further stirred the pot with a post
at the forum this morning,
saying "I was the executive producer of the Domain
Roundtable Conference 2007 and had a five-year contract
with Name Intelligence. However, I no longer have a
relationship with Jay Westerdal and his company. This
resulted from breaches of this contract by Jay and
non-payment of my fair commission of revenue from
designing, administrating and coordinating the event,
and the outrageous padding by Jay of the expenses to
produce the event which lessened my percentage of
revenue after costs. I would like to state that I have
no longer have any connection whatsoever with Jay or
Name Intelligence, and do NOT endorse any of his
outrageous comments and accusations towards Marchex,
Enom, Moniker, Rick Schwartz, TRAFFIC,
Snapnames, and other companies who Jay has felt
the need to "judge", as if he has "clean
I am saddened by
the events of the past couple of days but not
surprised. It's the public manifestation of
something I've been seeing developing beneath
the surface over the past couple of years - the
transition of this business from a
"cottage industry" (with congenial
relationships among most all of the major
players) into a "big business"
where the stakes are higher and the competition
much fiercer (with the fighting sometimes spilling
out of bounds). I guess it is naive to
expect anything else but that doesn't lessen the
disappointment. Some will refer to |
this kind of thing
as drama or a soap opera, but it is much more
than that. These aren't actors. Real people
that I care about are being hurt on all sides.
They say "You can never go home again"
and for this industry it's true. The "old
days" are over and a lot of our disputes
will now be played out in court rooms instead of
settled privately. I know that's life in the
modern business world, but I don't have to like
(Posted Nov.
13, 2007) |