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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Public Six-Figure Sales Absent This Week But Solid Five-Figure Sales Still Abundant 

Just one week after one of the best domain sales weeks of the year (one that included four six-figure sales), the temperature in the aftermarket dropped a few degrees this week. The highest publicly reported sale was FreeCharge.com at $55,000 through Moniker/SnapNames

A trio of $50,000 sales shared the runner-up spot on our new all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. The AfternicDLS had two of those with EmergencyHousing.com and EmergencyShelter.com while DomainHoldings claimed the third, moving Safe.net in one of the year's ten biggest non .com gTLD sales. The AfternicDLS rounded out the first five, claiming their third place on the upper quarter of the elite list with Picked.com at $35,000.

Of course, just because no blockbuster sales happened to be publicly reported that doesn't mean none were made. In fact Sedo broker Dave Evanson posted on his Facebook page that he had just closed a $700,000 transaction but the details could not be released due to a non-disclosure agreement - something that is common at the upper end of the market. 

By Ron Jackson

Sedo also closed a nice developed business website sale, 3GStore.de at €135,000 ($179,550). However, we do not chart or track sales of online businesses as other assets beyond the domain name are involved.

Sedo's top reported domain sale was #7 Memes.com at $30,000. They went on to claim eight chart entries, more than any other venue, with a list that included the largest ccTLD sale; #10 Career.co.uk at £17,510 ($26,965). One other country code made the Big Board (also sold be Sedo). That was #18 KopierPapier.de at €15,000 ($19,950).

The non .com gTLDs also had a second chart representative; #19 NetShoes.net, a domain that the AfternicDLS sold for $16,200. The AfternicDLS had a big week, putting up seven charted sales. Two other venues also had multiple chart entries. Moniker/SnapNames rang up four including their second top ten sale; #6 WineStore.com at $33,250 and the Toby Clements Newsletter hit the Daily Double with #8 (tie) SIE.com ($27,000) and #16 (tie) Diane.com ($20,000).

Solid five-figure sales were abundant this week. In addition to the 22 on the chart (the two extra chart positions resulted from a three-way tie for the final spot), there were ten more just off the leader board (we'll show you those after we take a look at the latest weekly rankings). Here's how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, October 2:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 26, 2011 - Sun. Oct. 2, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Oct. 5, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. FreeCharge.com $55,000 Moniker/SnapNames
EmergencyHousing.com $50,000 AfternicDLS
EmergencyShelter.com $50,000 AfternicDLS
Safe.net $50,000 DomainHoldings
5. Picked.com $35,000 AfternicDLS
6. WineStore.com $33,250 Moniker/SnapNames
7. Memes.com $30,000 Sedo
Inject.com $27,000 AfternicDLS
SIE.com $27,000 Toby Clements
10. Career.co.uk £17,510 = $26,965 Sedo


11. EuroEnergy.com $26,000 Sedo
GIB.com $25,000 Sedo
QStream.com $25,000 Sedo
14. PropertyAppraisal.com $23,530 Moniker/SnapNames
15. ChinaTrip.com $21,000 AfternicDLS
Diane.com $20,000 Toby Clements
CloudIt.com $20,000 Moniker/SnapNames
18. KopierPapier.de €15,000 = $19,950 Sedo
19. NetShoes.net $16,200 AfternicDLS
HFO.com $15,000 Sedo
Irbi.com $15,000 Sedo
VacationExperts.com $15,000 AfternicDLS

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were ten more 5-figure sales off the chart led by the YummyNames/AfternicDLS sale of Datasets.com for $14,977. The AfternicDLS also teamed up with Moniker/SnapNames to sell Embed.com for $14,000. The AfternicDLS also scored with VeterinaryClinic.com ($11,695), BuyLocal.org ($11,400) and EasyFinance.com ($10,000)

Sedo rang up four additional sales at this level; DisplayAds.com at $10,099 along with 5OS.com, Kurdistan.net and OTB.info at $10,000 each. The Toby Clements Newsletter also booked a $10,000 sale with EIV.com.

.Com Supporting Cast

Moniker/SnapNames led the four-figure .com supporting cast with ZooDream.com at $9,725. StatueReservations.com drew $7,251 there and MYXR.com kicked in $3,300. They also scored with Brassieres.com ($3,300), Binke.com ($2,625), Dialectic.com ($2,500) and Taomama.com ($2,052).

Also, in a joint sale with the AfternicDLS, Moniker/SnapNames moved Richies.com for $9,000.

The AfternicDLS continued to move domains as quickly as they could ring them up. AutoFile.com brought $7,950, CyberHub.com hauled in $7,650 and two others; IncontinenceSupplies.com and SiteOn.com secured $7,500 apiece

ClothingDonations.com bagged $6,400, Newtonian.com notched $6,160 and GlobalFreedom.com unlocked $6,050. BaseRock.com raised $6,000, CloudZones.com cleared $5,777 and Sovie.com commanded $5,688. StarMap.com located $5,500, Care4Life.com dispensed $5,280 and My-Gift.com unwrapped $5,188

The AfternicDLS had 102 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
biaggi.com $5,000   kbdk.com $2,661
careerlaunch.com $5,000 shipbetter.com $2,637
emergencyreliefshelter.com $5,000 ballcard.com $2,588
portableemergencyhousing.com $5,000 loudware.com $2,588
portableemergencyshelter.com $5,000 musicforus.com $2,588
temporaryemergencyshelter.com $5,000 nakota.com $2,564
videogram.com $4,950 nodogsallowed.com $2,512
assetto.com $4,940 legalinc.com $2,509
iort.com $4,900 screenprintedshirts.com $2,509
softwarebook.com $4,800 sarasotarealty.com $2,500
harvestamerica.com $4,588 seo-service.com $2,500
SinglePage.com $4,500 transformationcenter.com $2,500
southwestcapital.com $4,500 yunqian.com $2,500
localstock.com $4,488 americanagenda.com $2,488
mady.com $3,800 saltplus.com $2,488
poweredbycoffee.com $3,800 subtub.com $2,488
sunshineschool.com $3,788 TechnicianSchool.com $2,477
prescriptiondrugdiscounts.com $3,750 itsplus.com $2,466
etailjobs.com $3,675 theredheads.com $2,408
mintbiz.com $3,588 contextsolutions.com $2,388
remodelingdeals.com $3,495 expertstalk.com $2,388
oilfieldsupply.com $3,300 socialco.com $2,388
alignedenergy.com $3,188 woundedspirit.com $2,330
andallthatjazz.com $3,188 scottishamerican.com $2,316
environmentalexperts.com $3,188 justscream.com $2,300
gplace.com $3,188 sitesupervisor.com $2,300
unicommerce.com $3,188 arigon.com $2,260
castingsolutions.com $3,150 mysmartbuy.com $2,250
vorf.com $3,095 bespokeleasing.com $2,200
WriterAuthor.com $3,095 mobilesciences.com $2,200
bagexpress.com $3,000 contactservices.com $2,188
compassllc.com $3,000 coreexperience.com $2,088
statebook.com $3,000 jinglewriter.com $2,088
streetentertainment.com $3,000 stickygraphics.com $2,088
whosyourcaddy.com $3,000 techbang.com $2,088
worldcycle.com $3,000 xeffects.com $2,088
fishtrack.com $2,995 americansleepproducts.com $2,000
lezone.com $2,988 bankruptcyblogs.com $2,000
resorttv.com $2,900 destinytv.com $2,000
spotsource.com $2,900 diversetalent.com $2,000
porciones.com $2,888 envirobusiness.com $2,000
styleinmotion.com $2,870 EnvironmentalConferences.com $2,000
retailbuilding.com $2,800 flysouth.com $2,000
safeplan.com $2,800 fusionfuel.com $2,000
studentsave.com $2,800 marketplacenetwork.com $2,000
bodini.com $2,788 opmarketing.com $2,000
flighttoindia.com $2,788 RayEnergy.com $2,000
headhuntme.com $2,788 roofingnow.com $2,000
bridebox.com $2,688 solidwoodcabinets.com $2,000
hrconference.com $2,688 visualworkshop.com $2,000
tonemedia.com $2,688 xacademy.com $2,000

Back at Sedo Systaic.com sold for $7,914 while CostaRicaTravel.com and Earth411.com dialed up $7,000 each. IWG.com went for $6,800, LinkOffice.com connected for $6,650 and two others; RetailUniverse.com and FutureLife.com, fetched $6,000 apiece.

Moinsa.com captured $5,054 and Empres.com corralled $5,001 whle Todoor.com and  LCDLaptopScreen.com displayed $5,000 each. BoxNation.com added another $4,929.

Sedo had 33 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,750 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
designerstore.com $4,750   beeq.com $2,660
akamon.com $4,655 staff4you.com $2,594
alginite.com $4,655 acseine.com $2,500
diamondelectronics.com $4,500 cheapflightstosydney.com $2,500
joyrich.com $4,500 etlinc.com $2,500
hoard.com $4,150 itraveled.com $2,500
qzip.com $4,000 nostradamis.com $2,500
bizteam.com $3,850 skinplayer.com $2,500
motornews.com $3,791 jantes.com $2,461
traxall.com $3,750 teens-hd.com $2,394
serfix.com $3,724 theflyingclub.com $2,300
axsium.com $3,500 luxurytrends.com $2,188
kesalanpatharan.com $3,500 artmatch.com $2,150
persianorarabiangulf.com $3,500 apolloguitars.com $2,000
ondocs.com $3,225 loanssearch.com $2,000
ondocuments.com $3,225 quickestwaytoloseweight.com $2,000
inwan.com $2,850  

Elsewhere, YummyNames teamed up with the AfternicDLS to sell CouplesRetreat.com for $7,300 and the Toby Clements Newsletter sold TweetUps.com ($4,000) and Liana.com ($3,500). 

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The two five-figure ccTLD sales that you saw on the all extension leader aboard above fill the top two spots on our new Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart. The biggest sale you haven't yet seen in this category is #3 PersonalTrainer.com.au, a domain that bench pressed $8,341 at Drop.com.au. Sedo's $7,700 sale of Prints.co.uk rounded out the first four.

Sedo went on to take 15 of the 20 chart entries with a roster that included #5 (tie) Bürostühle.de (IDN) at $6,650. The non IDN version of that domain, Buerostuehle.de, shared the #5 slot. Sedo had another IDN sale with #11 Großhandel-restposten.de at $4,655. 

EMall.ca Inc.'s $6,000 sale of VitaminShop.ca in a private transaction was one of the few charted ccTLD sales that escaped the Sedo net. The others were two AfternicDLS sales; #12 BackPage.com.au ($4,400) and #17 FullBeauty.co.uk ($2,750) and CoZaNic's $2,660 sale of #18 (tie) FreeView.co.za. 

Here is how the ccTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending October 2:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Sept. 26, 2011 - Sun. Oct. 2, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Oct. 5, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1 Career.co.uk £17,510 = $26,965 Sedo
2. KopierPapier.de €15,000 = $19,950 Sedo
3 PersonalTrainer.com.au $8,341 Drop.com.au
4. Prints.co.uk £5,000 = $7,700 Sedo
Buerostuehle.de €5,000 = $6,650 Sedo
Bürostühle.de (IDN) €5,000 = $6,650 Sedo
7. VitaminShop.ca $6,000 Pvt Sale
8. Studentin.de €4,500 = $5,985 Sedo
9. Figur.de €4,320 = $5,746 Sedo
10. 18.tv $5,000 Sedo

11. Großhandel-restposten.de (IDN) €3,500 = $4,655 Sedo
12. BackPage.com.au $4,400 AfternicDLS
13. CrossTools.de €2,856 = $3,798 Sedo
14. LandsEnd.se €2,500 = $3,325 Sedo
15. Gathr.us  $3,000 Sedo
16. Randki.org.pl €2,200 = $2,926 Sedo
17. FullBeauty.co.uk $2,750 AfternicDLS
FreeView.co.za €2,000 = $2,660 CoZaNic
Isoleren.be €2,000 = $2,660 Sedo
MyTool.de €2,000 = $2,660 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart with Sedo accounting for all but two of those with a roster that included Gerüstbau.eu (IDN) at $2,659 and Alarm.me at $2,500. FlowerDelivery.org.uk added $2,464, Files.es found $2,394 and Casquemoto.fr returned $2,328

Sedo had 34 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging form $1,000 to $3,128 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $3,128
cookinggames.es $1,995   onlineredaktion.de $1,329
engadin-jobs.ch $1,995 paysafe.es $1,329
leidmann.de $1,995 pikant.de $1,329
sushi.it $1,995 eurotrade.ch $1,310
flexlink.it $1,796 marbleandgranite.co.uk $1,309
musica-online.es $1,796 heckenschere.de $1,264
sirop.fr $1,796 loyd.de $1,264
weddingplanner.us $1,675 waisenhaus.de $1,264
stoixima.tv $1,596 sellyourhomefast.co.uk $1,217
celestron.co.uk $1,540 datingsites.us $1,200
z.fm $1,340 avp.be $1,197
allium.eu $1,330 luk.be $1,197
canellitech.it $1,330 allslotscasino.de $1,170
dief.nl $1,330 competitionsonline.co.uk $1,155
sumi.de $1,330 financialinks.co.uk $1,155
action.es $1,329 webuyyourhome.co.uk $1,078
junggeselle.de $1,329 bloedsinn.de $1,004

Elsewhere the AfternicDLS sold LoveClothing.co.uk for $1,500 and Moniker/SnapNames moved Staff.me at $1,250

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

This was a good week for the non .com gTLDs as they rang up five five-figure sales, including one, Safe.net at $50,000, that ranks among the year's ten biggest sales to date in this category (the non. com gTLD YTD Top 100 is the third chart on the page the link above goes to). 

We noted all of those five-figure sales in the all extension section earlier so the largest sale you haven't seen yet in thiis category is #6 on our new weekly non .com gTLD Top 20 Chart - Stadt.info at $6,650 via Sedo. The AfternicDLS sale of #7 SDN.net was next at $6,500

In the extension race the .nets dominated by taking 11 of 20 places. The .orgs were next with five, including #9 Condo.org at $6,000, and the .infos had a good outing with four.  Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending October 2:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Sept. 26, 2011 - Sun. Oct. 2, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect OOct. 5, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Safe.net $50,000 DomainHoldings
2. NetShoes.net $16,200 AfternicDLS
3. BuyLocal.org $11,400 AfternicDLS
Kurdistan.net $10,000 Sedo
OTB.info $10,000 Sedo
6. Stadt.info €5,400 = $6,650 Sedo
7. SDN.net $6,500 AfternicDLS
8. Riester.org €4,800 = $6,384 Sedo
9. Condo.org $6,000 Sedo
10. OKU.net $5,000 AfternicDLS

11. StartingBusiness.net $4,388 AfternicDLS
12. Analyzer.net $4,288 AfternicDLS
13. GetLaid.org $3,800 Sedo
14. StickmanGames.net $3,600 AfternicDLS
OnDocs.net $3,225 Sedo
OnDocs.org $3,225 Sedo
17. RedRock.info $3,000 Sedo
18. Skai.net $2,900 AfternicDLS
Nowinnofee.info $2,500 Sedo
Soli.net $2,500 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure non .com gTLD sales just off the chart led by Sedo's $2,300 sale of Franquicia.net. This ledger also included Oostkapelle.net ($1,995), NMCC.org ($1,945) and Anunturi.info ($1,862)

Faucets.org filtered $1,650, Psychologue.org secured $1,596 and Billion.net banked $1,200. OakFurniture.net nailed $1,151, BridgingLoan.net landed $1,150 and Rantapallo.net rang up $1,064. Places.biz posted $1,040 and two others; IceSkates.org and Visualized.net nabbed $1,000 apiece

Back at the AfternicDLS NetMovies.net screened $2,288, MicroBank.net deposited $2,100 and two others; AnimalHealth.org and DFLY.org drew $2,088 each

The AfternicDLS had 24 more four-figure non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 that are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS Non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
travelmarket.org $2,000   accessoriesdirect.net $1,288
ibeauty.net $1,999 kukb.org $1,265
golaw.net $1,888 hiik.org $1,239
galli.org $1,879 audria.net $1,188
ev.biz $1,800 communitymedia.net $1,188
abuseofpower.org $1,750 mugshot.info $1,150
littlemonsters.net $1,670 mugshots.info $1,150
avplus.net $1,477 upperwestside.net $1,100
eddi.net $1,416 golfscores.net $1,088
tippingpoint.net $1,388 simplesteps.net $1,088
homecomfort.net $1,378 BuyEssay.net $1,000
chicagopizza.org $1,350 cmgroup.net $1,000

Elsewhere Moniker/SnapNames sold HandyFlatRate.net ($1,750) and Chenghai.net ($1,300)

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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