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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Two More Six-Figure Sales Help Keep the Summer Aftermarket Engine Humming

The high end of the domain market continued to show signs of recovery this past week with two more six-figure sales. Sedo.com sold #1 WoodPellets.com for $115,000 and  Alex Alexander of BigLeads.com bought OnlineEducation.com in an Ebay auction for $100,000 (While Ebay domain auctions have a checkered past, this one was legitimate and the sale was confirmed with proper documentation).

We reported the $1.5 million sale of DropShippers.com in our Lowdown column last week. As most of you know, our charts are limited to sales of domain names only. We cannot include developed websites where the revenue stream created by operating a business makes up a large part of the value of the asset - making it impossible to determine the value of the domain name alone. 

I have been in contact with both the buyer and seller of DropShippers.com to try to determine whether or not the ecommerce software that has been on the site for several years (and went with the domain) constituted a business (the seller said it is essentially an automated system that serves as an alternate, more effective monetization method than domain parking. I am currently getting some additional information on this point from the buyer, including word on his future plans for the domain). I am also going through the sales contract which I have a copy of. I expect our vetting process to be completed in time to make a decision on charting this sale next week.


By Ron Jackson

Sedo had another remarkable week, sweeping 15 of the 20 positions on our new all extension leader board including three of the top four and eight of the first ten, including #3 Brax.com at $80,000 and #4 Farsi.com at $75,000. SnapNames.com interrupted Sedo's run by claiming the 5th spot with Orgasms.com at $41,180.

The AfternicDLS was the only venue other than Sedo to place multiple names on the Big Board. They hit the daily double with #15 TheJob.com ($15,000) and #17 (tie) Plaisir.com ($12,000). The AfternicDLS's bread and butter has always been the mid-range favored by small to medium sized businesses. They had another blowout week within that category, piling up approximately $800,000 in total sales. 

GoDaddy Auctions also earned a spot on the elite list with #14 Pizzerias.com delivering $15,005.

Five country code domains (all sold by Sedo) joined the .com party on the Top 20. Three of those landed on the top half of the chart; #7 Forums.de ($35,750), #8 Payment.co.uk ($32,600) and #9 GoldPlatz.de ($31,460).

The non .com gTLDs also had one representative on the leader board - #17 (tie) CGM.net at $12,000 via Sedo. Here is how all of the leaders stack up for the week ending Sunday, August 23:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 17, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 23, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect August 25, 2009


Sold For

Where Sold
1. WoodPellets.com $115,000 Sedo
2. OnlineEducation.com $100,000 Ebay
3. Brax.com $80,000 Sedo
4. Farsi.com $75,000 Sedo
5. Orgasms.com  $41,180 SnapNames
6. UDK.com €28,600 = $40,898 Sedo
7. Forums.de €25,000 = $35,750 Sedo
8. Payment.co.uk £20,000 = $32,600 Sedo
9. GolfPlatz.de €22,000 = $31,460 Sedo
10. Hugh.com $25,000 Sedo

11. Frisky.com $20,000 Sedo
12. JuegosFun.com €12,000 = $17,160 Sedo
13. Payments.co.uk £10,000 = $16,300 Sedo
14. Pizzerias.com $15,005 GoDaddy Auctions
15. TheJob.com $15,000 AfternicDLS
16. Cool.eu €10,000 = $14,300 Sedo
Plaisir.com $12,000 AfternicDLS
CGM.net $12,000 Sedo
e-Market.com $11,500 Sedo
ChatBox.com $11,500 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were seven more five-figure sales off the chart. Sedo accounted for five of those; Photobox.se and Etsy.de at $10,725 each and three others - Denpasar.com, CloudContainer.com and Chanti.com at $10,000 apiece. SnapNames sold MesotheliomaLawyers.com for $10,659 and the AfternicDLS moved Botes.com for $10,000.

.Com Supporting Cast

SnapNames had the top sale in the four-figure .com supporting cast with EducationLottery.com at $9,999. They also sold Ahmsi.com ($5,805), Singels.com ($4,150) and FullSize.com ($3,400). BiodieselFuel.com added $3,080 and Reactions.com returned $2,700.

Back at Sedo, MeinName.com notched $9,295, Guiafacil.com garnered $8,580 and JIZ.com drew $8,100. Xhostar.com hauled in $7,600 and two others, ArchiveCity.com and PornographyAddiction.com went for $7,500 each.

ElektroAutos.coms plugged in $6,435, CashBackCard.com captured $6,000 and Vlucht.com tacked on $5,720. HotSparks.com ignited $5,500, Deutschlandurlaub.com landed $5,148, Hotels-in.com booked $4,890 and QND.com corralled $4,800.

Sedo had 26 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
uboss.com $4,000   1660.com $2,301
recurve.com $3,650 malariavaccine.com $2,300
gofansgo.com $3,500 everestah.com $2,200
innovativebranding.com $3,300 oomi.com $2,100
dangdut.com $3,050 beachresorthotel.com $2,000
acrich.com $3,000 cesspools.com $2,000
jinqiao.com $3,000 grandbahamashotels.com $2,000
publicclouds.com $3,000 hotelshonduras.com $2,000
dealplace.com $2,800 hotelstaipei.com $2,000
cityforums.com $2,750 kindconsumer.com $2,000
lastminuteroom.com $2,550 kroten.com $2,000
instantclouds.com $2,500 maxmotors.com $2,000
voipon.com $2,500 spinsports.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS rang up sales at a furious pace this week, adding $9,200 to the ledger for Apprentissage.com, $8,900 for SecurityProfessional.com and $8,500 for SpringLine.com. Norvege.com nabbed $8,000, MuscleSupplements.com pumped up $7,000 and ZapMe.com generated $6,888.

Entretien.com dusted off $6,500, Kaer.com contributed $6,000 and Mouche.com munched on $5,700. OrganicPotatoes.com peeled $5,588, SecuredCheckout.com rang up $5,400 and DoYouGetIt.com got $5,250. OpenRoom.com welcomed $5,000 and ArchitecturalDrafting.com drew up $4,688.

The AfternicDLS had 113 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
cityvoice.com $4,500   look4us.com $2,250
saint-nectaire.com $4,188 AnnArborHealthInsurance .com $2,125
emailcampaigns.com $3,888 BristolCarInsurance .com $2,125
productshot .com $3,850 CambridgeAutoInsurance .com $2,125
dutrade .com $3,850 ChandlerAutoInsurance .com $2,125
eagleinc.com $3,650 CharlestonAutoInsurance .com $2,125
cityofsantacruz.com $3,500 ChattanoogaHealthInsurance .com $2,125
TENNISMATCH .com $3,500 ClearwaterHealthInsurance .com $2,125
autoboys.com $3,409 ColumbiaAutoInsurance .com $2,125
docteurs.com $3,400 ColumbiaHealthInsurance .com $2,125
organiclettuce.com $3,388 FlintAutoInsurance .com $2,125
staffalert.com $3,388 GainesvilleAutoInsurance .com $2,125
crmsuite.com $3,300 GainesvilleHealthInsurance .com $2,125
theoccasion.com $3,300 HartfordHealthInsurance .com $2,125
cvpt.com $3,200 KnoxvilleAutoInsurance  .com $2,125
driedapples.com $3,188 PasadenaAutoInsurance .com $2,125
eyeofgod.com $3,188 PasadenaHealthInsurance .com $2,125
goldsupport.com $3,188 PensacolaAutoInsurance .com $2,125
hotspottravel.com $3,188 ProvidenceAutoInsurance .com $2,125
humantragedy.com $3,188 ProvidenceHealthInsurance .com $2,125
onlinecheckout.com $3,188 ProvoAutoInsurance .com $2,125
camescope.com $3,000 SalemAutoInsurance .com $2,125
gnnonline.com $3,000 SpringfieldAutoInsurance .com $2,125
myspinedoctor.com $3,000 SpringfieldHealthInsurance .com $2,125
vantagens.com $2,988 SyracuseAutoInsurance .com $2,125
lpgcars.com $2,888 TallahasseeAutoInsurance .com $2,125
collegereport.com $2,788 TallahasseeHealthInsurance .com $2,125
industriallogistics.com $2,788 TempeAutoInsurance .com $2,125
zenis.com $2,788 WacoAutoInsurance .com $2,125
groveschool.com $2,700 hometowndirectory.com $2,100
i-brochure .com $2,700 SUSTAINABLESUPPLY .com $2,100
colonscreening.com $2,655 jobdiscovery.com $2,088
DigitalCapsule .com $2,600 onglass.com $2,088
careabroad.com $2,588 organicfacts.com $2,088
netbookers.com $2,588 partnershipservices.com $2,088
sportsyachts.com $2,588 victorymart.com $2,088
abeilles.com $2,500 TweetRATINGS .com $2,001
aerialservices.com $2,500 accidentbenefits.com $2,000
africaines.com $2,500 addictsanonymous.com $2,000
capitalisme.com $2,500 biopsie.com $2,000
paristheatre.com $2,500 businessmanagementsoftware.com $2,000
xplorations.com $2,500 congelateur.com $2,000
coolprincess.com $2,488 delicieux.com $2,000
craigjames.com $2,488 exclusiveevents.com $2,000
organicdogproducts.com $2,488 fiberspeed.com $2,000
organicfruitjuice.com $2,488 groseilles.com $2,000
organicvegetablejuice.com $2,488 happyweb.com $2,000
implicitguide .com $2,475 mp3god .com $2,000
partage.com $2,400 onsitemedia.com $2,000
americanv.com $2,388 patinoire.com $2,000
bridgingthedivide.com $2,388 photocall.com $2,000
clubsavings.com $2,388 poitrines.com $2,000
taxipal.com $2,388 sclerose.com $2,000
onthealert.com $2,364 SmartLikeME .com $2,000
destinationnetwork.com $2,320 tribunaux.com $2,000
coffeedrink.com $2,288 zonesearch.com $2,000
istandards.com $2,250   

The AfternicDLS had five more sales from their expanded promotion platform that places listings at other venues as well as their own. Using Sedo they sold INVT.com ($3,000), AltGlobal.com ($2,991) and KnockOn.com ($2,500), as well as LoveJewellery.com at $2,242 and MusicMerch.com at $2,088.

At GoDaddy Auctions, Chiangmai-Live.com lassoed $7,777 and GoRentals.coms registered $2,005

At Moniker.com, MyDotcom.com commanded $5,425, LoadBalancers.com brought $3,500 and HighlyRecommended.com clicked for $2,925.

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The country codes enjoyed another very nice outing this week with seven solid five-figure sales. Three of those represented Germany's popular .de extension, two carried the .co.uk flag for Great Britain while the European Union (.eu) and Sweden (.se) each had one at this level. These sales were all listed among the all extension leaders at the top of this report. 

The highest ccTLD sales you haven't seen yet were posted by a pair of names that tied for 8th on the new Country Code Top 20 chart at $8,580 each. Those were June.fr (French ccTLD) and Travesti.es (Spain's country code).

Sedo accounted for every sale in the top ten and went on to sweep 19 of the 20 chart entries overall. They would have scored a shutout if it weren't for the £4,500 ($7,335) sale of #12 Toys.org.uk at the AcornDomains.co.uk forum.

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending August 23:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. Aug. 17, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 23, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Aug. 25


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Forums.de €25,000 = $35,750 Sedo
2. Payment.co.uk £20,000 = $32,600 Sedo
3. Golfplatz.de €22,000 = $31,460 Sedo
4. Payments.co.uk £10,000 = $16,300 Sedo
5. Cool.eu €10,000 = $14,300 Sedo
Etsy.de €7,500 = $10,725 Sedo
PhotoBox.se €7,500 = $10,725 Sedo
June.fr €6,000 = $8,580 Sedo
("transvestite" in Spanish)
€6,000 = $8,580 Sedo
10. Boobs.co.uk £5,100 = $8,313 Sedo

11. Meine-Domain.de €5,500 = $7,865 Sedo
12. Toys.org.uk £4,500 = $7,335 AcornDomains.co.uk
Astrologie.eu €5,000 = $7,150 Sedo
FootenDirect.fr €5,000 = $7,150 Sedo
Societeoffshore.fr €5,000 = $7,150 Sedo
16. DIYAdvertising.co.uk £4,000 = $6,520 Sedo
17. RoboterService.de €4,400 = $6,292 Sedo
18. PhotoBox.be €4,240 = $6,063 Sedo
19. Reaction.de €4,000 = $5,720 Sedo
20. June.tv $5,500 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart with Sedo, as they always do,  accounting for the vast majority of those. Their line up included AdultFriendFinder.eu at $5,005, Ozmo.cn at $5,000 and three others at $4,290 each; Blog.fi, Practicus.nl and Vibratore.it

GiftCard.es added $3,933 followed by a five-name pack at $3,575 apiece that included Appartement-Paris.fr, Casinos.com.br, eMarket.dk, Otto.pl and Wirmobil.de. Sedo had 52 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $3,475 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $3,475
lounger.de $3,475   ngp.de $1,429
testing.us $3,100 p.ly $1,429
parfumerie.eu $2,932 mobileapps.co.uk $1,386
postcodegids.nl $2,932 yachtshop24.de $1,359
null-sterne-hotel.de $2,860 local-host.de $1,287
rock.se $2,860 centralheatingservices.co.uk $1,263
intercept.de $2,717 24stunden-service.de $1,216
uniforms.eu $2,574 eventmarkt.de $1,216
barmbek.de $2,360 hummervermietung.de $1,216
handysohnevertrag.de $2,217 boobs.us $1,200
cloud.be $2,145 tamilnadu.tv $1,200
ordinateurs.be $2,145 galabau-shop.de $1,144
pflegelotse.de $2,145 personalbarometer.de $1,144
pokermagazin,ch $2,145 centralheatinginstallers.co.uk $1,141
rapcommunity.de $2,145 thebestof.co.za $1,100
voip-telefon.de $2,145 adexchange.de $1,073
videoseminar.de $2,042 autowissen.de $1,073
kledingboetiek.nl $1,890 pflegelotse.eu $1,073
crosstrainers.co.uk $1,859 versext.de $1,073
levensloopsparen.nl $1,716 herd-schmitz.de $1,044
reiseauge.de $1,716 damenbekleidung.de $1,030
entreprise-de-demenagement.fr $1,430 xmpie.de $1,022
goldzack.de $1,430 bremskolbenrcksteller.de $1,001
pianoladen.de $1,430 biographi.es $1,000
callgirls.eu $1,429 ctr.lv $1,000
mietwagenrundreisen.de $1,429 numarkpharmacy.co.uk $1,000

At NetFleet.com.au Geraldton.com.au and SexShop.com.au yielded $3,320 each, NetFax.com.au fetched $1,660 and four others; Babe.com.au, Bracelet.com.au, Copywriting.com.au and GreenChoice.com.au went for $1,245 apiece. These are all Australian ccTLDS and the prices are all in U.S. dollars.

Elsewhere the AfternicDLS sold SkinCareProducts.de for $1,800.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org & .tel)

A nice 3-letter .net paced the Global Contenders pack these week, giving the category its only reported five-figure sale - $12,000 via Sedo. .Info took the runner-up spot and had two names among the first four on our new Global Contenders Too 20 chart. #2 Gay.info found a buyer at $9,251 through SnapNames and #4 Finanzierung.info ("financing" in German) banked $5,005 at Sedo. .Info also charted a third name, #13 (tie) SecurityAdmin.info, at $2,500 though Sedo.

.Net had the most overall chart entries with 11, including #3 Modelbau.net at $8,580. .Org earned three places on the leader board, led by #6 Pathology.org at $3,995 through GoDaddy Auctions.

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending August 23:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Aug. 17, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 23, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Aug. 25


Sold For

Where Sold
1. CGM.net $12,000 Sedo
2. Gay.info $9,251 SnapNames
3. Modelbau.net €6,000 = $8,580 Sedo
4. Finanzierung.info
("financing" in German)
€3,500 = $5,005 Sedo
5. Archivio.net €2,940 = $4,204 Sedo
6. Pathology.org $3,995 GoDaddyAuctions
7. INF.net $3,950 Sedo
Live-Sex.net €2,500 = $3,575 Sedo
Metabo.org €2,500 = $3,575 Sedo
10. InflatableBoat.net $3,388 AfternicDLS

11. StockPrices.net $3,200 AfternicDLS
12. PokerGame.org $3,000 Sedo
13. Mobit.net $2,800 AfternicDLS
14. Threatened.org $2,588 AfternicDLS
15. Einbaukchen.net €1,800 = $2,574 Sedo
SecurityAdmin.info $2,500 Sedo
WordpressTheme.org $2,500 Sedo
18. Haftpflichtversicherung.org
("liability insurance" in German)
€1,550 = $2,217 Sedo
19. Kfzversicherungsvergleich.net €1,500 = $2,145 Sedo
20. CollectorsCorner.net $2,081 AfternicDLS/Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure GC sales off the chart. The AfternicDLS, through an expanded promotion listing at Sedo, had the highest of those with Bewerbungen.net at $2,073. They also sold three others through Sedo; Fotograf.org ($1,791), BringIt.net ($1,750) and DigitalChurch.org ($1,350).

From their home base the AfternicDLS kept the hits coming with Gravy.net ($2,001), Digipost.net ($1,988) and Amerique.net ($1,900). Three other names went for $1,888 each; MyPop.org, SMLaw.net and Truste.net. VIK.net added another $1,750.

The Afternic DLS had 25 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,700. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000 - $1,700
videoclub.net $1,700   krout.net $1,200
housecleaners.net $1,694 watchshop.net $1,150
prenatalvitamins.net $1,688 hireability.net $1,088
windowcleaner.net $1,556 speedypc.net $1,088
windowcleaners.net $1,544 bluff.org $1,000
Keet .net $1,500 callindia.net $1,000
takecontrol.org $1,500 forcefield.org $1,000
twill.net $1,500 hostserver.net $1,000
bonplan.net $1,470 spanishtranslation.org $1,000
localevents.net $1,388 sures.net $1,000
bcenter.net $1,288 usgc.org $1,000
imageworld.net $1,250 viveros.net $1,000
cleaningservice.net $1,244  

Back at Sedo, PokerCalculator.net totaled up $2,000, FreeWebsiteTemplates.net nailed $1,950 and CRMSoftware.org went for $1,931. EyeBank.org deposited $1,900, SEOConsultant.net billed $1,800 and GenericViagra.net dispensed $1,645.

Final.net found $1,450 while IR35.info and MEC.biz sold for $1,430 each. Vault.biz locked up $1,350, FailBlog.net bagged $1,216 and Interstore.info rang up $1,145.

Elsewhere, SnapNames plucked $1,701 for Plato.org.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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