good news for the Internet and domain owners.
According to a recently released study by leading market
research firm IDC
titled U.S. Internet Advertising 2008-2012
Forecast and Analysis, overall Internet
advertising revenue will double from $25.5
billion in 2007 to $51.1 billion in 2012.
During that period, Internet advertising will grow about
eight times faster than advertising at large. |
The report forecasts that
the Internet will zoom from being the number 5 medium
all the way to the number 2 medium in just five years.
It will surpass newspapers, cable TV, and be bigger than
broadcast TV as well. Only direct marketing will remain
ahead of Internet advertising if the study is correct.
Video advertising will play
an increasingly big role in Internet advertising in the
years ahead as its revenue is expected to grow by a
factor of seven from $500 million in 2007 |
to $3.8 billion in
2012, a compound annual growth rate of 49.4%.
Brand advertisers are expected to shift significant
amounts of money into video commercials, primarily from
broadcast television.
Karsten Weide,
program director of Digital Media and Entertainment,
said "What will help drive this trend is that
consumers are starting to realize that, as opposed to
TV, Internet video lets them watch what they want, when
they want, and increasingly, where they want."
11, 2008) |