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The Lowdown

Jan. 21, 2009 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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In our current cover storyThe State of the Industry January 2009: 15 Leading Experts Break Down What Went Wrong in 2008 and Predict What Will Happen in 2009 - one recurring theme among our panel of experts is that 2009 would be another big year for

consolidation within the industry. Well, right on cue a major acquisition has just been completed. The news is embargoed until tomorrow morning (Jan. 22) but we will release it as soon as the embargo expires. For those not familiar with embargo protocol, it allows news sources to send information to reporters so they can prepare their articles and have them ready for release as soon as the embargo expires. When a journalist receives embargoed information they are obliged to honor the source's wishes - the material is to be considered the same as something told to you off the record until the time the embargo expires. 

Domain industry consolidation continues

While the explosion of blogs on the web has been a great thing, many bloggers are not aware of some professional protocols (or simply choose to ignore them) and at times in the past have violated a source's trust by releasing embargoed information before it expires. This is a sure way to permanently lose your sources and the trust of future sources who see that you do not honor off the record or embargoed information.

Everyone is gearing up for the DOMAINfest Global conference that gets underway in Hollywood, California Tuesday (Jan. 27) with a boot camp for industry new comers. The main even continues Wednesday through Friday (Jan. 28-30). Today show organizers released their final agenda for the big event that will include a keynote address by Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on Wednesday plus big parties at Universal Studios Wednesday night and the 

Playboy Mansion Thursday night (Jan. 29). I will be speaking at the final boot camp session Tuesday afternoon and of course will be covering the event  throughout the week with daily posts here in the Lowdown and a major conference review article a few days after we return from the show.

New York City based singer-songwriter Lizzy Grant got a big break when she was featured in an exclusive Huffington Post interview today. How, you ask, is that domain news? Well, it so happens that Lizzy's dad is long time domain investor Rob Grant, who was the subject of our April 2008 Cover Story (and is also one of the 15 experts featured in our current State of the Industry Cover Story).

A lot of domainers also got to know Lizzy personally when she accompanied Rob to the 

Lizzy Grant

2008 T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East conference in Orlando last May. She has a new three-song EP out called Kill Kill and a  ton of talent so we are all rooting for her to make it big in the music business. You can find out more at, where else, LizzyGrant.com.

One other note just in - Kentucky's attempt to confiscate gambling related domains may not be over yet. Yesterday a state appeals court overturned a lower court's attempt to confiscate 141 domain names but we just heard a well-sourced rumor that the Commonwealth is going to appeal the reversal to the Kentucky Supreme Court.

(Posted Jan. 21, 2009)

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We need your help to keep giving domainers The Lowdown, so please email [email protected] with any interesting information you might have. If possible, include the source of your information so we can check it out (for example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site elsewhere). 

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