
June 09, 2013

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Won.com Wins This Week's Domain Sales Race With 6-Figure Sale at Moniker/SnapNames

Over the past week Oversee.net's aftermarket twins, Moniker/SnapNames, closed a number of sales from their live domain auction at DOMAINfest Global, helping them take seven places on our latest weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart, including the top two positions and six of the first eight. Won.com led the way with a $115,000 sale - a transaction that is the 5th biggest reported so far in 2011. SocialMusic.com secured the runner-up position with a $60,558 sale. 

Sedo claimed the next two spots and went on to take eight places overall, more than any other venue. They banked $50,000 for #3 Sketchbook.com and $32,500 for the week's biggest ccTLD sale - #4 Venture.ca (Canadian country code). Three other ccTLDs made the elite list and one of those also reached the first five - Love.me at $32,000 via Moniler/SnapNames. 

The non .com gTLDs were shut out this week - in fact all of the reported sales in that category fell below the $10,000 mark.

By Ron Jackson

NoktaDomains joiined Sedo and Moniker/SnapNames among the venues with multiple chart entries. They hit the trifecta with #10 (tie) ChristianFundraising.com ($23,000), #13 Karsilastir.com ($17,000) and #19 InstallPrinter.con ($12,500). Also earning chart honors were MediaOptions.com with #12 Skeletons.com at $18,500 and Michael Berkens's MostWantedDomains.com with #17 GoToCanada.com at $13,500.

Here's how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 27:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 21, 2011 - Sun. Feb. 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 2, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Won.com $115,000 Moniker/SnapNames
2. SocialMusic.com $60,558 Moniker/SnapNames
3. Sketchbook.com $50,000 Sedo
4. Venture.ca $32,500 Sedo
5. Love.me $32,000 Moniker/SnapNames
BridgeLoan.com $27,500 Moniker/SnapNames
IAS.com $27,000 Moniker/SnapNames
8. Damages.com $26,000 Moniker/SnapNames
9. EmailSignature.com $25,000 Sedo
ChristianFundraising.com $23,000 NoktaDomains
PD2.com $23,000 Sedo


12. Skeletons.com $18,500 MediaOptions
13. Karsilastir.com $17,000 NoktaDomains
14. CarpetCompany.com $16,500 Sedo
15. Neuwagen24.de €11,500 = $15,870 Sedo
16. ComputerCrash.com $15,000 Moniker/SnapNames
17. GoToCanada.com $13,500 MostWantedDomains
18. EMAS.com £8,000 = $13,040 Sedo
19. InstallPrinter.com $12,500 NoktaDomains
20. Nugget.co.uk £7,500 = $12,225 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 11 more five-figure sales just off the chart with the AfternicDLS posting the highest of those - ESOL.com at $12,000. They also moved MobileWebsites.com and Skilla.com at $10,000 each

Back at Moniker/SnapNames, TrafficJam.com hit the brakes at $11,500, PartyFood.com served up $11,000 and two others; UFN.com and Kiss.me kicked in $10,000 apiece

Sedo scored with Ontbijt.nl ($10,350), Download.co ($10,099) and Food.io ($10,000). Elsewhere, HuntingMoon.com registered a $10,000 sale with CasualDates.com.  

.Com Supporting Cast

Moniker/SnapNames led the four-figure .com supporting cast with KKT.com ($9,500), Wounds.com ($9,420) and ePower.com ($9,060). iCarts.com and OfficePark.com produced $6,000 apiece while DiscountApparel.com attracted $5,900 and GuerrillaNews.com revealed $5,250.

SportsDiscount.com drew $5,149 while Jiajuwang.com and UKJ.com clicked for $4,130 each. TechAssist.com tallied $3,850, TaoTown.com welcomed $2,499, AgileBits.com bagged $2,099 and AppADay.com downloaded $2,050

At NameJet Wowza.com unwrapped $9,011, CoinMarket.com cashed in $7,100 and CedarFurniture.com seated $6,600. AOMA.com added $5,544 and CarProblems.com cost $5,211

NameJet had 21 more c.om sales ranging from $2,100 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

AdditionalNameJet .com Sales Between $2,100 - $5,000
organiceggs.com $5,000   greekradio.com $2,555
coupling.com $4,800 luxuryfinder.com $2,500
userratings.com $4,152 insuranceconsultants.com $2,475
personalproperty.com $3,350 hisp.com $2,433
insead.com $3,200 peluqueros.com $2,234
toysplus.com $3,200 bigmonster.com $2,200
pedo.com $3,100 bigview.com $2,200
rewardscentral.com $3,000 smusic.com $2,200
learngolf.com $2,950 xiangu.com $2,200
bustyblond.com $2,600 research-lab.com $2,100
mapnetwork.com $2,600  

At Sedo the hit list included Jetex.com ($9,000), GooKit.com ($7,995) and PurchasingPro.com ($7,500). TFOnline.com landed $7,140, Singlz.com connected with $6,900 and LSDistribution.com dispensed $6,210.

Chinevoyage.com chalked up $5,300, iBlox.com earned $5,078 and five others were in a logjam at $5,000 apiece that included Amarantus.com, CashLocator.com, Length.com, Maboite.com and TaxiFinder.com

Sedo had 38 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,995 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,995
partly.com $4,995   roiet.com $2,829
bql.com $4,600 sumig.com $2,600
artvow.com $4,500 flexclear.com $2,500
centrofashion.com $4,500 lv7.com $2,500
motionplay.com $4,290 networkoptics.com $2,500
tibian.com $4,250 sunnystar.com $2,500
kantian.com $4,140 shareads.com $2,450
rightplace.com $4,000 groupshot.com $2,250
flob.com $3,877 infiniso.com $2,250
bioutility.com $3,500 photosalon.com $2,250
simulationdepret.com $3,450 shengang.com $2,250
kutti.com $3,449 bodegas-vinos.com $2,208
swiftmoney.com $3,423 korealand.com $2,200
clubrock.com $3,350 theatredelaquarium.com $2,070
qjz.com $3,150 innosol.com $2,000
buyfirst.com $3,000 jobsy.com $2,000
legalevents.com $3,000 nichefinder.com $2,000
logome.com $3,000 openoms.com $2,000
sinopoly.com $3,000 rentashed.com $2,000

At the AfternicDLS Meige.com doled out $8,288, GoOffRoad.com ran over $8,000 and two others; MailForwarding.com and DEOnline.com located $7,500 each. Another pair, FloralBoutique.com and CellphonePrices.com provided $7,000 apiece

Parazzi.com posted $6,000, MedOutlet.com delivered $5,500 and Sociallite.com left a $5,400 message. LegalSmokes.com lit up $4,900 while two others; TutorSolution.com and Stuffies.com stashed $4,188 each

The AfternicDLS reported 70 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. Those are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
investorcafe.com $4,000   docaudit.com $2,588
matchpartner.com $3,788 fromme2you.com $2,588
evergreencenter.com $3,688 kidsarespecial.com $2,588
improvementcenter.com $3,688 villarouge.com $2,588
vetusa.com $3,688 frenchnow.com $2,521
pingall.com $3,588 bargainbunker.com $2,500
crystaldelights.com $3,500 broadbrush.com $2,500
powerpill.com $3,500 dailyperk.com $2,500
renewableassets.com $3,500 governmentmarketing.com $2,500
sellstructuredsettlement.com $3,500 Interview360.com $2,500
keylearning.com $3,388 wauford.com $2,500
stylequeen.com $3,388 purchaseinsurance.com $2,488
crittercapes.com $3,300 arttraveler.com $2,388
mamele.com $3,288 alphalite.com $2,277
pixlive.com $3,288 chooseindependence.com $2,250
sohopartners.com $3,288 interesta.com $2,188
betabeat.com $3,230 powercylinder.com $2,188
shopcase.com $3,188 trendtravel.com $2,188
silversterling.com $3,188 pilatesbook.com $2,150
tobaccorow.com $3,188 aaccorp.com $2,088
travelxpert.com $3,188 channelsupport.com $2,088
cashadvanceit.com $3,080 datecertain.com $2,088
chandelle.com $3,000 growplus.com $2,088
estrades.com $3,000 meshow.com $2,088
powerparenting.com $2,988 worldofprayer.com $2,088
voteguide.com $2,988 cnect.com $2,077
padpage.com $2,888 animalsource.com $2,000
detectordogs.com $2,800 gourmetproducts.com $2,000
theforeignoffice.com $2,788 graymouse.com $2,000
thinnerbody.com $2,788 rosestoday.com $2,000
newyu.com $2,750 salesreceipts.com $2,000
cityhits.com $2,700 shadowhunters.com $2,000
learnwithvideos.com $2,688 takeamoment.com $2,000
marylandenergy.com $2,688 techl.com $2,000
Luxup.com $2,595 thegiftnetwork.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS also used their domain listing service partner, Sedo to sell Beauty-Point.com ($2,712) and TheSpiritualNetwork.com ($2,000), and another partner, Moniker/SnapNames, to sell Roguenet.com for $2,000

Back at NoktaDomains LiveClips.com focused on $7,500, ArgentinaHunting.com drew a bead on $4,900 and FreeBMICalculator.com totaled $4,000. FoldingBeachChairs.com chipped in $3,000, HumanResourcesCertification.com conferred $2,900 and two others; MultiPlayerChess.com and PrinterInstall.com corralled $2,100 each

Elsewhere, YummyNames teamed up with the AfternicDLS to sell Benbo.com for $4,382 and also sold ThePaw.com on their own for $2,530. YumDomains.com also got into the act with a $2,000 sale of BuzzStocks.com

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The ccTLDs had a solid outing this week with seven five-figure sales, including a pair that rank among the year's five biggest sales to date (2nd chart on that page). We showed you all of the five-figure sales in the all extension section at the top of this report, so the biggest country code sale you haven't seen yet is #8 DLR.nl at $8,970 via BliXem Internet. That was one of two Dutch ccTLDs that BliXem placed on our new Country Code Top 20 Chart - the other being #13 AmsterdamEscort.nl at $7,314.

Sedo, as they always do, dominated this leader board, sweeping 16 of 20 positions including #9 Deka.cn (Chinese ccTLD) at $8,700. NoktaDomains rounded out the top ten with #10 MultiCarInsurance.co.uk at $8,500. Sedo then kicked off the second half of the elite list with #11 BSB.in (representing India) at $7,750

Here is how the Country Code Top 20 stacked up for the week ending Feb. 27:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Feb. 21, 2011 - Sun. Feb. 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 3, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Venture.ca $32,500 Sedo
2. Love.me $32,000 Moniker/SnapNames
3. Neuwagen24.de €11,500 = $15,870 Sedo
4. Nugget.co.uk £7,500 = $12,225 Sedo
5. Ontbijt.nl €7,500 = $10,350 Sedo
6. Download.co $10,099 Sedo
7. Food.io $10,000 Sedo
8. DLR.nl €6,500 = $8,970 BliXem Internet
9. Deka.cn $8,700 Sedo
10. MultiCarInsurance.co.uk $8,500 NoktaDomains

11. BSB.in $7,750 Sedo
12. Pro-Duo.de €5,558 = $7,670 Sedo
13. AmsterdamEscort.nl €5,300 = $7,314 BliXem Internet
14. CarJet.es €5,150 = $7,107 Sedo
15. HolidayIdeas.co.uk $7,000 Sedo
Itevergleich.de €5,000 = $6,900 Sedo
Ite-Vergleich.de €5,000 = $6,900 Sedo
18. Helicopter.co.uk £4,210 = $6,862 Sedo
19. Front.co.uk £4,000 = $6,520 Sedo
20. EngagementRings.in $6,500 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure country codes sales off the chart. BliXem had the highest of those with BKS.eu at $5,873 and they also sold Spotting.nl for $2,622

Sedo accounted for the vast majority of ccTLD sales though. Their roster included Baufinanzierungvergleich.de at $5,658, My.md at $5,000 and Sleep.us at $4,890

Sedo had 60 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $3,994 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $3,994
oaklandfurniture.co.uk $3,994   banktester.de $1,380
trap.it $3,864 evoco.de $1,380
funnygames.mx $3,000 expat.at $1,380
möbellager.at $2,760 gesundheitsjournal.de $1,380
socialcrm.nl $2,759 gewerkschaftsmitglied.de $1,380
egoshooter.ch $2,622 mennekes.in $1,380
casaloca.ch $2,608 oex.eu $1,380
funnygames.hu $2,495 schneeschaufel.de $1,380
floorsanding.co.uk $2,429 animaz.fr $1,379
ferienhaus-florida.de $2,346 cybercd.fr $1,379
secompra.es $2,346 fleurier.ch $1,379
aero-x.de $2,208 wba.de $1,379
hostpapa.de $2,200 assetmanager.ch $1,359
crawford.pl $2,070 greencity.ch $1,359
kindermädchen.de $2,070 fengshuiportal.de $1,311
seniorentarif.de $2,070 cotswold-cottages.co.uk $1,296
travelmarket.nl $2,070 onsale.es $1,242
vetrox.de $2,070 comas.es $1,228
bilder24.de $2,053 theleadingedge.co.uk $1,223
bilder-24.de $2,053 dtc.fr $1,187
identityprotection.co.uk $2,038 meetone.de $1,159
wijnonline.nl $1,932 e-sports.tv $1,150
filmtiere.de $1,725 inkfactory.de $1,104
lactoseintolerant.co.uk $1,622 rollator.at $1,104
denon.es $1,601 pets.me $1,099
beem.tv $1,599 mld.be $1,063
packtech.de $1,587 fearless.fr $1,035
boerse.to $1,518 amazing.tv $1,000
appkostenlos.de $1,478 consumersearch.co $1,000
banneralarm.de $1,397 hopstop.co.uk $1,000

Elsewhere NoktaDomains sold PlasticStorageBoxes.co.uk ($2,900), JobsInCheltenham.co.uk ($1,225) and FestivalEssentials.co.uk ($1,150) while Moniker/SnapNames moved Miss.me at $2,000 and DomainLore.co.uk sold Automate.co.uk for $1,638

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Non .com gTLDs (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

The Non .Com gTLDs had a weak week with no domains reaching the five-figure level. That left the door open for EHN.org to lead our new weekly Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Chart with a $9,888 sale at Sedo. Though the category as a whole had a feeble outing, it was a good week for the .orgs who swept the top three spots, seven of the top ten and eight places overall - more than any other extension. Qwerty.org ($7,200) and SmartGrid.org ($7,000) rounded out the trio at the top.

The .nets were next with seven charted domains, led by #5 MyDrive.net at $4,830 via Sedo. The .infos weren't far behind, taking four places on the leader board. That extension was led by #12 Divorcio.info at $2,967. That left just one opening that was claimed by #4 Restaurant.biz, a domain sold at Sedo for $5,500

Here's how all of the Non .Com gTLD leaders stacked up for the week ending Feb. 27:

Non .Com gTLDs Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Feb. 21, 2011 - Sun. Feb. 27, 2011
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect March 2, 2011


Sold For

Where Sold
1. EHN.org $9,888 Sedo
2. Qwerty.org $7,200 AfternicDLS
3. SmartGrid.org $7,000 Sedo
4. Restaurant.biz $5,500 Sedo
5. MyDrive.net €3,500 = $4,830 Sedo
6. UCPA.org $4,260 NameJet
7. Sofortrente.org €2,600 = $3,588 Sedo
DesignerWatches.net $3,388 AfternicDLS
SCCL.org $3,388 AfternicDLS
10. LPIG.org $3,333 NameJet

11. Insun.net $2,988 AfternicDLS
12. Divorcio.info €2,150 = $2,967 Sedo
13. Messekalender.info €2,000 = $2,760 Sedo
14. Nahrungsergänzung.info (IDN) €1,950 = $2,691 Sedo
15. NukeScripts.net $2,501 NameJet
GraduateSchools.info $2,500 Sedo
Joker.org $2,500 Moniker/SnapNames
JustInTime.net $2,500 AfterniicDLS/Sedo
Mymo.net $2,500 Sedo
20. CouponWorld.net $2,488 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure non .com gTLD sales just off the chart. The AfternicDLS had the highest of those with Happ.net at $2,300. TotalHR.net and WindChime.net also went there for $2,088 each while ICantSleep.net notched $2,390 in a sale handled by domain listing service partner Sedo.

At NameJet the winner's list included IndianaStandards.org ($2,088), Guidelines.net ($1,620) and a pair at $1,000 apiece; Certifications.org and Yeshua.org. CancerFoundation.org added $1,110

Back at Sedo, ICPower.net generated $2,070. Sedo had 14 more non .com gTLDs sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
openoms.org $2,000   homefree.org $1,350
topdeal.org $1,950 creditonline.net $1,200
uppercut.net $1,794 tommorowsworld.org $1,199
beraterteam.info $1,380 easylaw.org $1,129
lebensversicherung.biz $1,380 desastre.net $1,042
roh.net $1,375 openoms.net $1,000
lotterycasino.net $1,365 perfect.pro $1,000

Elsewhere, Moniker/SnapNames sold PaternityTest.net ($1,899), 3DPrinter.net ($1,461) and ConesUp.net ($1,450)

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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