Editor's Note:
We will be away on vacation this week and our offices will be closed
through Monday, July 5. As a result there will be no sales
column Wednesday (June 30). Instead we will do a double-length
report next week - to be released on the evening of Wednesday, July
7 - that will bring you completely up to date on all sales reported
since our last column below that was published June 23.
Passes Go, Collects $450,000 to Lead This Week's Action in the
Domain Aftermarket
Summer officially arrived this week
and with it came four hot six-figure domains sales. BoardGames.com
was the quartet's lead singer, closing at $450,000 after
being auctioned off by Moniker
at DOMAINfest
Ft. Lauderdale. Sedo
provided solid backup harmony with a trio of $100,000 sales
involving 027.com, Pengyou.com and Pengyou,net.
It's rare to see a .net keyword sell for
as much as the .com version, but it happened with pengyou,
a Chinese word meaning "friend." Pengyu.net now ranks as
the second biggest non .com gTLD of the year
to date.
One other non .com gTLD also made this
week's all extension leader board - #12 Investments.net, sold
for $25,250 at Sedo.
As usual, the country codes fared even
better, placing five names on the elite list, led by #5 TVS.co.uk
at $75,990 via Sedo. The next best cctld was a Swiss domain,
#13 Work.ch at €20,000 ($24,400), also through Sedo.
One of those Sedo country code sales was an IDN, #18 (tie) Geschäftsideen.de
at €15,500 ($18,910)

Ron Jackson
Sedo went on to sweep 13 of the 20 chart
entries including six in the top ten. #6 Rage.com helped
their cause by commanding $49,999 and also played a hand in
giving .coms 13 positions on the elite list.
Moniker also had an excellent outing with
a hand in five charted domains including #7 WebcamRoulette.com
at $47,500. The AfternicDLS
was also able to claim multiple chart entries after hitting the
Daily Double with #9 AdventureWorld.com at $35,000 and
#14 GreatStar.com at $21,280.
Here is how all of the sales leaders stacked up for the
week ending Sunday, June 20:
DN Journal Top 20
Domain Sales - Mon. June 14, 2010 - Sun. June 20, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based
on Rates in Effect June 22, 2010
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
BoardGames.com |
$450,000 |
tie |
027.com |
$100,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
Pengyou.com |
$100,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
Pengyou.net |
$100,000 |
Sedo |
5. |
TVS.co.uk |
= $75,990 |
Sedo |
6. |
Rage.com |
$49,999 |
Sedo |
7. |
WebcamRoulette.com |
$47,500 |
Moniker/iGaming |
8. |
Cityville.com |
$38,225 |
Moniker |
9. |
AdventureWorld.com |
$35,000 |
AfternicDLS |
10. |
Afiliados.com |
= $30,500 |
Sedo |
11. |
NYCRentals.com |
$25,350 |
Moniker |
12. |
Investments.net |
$25,250 |
Sedo |
13. |
Work.ch |
= $24,400 |
Sedo |
14. |
GreatStar.com |
$21,280 |
AfternicDLS |
tie |
Maro.com |
$20,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
Mind.cn |
$20,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
VideoSoftware.com |
$20,000 |
Moniker |
tie |
(IDN) |
= $18,910 |
Sedo |
tie |
Verkauf.de |
= $18,910 |
Sedo |
20. |
FXAsia.com |
$15,000 |
Sedo |
Keep in mind that these are the highest
value sales that have been reported to us in the
past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool,
not a complete list documenting ALL high
value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce
because many sales are kept private at the insistence of
buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the
accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.
the many newcomers entering the domain
industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market.
If you do not understand why specific domain names command the
prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases.
We highly recommend that you do some basic research before
you buy anything! As a starting point we have
built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.
There were 15 more five-figure sales just off the
chart led by SavingsAccountRates.com for $12,912 and Report.co.uk
for $12,750 at Sedo. Their roster also included Fotosverkleinern.de
($12,321), 77.net ($11,586) and Conformance.com
($10,560). The Sedo hits just kept on coming with KraftTraining.de
($10,163) and a trio of names at $10,000 apiece that
included Mirrus.com, PlusPay.com and Watch.it.
The AfternicDLS scored with SellHouseFast.com
at $12,500 and RadioDeal.com at $12,000.
Moniker showed more muscle with eShareholder.com ($12,225),
TheDolanCompany.com ($10,200) and TransferSmart.com
at $10,000 (a private sale they brokered).
also joined the five-figure parade with Pingtai.com at $12,100.
.Com Supporting Cast
Sedo again set the pace for the four-figure .com supporting cast with
Wois.com at $9,272. Rueckenschmerzenhilfe.com
landed $8,784, RentalCarHawaii.com returned $8,600
and Todotusoft.com drew $7,686. FunTree.com and
TextPay.com provided $6,000 each while StarFlash.com
kicked in $5,600.
UltimateJob.com earned $5,215, DebtDirect.com
deposited $5,150 and eCred.com crested at $5,000.
Freelanced.com added $4,999 and PVQ.com corralled
$4,900. Sedo had 44 more .com sales ranging from $2,000
to $4,880 that are listed in the table below.
Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,880 |
evology.com |
$4,880 |
handy-flatrates.com |
$2,501 |
topdeal.com |
$4,874 |
blankart.com |
$2,500 |
socialgear.com |
$4,500 |
fourseasonsnurseries.com |
$2,500 |
cutv.com |
$4,477 |
solarpanelsystems.com |
$2,500 |
acsys.com |
$4,392 |
cigaretteswholesale.com |
$2,466 |
jeuxetjouets.com |
$4,270 |
gezocht.com |
$2,440 |
visiontec.com |
$4,200 |
tunika.com |
$2,440 |
indiansoulmates.com |
$4,148 |
fryzury.com |
$2,400 |
getglasses.com |
$4,000 |
freelancenow.com |
$2,288 |
redspace.com |
$3,502 |
4football.com |
$2,250 |
abmachines.com |
$3,500 |
golden-root.com |
$2,235 |
360mortgage.com |
$3,250 |
oxmi.com |
$2,235 |
barakuda.com |
$3,050 |
antiquesmarket.com |
$2,125 |
deba.com |
$3,050 |
your-ad.com |
$2,115 |
decoursey.com |
$3,050 |
busreizen.com |
$2,105 |
it-daily.com |
$3,050 |
sicher24.com |
$2,045 |
aimesn.com |
$2,928 |
capeas.com |
$2,013 |
stylea.com |
$2,806 |
anniethemusical.com |
$2,000 |
madava.com |
$2,800 |
chromeblog.com |
$2,000 |
speers.com |
$2,745 |
jeather.com |
$2,000 |
ullstein.com |
$2,684 |
one97.com |
$2,000 |
soulmatefinders.com |
$2,573 |
removalsandstorage.com |
$2,000 |
At GoDaddy
Auctions AsianBeauties.com attracted $8,000,
ScholarshipQuestHelper.com hauled in $6,117 and XN--80A.com
(IDN) added $4,505. BlueWatch.com spotted $3,700,
TeamUno.com tallied $3,500 and BuzzTravel.com
booked $3,188.
SearchTeam.com found $3,000, EducationInc.com
contributed $2,505 and BusinessLender.com ladled
out $2,499. Tricat.com took in $2,255,
ReplicaReview.com rang up $2,093 and CardFlips.com
dealt out $2,066. GoDaddy also sold a trio of domains at $2,000
apiece that included Hermish.com, NaturalCurves.com and
Back at the AfternicDLS Prop24.com produced $5,729,
RVsDirect.com drove off with $5,488 and BabyCarrots.com
bagged $5,400. Kiten.com captured $5,000, DinosaurFacts.com
revealed $4,900 and Housewear.com went for $4,700.
TurboDrive.com geared down at $4,500, 1BE.com
brought $4,250, AdhesiveLabels.com stuck to $3,816
and RelianceEducation.com claimed $3,788.
Moniker moved Safebook.com ($5,000), Koufu.com
($3,899), WilliamJoseph.com ($3,125) and AutoCreditStore.com
($2,625). They also brokered the private sale of Zoosc.com
($2,350) and closed another sale from their DOMAINfest Ft.
Lauderdale auction - UsedHybridCars.com - at $3,250.
SnapNames sold PagesJaune.com ($2,327), Hedgerwow.com
($2,273), ZWAJ.com ($2,100) and DAHO.com ($2,015).
Elsewhere YummyNames
in association with the AfternicDLS banked $7,000 for DareToCompare.com
and $2,477 each for CircuitDriver.com and Drinkoff.com.
Country Codes
It was still another excellent week for the county codes
with nine five-figure sales including one that ranks among the
year's ten biggest ccTLD sales - TVS.co.uk at $75,990
through Sedo. We noted all of those five-figure sales in the all
extension section at the top of this report, so the biggest ccTLD
sale you haven't seen yet is #10 MI.eu at $9,882. Sedo
also made that sale en route to making a clean sweep of the
20 positions on our latest Country Code Top 20
Germany's .de and Great Britain's .co.uk each
had six entries on the leader board. #11 RemortgageDeals.co.uk helped
that extension's cause with an $8,195 sale while #14 Plusreisen.de
kept the German onslaught going on the second half of the chart.
America's .US extension also had a representative
on the elite list this week with #17 CountryMusic.us going
for $5,000.
Here is how all of the
country code leaders stacked
up for the week ending June 20:
Code Top 20
Reported ccTLD Sales: Mon. June 14, 2010 - Sun. June
20, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based
on Rates in Effect June 22, 2010 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
TVS.co.uk |
= $75,990 |
Sedo |
2. |
Work.ch |
= $24,400 |
Sedo |
3. |
Mind.cn |
$20,000 |
Sedo |
tie |
(IDN) |
= $18,910 |
Sedo |
tie |
Verkauf.de |
= $18,910 |
Sedo |
6. |
Report.co.uk |
$12,750 |
Sedo |
7. |
Fotosverkleinern.de |
= $12,321 |
Sedo |
8. |
KraftTraining.de |
€8,300 =
$10,163 |
Sedo |
9. |
Watch.it |
$10,000 |
Sedo |
10. |
MI.eu |
€8,100 =
$9,882 |
Sedo |

11. |
RemortgageDeals.co.uk |
= $8,195 |
Sedo |
12. |
PCGames.co.uk |
= $7,599 |
Sedo |
13. |
GetGlasses.co.uk |
= $7,450 |
Sedo |
14. |
Plusreisen.de |
€5,950 = $7,259 |
Sedo |
15. |
1B.de |
€5,500 = $6,710 |
Sedo |
16. |
24.eu |
€4,100 = $5,002 |
Sedo |
17. |
CountryMusic.us |
$5,000 |
Sedo |
18. |
Audemars-Piguet.co.il |
$4,275 |
Sedo |
19. |
Baronerosso.it |
€3,500 = $4,270 |
Sedo |
20. |
ESL.co.uk |
= $3,725 |
Sedo |
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts. |
There were dozens of additional four
figure sales off the ccTLD chart with Sedo again claiming the
majority of those. Their roster included Giveaways.de and PowerBalance.de
at $3,660 each, Proled.be at $3,477 and Fanuc.eu
at $3,233.
EDA.de delivered $3,111 while WWIN.eu
and Elektriker.eu plugged in $3,050 each.
Sedo had 52 more country code sales ranging
from $1,000 to $2,800 that are listed in the chart
Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,800 |
conferencecalling.co.uk |
$2,800 |
tagesgeldkontovergleich.de |
$1,624 |
learntotrade.co.uk |
$2,682 |
kfzversicherung.eu |
$1,586 |
immoinvest.de |
$2,623 |
thega.de |
$1,525 |
havaria.de |
$2,613 |
magic.in |
$1,500 |
cargill.co.nz |
$2,500 |
tradingsoftware.de |
$1,464 |
herhaling.nl |
$2,452 |
celebrate.tv |
$1,400 |
datenschutz.ag |
$2,440 |
tracker.be |
$1,342 |
le-dictionnaire.fr |
$2,440 |
idress.de |
$1,253 |
online-bingo.eu |
$2,440 |
allgaeu-plus.de |
$1,220 |
design247.co.uk |
$2,384 |
cluburlaub.tv |
$1,220 |
bestdatingsites.co.uk |
$2,220 |
elprecio.es |
$1,220 |
casino.org.in |
$2,200 |
handy-shop.ch |
$1,220 |
ahnendatenbank.de |
$2,106 |
sensirion.de |
$1,220 |
buscarpareja.es |
$2,074 |
friendfinder.org.uk |
$1,192 |
computer-shop.de |
$2,074 |
damenschmuck.de |
$1,171 |
academic.in |
$2,000 |
ballkompressor.de |
$1,159 |
casino.ht |
$2,000 |
rehaklinik.eu |
$1,159 |
movienow.in |
$2,000 |
barcodelabelsco.uk |
$1,118 |
bestellen24.de |
$1,891 |
pjb.pl |
$1,098 |
aki.de |
$1,830 |
preis1.de |
$1,098 |
callway.es |
$1,830 |
erfurt.ru |
$1,097 |
wideo.de |
$1,830 |
mietverlust.de |
$1,074 |
tibia.eu |
$1,824 |
gedaechtnis.eu |
$1,037 |
kühlmöbel.de |
$1,814 |
media-mobile.de |
$1,037 |
wirecard.pl |
$1,800 |
paschmina.de |
$1,037 |
immobilientv.eu |
$1,707 |
fischbörse.at |
$1,025 |
At Drop.com.au
the winners included Heaters.com.au at $3,558, Nutritionist.com.au
at $2,843 and Economist.com.au at $2,379. They
also scored with CDFTrading.com.au ($1,648), Eyewear.com.au
($1,399), BusinessServices.com.au ($1,320) and Sleepwear.com.au
Meanwhile, GoDaddy Auctions sold Hosting.cc
for $1,005 and Stern.me for $1,000.
If there are country code extensions in our report
that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each
extension goes with here.
Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs:
.biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org, .asia, .pro & .tel)
The non .com gTLDs posted their first
six-figure sale of the year this past week with Pengyou.net
changing hands for $100,000 at Sedo. As I noted earlier
that's the second biggest sale of the year in this category,
trailing only a seven-figure blockbuster, Poker.org, that
sold for $1,000,000 in February.
There were also a pair of five-figure sales from
this group that you saw in the all extension section at the top of
this report. The highest Global Contenders sales you haven't seen
yet are #4 Nowinnofee.net ($8,754 at Sedo) and #5 PokerBonus.org
($8,305 at GoDaddy Auctions).
The .nets took 11 of the GC chart entries,
including the first four in a row. The .orgs were next with
seven including #6 Sleep.org at $7,500 via Sedo. That
left two openings that were taken by #12 Wine.biz ($4,250
at SnapNames) and #20 Toys.asia ($3,025 at GoDaddy
Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the
week ending June 20:
Contenders Top 20
Highest Reported Non .Com Global
TLD Sales
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. June
14, 2010 - Sun. June 20, 2010
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based
on Rates in Effect June 22, 2010 |
Domain |
For |
Where Sold |
1. |
("friend" in Chinese) |
$100,000 |
Sedo |
2. |
Investments.net |
$25,250 |
Sedo |
3. |
77.net |
= $11,586 |
Sedo |
4. |
Nowinnofee.net |
£5,875 = $8,754 |
Sedo |
5. |
PokerBonus.org |
$8,305 |
GoDaddy Auctions |
6. |
Sleep.org |
$7,500 |
Sedo |
tie |
GJ.net |
$7,200 |
Moniker/DF FTL |
tie |
KnowYourOptions.org |
$7,200 |
Sedo |
9. |
WS.org |
$6,006 |
Sedo |
10. |
CheapCarRental.net |
$5,500 |
Sedo |
11. |
WordOfMouth.org |
$5,000 |
Sedo |
12. |
Wine.biz |
$4,250 |
SnapNames |
13. |
ePlanet.org |
$3,988 |
AfternicDLS |
14. |
Avenir.net |
Sedo |
15. |
FlexNet.net |
$3,589 |
AfternicDLS |
16. |
UUU.net |
$3,527 |
Sedo |
17. |
SoulHealing.org |
$3,488 |
AfternicDLS |
18. |
DDD.net |
$3,111 |
Sedo |
19. |
Allergien.net |
€2,500 = $3,050 |
Sedo |
20. |
Toys.asia |
$3,025 |
GoDaddy Auctions |
HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.
There were dozens of additional GC sales just
off the chart with SnapNames claiming the highest of those - Cattle.org
at $3,010. They also sold 2288.net for $1,756.
Sedo scored with DigitalArt.net ($3,000), EcoBilling.net
($2,980) and FussballTrikots.net ($2,501). Sedo had 32 more
four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,500.
Those are listed in the table below:
Sedo non .com gTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,500 |
cheer.net |
$2,500 |
e-e.tel |
$1,360 |
jaro.net |
$2,500 |
catnames.org |
$1,260 |
recap.net |
$2,500 |
123business.net |
$1,220 |
flugbuchung.org |
$2,440 |
arginin.biz |
$1,220 |
yangzhou.net |
$2,340 |
carnitin.org |
$1,220 |
airconditioning.biz |
$1,995 |
cluburlaub.org |
$1,220 |
creatin.org |
$1,952 |
glucosamin.org |
$1,220 |
iao.org |
$1,850 |
poker24.net |
$1,220 |
evm.net |
$1,830 |
lagged.org |
$1,200 |
toponlineuniversities.net |
$1,750 |
youpic.net |
$1,200 |
versandapotheke.net |
$1,708 |
ultrasport.net |
$1,133 |
bav.net |
$1,500 |
harag.net |
$1,100 |
kapsels.org |
$1,448 |
perücke.net |
$1,098 |
3ddesign.net |
$1,400 |
friendfinder.info |
$1,037 |
accidentatwork.org |
$1,400 |
80.org |
$1,000 |
elementaryschools.org |
$1,400 |
foip.org |
$1,000 |
Back at the AfternicDLS, AnimalKingdom.com
unleashed $2,988, SameDay.net drew $2,900 and SuperFruit.net
harvested $2,588. Bicicletas.net braked at $2,213,
Ccart.net hauled off $2,149 and four others; EmailList.net,
HealthyBaby.org, IFAO.org and CheckIn.net
chalked up $2,000 apiece. They also sold CaseManager.org
for $1,750 and used SnapNames to move SellMyCar.net
for $2,788.
GoDaddy Auctions also saw a lot of action in this
category with Singles.asia selling for $2,775, RealtyPros.net
for $2,150 and RLIF.org for $1,455. They also
attracted $1,400 each for DegreesOnline.net and UndergroundRailroad.org,
$1,393 for Subpoena.net and $1,250 for Kimberly.net.
Also at GoDaddy, TheChoice.org and CoffeePot.net
poured $1,150 each while ECCB06.org sold for $1,011
and LaborDay.org observed $1,000.
Elsewhere, Serve.mobi changed hands for $3,000
in a private transaction.
Now that you're up to date on what happened over the
past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all
categories by visiting our Year
To Date Charts page.
As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies,
private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale
made through any channel. To contribute information and help make
this column better, just drop a note to [email protected].
We truly appreciate the industry leading
companies who share their sales information
with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current
domain values. Richard
Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help
in collecting data for these sales
reports each week.
Every Wednesday we publish the highest reported domain name
sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us
their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that
information and write this article to give
you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry.
Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain
Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.