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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Pair of 6-Figure Sales Totaling $420,000 Gives Domain Aftermarket a Boost 

Two solid six-figure sales set the pace for the domain aftermarket this week. Evan Horowitz's HuntingMoon.com led the charge with their $270,000 sale of Celebs.com. MediaOptions.com also rang the six-figure bell by brokering Aron Meystedt's $150,000 sale of Copies.com. Meystedt was on the other end of a major transaction as the buyer of Tablets.com however he was unable to release the sales price for that domain due to a non-disclosure agreement. 

A lot of different sales venues got into the act this week as the top six sales were all sold through different platforms. Moniker/SnapNames rang up $88,000 for #3 MyCard.com, RickLatona.com landed $75,000 for #4 Mod.com, Sedo.com secured $48,300 for #5 Autoersatzteile.de ("auto parts" in German) and #6 KnifeSharpeners.com carved out $45,000 for WebsiteProperties.com

By Ron Jackson

Sedo wound up pulling away from the pack by sweeping the next five Top 20 Chart entries in a row and went on to claim nine places overall. Their roster included all three of the non .com gTLD entries on the all extension leader board, with that group led by #7 Define.net at $33,000

Sedo also accounted for three of the four ccTLDs on the elite list, including #9 Soap.de (German ccTLD) at $30,360. Drop.com.au broke Sedo's stranglehold on the country codes with #15 Wines.com.au (Australian ccTLD) at $19,252

The .coms piled up 13 chart entries, including three that were racked up by NoktaDomains. Their power trio was led by #13 TeenCarInsurance.com at $23,000.  

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, Nov. 7:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Nov. 1, 2010 - Sun. Nov. 7, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 10, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Celebs.com $270,000 HuntingMoon
2. Copies.com $150,000 MediaOptions
3. MyCard.com $88,000 Moniker/SnapNames
4. Mod.com $75,000 RickLatona.com
5. Autoersatzteile.de
("auto parts" in German)
€35,000 = $48,300 Sedo
6. KnifeSharpeners.com $45,000 WebsiteProperties
7. Define.net $33,000


8. Pug.com $31,600 Sedo
9. Soap.de €22,000 = $30,360 Sedo
10. Partnersuche.org €20,300 = $28,014 Sedo


GrabOne.com $25,000 Sedo
Pillowcases.com $25,000 Moniker/SnapNames
13. TeenCarInsurance.com $23,000 NoktaDomains
14. MattressTopper.com $21,500 NoktaDomains
15. Wines.com.au $19,252 Drop.com.au
16. S8.com $19,000 Sedo
17. DormBedding.com $18,500 NoktaDomains
18. ServiceDepartments.com $18,000 NameJet
19. Thesaurus.net $16,000 Sedo
20. Heimarbeit-Online.de €11,000 = $15,180 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 17 more five-figure sales just off the chart. NameJet had the highest of those with Ufit.com at $15,100. They also sold OnlineRealty.com for $12,200. The AfternicDLS rang up a pair of nice sales with Vivent.com ($15,000) and Jaro.com ($14,400)

Sedo placed 11 more sales in the five-figure club including AdFlex.com at $15,000, Secret.ch at $13,800 and another Swiss ccTLD, Multimarque.ch, at $12,864. 7T.com tacked on $12,250, Hunger.info wolfed down $10,645 and a country code IDN, Reisebüros.de, returned $10,531. Sedo's line up included five others at $10,000 apiece; Coris.com, iFans.com, InvestQ.com, LondonMassage.com and PeerVoice.com

NoktaDomains booked two other sales in this range; TheDiscountStore.com at $11,800 and OnlinePsychologyDegree.com at $10,500

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with Live6.com at $9,000. They also scored with AutoLiquidator.com ($8,088), Modelon.com ($7,700) and Levures.com ($6,788). FanFamily.com rooted for $6,765, IOweYou.com yielded $5,500 and PISB.com brought $5,457

PPDM.com drew $5,100 and three others; DCTV.com, iExpert.com and PropertyFriends.com produced $5,000 each. WorldRacing.com braked at $4,860 and TuitionPayments.com posted $4,588

The AfternicDLS reported 58 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
getlifeinsurance.com $4,500   thelovechild.com $2,588
hostingserver.com $4,500 gebe.com $2,500
newnow.com $4,309 koopwoning.com $2,500
plumbingdepot.com $4,000 stuchlik.com $2,455
localprojects.com $3,890 simplybathrooms.com $2,441
meteoweb.com $3,888 adsdaily.com $2,388
actioncricket.com $3,788 breakfasttable.com $2,350
thechesterfield.com $3,769 backbid.com $2,300
kineticit.com $3,741 herbalmd.com $2,300
triumphllc.com $3,688 idealart.com $2,300
biokon.com $3,500 lbworld.com $2,232
thuc.com $3,500 linkschool.com $2,200
daot.com $3,350 manufacturedirect.com $2,200
icandothis.com $3,288 sexybandz.com $2,200
tunnelsafety.com $3,288 abilitynetwork.com $2,188
connectcorp.com $3,188 groundpound.com $2,188
safetyinstitute.com $3,188 healthgreen.com $2,188
sportrelax.com $3,188 totenotes.com $2,188
storydesk.com $3,030 yourconfessions.com $2,188
winmoneyonline.com $3,030 alsinc.com $2,088
schoppernau.com $3,000 everydaycash.com $2,088
lecs.com $2,800 farmmade.com $2,088
alcohol-treatment.com $2,788 jbyrd.com $2,088
computercorps.com $2,788 communityclinic.com $2,000
lifestrength.com $2,788 digitalcross.com $2,000
ebsglobal.com $2,677 faithgroup.com $2,000
foryourfuture.com $2,588 federaldisability.com $2,000
lookkool.com $2,588 poweryourworld.com $2,000
savemycountry.com $2,588 upsync.com $2,000

Back at NoktaDomain TruckAccidentLawyers.com won an $8,800 settlement while AssociateDegreesOnline.com and OnlineDoctorateDegree.com conferred $6,000 apiece. Boxd.com bagged $3,900, ContractorMortgage.com captured $3,150 and OnlineUniversityDegrees.com earned $2,500. SnowthrowerParts.com put together $2,400, CrossWall.com went for $2,250 and CubanDating.com attracted $2,200

At NameJet Favourite.com fetched $8,600, CityPublicService.com provided $6,571 and Corrales.com cornered $6,001. DisnyChannel.com chalked up $5,655, Pils.com dispensed $5,300 and Deportivas.com departed with $5,078. Miyi.com made $5,012 and BreastClinic.com clicked for $5,001

NameJet had 23 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,950 that are shown in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $2,799
clora.com $4,950   fauxdiamonds.com $2,650
enjoytravel.com $4,600 movingout.com $2,616
openhealth.com $4,600 aliso.com $2,610
bestregards.com $4,599 atiu.com $2,600
essencedigital.com $3,100 reqian.com $2,600
netcase.com $3,100 pampanga.com $2,599
lule.com $2,988 hornell.com $2,506
openpark.com $2,900 jiguan.com $2,502
eastmeadow.com $2,801 pantanal.com $2,502
generalmanager.com $2,800 cyberrain.com $2,222
justaskme.com $2,800 localidad.com $2,100
churchwebhosting.com $2,700  

At Sedo SpineDoctor.com came up with an $8,000 diagnosis, JumpShot.com netted $7,500 and FindInsurance.com found $7,209. Scratchoffs.com discovered $7,200 while BuyBirdFeeders.com and XServers.com doled out $7,000 apiece. 

iNewsStand.com stacked up $6,500, Codio.com corralled $6,250 and two others; HotelShuttle.com and EcoGuard.com generated $6,000 each. A four-name group including Bleeko.com, iShot.com, LivingTales.com and LocalStew.com stirred up $5,000 apiece. 

Sedo had 45 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,999 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,999
altaira.com $4,999   cleversys.com $2,760
answear.com $4,800 trockene-augen.com $2,701
sighting.com $4,600 sauber.com $2,674
renvi.com $4,490 emergencydentistfinder.com $2,500
1123.com $4,450 imarry.com $2,500
appys.com $4,140 kdshop.com $2,500
smsenviado.com $4,140 mp3find.com $2,500
carehomesfinder.com $4,025 patioumbrellasplus.com $2,500
businessup.com $4,002 shemalereviews.com $2,500
creditcards123.com $4,000 zeitschriften-abo.com $2,484
mediasift.com $4,000 phase5.com $2,300
social-search.com $3,963 vidafacil.com $2,300
smokin.com $3,950 1958.com $2,250
jugargratis.com $3,933 autodromo.com $2,250
buywebsite.com $3,500 newradicals.com $2,208
converted.com $3,500 egenes.com $2,201
rigolet.com $3,450 train2win.com $2,125
pondplanet.com $3,200 calzoncillos.com $2,070
easyexpert.com $3,099 houselab.com $2,070
rebelmagazine.com $3,000 kissmyads.com $2,000
wuaw.com $3,000 mtall.com $2,000
gctr.com $2,998 prefabgarages.com $2,000
support365.com $2,995  

At Moniker/SnapNames HomeBusinessOpportunities.com banked $7,255, XKX.com kicked in $5,851 and StripperRoulette.com raked in $5,149. PensacolaShipyard.com docked at $3,649, WebsiteDomain.com went for $2,988 and Entrading.com tallied $2,099

At YummyNames SummerVillage.com welcomed $3,300, GameEscape.com scored $2,077 and TotalEducation.com added $2,000

In private sales Sohail Roshni moved CarInsurer.com ($8,000), Newshunter.com ($5,000) and PC4Sale.com ($5,000) while Sean Waller sold Surgery4Me.com for $2,800

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The country codes had a solid week with seven five-figure sales led by Autoersatzteile.de
("auto parts" in German) at $48,300 via Sedo, a venue that swept 17 of the 20 entries on our latest Country Code Top 20 Chart. 

Those five-figure sales were all noted in the all extension section at the top of this report. The highest ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #8 TopShop.de (German country code) sold at Sedo for $9,660. BettingExchange.co.uk was right behind at $9,459. Sedo's roster included the $9,000 sale of the one-letter domain #11 O.co.za (South African ccTLD) to Overstock.com.

As is often the case, Germany's popular .de extension has the most chart entries. This week .de claimed 11 spots on the elite list. Here is how the ccTLD Top 20 stacked up for the week ending Nov. 7:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Nov. 1, 2010 - Sun. Nov. 7, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 10, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Autoersatzteile.de
("auto parts" in German)
€35,000 = $48,300 Sedo
2. Soap.de €22,000 = $30,360 Sedo
3. Wines.com.au $19,252 Drop.com.au
4. Heimarbeit-Online.de €11,000 = $15,180 Sedo
5. Secret.ch €10,000 = $13,800 Sedo
6. Multimarque.ch €9,322 = $12,864 Sedo
7. Reisebüros.de (IDN) €7,631 = $10,531 Sedo
8. TopShop.de €7,000 = $9,660 Sedo
9. BettingExchange.co.uk £5,875 = $9,459 Sedo
10. PP-Gruppe.de €6,545 = $9,032 Sedo

11. O.co.za $9,000 Sedo
Power-Bleaching.de €6,500 = $8,970 Sedo
SuperCasino.de €6,500 = $8,970 Sedo
14. QE.de €5,950 = $8,211 Moniker/SnapNames
15. Phentermine.co.uk £5,000 = $8,050 Sedo
16. Sports.co.nz $7,700 Sedo
OnlineCasino.cc €4,999 = $6,899 Sedo
YD.de €4,999 = $6,899 Sedo
19. Scheinwerfer.de €4,500= $6,210 Sedo
20. Jubel.nl €4,150 = $5,727 BliXem Internet

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure country codes sales just off the chart. Sedo had the highest of those with a trio of names; Frostwire.nl, Rekorder.de and Tequila.co.uk at $5,520 each. Tracker.ru went for $5,000 and three others; GamerShop.de, LittleBlackDress.co.uk and Proteine.fr added $4,830 apiece. Comics.co chipped in another $4,692

Sedo had 57 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $4,416 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $4,416
coiffure-cheveux.fr $4,416   verkosten.de $1,932
epresse.fr $4,140 vending.fr $1,794
shop4kids.de $4,140 cables.eu $1,700
homepagebaukasten.de $4,139 autodata.it $1,656
espring.de $4,024 comfortableshoes.co.uk $1,650
fitstar.de $3,588 tabletas.es $1,587
modellhubschrauber.de $3,450 bmb.de $1,519
tmall.co $3,400 iphoto.de $1,518
lottusse.cn $3,386 lernerfolg.de $1,518
g2p.de $3,284 privatverkaufen.de $1,518
push.in $3,284 tribago.es $1,518
redcats.nl $3,284 3d.st $1,400
cashgold.it $3,112 humboldtreisen.de $1,380
onlinecasino.bz $3,066 jjc.be $1,380
abudabi.de $2,760 meinschneider.de $1,380
palettenankauf.de $2,760 printalbum.de $1,380
safer.us $2,760 diapers.at $1,366
utc.us $2,500 finn.es $1,366
zeitgeschichte.de $2,347 aib.nl $1,311
jeja.eu $2,312 sah.at $1,311
premiere.tv $2,149 swoontv $1,250
123-provisionsfrei.de $2,070 wizard101.pl $1,148
diapers.be $2,070 marketingcenter.de $1,139
profession.ch $2,070 coordina.es $1,090
tigra.ch $2,070 internships.eu $1,035
webapps.de $2,070 plastelina.es $1,035
casino.bz $2,000 seat-forum.de $1,014
strollers.co $2,000 cakes.eu $1,000
houndhouse.co.uk $1,932  

Drop.com.au continued to ring up some nice Australian .com.au sales including Valuations.com.au ($3,574), Films.com.au ($2,534) and Suitcase.com.au ($2,246). DogWalking.com.au dug up $1,913, Tie.com.au tacked on $1,219 and Magical.com.au conjured up $1,129. Tacos.com.au tasted $1,014 and PZ.com.au yielded $1,012

Netfleet.com.au also had success with .com.au selling Fascinators.com.au ($2,000), BonJour.com.au ($1,400) and ComparisonRates.com.au ($1,100). Two others; Invoice.com.au and TaxConsultants.com.au for $1,000 apiece. 

At NoktaDomains it was Great Britain's .co.uk extension bringing home the bacon. GameTrade.co.uk sold for $3,000, E-Service.co.uk earned $1,500 and FreePrints.co.uk produced $1,250. SustainableLiving.co.uk located $1,200 while LeatherSofaBed.co.uk and TriathlonBikes.co.uk booked $1,100 apiece. 

Moniker/SnapNames sold a pair of IDNs; Würstchen.de ($2,139) and Anfänger.de ($1,449) as well as Jackett.de at $1,104

Elsewhere DNSuperAgent.com sold AutoRental.co for $5,000, Suits.org.uk went for $3,220 at the AcornDomains.co.uk forum and BliXemInternet.nl checked in $2,553 with Chef-kok.nl. Also, in a pair of private sales, CouponCode.ca went for $3,000 and Phone.cc dialed up $1,500

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

A quartet of five-figure sales led the way for the non .com gTLDs this week. That group featured a pair of .nets; #1 Define.net ($33,000) and #3 Thesaurus.net ($16,000), a .org - #2 Partnersuche.org ($28,014) and a .info - #4 Hunger.info at $10,645. Those were all noted in the all extension section earlier, so the highest non .com gTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #5 Train.net at $9,500 via Sedo. 

Sedo piled up 14 of the 22 chart entries on our new Global Contenders Top 20 Chart (the two extra places resulting from a three-way tie for the final position. The AfternicDLS also had a strong showing with a half-dozen charted domains led by #6 WEM.net at $7,694

The .nets and the .orgs tied for the most chart entries with nine apiece, followed by .info with three and .pro with one. 

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending Nov. 7:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Nov. 1, 2010 - Sun. Nov. 7, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 10, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Define.net $33,000 Sedo
2. Partnersuche.org €20,300 = $28,014 Sedo
3. Thesaurus.net $16,000 Sedo
4. Hunger.info $10,645 Sedo
5. Train.net $9,500 Sedo
6. WFM.net $7,694 AfternicDLS
7. Blueberries.org $6,400 AfternicDLS
8. Give.net €4,165 = $5,748 Sedo
9. NCSTRL.org $5,100 NameJet
10. Colocation.net $5,000 AfternicDLS

11. HolidayCottages.net £2,950 = $4,750 Sedo
12. Aktenschrank.org €3,250 = $4,485 Sedo
13. Business-Intelligence.org €3,000 = $4,140 Sedo
14. Fairfax.org $4,045 NameJet
15. Aminosäuren,info €2,856 = $3,941 Sedo
16. GoodJobs.org $3,688 AfternicDLS
17. SavingsInterestRates.net $3,250 Sedo
18. ModernArt.org $3,188 AfternicDLS
19. Shoes.info $3,100 Sedo
eLogic.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
JoomlaTemplates.org $3,000 Sedo
Seguros.pro $3,000 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure GC sales just off the chart. The AfternicDLS had the highest of those with TaxAdviser.org at $2,900. They also sold HotStocks.net ($2,750) and PowerStation.org ($2,700)

The AfternicDLS had 22 more four-figure non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,370 that are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,370
oncourse.net $2,370   tradingstrategy.net $1,558
hlsa.org $2,200 performancepc.net $1,500
openeyes.net $2,088 fiete.net $1,488
yourtime.net $2,088 klempner.net $1,465
edelsteine.net $2,000 callcentre.org $1,416
sportsnutrition.org $2,000 saveone.net $1,388
cccw.net $1,988 superclean.net $1,388
seomarketing.org $1,788 taxadviser.net $1,388
tourz.net $1,700 kota.org $1,300
phpcode.net $1,600 privatewealthmanagement.net $1,088
tennispartner.net $1,600 nestegg.org $1,048

Back at Sedo Recettedecuisine.net notched $2,760, ComeCloser.net closed at $2,750 and BeachHotels.net booked $2,500

Sedo had 30 more non .com gTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,415. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,415
schluesseldienst.net $2,415   eftpos.net $1,288
casementwindows.net $2,350 solarpoolcovers.net $1,250
businesseconomics.net $2,346 sport24.net $1,242
disk.org $2,346 233.net $1,200
medikament.net $2,194 bneinoach.org $1,200
stoff.org $2,070 disaster.net $1,200
235.net $1,601 antiquaire.net $1,173
262.net $1,503 festgeldanlage.org $1,173
261.net $1,502 anodizing.net $1,100
jess.net $1,500 238.net $1,050
teser.net $1,500 hauskaufen.net $1,049
hifianlagen.net $1,449 moskou.net $1,035
partnertech.net $1,380 weihnachtsmaerkte.org $1,007
salope.org $1,380 251.net $1,000
messengerbags.net $1,300 repealitnow.org $1,000

At NameJet the winners list included Aussi.org ($2,600), CSE.org ($2,401) and MaterialReligion.org ($2,317). GSD.org added $1,747 and 3H.org drew $1,600. CheapInsuranceQuotes.org attracted $1,121, Flawless.net fetched $1,109, Yatra.net nailed $1,019 and CleanCarCampaign.org rallied around $1,008

At Moniker/SnapNames UAP.net picked up $2,250 and Automobil.org gained $1,519.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.

 Domain Buyer Broker


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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