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September 10, 2013

Domain Sales

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Prince.com Reigns on Our Weekly Top 20 Domain Sales Chart After Six-Figure Sale at MediaOptions 

In a deal brokered by Andrew Rosener at MediaOptions.com, Prince.com changed hands for $235,000 to ascend to the throne on our latest weekly Top 20 Domain Sales Chart

It was a big week for Rosener who also teamed up with Andy Kelly at UpMarketURLs.com to broker the sale of #4 Italy.net at $52,000. That is the fifth largest non .com gTLD sale reported so far this year. Like Rosener, Kelly also had a Top 20 solo sale, moving #13 Amsterdam.tv for $13,500.

YummyNames nailed down the #2 spot on the Big Board with MyGarage.com at $85,000 and Sedo took bronze with the week's biggest ccTLD sale, #3 Devisen.de at €55,930 ($70,472). As they usually do, Sedo went on to take the most chart entries, sweeping 14 of the 21 positions (the extra spot resulted a tie for the final spot).

By Ron Jackson

Sedo's haul included eight of the nine ccTLD domains that earned places on the all extension leader board (just one short of the 10 positions claimed by .coms). Three of those, including #5 Magazyny.pl (country code for Poland) and #9 Secret.de (German ccTLD), reached the top 10. Magazyny.pl produced $41,580 and Secret.de revealed $20,160.

A second non .com gTLD also made the elite list as #19 (tie) MesotheliomaLawsuit.org sold for $10,000 at Sedo.

The AfternicDLS hit the Daily Double tihs week with #6 Kudo.com at $25,200 and #14 OffShoreServices.com at $13,000. Moniker also earned chart honors with #12 Yaodian.com at $14,750. 

Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, August 22:

The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 16, 2010 - Sun. Aug. 22, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Aug. 25, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Prince.com $235,000 MediaOptions
2. MyGarage.com $85,000 YummyNames
3. Devisen.de €55,930 = $70,472 Sedo
4. Italy.net $52,000 MediaOptions/
5. Magazyny.pl €33,000 = $41,580


6. Kudo.com $30,000 AfternicDLS
7. GloballyYours.com €20,000 = $25,200 Sedo
8. OutdoorFountains.com $22,000 Sedo
9. Secret.de €16,000 = $20,160 Sedo
10. Hoppin.com $20,000 Sedo
11. EuroJackpot.de €15,000 = $18,900 Sedo
12. Yaodian.com $14,750 Moniker
13. Amsterdam.tv $13,500 UpMarketURLs
14. OffshoreServices.com $13,000 AfternicDLS
15. Star.me €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
16. XMG.com $12,000 Sedo
17. NetNordic.com €8,000 = $10,080 Sedo
18. Freelancer.cn £6,500 = $10,010 Sedo
Disrupt.co.uk $10,000 Sedo
MesotheliomaLawsuit.org $10,000 Sedo
OnlineCasino.hk $10,000 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the four-figure .com supporting cast with Opedia.com at $9,500 and also banked $9,000 each for Renessa.com and Saray.com. BrazilianFood.com cooked up $6,500, Torrentino.com tacked on $6,313 and two others; Alcina.com and VitaminAd.com attracted $6,300 apiece. TrueBalance.com added $6,000 to the till.

Sedo had 41 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
global-energy.com $5,000   timelocker.com $2,788
onebet.com $4,850 happysleep.com $2,750
madmums.com $4,620 americaedu.com $2,700
rightroom.com $4,620 crystallics.com $2,700
saintlouishotels.com $4,620 patiofurniturehome.com $2,700
gboy.com $4,500 mmcall.com $2,530
stolzenburg.com $3,950 cafefactory.com $2,520
bizlab.com $3,900 purchasecontrol.com $2,500
stoppy.com $3,850 shapeyourlife.com $2,500
teendrugrehab.com $3,800 abovegroundtanks.com $2,400
gratisspelletjes.com $3,780 justmove.com $2,310
systec.com $3,780 beclinic.com $2,276
internationalbusinesscorporation.com $3,500 conquering.com $2,200
myh2o.com $3,250 specl.com $2,200
biglead.com $3,200 aminosäuren.com $2,180
fotomodels.com $3,024 smallthings.com $2,050
cybercops.com $3,000 condorproperties.com $2,002
e-merging.com $3,000 depilator.com $2,000
woont.com $3,000 local-seo.com $2,000
kolt.com $2,955 moviei.com $2,000
crazyflights.com $2,850  

MediaOptions supplemented their two chart entries with Affect.com at $9,000, Fooled.com at $2,500 and RatedG.com at $2,000

At NameJet.com Bedazzled.com drew $8,900, LVSE.com sold for $8,101 and BWEE.com bagged $7,800. HomeTherapy.com dispensed $5,100 and two others; WDBJ.com and Minocqua.com made $5,099 each.

NameJet had 15 more .com sales ranging from $2,100 to $5,055 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $1,000 - $5,055
bidonline.com $5,055   bonsaishop.com $3,200
usolympicteam.com $4,800 tvprograms.com $3,100
holdme.com $4,626 kisslola.com $3,004
videonics.com $4,300 kactus.com $3,000
firstindex.com $4,100 asado.com $2,434
intangible.com $3,800 altv.com $2,101
blackseed.com $3,500 racedriver.com $2,100
microdigital.com $3,500   

Back at the AfternicDLS, ErectileDysfunctionTreatment.com prescribed $7,000, SilverBullionCoins.com contributed $4,000 and SEOClinic.com clicked for $3,500. BroadwayParking.com posted $3,000 and  PaceCoach.com picked up $2,892. RVMotorHomeInsurance.com and LuxuryInside.com landed $2,500 apiece and 80sCartoons.com captured $2,200

The AfternicDLS and YummyNames also teamed up to sell SHAA.com for $4,477.

Elsewhere Moniker sold Outros.com for $7,500HuntingMoon.com sold DailyFormula.com and ThinMax.com for $4,000 each and BodyWin.com and BoneMax.com for $2,000 apiece and SnapNames moved Visum.com ($3,988), GPSDevices.com ($3,499), Forez.com ($3,100) and WholesaleKosher.com ($2,088)

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The country codes turned in yet another impressive week with nine sales of $10,000 or more - in some cases way more - like #1 Devisen.de at $70,472 and #2 Magazyny.pl at $41,580. Sedo sold both of those domains and swept 17 of the 20 positions on our new Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart. Only UpMarketURLs.com (with #5 Amsterdam.tv at $13,500), BliXem Internet (with #11 RSC.nl at $6,615) and Drop.com.au (with #20 Webmaster.com.au at $4,166) were able to break Sedo's near monopoly on the elite list. 

The five-figure sales all earned spots on the all extension leader board you saw at the top of this report, so the highest country code sale you haven't seen yet is #10 Booking.kr (Korean ccTLD) at $6,700.

As is usually the case, Germany's .de had the most chart entries, taking nine places this time around the track. In a real oddity, .de was also the only extension to have more than one chart entry. The remaining 11 places went to 11 different extensions!

Here is how all of the country code leaders stacked up for the week ending August 22:


Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Aug. 16, 2010 - Sun. Aug. 22, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Aug. 25, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Devisen.de €55,930 = $70,472 Sedo
2. Magazyny.pl €33,000 = $41,580 Sedo
3. Secret.de €16,000 = $20,160 Sedo
4. EuroJackpot.de €15,000 = $18,900 Sedo
5. Amsterdam.tv $13,500 UpMarketURLs
6. Star.me €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
7. Freelancer.cn £6,500 = $10,010 Sedo
Disrupt.co.uk $10,000 Sedo
OnlineCasino.hk $10,000 Sedo
10. Booking.kr $6,700 Sedo

11. RSC.nl €5,250 = $6,615 BliXem Internet
Bewerbungsforum.de €5,000 = $6,300 Sedo
Jeux-Internet.be €5,000 = $6,300 Sedo
14. LiveRadio.eu €4,800 = $6,048 Sedo
15. TrainerShop.de €4,500 = $5,670 Sedo
16. Mietkautionsversicherung.de €4,444 = $5,599 Sedo
17. Wandhalter.de €4,250 = $5,355 Sedo
18. Reiseland-Tuerkei-info.de €4,099 = $5,165 Sedo
19. TDW.de €3,990 = $5,027 Sedo
20. Webmaster.com.au $4,166 Drop.com.au

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four figure sales off the ccTLD chart. Sedo had the highest of those with Wiggle.es ($4,095), ScienceDaily.nl ($3,980) and three others; Chrono24.cn, Mer-Morte.fr and Infos-Deutschland.de at $3,780 each

WTA.cn went for $3,500 while Gyrocopter.ch and ClubPoker.us raked in $3,150 apiece. Sedo had 43 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,835 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $1,935
bäume.ch $2,835   onlinedruck24.de $1,386
showbiz.de $2,835 955.de $1,260
hägele.de $2,520 airplanes.fr $1,260
tragschrauber.ch $2,520 bns.ch $1,260
studies.co.za $2,200 hypnoseschule.ch $1,260
boss.tv $2,100 kredit-vergleich.eu $1,260
flexi90.de $2,016 lachgas.eu $1,260
institute.co.za $2,000 virtualtrainer.de $1,260
orthofix.de $1,969 toky.it $1,259
$1,890 samovar.us $1,247
biker.co $1,890 kurzhantel.de $1,197
geschenke.tv $1,890 kaufen.co $1,159
you.do $1,848 schwabengarten.de $1,134
martindale.co.uk $1,771 gunsforsale.us $1,100
cleantec.de $1,651 moebelshop-online.de $1,071
schauspieler.eu $1,575 coupondealer.de $1,008
businessprint.de $1,572 difh.de $1,008
3X.org $1,560 gewichtsmanschette.de $1,008
cruzverde.es $1,512 on-top.de $1,008
glassolutions.co.uk $1,481 hypothekenzinsen.eu $1,007
hire.tv $1,428 lasercutting.eu $1,007
alu-gartenmoebel.de $1,386  

Elsewhere, BliXem Internet sold Lilo.eu for $3,024 and Degruyter.nl for $1,890 while Drop.com.au moved Brakes.com.au for $2,240 and HomeLoans.net.au for $1,910.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)

For the second week in a row the .non .com gTLDs produced a sale that ranks among the year's five biggest in this category. Last week it was Lottery.net at $220,000 (the year's 2nd highest GC sale). This week it was Italy.net at $52,000, a name that now ranks as the 5th biggest non .com gTLD sale year to date. Only one other GC domain reached five figures this week - MesotheliomaLawsuit.org at $10,000.

The top two domains qualified for the all extension Top 20 Chart you saw at the top of this report. The highest non .com gTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #3 Poker-Gratis.net at $6,299 via Sedo, a venue that piled up 12 of the 20 chart entries. NameJet was next with five charted domains, led by #7 Corn.net at $4,200.  

The .nets claimed the most chart entries with 11, followed by the .orgs with six. .Mobi, .biz and .info had one each thanks to #4 TFG.mobi ($5,000), #11 Andalucia.biz ($3,150) and #16 Ads.info ($2,501)

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending August 22:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Aug. 16, 2010 - Sun. Aug. 22 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Aug. 25, 2010


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Italy.net $52,000 MediaOptions/
2. MesotheliomaLawsuit.org $10,000 Sedo
3. Poker-Gratis.net €4,999 = $6,299 Sedo
4. TFG.mobi $5,000 Sedo
5. Eisenmangel.org €3,500 = $4,410 Sedo
6. VacationsRental.org €3,500 = $4,410 Sedo
7. Corn.net $4,200 NameJet
8. CXC.net $4,000 Sedo
E-Energy.net $3,800 Sedo
End.net €3,000 = $3,780 Sedo

11. Andalucia.biz €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
12. Eisenmangel.net €2,500 = $3,150 Sedo
13. LikeMe.org €2,400 = $3,024 Sedo
14. MSDI.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
15. FLBOE.org $2,544 NameJet
16. Ads.info $2,501 NameJet
17. Hotelier.org €1,800 = $2,268 Sedo
18. Vortex.net $2,157 NameJet
19. Alsat.net $2,150 SnapNames
20. Ojai.net $1,900 NameJet

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were more four-figure GC sales just off the chart with NameJet posting the highest of those - Supplements.info at $1,856. WearAHelmet.net went for $1,427, ManchesterHotels.org booked $1,399 and Famafrique.org fetched $1,200.  

At Sedo ICME.org banked $1,750, NewsIt.net notched $1,688 and Review.info returned $1,425. Helpi.net provided $1,260, FlatRateVergleich.net located $1,021, Nizza.net nabbed $1,008 and DiscountHotel.org welcomed $1,000

The AfternicDLS sold EcoWater.net for $1,530 and four others; Ahmad.org, Amarelas.net, InfectionControl.org and PrimeSpace.net for $1,500 each. OSHAA.org added $1,350 and FitStop.net braked at $1,100. They also teamed up with YummyNames to sell WellnessPrograms.org for $1,582.

Elsewhere, PSL.net penned in $1,522 at SnapNames and 5I.org drew $1,500 at Moniker. 

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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