If you spend much time surfing the web you have probably
noticed logos for Grassroots.org
popping up all over the net. Companies operating in all
corners of the domain industry are linking to the site and
the Grassroots banner is even appearing on some PPC
(pay per click) parking pages, ground previously reserved
for profit making links only. As you might expect from the .org
extension, Grassroots is a charitable organization, but many
are wondering exactly what it is they do and how they’ve
managed to rally such widespread support.
To get the answers, we caught up with
Grassroots founder and current Chairman Michael
Mann who has been devoting much of his time to
the organization since he and his partners sold a
majority interest in BuyDomains.com to Highland
Capital and Summit Venture Partners earlier this
year. Mann told us the primary mission of
Grassroots.org is to provide a wide range of free
services to small charities so they can save
critical dollars and to promote social
action, a goal the site sums up in two words, "Make
Change!” |
While those few words sum up what the
organization is about, they don’t do justice to the wide
range of needs being addressed and far reaching goals
Grassroots has for the future. The organization was created
to strengthen the ability of other nonprofit organizations
to reach their own goals of advancing social change in areas
involving Children, Disease, Education, Environment,
Humanitarian Relief, Poverty, Homelessness, Disability and
To make that happen, Mann is applying
lessons he learned in the domain business. “The way
I can be most effective is to work in areas I understand,
like business management and areas of technology,” Mann
said. “With Grassroots.org, I am trying to leverage what I
have learned in Internet, marketing, management, and
personal networking to provide for people in need. To get it off the ground, I have rallied some of
my close business associates and friends to try to fulfill a
difficult but necessary mission. The way I see it is that we
have no choice but to act and Grassoots.org is the medium that is most likely to be effective.”
Grassroots helps eliminate “Digital
Divide” issues that impact many nonprofits by providing
them with free website development, hosting, and tech
support. They are also working to add web-based advocacy
tools to allow organizations and their constituencies to distribute
nonpartisan action alerts, sign petitions, register to vote,
contact Congress and more. Other technology will assist
nonprofits and charities with fundraising, budgeting and
database management. Grassroots.org also provides free
management and legal consulting to help guide nonprofits in
areas including organizing a 501(c)(3) (tax-exempt
non-profit group) and ongoing IRS compliance.
Mann’s “technology meets
charity” activities actually predate Grassroots.org. He
served as Chairman of ByteBack.org during its formative
years and that organization is still going strong, operating
seven training centers in underserved Washington.D.C.
neighborhoods that equip 1,000 individuals for the modern
workplace each year.
Mann knows he will have to have help
to make his goals for Grassroots.org a reality. He just
enlisted a key brother in arms by bringing ADAWatch.org
founder Jim Ward on board as Grassroots President. ADAWatch
(a leader in supporting people with disabilities) is also being folded
into Grassroots, joining dozens of other special purpose
sites operating under the Grassroots umbrella .
Ward understands that Mann has handed
him a full plate but after more than 20 years in the non
profit field he is ready to dive in head first. “My experiences as a nonprofit executive, an elected
official, and as the leader of a coalition of hundreds of
disability, civil rights and social justice organizations
have prepared me for the challenges ahead,”
Ward said.
President, Grassroots.org
In addition to the activities we’ve
already noted, Ward added, “Grassroots.org is a valuable
and ever-evolving portal for individuals worldwide to study
timely issues and take vital actions. Our sub-sites include Homeless.org,
Shelters.org, Diseases.org, Relief.org,
PlanetEarth.org, PublicService.org, SpeakOut.org,
VoterRegistration.org and many more.” Most of those sites
operate on domains Mann has accumulated over the years with
this vision in mind.
“In the year ahead, we also look forward
to strengthening our content by pulling together a
Grassroots.org National Advisory Council comprised of
leaders and scholars with expertise in our identified areas
of concern,” Ward said.
“We currently have more than 150
nonprofit partners aligned with our overall mission, who
are benefiting from our free services. In addition to
creating a stronger web presence and providing legal
services for these organizations, we draw on their expertise
in distributing accurate and concise information to
consumers and other charities,” Ward said. “Our
nonprofit partners include the Child Protection Project,
Rural Hospital Relief Fund, Community Connections for
Boston Asthma Initiative, Cincinnati Housing
Kansas CURE, Clear Cities Coalition and many others.
I am deeply committed to our mission and grateful to
be working with Mike and our first class team that includes
Joe Jurczyk, Alon Nager and Ed Cayetano."
The mission of helping the poor, sick
and needy around the world is a duty that practitioners of
all major religious faiths would identify with but Mann’s
efforts are not rooted in any specific religion. “Grassroots.org is not a religious pursuit for me. I am
trying to apply business best practices to address the most
critical issues I can see,” Mann said. “Moreover,
Grassroots.org specifically wants to avoid any religious or
political connotations, so we can remain neutral and
accessible to a broader public. We appreciate the works of
positive religious and political groups, but believe our
secular, nonpartisan method facilitates a healthier balance
in the nonprofit world.”
The things Mann learned in the domain
industry about aggregating traffic, optimizing domains, etc.
helped him lay a solid foundation at Grassroots.org, and the
structure being built on that site is constantly improving.
New content continues to be added and they have all of the
latest communications bells and whistles including forums,
blogs and RSS feeds. “We are always working on areas to
optimize the visitor experience and encourage them to take
action," Mann said.
Mann noted that he is also committed to
wringing the most out of every resource entrusted to
Grassroots. "I don't get paid anything (quite the
opposite), we have no office to save expenses, and thrive on
volunteer power if any readers want to join in. We are quite
efficient. We produce more tangible work than most charities
I am familiar with that have 10 times the budget. And we are
just warming up and learning how to get more scale,
leverage, and efficiency."
Grassroots.org will play a major
role in a new ebook Mann has just completed titled Make
Millions and Make Change! The book, which will be freely
distributed, is currently undergoing final editing. “I
hope when it becomes available we will drive many downloads.
The book speaks to high growth small business theory and
pushes social activity to be the side affect of wealth,”
Mann said. Mann hasn’t completely left the business arena.
He still does some small business consulting and remains
involved with several companies he founded including BrowserMedia.com,
x3o.com and TakeItOrLeaveIt.com.
Still it’s clear that Grassroots is
his first love and there are a variety of ways those
interested in joining the effort can help. “Of course
donations help enhance the services we provide (even
donating used cell phones to our recycling program helps a
bit),” Mann said. "Also please link up to our logo
and volunteer to help our charity "customers".
You will also want to sign up for our free newsletter from
our home page at Grassroots.org
to keep informed and older newsletters are still available here."
"We also encourage the public to introduce our site to
nonprofits that might qualify for and benefit from our
services. We really appreciate all assistance in achieving
our difficult mission. Grassroots.org is all about
participation from the general public, so please join us in
making change.”
There has been no shortage of people
lining up to help. Mann said, “we are extremely pleased
that an impressive array of men and women from the domain and
traffic industry have recently pledged their support for
Grassroots.org including Mike Zapolin, Andrew Miller and Peter
Hubschman from InternetRealEstate.com
addition to displaying the Grassroots logo on the masthead
of their site, Miller and Zapolin gave Grassroots a major
plug during their keynote speech at the October
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. convention in Florida), Rick Schwartz from
Theo Antoniou from GoldKey.com,
Frank Schilling from NameAdministration,
Ron Sheridan from DomainSponsor.com,
Igal Lightman from DomainSpa.com,
Monte Cahn from Moniker.com.
Thunayan K. AL-Ghanim from Oxide.com,
Ari from Anything.com,
Chad Folkening from Ecorp, Michael Berkens from
MostWantedDomains, Alan Hack from NamesPlusMarketing.com
and last but not least
YOU ROCK! If your name is not on this list your phone is about to
ring!” Mann declared.
"The support of these groups means that the Grassroots.org
logo and programs will be seen throughout the world for the
ultimate benefit of the needy,” Mann said. This is still
another example of the communications power domain owners now hold
but more importantly it is an affirmation that industry
leaders know the greatest payoff isn’t always measured in
dollars and cents.