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The Lowdown

March 5, 2009 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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The $5.1 million sale of Toys.com to Toy 'R' Us in a bankruptcy court auction last Friday continues to draw mainstream media attention to domain names. Yesterday it was The BBC

today it was ABC News. I spoke about the sale at length with ABC reporter Ki Mae Heussner for the report she published today (and was also interviewed for the BBC's report yesterday).

Both reporters were surprised to see a single domain name sell for this much money given the state of the

general economy. The fact that domains can still hold that kind of value in the worst of times has, I think, been a real eye opener for the reporters and will be for their readers as well. As I have written before, the outside world is bound to pay more attention to the inherent value in high quality domain names when they see them outperforming almost every other class of assets in this kind of downturn.

Ms. Heussner took the time to convey part of what I told her about the reason why owning a generic domain like "toys.com" is so valuable on the web, explaining that search traffic generated by such a name gives the owner a constant flow of traffic akin to having a storefront in Times Square. She did not go into the direct navigation origin of the traffic (entering the term, plus .com in the browser bar) but few mainstream outlets would want to do that, knowing that anything but the most simple explanation would go over their reader's heads. The most important thing is that business owners get the bottom line message that good generic domain names can bring customers to their door and the sale of Toys.com is certainly helping get that message out to the man on the street.

The ABC News piece also lists the top ten domain sales we have reported since we started tracking the aftermarket six years ago. While these ultra high end sales are obviously not representative of the average domain sale - they make headlines and let people know that good domains have real value.

(Posted March 5, 2009)

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