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The Lowdown

Jan. 10, 2009 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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While traveling with my daughter for another medical school visit (she will graduate from Penn in May, then move on to med school next fall) I had a chance to catch up on some reading the past couple of days. Much of that involved following story links that readers like John in Chicago sent me.

Markus Frind
Founder, PlentyOfFish.com
(Photo courtesy of BCBusiness)

I found a new article in Inc. Magazine to be especially interesting because it illustrates the unlimited opportunities that the Internet and a good website idea offers motivated entrepreneurs. The piece by Max Chafkin titled And the Money Comes Rolling In tells the amazing story of PlentyOfFish.com founder Markus Frind who takes in a reported $10 million a year from his wildly popular dating site, while often working less than one hour a day. Even more amazing, he essentially runs the entire operation by himself.

Chafkin wrote, "It's a 21st-century fairy tale: A young man starts a website in his spare time. This person is unknown and undistinguished. He hasn't gone to MIT, Stanford, or any other four-year college for that matter, yet he is deceptively brilliant. He has been bouncing, aimlessly, from job to job, but he is secretly ambitious.  

He builds his company by himself and from his apartment. In most stories, this is where the hard work begins - the long hours, sleepless nights, and near-death business experiences. But this one is way more mellow. Frind takes it easy, working no more than 20 hours a week during the busiest times and usually no more than 10. Five years later, he is running one of the largest websites on the planet and paying himself more than $5 million a year."

If you are looking for some inspiration at a time when the overall economy is plunging, Chafkin's article about the Vancouver, Canada based entrepreneur should do the trick.

Speaking of entrepreneurs - Terence Chan - a long time domainer who was one of the first people I met online when I discovered domain forums in 2002 - has just put a unique portfolio of top notch .com media domains on the market. The group includes MediaDirectory.com, MediaForum.com, MediaBlog.com, MediaCalendar.com, MediaClassifieds.com, MediaReview.com, MediaJournal.com, MediaForecast.com, MediaAlerts.com and MediaResources.com. Chan has set up a cutting edge website at MediaCompanies.com to showcase the collection. It takes private domain marketing to a new level so if you are looking for ideas on how to display your names in their best light, you will want to check out what he has done there.
(Posted Jan. 10, 2009)

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