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Oct. 3, 2008 Post

Here's the The Lowdown from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry!

Compiled by Ron Jackson
(DN Journal Editor/Publisher)
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The online domain auction that Moniker.com ran in association with last week's T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York conference ended last night with a total of more than $900,000 

worth of sales. Added to the nearly 
$3 million
in sales registered during their two live auctions in New York, Moniker booked just under $4 million in total sales for their T.R.A.F.F.I.C. related events. A very nice showing given that it comes at a time when the financial world in general seems to be teetering on the edge of collapse. Though no one is immune from the kind of economic problems the world is currently being threatened with, domains continue to hold up better than most other asset classes. 

The top sale in Moniker's silent auction was Loto.com at $91,331, followed by Wholesale.net at $88,240,

Auctioneer Wayne Wheat (left) and Moniker 
CEO Monte Cahn running their live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York Sept. 25

SpaResorts.com at $70,590, Claudia.com at $35,000 and NewYorkRestaurants.com at $30,240. 11 more sales reached the five figure mark:























More than 200 domains were sold in the extended auction with some changing hands for as little as $250. 

A new trade association representing Canadian domain owners will be launched Tuesday (Oct. 7) at the Domain Convergence conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The Domain Owners Association of Canada (DOAC) said it aims to protect and increase the value of its members’ domain names.

Peter Maxymych, President of Emall.ca and founder of the DOAC, said “It’s high time Canadian domain owners get their voices heard. Domain owners in Canada have often felt like they are working alone. This does not have to be the case. With this association we can work together to promote our interests in domaining.”

Frank Michlick, Chairman of the Domain Convergence conference added “We are looking forward to helping launch the ground-breaking association for domain owners. Canadian
domain name owners have contributed immensely to the domain name industry and it is
comforting to know an organization will have our backs.”  More information about the Domain Owners Association of Canada will be released on www.doac.ca once the association is officially launched. In the meantime, you can contact Zak Muscovitch, the association’s solicitor, by emailing Zak @ Muscovitch.com.

I would have to echo Michlick's comments about Canadian domain owners. That nation has produced many of the most successful domainers in history, including Frank Schilling, Kevin Ham, Garry Chernoff and Shaun Pilfold to name just a few from a list that goes on and on. 
(Posted Oct. 3, 2008)

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