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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Rick Latona is Back in the Game - Bags Biggest Domain Sale Reported Over the Past Two Weeks

The last many of you heard,  Rick Latona had sold his domain sales newsletter to partner Toby Clements and ridden off into the sunset, headed for a new specialty selling developed websites rather than domains. It turns out reports of Latona's domain only sales demise were a bit premature. Latona got in touch with me just before I left the country for last week's DNCruise (the only domain conference held on a cruise ship) to let me know that he had brokered the $120,000 sale of Swag.com

That turned out to be the biggest sale reported over the past two weeks, giving Latona  the top spot on our expanded all extension Top 40 Sales Chart. Since I was away covering DNCruise, there was no sales column last week so, to bring you completely up to date on all sales reported since the last column two weeks ago, this will be a double length report with all of our usual Top 20 charts expanded to 40 positions. 

Latona told me that he is still brokering domains but only to an exclusive list of buyers on an invite only basis and that there is  nowhere to sign up. So, we will list the venue for the Swag.com sale as Latona's Secret Newsletter - though I guess it's not really a secret anymore!

By Ron Jackson

The runner-up spot goes to another well-known industry figure, industry pioneer (and all around nice guy) Garry Chernoff who sold #2 MoneyLender.com for $75,000 in a private transaction. 

Sedo stepped up to the plate next and rang up four solid sales in a row to take positions three through six on the Big Board. That quartet included the biggest ccTLD sale of the past fortnight - #5 Food.de at €28,000 ($38,360). Sedo put another country code in the top ten - #8 FancyDressCostumes.co.uk at $25,280. They went on to pile up 22 charted sales overall, more than any other venue.

The AfternicDLS also flexed a lot of muscle piling up ten entries on the elite list with a roster led by #7 DanceFashion.com at $27,780. They also had a nice run that gave them four straight on the top half of the leader board as they filled numbers 11 through 15 with a group led by Sanatorium.com and Garnish.com at $22,000 each.

Only two other venues could claim multiple chart entries. TobyClements.com did it with #15 IAO.com at $19,500 and #19 (tie) RespiratoryTherapists.com at $15,000 (a sale they shared with DomainAdvisors.com). NoktaDomains also hit the Daily Double with #18 CatchCheatingSpouse.com at $15,300 and #25 (tie) PeopleImages.com at $12,500.

The remaining positions were claimed in a pair of private transactions and the YummyNames sale of #30 HeathrowHotels.com for $12,000. The two private sales both involved ccTLDs. #16 PaydayLoans.org.uk changed hands for $16,748 in one and Jordan Holt sold #29 Triangle.co.uk for $12,000 in the other.

All told the country codes claimed 8 of the 41 chart entries (the extra spot resulted from a tie for the final position). The non .com gTLDs took 3 positions with the biggest sale in that group being #25 (tie) Babysitters.net at $12,500 via Sedo. That left the .coms once again in the dominant position, as the world's most popular extension swept 30 of the 41 positions.

Here's how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, Sept. 11:

The DN Journal Top 40 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 29, 2011 - Sun. Sept. 11, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 14, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Swag.com $120,000 Latona's Secret Newsletter
2. MoneyLender.com $75,000 Pvt Sale
3. FindInsurance.com $50,500 Sedo
4. Hopper.com $50,000 Sedo
5. Food.de €28,000 = $38,360 Sedo
6. DasWetter.com $30,000 Sedo
7. DanceFashion.com $27,780 AfternicDLS
FancyDressCostumes.co.uk £16,000 = $25,280 Sedo
Printed.com £16,000 = $25,280 Sedo
10. GoPost.com $25,000 Sedo
Sanatorium.com $22,200 AfternicDLS
Garnish.com $22,000 AfternicDLS
13. PowerBox.com $21,200 AfternicDLS
14. Whitewalls.com $20,000 AfternicDLS
15. IAO.com $19,500 TobyClements.com
16. PaydayLoans.org.uk £10,600 = $16,748 Pvt Sale
17. LVP.ch €12,000 = $16,440 Sedo
18. CatchCheatingSpouse.com $15,300 NoktaDomains
IntelligentHome.com $15,000 AfternicDLS
RespiratoryTherapists.com $15,000 TobyClements.com & DomainAdvisors.com
TravelPros.com $15,000 AfternicDLS


22. AdGuard.com $14,800 AfternicDLS
23. OutletCity.de €10,000 = $13,700 Sedo
24. Thryll.com €9,500 = $13,015 Sedo
Babysitters.net $12,500 Sedo
MAH.com $12,500 Sedo
PeopleImages.com $12,500 NoktaDomains
28. EuroBuy.com €9,000 = $12,330 Sedo
29. Triangle.co.uk $12,200 Pvt Sale
30. HeathrowHotels.com $12,000 YummyNames
31. GoSilver.com $11,000 AfternicDLS
Casino.pe €8,000 = $10,960 Sedo
Herr.de €8,000 = $10,960 Sedo
34. Einfachanders.com €7,735 = $10,597 Sedo
35. Wakoo.com €7,600 = $10,412 Sedo
36. Esoterik.com €7,500 = $10,275 Sedo
Elate.com $10,000 Sedo
PowerLeague.com $10,000 Sedo
39. Jaguars.org $9,999 AfternicDLS
CoolMathGames.net $9,500 Sedo
NVibe.com $9,500 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the supporting cast of four-figure .com sales with All4Car.com at $9,000. FemTalk.com fetched another $8,750 and ALEF.com commanded $8,000. SpeedHating.com spawned $7,900, 3DLEDTV.com tuned in $7,500 and TieATie.com knotted $7,330

HUZ.com hailed $7,261 while three others; ThisIsNice.com, Casineo.com and Poresta.com posted $6,850 apiece. Sekim.com secured $6,800, TYD.com drew $6,165 and Solstis.com captured $5,754. RIJ.com kicked in $5,600 and HealthChart.com chalked up $5,588

Sedo had 80 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,500 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,500
boxgames.com $5,500   247store.com $2,750
ixr.com $5,500 teamhub.com $2,750
liqtech.com $5,480 espectaculos.com $2,740
londonminicabs.com $5,480 meinegesundheitsakademie.com $2,740
eslip.com $5,000 altnum.com $2,500
floreon.com $5,000 endrun.com $2,500
lfy.com $5,000 extendedcarwarranty.com $2,500
travailadomicile.com $5,000 freebbw.com $2,500
zete.com $5,000 fungifoam.com $2,500
free-movies-online.com $4,875 limobaby.com $2,500
jagen.com $4,703 modelopia.com $2,500
fanhood.com $4,700 pinkcity.com $2,500
schutzhandschuhe.com $4,658 savoycapital.com $2,500
purpleturtle.com $4,500 shirdihotels.com $2,500
cloudion.com $4,400 webosphere.com $2,500
fan360.com $4,250 winefactor.com $2,500
5buy.com $4,109 winville.com $2,499
dealstube.com $4,030 newsengland.com $2,480
businesspass.com $4,000 luftwerbung.com $2,466
fijiholidaypackages.com $4,000 karnov.com $2,465
newstexas.com $4,000 efuton.com $2,400
recx.com $3,800 hygiene360.com $2,398
attorneynetwork.com $3,750 adsplanet.com $2,350
karmalabs.com $3,750 preishammer.com $2,330
buzzbonus.com $3,500 towerworld.com $2,291
lifehacks.com $3,500 headr.com $2,250
pokermaps.com $3,500 rv2.com $2,200
trinkets.com $3,500 avinteractive.com $2,188
anlasser.com $3,425 yezzz.com $2,172
renewableuk.com $3,160 8years.com $2,069
agedns.com $3,000 e-square.com $2,055
disticaret.com $3,000 mainsystem.com $2,055
genestack.com $3,000 evendo.com $2,054
humanityunleashed.com $3,000 cafelab.com $2,050
mamoot.com $3,000 acrylicsheets.com $2,000
mohamedelbaradei.com $3,000 communicationdegree.com $2,000
shopcircle.com $3,000 flipscape.com $2,000
tangu.com $3,000 medlabsupply.com $2,000
anzan.com $2,899 vyral.com $2,000
scubadives.com $2,877 warcloud.com $2,000

Sedo also joined forces with Moniker/SnapNames to sell JuegosDeBobEsponja.com for $5,000

Back at the AfternicDLS PublishingSoftware.com went for $8,888, FutureVisions.com spotted $8,580 and EvolutionYoga.com yielded $8,100. HotelPlaza.com and Professionali.com produced $6,500 each while Pearlies.com provided $6,000. FurnitureCloseout.com attracted $5,600, Mailz.com managed $5,250 and OSPGroup.com corralled $5,170

The AfternicDLS had 143 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
colore.com $5,000   allsuppliers.com $2,500
millibar.com $5,000 atlashealth.com $2,500
mrcoupon.com $5,000 dabest.com $2,500
brasilcentral.com $4,888 effectivesolutions.com $2,500
localcourier.com $4,670 icedreams.com $2,500
ccio.com $4,500 lawrecruitment.com $2,500
citystaffing.com $4,500 medicareusa.com $2,500
dialingcode.com $4,410 on-web.com $2,500
BabyBouquets.com $4,400 repairstore.com $2,500
knowledgecentre.com $4,388 TalkFinance.com $2,500
photobookmaker.com $4,388 uniquehospitality.com $2,500
checkinnetwork.com $4,235 xdevelopers.com $2,500
dateknight.com $4,225 modelhomeguide.com $2,488
schmancy.com $4,188 princeclub.com $2,488
maintenancemechanic.com $4,070 voicehub.com $2,422
AssuranceVoyage.com $4,050 arabiamotors.com $2,401
bananaphone.com $4,000 freevideodating.com $2,388
innerweb.com $4,000 isolabs.com $2,388
selfsupport.com $4,000 ourpiece.com $2,388
3rr.com $3,995 spindate.com $2,300
buyerquest.com $3,988 CarGeeks.com $2,250
searchventures.com $3,850 clickchemistry.com $2,250
standardair.com $3,800 publitech.com $2,250
llell.com $3,588 betterage.com $2,200
teamday.com $3,588 camshub.com $2,200
InfoRE.com $3,500 friendtrack.com $2,200
pamu.com $3,500 hotelshub.com $2,200
massv.com $3,488 inspirationweddings.com $2,200
en-garde.com $3,438 leadingevents.com $2,200
dfcb.com $3,411 pinkonline.com $2,200
swissinnovation.com $3,388 chiefonline.com $2,188
forensicanalytical.com $3,319 soundandlighting.com $2,188
chinaacademy.com $3,307 groupmix.com $2,166
brightlist.com $3,288 quickcue.com $2,166
danceuniversity.com $3,288 basetool.com $2,159
doctorcams.com $3,288 ForexSpace.com $2,150
mediaresourcecenter.com $3,288 lovenut.com $2,100
theatrepeople.com $3,288 organizationalplanning.com $2,100
fotoportfolio.com $3,250 attorneysinflorida.com $2,088
newcambridge.com $3,250 bicyclebook.com $2,088
excitingtimes.com $3,188 bowlingbar.com $2,088
healthmode.com $3,188 fairball.com $2,088
locationbasedmarketing.com $3,188 howtoforgive.com $2,088
medicaldiet.com $3,188 ishoppes.com $2,088
arithmetica.com $3,088 phonesys.com $2,088
qpme.com $3,066 smallorders.com $2,088
defensebase.com $3,055 toocoolforschool.com $2,088
3labs.com $3,000 wellnessu.com $2,088
bodyware.com $3,000 consciousnews.com $2,070
CoalHarbourLIVING.com $3,000 1mai.com $2,000
mayumi.com $3,000 alternativeresearch.com $2,000
shoprevolution.com $3,000 blogtheory.com $2,000
getmytrip.com $2,988 broadcastnetwork.com $2,000
ipeep.com $2,988 careforall.com $2,000
pianella.com $2,988 chinesegroup.com $2,000
merchant-services.com $2,888 chkp.com $2,000
otroplaneta.com $2,888 combokit.com $2,000
reclamationservices.com $2,888 contextu.com $2,000
schooltechnology.com $2,888 fibrecare.com $2,000
taxiride.com $2,850 interiorsusa.com $2,000
cancerrisk.com $2,800 marinaslips.com $2,000
hefco.com $2,800 maxsec.com $2,000
centerchurch.com $2,788 menugenie.com $2,000
communitymagazines.com $2,788 midtownhealth.com $2,000
letsreview.com $2,788 obdesign.com $2,000
netval.com $2,788 pacificgardens.com $2,000
desain.com $2,750 piinteractive.com $2,000
poolplay.com $2,700 sapphirevalley.com $2,000
waterreclamation.com $2,600 surroundsoundmusic.com $2,000
dancelove.com $2,588 vamuseum.com $2,000
umeinc.com $2,588 wemoveanything.com $2,000
healthy-choices.com $2,510   

The AfternicDLS also teamed up with Moniker/SnapNames to sell SuperPlastic.com for $6,000.

Moniker/SnapNames also made hay with Chaba.com and HoopsRumors.com at $7,000 apiece. Vant.com vented $4,350, Bidd.com brought $3,345 and Sporter.com sped off with $3,211. 3GO.com clicked for $3,103, Guargum.com generated $3,101 and Grouporn.com gathered $3,005. LosJuegos.com added $2,933, AHRC.com delivered $2,500 and MSGBar.com bit off $2,000

At NoktaDomains KNOQ.com contributed $8,500, SatisOrtakligi.com devoured $6,750 and FittedBathrooms.com floated $5,350. CallBridge.com braked at $5,125, YASN.com claimed $5,000 and Warenwirtschaftssysteme.com closed at $4,200. WirePartition.com penned in $3,060, GelMattress.com coaxed $3,000, BenalmadenaPueblo.com pulled $2,500 and PorchRepair.com peeled off $2,200

At HuntingMoon.com HotGuys.com hauled in $8,500, BigBush.com buttoned up $5,000 and WifeVideos.com paused at $3,500. HotBooty.com banked $3,000 while 3DPornVideos.com and GrannyMovies.com grossed $2,500 apiece and FeetMovies.com focused on $2,000.

TobyClements.com sold CreditScoreReport.com for $5,000, YummyNames moved LiveStockTrader.com for $2,489 and also teamed with the AfternicDLS to sell Kinoplex.com for $2,222.

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The country codes continued their steady performance led by the eight five-figure sales you saw on the all extension leader board above. Those names of course fill the eight slots on our expanded Country Code Top 40 Sales Chart covering the past two weeks. The highest ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #9 Fertigkuchen.de, sold for $9,248 at Sedo. Their $8,043 sale of another German domain, BeachVolleyball.de, rounded out the top ten. 

Sedo piled up 36 of the 40 chart entries including #17 (tie) Karate.tv, a name they sold for Makis.tv at €4,000 ($5,480).  The only charted sales to escape Sedo's wide net were a trio of private sales that included #13 Weather.com.ph sold by Sol Orwell for $7,500 and the NoktaDomains sale of #23 RemoteControlHelicopter.co.uk for $4,750. 

Here is how the ccTLD leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sept. 11:

Country Code Top 40
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Aug. 29, 2011 - Sun. Sept. 11, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 14, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1 Food.de €28,000 = $38,360 Sedo
2. FancyDressCostumes.co.uk £16,000 = $25,280 Sedo
3 PaydayLoans.org.uk £10,600 = $16,748 Pvt Sale
4. LVP.ch €12,000 = $16,440 Sedo
5. OutletCity.de €10,000 = $13,700 Sedo
6. Triangle.co.uk $12,200 Pvt Sale
Casino.pe €8,000 = $10,960 Sedo
Herr.de €8,000 = $10,960 Sedo
9. Fertigkuchen.de €6,750 = $9,248 Sedo
10. BeachVolleyball.de €5,900 = $8,083 Sedo
11. Gimme.co.uk £5,000 = $7,900 Sedo
12. Trinkwasslabor.de €5,500 = $7,535 Sedo
13. Weather.com.ph $7,500 Pvt Sale
14. LiveCasino.de €5,100 = $6,987 Sedo
Photobox.cn €5,000 = $6,850 Sedo
GRL.in $6,850 Sedo
Compare.at €4,000 = $5,480 Sedo
Karate.tv €4,000 = $5,480 Sedo
19. Vote.co.nz €3,750 = $5,138 Sedo
Corrientes.tv $5,000 Sedo
PestControl.us $5,000 Sedo

22. Wartezimmer-TV.de €3,500 = $4,795 Sedo
23. RemoteControlHelicopter.co.uk $4,750 NoktaDomains
24. Woop.co.uk £3,000 = $4,740 Sedo
25. Winterjacken.de €3,250 = $4,453 Sedo
26. BRB.de €3,001 = $4,111 Sedo
ASMC.ru €3,000 = $4,110 Sedo
Klauenpfleger.de €3,000 = $4,110 Sedo
OF.is €3,000 = $4,110 Sedo
30. Yurls.nl €2,950 = $4,042 Sedo
31. TravelKing.in $3,900 Sedo
iCloud.co $3,600 Sedo
ThingsToDoInLondon.co.uk $3,600 Sedo
34. Spiritual.de €2,500 = $3,425 Sedo
35. BlogSpot.us $3,300 Sedo
36. Road.de €2,400 = $3,288 Sedo
37. Chauffage.fr €2,350 = $3,220 Sedo
38. Newtrition.de $3,200 Sedo
39. GSM.co.uk £2,000 = $3,160 Sedo
40. Europa-Versicherung.de €2,300 = $3,151 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were several dozen additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart with Sedo accounting for the vast majority of those, as they usually do in the country code category. The table below lists the 89 additional sales they had ranging form $1,000 to $2,923:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,923
prettygreen.co.uk $2,923   gss.eu $1,370
godmother.co.uk $2,904 moneymaster.de $1,370
transilvania.de $2,809 onr.eu $1,370
reddays.co.uk $2,765 petspyjamas.co.uk $1,370
gesunder-urlaub.de $2,740 stay.be $1,370
itl.ch $2,740 appartements.co $1,369
upstore.de $2,740 internet2008.eu $1,369
ames.de $2,672 xedaq.at $1,356
behandlungsfehler.de $2,672 brainpool.ch $1,349
economiser.be $2,589 emanager.ch $1,349
hottubs.us $2,500 flyingservice.ch $1,349
kfzversicherungsvergleich.eu $2,466 founder.eu $1,336
shop-hosting.de $2,445 qdo.pl $1,302
Shophosting.de  $2,445 north.co.nz $1,264
mp3s.co.uk $2,411 askher.co $1,250
the-brewery.co.uk $2,370 vend.me $1,250
manualidades.es $2,261 bauchwegtraining.de $1,233
fishing.eu $2,192 elgallinero.es $1,233
icms.de $2,192 meintakt.de $1,233
preisvergleichstrom.de $2,192 währungs-rechner.de $1,233
reetdach.de $2,192 serviziopubblico.it $1,192
ferienhaus-rügen.de $2,055 myweather.co.uk $1,185
tütensuppe.de $2,055 gartengestaltung.eu $1,178
alps.co $2,000 energiespositives.fr $1,165
product.me $2,000 energies-positives.fr $1,165
myrobot.kr $1,950 mygym.de $1,165
building-best-brands.es $1,918 pro-heddesheim.de $1,165
spielzeug-paradies.de $1,865 unicos.es $1,165
dealfun.co.uk $1,800 readingproperty.co.uk $1,130
999.tv $1,750 aloedrinks.co.uk $1,106
geprüft.de $1,713 castalia.it $1,096
stocktrading.ch $1,713 myfamily.at $1,096
xanten-aktuell.de $1,713 sothys.co $1,096
erfolgspaket.de $1,630 menschen.eu $1,082
ferienhaus-ruegen.de $1,630 hajj.eu $1,028
unverkennbar.de $1,630 heimwerkertipps.at $1,028
motorhomeinsurance.org.uk $1,580 rollerscout24.de $1,028
onlysim.nl $1,576 smartgrid.tv $1,028
karhu.es $1,536 studentenverträge.de $1,028
column.de $1,507 wobile.de $1,028
ample.in $1,500 hotelclub.tw $1,000
ediamonds.eu $1,500 net-components.eu $1,000
homes.mx $1,400 onlineschools.us $1,000
ferienwohnung-cuxhaven.de $1,370 planet-sports.at $1,000
forumauto.fr $1,370  

At NoktaDomains PetHealthInsurance.co.uk brought $2,700, SmallBusinessServices.co.uk culled $2,350 and four others; MotorcycleTools.co.uk, WoodCarvingTools.co.uk, WoodworkTools.co.uk and FencingTools.co.uk feasted on $1,750 each. 

Elsewhere Drop.com.au sold Lounges.com.au for $2,057, the AfternicDLS moved BaseballSavings.co for $1,870 and DomainLore.co.uk sold two; Biotechnology.co.uk for $1,594 and Inscribe.co.uk for $1,582

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

The non .com gTLDs didn't equally share in the wealth over the past two weeks with only one domain from this category reaching five figures - Babysitters.net at $12,500 via Sedo. Jaguars.org ($9,999 at the AfternicDLS) and CoolMathGames.net ($9,500 at Sedo) rounded out the top three on our expanded Top 40 Sales Chart for this group. Those three also made the all extension leader board at the top of this report. 

The highest sales you haven't yet seen in this category are a pair of names that tied for the #4 slot at $7,000 each. Those were FootballTickets.net at TobyClements.com and RentalInsurance.org via Sedo. Clements scored again with #6 DiscountAutoInsurance.net at $6,900

Even so it was the AfternicDLS that led all venues in the non .com gTLD race. They had a hand in 20 of the 41 chart entries (the extra spot came from a tie for the final position. Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sept. 11:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 40
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Aug. 29, 2011 - Sun. Sept. 11, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 14, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Babysitters.net $12,500 Sedo
2. Jaguars.org $9,999 AfternicDLS
3. CoolMathGames.net $9,500 Sedo
FootballTickets.net $7,000 TobyClements.com
RentalInsurance.org $7,000 Sedo
6. DiscountAutoInsurance.net $6,900 TobyClements.com
7. Owners.org $6,888 AfternicDLS
8. 46.net $6,800 Sedo
9. Pool.net $6,500 Sedo
10. Bewerbungsschreiben.org €4,500 = $6,165 Sedo
11. GodLife.net $5,941 Sedo
HomeForSale.info $4,500 Sedo
CreditAuto.net $4,290 Sedo
14. CreditCardPayment.net $4,288 AfternicDLS/
15. Celular.net $4,188 AfternicDLS
FullScale.net $3,588 AfternicDLS
OptionTrading.net $3,588 AfternicDLS
Pull.org $3,500 AfternicDLS
Visualization.net $3,500 AfternicDLS
GSSI.org €2,500 = $3,425 Sedo
Sportnahrung.org €2,500 = $3,425 Sedo

22. Berufsunfähigkeit.net (IDN) €2,300 = $3,151 Sedo
23. Sundew.net $3,088 AfternicDLS
24. MusicAngel.net $3,000 Sedo
25. Lisa.info $2,995 Sedo
26. Bizzone.net $2,988 AfternicDLS
27. OS.biz $2,950 Sedo
ConnectMe.org $2,788 AfternicDLS
StStephens.net $2,788 AfternicDLS
30. Apocryphal.net $2,688 AfternicDLS
31. Elektrowerkzeuge.net €1,950 = $2,672 Sedo
Indiabiz.net $2,588 AfternicDLS/
MetabolicSyndrome.net $2,588 AfternicDLS
EuroCasino.org $2,500 Sedo
Gothic.info $2,500 Sedo
Konzert.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
LowBackPain.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
38. Sitec.org €1,750 = $2,398 Sedo
Carus.net $2,388 AfternicDLS
DivorceMediation.net $2,388 AfternicDLS
Iconi.net $2,388 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several additional four-figure non .com gTLD sales just off the chart led by Sedo's $2,368 sale of Octopus.org. They also moved Adamantium.net at $2,200 and Beton.info at $2,178

Sedo had 22 more four-figure non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,055 that are listed in the table below: 

Additional Sedo Non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,055
innova.mobi $2,055   dolce-gabbana.biz $1,370
putzfrau.net $2,055 online-games.biz $1,370
buygoldcoins.org $2,000 tacke.net $1,370
webseite.org $1,780 ecommercejobs.net $1,336
nannyservice.net $1,750 girls-games.net $1,300
ofi.net $1,700 slice.info $1,300
space.travel $1,600 ufa.org $1,300
glutamin.org $1,576 text.biz $1,240
waschbrettbauch.org $1,507 perfumy.net $1,035
colognes.info $1,439 cellphone.info $1,025
silverprices.info $1,400 fibromyalgia.info $1,000

Back at the AfternicDLS Bodysculpting.org and Canape.net cooked up $2,300 apiece and GoVote.net notched $2,144

The AfternicDLS had 33 more four-figure non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS Non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
babybio.com $2,000   learningnetwork.org $1,388
cashforcar.org $2,000 writingservice.net $1,388
unimed.org $2,000 cajons.net $1,350
lafont.net $1,900 exxl.net $1,316
seefelder.net $1,900 mathclub.org $1,300
scriptor.net $1,688 vinix.net $1,300
mobber.net $1,600 90days.net $1,288
alsultan.net $1,588 guidetohealth.org $1,288
eyeinthesky.org $1,575 stopthemadness.net $1,288
olta.net $1,525 carhistory.org $1,200
drumsticks.net $1,500 productplacement.net $1,200
edgeworks.net $1,500 xdirect.net $1,188
firedepartment.net $1,500 cajon.net $1,150
sunbird.net $1,500 goldeneagle.net $1,000
adara.net $1,488 microsite.net $1,000
getgame.net $1,400 retailworks.net $1,000
fleetcom.net $1,388  

The AfternicDLS also teamed up with Moniker/SnapNames to sell Fing.net for $1,888

Elsewhere URLs.net sold Vigor.org for $1,000 on behalf of Dan Meek.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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