits.com $30,000 Latonas.com
9. TabletComputer.com $26,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
10. Gels.com $25,000 Latonas.com
11. Telecom.co.uk £15,000 = $23,700 Sedo
12. BlaBla.com $23,000 DomainNameBroker
ElectronicsExpo.com $20,150 Moniker
Machine2Machine.com $20,150 Moniker
15. ExtraIncome.com $19,500 Moniker/DFG 2010
16. GolfCourses.co.uk £11,500 = $18,170 Sedo
17. CreditLand.com $17,100 NameJet
18. Adjustable.com $16,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
19. Ab-in-den-Urlaub.ch €11,305 = $15,601 Sedo
20. HeavyHands.com $15,250 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

As I mentioned above, there were 18 more five-figure sale just off the chart. The Moniker/DOMAINfest Global auction produced the highest of those - HomeMortgageLoans.com at $15,000. Also closing from the same sale were FurnitureRepair.com ($14,000), FamilyCounselor.com ($12,000), Love.info ($12,000) and HighCholesterol.com ($11,000). Moniker also sold BathSalt.com from their online platform for $14,125.

At Sedo, EducationSolutions.com secured $13,300, EXBF.com brought $12,000 and a pack of six other domains; Call.to, Dooing.com, EZSolar.com, SuperElectricians.com, SuperMechanics.com and SuperPainters.com went for $10,000 apiece. 

Elsewhere, Broker.pl (Polish ccTLD) changed hands for $14,000 in a private sale, NameJet sold Telemar.com for $13,301, Latonas.com landed $10,000 for Stutter.com and SunglassShop.com attracted $10,000 at the AfternicDLS

.Com Supporting Cast

Moniker led the four-figure .com supporting cast with WDS.com at $9,550 and also sold ID247.com ($6,875) and PJT.com ($5,675). They also closed a half dozens sales in this range from their DOMAINfest Global auction - BoysJeans.com at $7,000, LoanInterestRates.com at $5,000 and a trio of names at $3,000 each; BarbecuePits.com, BarbecueRestaurants.com and CopperPots.com. OutpatientTreatment.com put another $2,750 in the till. 

At SnapNames.com Parisian.com provided $9,500, SailingLessons.com docked at $8,761 and DeutschCasinos.com cashed in $3,400. FunnyCommercial.com cracked $3,006, NovaCapital.com notched $2,150 and OnlineCalgary.com garnered $2,049

Back at Sedo the winners included Flightster.com ($9,470), GetSurveys.com ($7,673) and Direktversicherung.com at $7,590. Asianic.com added $7,000, Traceur.com drew $6,900 and BijouxVendome.com kicked in $6,831.

DownloadPSPPorn.com posted $6,500, Darky.com dusted off $5,510 and PlayaGames.com plucked $5,500. BabyBett.com banked $5,244 while four others; CyberSystems.com, MetalPoker.com, OptoCouplers.com and Xellia.com captured $5,000 apiece. 

Sedo had 38 more .com sales ranging  from $2,000 to $4,500 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
websiteoptimisation.com $4,500   ohbox.com $2,500
clubsure.com $4,460 usatolive.com $2,500
meeting-point.com $4,209 iwaya.com $2,375
gladeye.com $4,071 catula.com $2,346
moyenformat.com $4,016 psykoterapeut.com $2,346
phibo.com $4,002 bestlcdtvs.com $2,300
smartbin.com $4,000 the360.com $2,300
lepave.com $3,864 ageas.com $2,245
jarnotrulli.com $3,795 sanpedrodeatacama.com $2,110
ciberkiosko.com $3,450 mmashorts.com $2,100
snapdeal.com $3,186 eliteshop.com $2,070
fresh360.com $3,000 karabas.com $2,070
lifestyleholidays.com $3,000 bestnursingschools.com $2,049
questioncity.com $3,000 substanceabuseprogram.com $2,049
spreadable.com $3,000 friendsaround.com $2,000
travelmotion.com $3,000 hairfoundation.com $2,000
agiles.com $2,827 heliotropic.com $2,000
friendzone.com $2,760 rolandh.com $2,000
annaanka.com $2,700 tribalenergy.com $2,000

At NameJet Cogeneration.com corralled $8,900, MotorcycleBluebook.com maxed out at $8,800 and Trendcast.com commanded $8,200. Esoterik.com tacked on $8,000, Sofi.com fetched $7,200 and SmartNet.com connected with $6,200.

NameJet had 24 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
susanna.com $5,600   fastdivorces.com $3,088
pennsylvaniahealthinsurance.com $4,411 vspot.com $2,900
digitallink.com $3,920 speedstream.com $2,800
brasswind.com $3,800 metallbau.com $2,750
idock.com $3,600 ipra.com $2,612
on3.com $3,502 tradingedge.com $2,600
petfoodirect.com $3,477 cloudtrax.com $2,500
xylem.com $3,400 jialefu.com $2,400
networksecure.com $3,300 masoniteclaims.com $2,299
uscasinoguide.com $3,300 warnwinch.com $2,087
mizrahi.com $3,100 vien.com $2,066
smartpartner.com $3,100 yourschool.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS rang up a total of more than $600,000 in sales this week. Their roster included GiftsForHer.com ($8,000) and three others at $5,500 each; Dermassociates.com, HomeSleepTest.com and LiveSet.com

AcuteMedical.com dispensed $5,400 while Alio.com and SavingClub.com clicked for $5,000 apiece. TalentChannel.com chipped in $4,900, JobScheduler.com closed at $4,700 and BiodegradableBags.com conserved $4,500. AirCredit.com chalked up $4,488 and CardioLog.com recorded $4,200.

The Afternic DLS had 70 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
judgmentrecovery.com $4,000   canta.com $2,550
skyrc.com $4,000 absolutefootball.com $2,500
steelstairs.com $3,877 acousticwave.com $2,500
everythingbusiness.com $3,788 iupdate.com $2,500
drugzone.com $3,688 patientpage.com $2,500
luxushaus.com $3,688 capitaltracker.com $2,488
digitalmenus.com $3,588 securefinancialservices.com $2,488
proglide.com $3,588 smallstocks.com $2,488
EXPLANA.com $3,500 duct-cleaning.com $2,400
trafficvision.com $3,388 unitedparents.com $2,388
autosplus.com $3,288 shipsupplier.com $2,330
lvminc.com $3,288 americansurgical.com $2,300
techpapers.com $3,288 prometheusenergy.com $2,277
discovergolf.com $3,188 medimetrics.com $2,250
fundeasy.com $3,188 goldchips.com $2,200
grandx.com $3,188 nirvanashop.com $2,177
playhouselounge.com $3,188 drivecarefully.com $2,155
remotefinder.com $3,188 makingup.com $2,100
flydas.com $3,080 azlocal.com $2,088
bovr.com $3,000 disabledresources.com $2,088
ecohealthy.com $3,000 franchiselogic.com $2,088
uniondirect.com $3,000 popstaracademy.com $2,088
usmedicare.com $3,000 sparklepro.com $2,088
realfake.com $2,988 sweet-revenge.com $2,088
digisale.com $2,800 thedesignfoundation.com $2,088
eternalwisdom.com $2,800 velocitylife.com $2,088
independentcinema.com $2,800 activeview.com $2,050
flyingdogbrewery.com $2,788 alternativemanagement.com $2,000
mailtome.com $2,788 enconcert.com $2,000
internationalresorts.com $2,725 evergreeninternational.com $2,000
readinglessons.com $2,702 fastsms.com $2,000
beachyoga.com $2,588 futureride.com $2,000
gamersmarket.com $2,588 matchem.com $2,000
netmerge.com $2,588 motorstock.com $2,000
playgrid.com $2,588 nupro.com $2,000
trendreports.com $2,588 petassist.com $2,000
collegefirst.com $2,570 positivelife.com $2,000

As part of their expanded promotion program, the AfternicDLS also sold five more names through Sedo; Sternschnuppen.com ($3,588), KidsBookshop.com ($3,216), Webnodes.com ($3,000), Gaudin.com ($2,800) and SearchApp.com ($2,188)

At Latonas.com GolfClothing.com donned $7,000, TanningEquipment.com toasted $4,100 and USBMemoryStick.com transferred $3,000. WineRooms.com served up $2,100 while ConcreteBlocks.com and TrainingBra.com turned in $2,000 apiece.

At GoDaddy Auctions LearnAnything.com contributed $6,500, Asia111.com dialed up $4,882 and MoreOldFortyfives.com drummed up $3,685. MobileNetX.com downloaded $3,006 and TheCatholicShop.com billed $2,105

Elsewhere Registrars.co.uk sold BusinessSupport.com for £3,250 ($5,135) and DesignBooks.com changed hands in a private transaction for $2,500

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The country codes continued to rock this week putting five domains on the all extension leader board you saw earlier and registering two additional figure sales. The top ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is a European Union IDN, #8 Ferienhäuser.eu that was sold through Sedo for $9,729. Sedo went on to sweep 17 of the 20 positions on our new Country Code Top 20 chart. 

Germany's .de extension had the most chart entries with seven, including the top two sales and a third one that landed in the top ten, #10 Jag.de at $8,211. Great Britain's .co.uk and Poland's .pl were next with three charted domains each. Two of the .co.uk's ranked among the four biggest sales. Tonga's .to made a rare chart appearance with #7 Call.to ringing up $10,000 at Sedo.

Here is how the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending Feb. 14:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Feb. 8, 2010 - Sun. Feb. 14, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Feb. 16, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Ringe.de €30,000 = $41,400 Sedo
2. Musik-Base.de €25,001 = $34,501 Sedo
3. Telecom.co.uk £15,000 = $23,700 Sedo
4. GolfCourses.co.uk £11,500 = $18,170 Sedo
5. Ab-in-den-Urlaub.ch €11,305 = $15,601 Sedo
6. Broker.pl PLN 40,000 = $14,000 Pvt Sale
7. Call.to $10,000 Sedo
8. Ferienhäuser.eu (IDN) €7,050 = $9,729 Sedo
9. Verbouwen.be €6,000 = $8,280 Sedo
10. Jag.de €5,950 = $8,211 Sedo

Codes.de $7,000


Natural.pl PLN 20,000 = $7,000

Pvt Sale

13. Passaggio.it €5,000 = $6,900 Sedo
14. Abowelt.de €4,500 = $6,210 Sedo
15. RealEstate.asia $6,000 Sedo
16. Patientenpass.de €4,050 = $5,589 Sedo
17. Mywein.de €3,895 = $5,375 Sedo
18. KR.pl PLN 15,000 = $5,250 Aftermarket.pl
19. Apur.eu €3,750 = $5,175 Sedo
20. AllInclusiveHoliday.co.uk £2,999 = $4,738 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four figure sales off the ccTLD chart with Sedo accounting for all but four of those. Their supplemental list included Gigant.dk and Press.be at $4,140 each and Lampen-leuchten.de at $4,139. AirBalloons.co.uk added $3,950 and SwimmingPools.de paddled to $3,864.

Sedo had 79 more country code sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,450 that are listed in the chart below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $2,000 - $3,450
autowelt-berlin.de $3,450   bouwbedrijf.be $1,587
comprarloteria.es $3,450 lifehouse.co.uk $1,580
karnevalisten.de $3,450 rgen.eu $1,521
teatree.de $3,450 reorder.us $1,500
bitmaster.co.uk $3,310 etmoi.fr $1,381
airconditioning.be $3,243 accommodation.asia $1,380
einfach-umziehen.de $3,036 alarmsysteem.be $1,380
chile.at $2,760 bachblueten.ch $1,380
heo.es $2,760 domainoutlet.de $1,380
juegosinfantiles.es $2,760 fira.nu $1,380
kla.eu $2,760 geka.ch $1,380
liveradio.fm $2,760 heyyou.de $1,380
meinbase.de $2,760 oyunlar.eu $1,380
onlinegolf.es $2,760 portaltest.de $1,380
torhter.de $2,636 toolstation.eu $1,380
betonsteine.de $2,622 cosmo-online.de $1,311
umzugsangebote.de $2,622 transportbedrijf.be $1,311
vert.be $2,500 astronomie.eu $1,242
zahnärzte.eu $2,230 domaincity.de $1,242
disableddating.co.uk $2,228 ihp.fr $1,242
lefkas.at $2,208 schnäppchen.eu $1,242
arbeitsakademie.de $2,070 e.pe $1,200
campers.de $2,070 solarpanel.us $1,200
kju.fr $2,070 supplycentre.co.uk $1,185
tradingcoach.de $2,070 altenloh.eu $1,173
whistle.eu $2,053 schweizurlaub.de $1,173
zigarre24.de $2,053 bernachtung.eu $1,104
solemio.de $2,001 versicherung.de $1,104
disk.eu $2,000 diplomkauffrau.de $1,035
teamevents.de $1,983 diplomkaufmann.de $1,035
transporteur.be $1,932 nuba.ch $1,035
bed.co.za $1,900 rheinneckarcenter.de $1,035
camchat.at $1,863 short-story.de $1,035
needle.de $1,811 bakercollege.cn $1,000
missy.nl $1,725 bakeronline.cn $1,000
targus.nl $1,700 ico.mx $1,000
99.pl $1,689 online-casino.cc $1,000
nanopod.eu $1,659 pm-international.ru $1,000
erotische-geschenke.de $1,656 slowcookers.co.uk $1,000
rhein-neckar-center.de $1,656  

Elsewhere Registrars.co.uk sold LuxurySafaris.co.uk for £1,500 ($2,370) and LocalAgent.co.uk for £800 ($1,264) and, in a private transaction, Muzo.pl changed hands for PLN 7.600 ($2,660).

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .pro & .tel)

.Info scored a win in the non .com gTLD race this week, leading our new Top 20 Global Contenders Chart with the $12,000 sale of Love.info through Moniker's DOMAINfest Global live auction. That was the only five-figure sale reported in this category over the past seven days. 

Smart.org took the runner-up spot after going for $8,500 and Helicopter.net hovered in 3rd place at $7,000. Those two names were also sold in the Moniker auction and closed this week. 

.Net had the most chart entries with ten, narrowly edging .Org's nine. Five .nets landed on the top half of the chart including #5 Touch.net at $5,600. .Org had four among the first ten,, including #4 SBC.org at $5,800.  

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending Feb. 14:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Feb. 8, 2010 - Sun. Feb. 14, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 16, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Love.info $12,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
2. Smart.org $8,500 Moniker/DFG 2010
3. Helicopter.net $7,000 Moniker/DFG 2010
4. SBC.org $5,800 NameJet
5. Touch.net $5,600 NameJet
6. Realm.org $5,188 AfternicDLS
7. CanineLymphoma.net $5,075 Moniker
8. DogFood.net $4,000 Latonas.com
9. HybridAuto.net $3,854 AfternicDLS/Sedo
10. Privacy2000.org $3,689 NameJet

11. Onboarding.net $3,588 AfternicDLS
12. HeartBurn.net $3,500 AfternicDLS
13. Iitbecell.org $3,400 NameJet
Mipueblo.org $2,688 AfternicDLS
Novatec.org $2,688 AfternicDLS
16. Hungry.net $2,600 SnapNames
17. Movements.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
18. StapleGuns.net $2,300 AfternicDLS
19. Negotiation.net $2,273 SnapNames
20. JDub.org $2,239 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were dozens of additional GC sales just off the chart, with the AfternicDLS getting the largest share of those. Their list included Appt.net at $2,200, TradeTime.net at $2,188 and Lanyard.net at $2,091. Two others; EnergyAlliance.org and LegalRights.org attracted $2,088 each.

The AfternicDLS had 22 more non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
cmca.net $2,000   bizhosting.net $1,488
foodsafety.net $2,000 mediastation.net $1,488
trygod.org $2,000 bikeman.net $1,388
listserve.org $1,900 salvia.info $1,388
playwithme.net $1,900 yourhouse.org $1,200
greendream.org $1,850 goproject.org $1,100
homedecoration.net $1,775 quickmedical.net $1,050
chemicalproducts.net $1,750 prio.org $1,041
petpeople.net $1,588 panmedia.net $1,000
lasersoft.net $1,500 platinumcard.net $1,000
movingout.net $1,500 savingsclub.net $1,000

The AfternicDLS used SnapNames to sell ToyZone.net for $2,088 through their expanded promotion platform and did the same with Sedo to move EuroStores.net for $1,888.

At Sedo Altin.net and Rodriguez.info went for $2,070 each while Jugendstil.net nabbed $2,001. Sedo had 16 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,800 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo GC Sales Between $1,000 - $1,800
compareloans.org $1,800   mietwohnung.org $1,174
solaranlage.org $1,450 peluqueria.org $1,104
propertybook.net $1,430 serbien.org $1,104
cashgiftingprograms.net $1,400 dividendstocks.org $1,100
scherzartikel.net $1,394 limbic.net $1,095
nomdedomaine.org $1,380 cask.net $1,035
pathfinder.org $1,380 freespin.net $1,000
gasgrill.org $1,311 thermit.net $1,000

Elsewhere, NameJet sold RussianAdoption.org ($2,200), Caddet.org ($1,490) and NorthPole.net ($1,003) while SnapNames moved L8.net ($2,100) and Babyspielzeug.org ($1,361). Moniker sold GiftBaskets.info for $2,000 in their DOMAINfest auction and Brioni.mobi from their online platform. Also, GoDaddy Auctions booked $1,010 for AffiliatePrograms.org.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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