The Lowdown
December 18, 2007
Here's the The Lowdown
from DNJournal.com! Updated daily to
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name
by Ron Jackson (Editor/Publisher)
Mind! That's what Sedo and the .Mobi
registry have told those who bid in their latest .mobi
premium domain auction that ended in chaos December 5
when Sedo's servers |
crashed in the closing
minutes of the online event. Amid threats of a lawsuit
from at least one disgruntled bidder, Sedo and the
registry have decided to take a mulligan by voiding
the entire auction and what could have been
several record-breaking .mobi sales including Music.mobi
($616,000) and Games.mobi
($401,500). Sedo
said a do-over auction will begin January 23. Of
course this has made a lot of people who won domains in
the first auction unhappy campers. Condolences to all
involved as everyone loses in a situation like this
including the auction participants whose time was wasted
and hopes dashed and the sale organizers who got a black
eye from the system breakdown.
Dec. 18, 2007) |
all current Lowdown posts - Go
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