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June 09, 2013

Domain Sales

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Strong Week of Domain Sales Overcomes the Summer Doldrums With a Swift Kick to the Cash Register

Summer is supposed to be the slow time of the year, but this week someone apparently forgot to tell domain buyers about that. We saw a solid group six-figure sales including one that ranks as the 6th biggest transaction reported so far in 2009. Another is the biggest non .com global TLD sale of the year to date.

Leading the pack is Server.com, a name that commanded a eye-popping $770,000 at Sedo.com. Only a quintet of seven-figure sales rank higher at this point in the 2009 sales season. Sedo also sold #2 Jesus.net for $124,337 in the year's biggest non .com gTLD sale, easily topping the previous leader Usenet.org, a name that changed hands for $100,000 in May.

Sedo's brokerage department sold Jesus.net for Marc Brittan who for the past 12 years has been using the names as a redirect to his main site at Christ.com. Marc told me that Reinvent Technology's Don Ham also played a key role by helping break a negotiation stalemate and fulfill Brittan's wishes to send the domain to a Christian buyer with good intentions for a domain that Brittan said he bought in 1997 for registration fee. "Overall, the negotiations went on for months, and would not have taken place without the helpful comments from Don Ham," Brittan said.


By Ron Jackson

Sedo sold still another six-figure domain this week for $100,000, but due to the explicit nature of that adult domain it is not one we can list on our mainstream charts. There is another $100,000 sale on the all extension Top 20 Chart though, #3 iGuide.com, with that sale handled by the AfternicDLS

Sedo swept the next three positions with a trio of names that included the week's highest country code sale, Loterie.fr (French ccTLD meaning "lottery" in French) at €35,000 ($50,400). Sedo also accounted for the other two country code domains on the elite list as they piled up a remarkable 15 of the 20 chart entries, including 8 of the top 10.

Moniker.com had a trio of charted domains including one of the two .orgs on the Big Board, #16 (tie) OnlineEducation.org at $18,228 (the other was Sedo's $34,000 sale of #8 MotorcycleInsurance.org - a deal that ranks among the year's top ten non .com gTLD sales).

The AfternicDLS also had multiple sales, completing the daily double with #7 Cric.com at $45,000. Here is how all of the leaders stack up for the week ending Sunday, August 2:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 27, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 2, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect August 4, 2009


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Server.com $770,000 Sedo
2. Jesus.net $124,337 Sedo
3. iGuide.com $100,000 AfternicDLS
4. OMG.com $80,000 Sedo
5. Enlargement.com $56,000 Sedo
6. Loterie.fr €35,000 = $50,400 Sedo
7. Cric.com $45,000 AfternicDLS
8. MotorcycleInsurance.org $34,000 Sedo
9. Flirten.com
("flirt" in German)
€20,620 = $29,693 Sedo
10. 4A.com $24,000 Sedo

11. Cloud.me $22,500 Sedo
12. Loteria.org €15,000 = $21,600 Sedo
13. Aileron.com $21,000 Sedo
14. Jonesboro.com $19,000 Moniker/
15. WeightTraining.com $18,751 Sedo
OnlineUniversities.net $18,228 Moniker
OnlineEducation.org $18,228 Moniker
18. NextOnline.de €12,000 = $17,280 Sedo
19. OfficeShoes.com $17,000 Sedo
20. 118000.com £9,900 = $16,731 Sedo


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were four more five-figure sales off the chart led by a two-letter IDN, Nü.com, that changed hands for $13,900 in a private sale. Sedo had the other three, scoring with Tatry.eu ($11,376), Binu.com ($10,080) and Create.net ($10,000)

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the four-figure .com supporting cast with Libel.com ($9,999) missing the five-figure mark by just $1. They also picked up $7,500 from SCCO.com, $7,000 for MyProtein.com and $6,912 for Ipsola.com. TeachWave.com tacked on $6,000, $5,900 blossomed from BeyondNature.com and two others, iVerified.com and WikiBaby.com brought $5,500 each.

Sedo added $5,316 for Indiretta.com and had 36 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
generalpants.com $5,000   centernet.com $3,200
nemid.com $4,752 cinecin.com $3,197
rnow.com $4,750 my-story.com $3,168
yourecycle.com $4,750 lavoo.com $3,000
costumeshalloween.com $4,500 romef1.com $3,000
statis.com $4,000 fashionchick.com $2,550
nadorp.com $3,888 blabberpod.com $2,500
vxr.com $3,871 displayvision.com $2,500
isaura.com $3,600 shoppingbank.com $2,500
seniovita.com $3,600 greenpatrol.com $2,430
sunstrom.com $3,600 herbsdirect.com $2,310
tiertransporte.com $3,600 wintermute.com $2,222
lovebus.com $3,500 gamedock.com $2,200
alexanderag.com $3,400 andaron.com $2,000
sends.com $3,400 newcarrentals.com $2,000
shedate.com $3,312 retireoverseas.com $2,000
atipik.com $3,240 scratchstars.com $2,000
copycenter.com $3,203 throwy.com $2,000

Back at the AfternicDLS things were cooking with SWV.com serving up $8,000, AddictsAnonymous.com dispensing $6,788 and Sapt.com securing $6,676. SDProperty.com produced $6,500, ProJets.com provided $6,000 and RecipeX.com cooked up $5,800.

Tripzee.com trucked in $5,300 while three others; AccreditedColleges.com, e-Stim.com and Japanisch.com drew $5,000 apiece. RentAMovies.com returned another $4,612. The AfternicDLS had 83 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,388. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,388
babymom.com $4,388   athinneryou.com $2,488
monkeymanagement .com $4,290 biggerbet.com $2,488
onlinemessenger.com $4,224 buyeronline.com $2,488
creditcounselingcenters.com $4,188 globenow.com $2,488
hchp.com $4,000 gardenvideo.com $2,400
pwnage.com $4,000 agpsolutions.com $2,388
graphicdisplay.com $3,810 lkbk.com $2,300
saferbet.com $3,688 newwebdesign.com $2,250
evolutiontech.com $3,588 carolinaprofessionalstaging .com $2,200
futurematters.com $3,488 directbroker .com $2,200
flowerspot.com $3,300 connect4free.com $2,190
truestrength.com $3,288 betsimple.com $2,188
gamesandmusic.com $3,240 builtspace.com $2,188
newsgrabber.com $3,188 oasisenergy.com $2,188
cakecity.com $3,000 allcamping .com $2,100
cleaninghouse.com $3,000 xlmarketing.com $2,100
connectsoftware.com $3,000 coolbackup.com $2,088
frauholle.com $3,000 growkit.com $2,088
quickbooking.com $3,000 petplanner.com $2,088
underclassmen.com $3,000 schmucktraum.com $2,088
myaide.com $2,988 tribb.com $2,088
red-zone.com $2,988 netnova.com $2,071
csch .com $2,970 synnet  .com $2,050
snyu.com $2,944 runningforum .com $2,002
1hourprinting.com $2,888 advancedglobal.com $2,000
elchile.com $2,888 barpromotions.com $2,000
onlinesites.com $2,888 boite.com $2,000
ohrringe.com $2,802 candycenter.com $2,000
graphicsandlogos.com $2,750 cashmark.com $2,000
oakvilleproperty.com $2,688 cncentral.com $2,000
stockclass.com $2,688 eworksheets.com $2,000
internetmarketingspecialists.com $2,600 fokkers.com $2,000
ebookspublishing.com $2,588 fruehling.com $2,000
oceanfrontlistings.com $2,588 globtrade.com $2,000
thecareeradvisor.com $2,588 jbtransport.com $2,000
time4fun.com $2,588 motherocean.com $2,000
industrialelectrical.com $2,530 quadrophenia.com $2,000
visualpromotions.com $2,510 schatzsucher.com $2,000
advies.com $2,500 sportscarguide.com $2,000
patentcheck.com $2,500 thetalkingcure.com $2,000
satellitetvtoday.com $2,500 vask.com $2,000
warta.com $2,500  

Elsewhere, MediaOptions.com sold 100Years.com for $8,500 and Pedasi.com for $2,200 while Moniker marked up $5,915 for Vertify.com

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

A quartet of five-figure ccTLD sales led the charge on this week's Top 20 Country Code Chart. We listed all of those in our section on the all-extension leaders at the top of this report. The highest sale you haven't seen yet is #5 CasinoOnline.co.za (South Africa's ccTLD) at $9,388 via Sedo, a venue that swept 18 of the 20 chart entries,  

Great Britain's .co.uk had the most chart entries with six, led by #6 Auditors.co.uk at $8,891. Germany's .de was next with four charted domains, including #7 PokerRegeln.de at $8,064. The European Union's .eu was the only other extension with multiples entries, scoring twice. 

The other countries represented on the elite list this week are Montenegro (.me), Canada (.ca), the British Indian Ocean Territory (.io), China (.cn), Tuvalu (.tv) and the United States (.us). Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending August 2:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: July 27, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 2, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Aug. 4


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Loterie.fr
("lottery" in French)
€35,000 = $50,400 Sedo
2. Cloud.me $22,500 Sedo
3. NextOnline.de €12,000 = $17,280 Sedo
4. Tatry.eu €7,900 = $11,376 Sedo
5. CasinoOnline.co.za £5,555 = $9,388 Sedo
6. Auditors.co.uk £5,261 = $8,891 Sedo
7. PokerRegeln.de €5,600 = $8,064 Sedo
8. YourMoney.ca $8,000 Sedo
9. Aud.io $6,750 Sedo
10. XQuery.co.uk €4,060 = $5,864 Sedo

11. ScaffoldTower.co.uk £3,200 = $5,408 Sedo
12. Jewelers.co.uk €3,600 = $5,184 RickLatona.com
13. Mascus.cn $4,830 Sedo
14. Calcio.eu €3,010 = $4,334 Sedo
15. Werbung.tv €2,950 = $4,248 Sedo
16. H1N1.co.uk £2,500 = $4,225 Sedo
17. Doodoo.de €2,850 = $4,104 Sedo
18. VonBraun.de €2,380 = $3,427 Sedo
19. MyTraining.co.uk $3,375 AfternicDLS
20. SafeBank.us $3,000 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Click Here

There were several dozen additional four-figure sales off the chart and Sedo accounted for all but three of those. Their roster included Xperts.de ($2,736), Muslim.us ($2,700) and Tarot.asia ($2,555). OnDemand.at downloaded $2,448, OnlineGolf.dk chipped in $2,304 and two others, LaFamille.fr and Sound.at attracted $2,160 each.

Another pair, Yangtze.co.uk and CombinationLadder.co.uk extended $2,113 apiece. Sedo piled up 34 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,980. Those are all listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $1,980
whw.de $1,980   weinimport.cn $1,440
lokalteil.de $1,944 cookware.us $1,400
equity.us $1,872 kirschkerne.de $1,368
datenstick.de $1,803 serviette.at $1,368
personalbeschaffung.de $1,800 cellulite.be $1,296
bras.us $1,751 w2k.de $1,260
girokonto-ohne-schufa.de $1,728 videowall.at $1,257
jouets.be $1,728 dsz.de $1,181
pronostic.tv $1,728 compass.fr $1,152
king-of-pop.de $1,714 infoball.de $1,152
listenoire.fr $1,584 jeuxoccasion.fr $1,152
bitdefender.cn $1,440 klq.de $1,152
bohrfirma.eu $1,440 adult.to $1,080
epsychology.us $1,440 glasdruck.de $1,080
eurokamin.de $1,440 xqs.de $1,008
francosuisse.fr $1,440 prezerwatywy.eu $1,000
liste-noire.fr $1,440 ucall.us $1,000

Elsewhere, NetFleet.com.au racked up three more Australian ccTLD sales. Homeopathy.com.au posted $1,974, Necklace.com.au notched $1,050 and Grow.com.au harvested $1,008 (all US $ amounts). 

Global Contenders (Non .com gTLDs: .biz, .info, .mobi, .net, .org & .tel)

Fans of the Global Contenders, our nickname for non .com gTLDs, popped the champagne this week to celebrate the year's biggest sale in this category, Jesus.net at $124,337 through the brokerage services at Sedo.  That blockbuster helped the .nets take 13 of te 23 positions on our new Global Contenders Top 20 Chart (the extra positions resulted from a four-way tie for the final spot).

The .orgs also had a strong outing taking nine chart entries including six that ranked among the top ten. That left just one opening that was claimed by #16 Pattaya.info at $3,168.

You saw all of the five and six figure GC sales in the all extension section of this report. The highest sale you haven't yet seen in this category is #7 RAR.net, sold at the AfternicDLS for $7,000. The AfternicDLS went on to pile up 14 GC sales, more than any other venue.

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending August 2:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. July 27, 2009 - Sun. Aug. 2, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Aug. 4


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Jesus.net $124,337 Sedo

MotorcycleInsurance.org $34,000 Sedo
3. Loteria.org €15,000 = $21,600 Sedo
OnlineEducation.org $18,228 Moniker
OnlineUniversities.net $18,228 Moniker
6. Create.net $10,000 Sedo
7. RAR.net $7,000 AfternicDLS
8. HealthInsuranceQuotes.org $6,160 AfternicDLS
9. 09.net $5,000 Sedo
Device.org $4,000 AfternicDLS
Oats.org $4,000 AfternicDLS

MDT.net $3,600 AfternicDLS
ShortSales.net $3,600 RickLatona.com
Aufkleber.net $3,500 AfternicDLS
Decisive.net $3,500 AfternicDLS
16. Pattaya.info €2,200 = $3,168 Sedo
17. PaydayAdvance.org $2,888 AfternicDLS
18. Mapa.net $2,700 AfternicDLS
19. CollegeOnline.org $2,525 AfternicDLS
Chinesisch.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
GameCenter.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
KidsToys.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
ProjectorLamps.net $2,500 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several dozen additional four-figure GC sales off the chart with the AfternicDLS piling up the majority of those. Their list included UKK.org ($2,388), HSDPA.org ($2,315) and ITBC.net ($2,129). Durable.net delivered $2,106 and two others; GreenEnergySolutions.net and HipHopClothing.net nabbed $2,088 each. 

The Afternic DLS had 33 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
adrenaline.net $2,000   homearts.net $1,288
appnet.net $2,000 leadfree.net $1,250
bodyoil.org $2,000 Dashboard .info $1,100
businessconsulting.net $2,000 careweb.net $1,088
earring.net $2,000 luxuryhandbags.net $1,088
familycentral.net $2,000 muqdisho.net $1,088
christiancollege.net $1,750 systembuilder.net $1,088
fashionmodels.net $1,700 clare.net $1,070
mynewchurch.org $1,670 debtsettlementprogram.net $1,000
gcls.net $1,642 dietarysupplements.org $1,000
petmedications.net $1,600 discoveryschools.org $1,000
studenci.net $1,566 i-way.org $1,000
acac.org $1,500 omahanebraska.net $1,000
quittingsmoking.org $1,500 pointarena.net $1,000
qlda.net $1,411 realtones.net $1,000
bluebadge.net $1,288 tubing.net $1,000
gcuc.net $1,288  

Back at Sedo Literatur.info landed $2,376 while three others; Gratisinserat.net, Schulrucksack.info and Ecan.org kicked in $2,160 apiece. Ubrania.net nailed $1,872, YouMove.net made $1,800 and Rise.net reeled in $1,550

Also at Sedo, Home-Mortgage.info fetched $1,499 with three others; Schultaschen.info, Uson.org and NER.net drawing $1,440 each. Teachscape.net took in $1,430, Prenotazioni.net preserved $1,224, Result.net returned $1,051 and PersonalizedGifts.org unwrapped $1,000

Elsewhere MediaOptions.com sold Ganja.org for $1,500.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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