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The Lowdown

Jan. 19, 2009 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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Parked.com  introduced an interesting new account management system today. In the past each client of the popular PPC company had an account representative assigned to them. That rep was your single contact person at the company. In the new system an entire  

Account Management Team is assigned to each client. Each team assigned to the customer's account includes an account manager, a domain optimizer and a developer

In the team formation process Parked said some accounts were redistributed and those who were moved got an email today telling them who their new Account Team Leader is. For example is my case (Parked is one of three


PPC companies I use), Christian Burck, who has always done a great job, was my account rep. I got an email today telling me my account was moved to a new account management team headed by Monte White. I know Monte well so I'm sorry he drew the short straw! Despite that, I know he will deliver the same high level of service that Christian did.

Of course the "developer" title caught my eye right away, but White told me that refers to "a programmer that is assigned to a team to develop tools to streamline the account management process. It is an internal development position, rather than a site developer." With the across the board declines in PPC revenue over the past year (regardless of where you park), a lot of customers are getting restless and that is causing competition to heat up in the PPC space. I expect that this step by Parked will be just one of many new twists we will see in the parking sector this year. 

One other note today, in case you missed the home page intro, we have just published our annual State of the Industry Cover Story.  Unfortunately, after years of smooth sailing, many boats in the domain fleet ran into rough water in 2008. To make sense of what happened last year and get a forecast on where we are headed in 2009 we called on 15 of the most successful people in the domain industry for this 5th annual report. Our all-star panel of experts includes key company founders, CEOs, developers, investors and attorneys

Because of the importance of getting a handle on where the industry stands in these uncertain times we covered a lot of ground in this article, inviting our guest commentators to take all of the space they needed to make their points. We wound

up with a piece that is at least twice as long as our usual cover stories but I think the serious subject matter demands that kind of attention. 

Several readers told us the viewpoints were so compelling that they read the complete article straight through, but knowing that everyone's time is limited, we broke the story up into segments that make it easy to read one person's commentary, or a full page of commentary (there are four pages in the report) then come back to the piece to continue as your time allows. There are links at the bottom of each page that list which experts are on each page so you can go directly to the page that has the ones you haven't read yet. On the individual pages there are also bold headings with each expert's name so you can zero in their section on the page. With so many truly brilliant minds gathered in one place and such an uncertain year looming ahead, we think this is an invaluable report for those who want to be prepared to face and even thrive in whatever weather lied ahead. Especially since much of the advice transcends domains and applies to the general business world and even life at large.

(Posted Jan. 19, 2009)

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We need your help to keep giving domainers The Lowdown, so please email [email protected] with any interesting information you might have. If possible, include the source of your information so we can check it out (for example a URL if you read it in a forum or on a site elsewhere). 

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