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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Latest news of the domain name industry

Editor's Note: The weekly publication time for this column is between 1-2pm every Wednesday (U.S. Eastern time).  Our latest column (released Wed. July 15) is below. 

Contests.com Wins Place Among the Year's Top 12 Sales and Hardware.de Hammers Its Way Into the Top 5 Among ccTLDs

A pair of six-figure sales highlighted the action in the domain aftermarket over the past week. Aftermarket.com completed the sale of Contests.com for $380,000 after auctioning that name off at the Domain Roundtable conference in Washington, D.C. last month. That ranks as the 11th highest sale reported so far in 2009

In another major transaction, Sedo.com sold Hardware.de for €105,910 ($148,274) in the year's 5th biggest country code sale (.de is the ccTLD for Germany). Sedo took the next two spots on our weekly all-extension Top 20 Chart as well, banking $75,000 for #3 Ego.com and €49,980 ($69,972) for another .de domain, #4 Entsorgung.de ("disposal" in German). Sedo wound up putting five names in the first ten and took six chart entries overall, more than any other venue.

Sedo would have taken more places if a three-name group they sold had been individually priced. The $60,000 package included BlingBling.com, Bling-Bling.com and BlingBling.co.uk (in order to compare apples to apples we can't rank portfolio or package sales on our charts).


By Ron Jackson

This was a huge week for the country codes, a category that has really blossomed in aftermarket sales over the past year. The ccTLDs took half of the chart positions with .com taking the other half. The non .com gTLDs, which have been left in the dust by country codes, were shut out.

Seven ccTLDs made the top half of the Big Board, including a trio sold by RickLatona.com; Blackjack.co.za and Casinos.co.za, a pair of South African ccTLDs that went for €17,500 ($24,500) apiece to tie for 7th and #9 PokerRooms.co.uk, a British domain that Latona brokered for seller DNSamurai.com. Latona also put Easy.nl (Dutch country code) on the second half of the chart, tying for #15 after changing hands for €10,000 ($14,000). The sale that Easy.nl tied was also a country code domain - LePoker.fr.

The only other venues with multiple chart entries were Aftermarket.com with four completed sales from their Domain Roundtable auction and SnapNames.com with a pair of .com sales; #14 BusinessChina.com ($16,501) and #17 UIX.com ($12,900).

Here is how all of the leaders stack up for the week ending Sunday, July 12:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 6, 2009 - Sun. July 12, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 14


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Contests.com $380,000 Aftermarket.com/DRT
2. Hardware.de €105,910 = $148,274 Sedo
3. Ego.com $75,000 Sedo
4. Entsorgung.de
("disposal" in German)
€49,980 = $69,972 Sedo
5. TajMahal.com $50,000 NameJet
6. Larger.com $24,800 Aftermarket.com/DRT
Blackjack.co.za €17,500 = $24,500 RickLatona.com
Casinos.co.za €17,500 = $24,500 RickLatona.com
9. PokerRooms.co.uk $22,000 DNSamurai.com/
Fussball24.de €15,000 = $21,000 Sedo
("construction industry" in Dutch)
€15,000 = $21,000 Sedo

12. CapitalBrands.com $20,000 Optimo.com
13. eDomains.com $16,511 GoDaddy Auctions
14. BusinessChina.com $16,501 SnapNames
Easy.nl €10,000 = $14,000 RickLatona.com
LePoker.fr €10,000 = $14,000 Sedo
17. UIX.com $12,900 SnapNames
18. Bandwidth.co.uk £7,500 = $12,225 Registrars.co.uk
19. StreetLife.com $12,200 Aftermarket.com/DRT
20. BabySwing.com $12,000 Aftermarket.com/DRT


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were nine more five-figure sales just off the chart led by Nokta's $11,900 sale of JobWay.com. Sedo had three more in that range; Remer.ru ($11,200), FlipCart.com ($10,000) and ILED.com ($10,000)

The country code onslaught continued with RickLatona.com's $11,200 sale of Stores.ca and NetFleet.com.au's $11,060 deal for Stay.com.au. NameJet.com scored with DirectAdvertising.com ($10,988) and Trainings.com and the AfternicDLS.com drew $10,000 for Howes.com.

.Com Supporting Cast

SnapNames led the .com four-figure supporting cast with the $9,995 sale of XGR.com. Their roster also included MalaysiaBusiness.com ($6,550), JobMall.com ($5,300) and JiaoJiao.com ($4,056). Rounding out their list was Sealand.com at $3,629, FebBizOpps.com at $3,200 and Wuyuan.com at $2,988

At PremiumDomains.com Chaquetas.com chomped $9,000.

Back at the AfternicDLS, MedicationManagement.com dispensed $6,400 and YLA.com landed $5,000. NationalResponse.com revealed $3,688 while BroadbandEntertainment.com and BidFun.com each fetched $3,588 and ALVS.com added $3,570

The AfternicDLS had 43 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $3,500
dnap.com $3,500   tactical-gear.com $2,488
successrate.com $3,395 fiandre.com $2,388
forumhome.com $3,300 richandpowerful.com $2,388
kangarooclub.com $3,188 tournamentnews.com $2,300
mtconsulting.com $3,188 ascensiononline.com $2,239
itca.com $3,000 binocularshop.com $2,200
adbooking.com $2,988 dendritic-cells .com $2,200
sekundo.com $2,988 electrictesting.com $2,188
smoothcriminal.com $2,988 surveysay.com $2,188
bcmc.com $2,900 apparelle.com $2,088
echronicle.com $2,788 atmj.com $2,088
opendistribution.com $2,788 clearsys.com $2,088
tournamentguide.com $2,700 gelora.com $2,088
indodesign.com $2,688 head-2-head.com $2,088
creatureheaven.com $2,588 metaq.com $2,088
odysseymusic.com $2,588 tripat.com $2,050
landcruises.com $2,550 anamericandream.com $2,000
lawcomm.com $2,500 bitbar.com $2,000
neighborhoodrealtor.com $2,500 hopeforchildren.com $2,000
propatents.com $2,500 startel.com $2,000
rigueur.com $2,500 universalregistry.com $2,000
urise.com $2,500   

The AfternicDLS sold five other domains through other venues as part of their expanded promotion program. Fabo.com commanded $9,600 at SnapNames while Sedo moved four others; Kavun.com ($4,050), NetCertified.com ($2,688), BookPost.com ($2,475) and Somoto.com ($2,000).

In additional completed sales from Aftermarket.com's Domain Roundtable live auction Castaway.com went for $9,500 (the seller donated the proceeds to the Internet Commerce Association), Bullfighter.com gored $5,500 and JackpotClub.com raked in $5,000. Pitches.com delivered $4,900, Exhaustion.com coughed up $4,500 and 3GPhones.com downloaded $3,500. Covenants.com kicked in $3,300, Bicentennial.com celebrated $3,000 and HealthAdvisory.com posted $2,245

At NameJet Bunk.com bagged $9,300, SearchEnginePlacement.com produced $6,766 and Eleonora.com notched $5,050. NameJet had 19 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,800. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,800
host4u.com $4,800   mydoc.com $3,008
californiaforeclosures.com $4,303 picturetrial.com $2,900
neuroimaging.com $3,855 propertysurvey.com $2,702
couponalert.com $3,601 fstv.com $2,500
yourlove.com $3,499 halloweenmusic.com $2,225
winetasters.com $3,300 j-w.com $2,134
artplus.com $3,199 designerrugs.com $2,100
danceonline.com $3,100 hometreatment.com $2,100
dishsoap.com $3,100 videoremix.com $2,005
internetdegree.com $3,088  

At GoDaddy Auctions, SomebodyToLove.com attracted $8,660, CanadianLaw.com decreed $5,010, Obsessions.com cinched $4,600 and 1925.com corralled $2,500

Sedo's supplemental list included Anni.com ($7,500), DatingAssistant.com ($7,100) and GameTheory.com ($6,901). Sedo had 19 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000
conferencecard.com $5,000   singaporecasinohotel.com $3,000
quiztastic.com $5,000 vostrum.com $2,800
speaq.com $5,000 5652.com $2,500
24love.com $4,500 mynextera.com $2,500
gjv.com $4,499 phonesupplies.com $2,500
6fx.com $4,000 rusingle.com $2,200
wxa.com $3,669 simplebase.com $2,200
satinseduction.com $3,250 pizzaplate.com $2,130
cabaretcasino.com $3,000 makeiteasy.com $2,050
netmf.com $3,000  

Elsewhere, WinnerNames.com sold JustCapital.com for $7,500 and DrexelCapital.com for $4,200. RickLatona.com moved FinancialBrokers.com and SmartInvestors.com for $3,000 each and Acceptable.com for $2,900. In a pair of private sales YCCS.com sold for $3,000 and an IDN, เสื้อ.com, captured $2,250.

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

The Country Codes enjoyed a blowout performance this week, piling up 13 five figure sales. We listed all of those in the all extension section at the top of this report (ccTLDs piled up 10 of the 20 chart entries on the Big Board). The popular German ccTLD had the most entries on our new Country Code Top 20 Chart with six led by #1 Hardware.de. At $148,285 via Sedo in one of the year's five biggest ccTLD sales.

The top sale you haven't seen yet is Tel.fr (French country code) at $7,000 through RickLatona.com. That tied a Russian ccTLD domain, Parents.ru for #14 on the new weekly chart. Sedo sold the latter domain and accounted for 12 of the chart entries. RickLatona.com had a hand in six sales with NetFleet.com.au and Registrars.co.uk accounting for the other two. 

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending July 12:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: July 6, 2009 - Sun. July 12, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. July 14


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Hardware.de €105,910 = $148,274 Sedo
2. Entsorgung.de
("disposal" in German)
€49,980 = $69,972 Sedo
Blackjack.co.za €17,500 = $24,500 RickLatona.com
Casinos.co.za €17,500 = $24,500 RickLatona.com
5. PokerRooms.co.uk $22,000 DNSamurai.com/
Fussball24.de €15,000 = $21,000 Sedo
("construction industry" in Dutch)
€15,000 = $21,000 Sedo
Easy.nl €10,000 = $14,000 RickLatona.com
LePoker.fr €10,000 = $14,000 Sedo
10. Bandwidth.co.uk £7,500 = $12,225 Registrars.co.uk

Stores.ca €8,000 = $11,200 RickLatona.com
Remer.ru €8,000 = $11,200 Sedo
13. Stay.com.au 14,000AUD = $11,060 Netfleet.com.au
Tel.fr €5,000 = $7,000 RickLatona.com
Parents.ru €5,000 = $7,000 Sedo
16. Tarifwechsel.de
("toll change" in German)
€4,760 = $6,664 Sedo
17. Immobilien-tv.de
("real estate tv" in German)
€4,350 = $6,090 Sedo
18. Pantalla.es €4,320 = $6,048 Sedo
19. Pool.tv €4,000 = $5,600 Sedo
20. Iltec.de €3,500 = $4,900 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Click Here

There were several dozen additional four-figure sales off the chart and Sedo accounted for all but six of those. Their list included Zazzle.es ($4,620), BestSlots.co.uk ($4,483) and eStore.co.uk ($4,401). CE.se secured another $4,200 and YourSpace.co.uk contributed $4,075

Sedo piled up 37 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $3,920. Those are all listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $3,920
konditionstraining.de $3,920   gartenvideos.de $1,540
manzanillo.com.mx $3,600 xiki.de $1,435
lottery.pl $3,586 webmaster.in $1,400
le-poker.fr $3,500 villalocation.fr $1,400
poker-sites.co.uk $3,260 live-score.fr $1,400
mybrands.ch $3,080 ligatickets.de $1,400
entwicklung.eu $2,887 infocoste.es $1,400
2012.fr $2,512 goldbet.es $1,400
cigarren.de $2,499 etudiant.tv $1,400
teckentrup.co.uk $2,445 mesas.es $1,260
schwimmbad-planung.de $2,100 gabonn.de $1,250
lovetreff.de $2,100 autofinders.co.uk $1,223
bikehotel.eu $2,100 handelo.de $1,120
grabadate.com $2,000 freizeitziel.de $1,120
froitzheim.de $1,960 ecamp.co.uk $1,100
jane.asia $1,820 waeschespinne.de $1,050
rpg.fr $1,750 music-video.de $1,050
dline.de $1,680 documentales.es $1,050
4sight.co.uk $1,630   

Elsewhere, Aftermarket.com closed the $4,500 sale of AutoLoan.ca from their Domain Madness auction, NameJet nailed down $3,600 for MySky.tv and NetFleet.com.au caught a $3,160 wave with Surfing.com.au

RickLatona.com earned $2,800 for Malpractice.md, Registrars.co.uk rounded up $2,445 for EducationalFurniture.co.uk and in a private sale L1.ca changed hands for $1,500 at DNForum.com.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .name, .net & .org)

It was another slow week for the Global Contenders. None of the non .com gTLDs cracked the five-figure mark and none made the all extension leader board at the top of this report. However .org wound up having a good week against the GC competition, taking the top two spots, five of the first ten and eight of 20 overall.  

The .org charge was led by #1 LED.org at $8,000 and #2 HTML.org at $7,000. The top domain just closed after being sold by Aftermarket.com in last month's Domain Roundtable live auction. Sedo sold HTML.org and went on to have a hand in nine chart entries overall, more than any other venue.

The AfternicDLS was also busy charting eight times with #3 Lotteri.net ($5,888) and #4 (tie) Manuscript.net at $5,000 settng the pace for them (they shared the Lotteri.net sale with Sedo where they had placed the name as an expanded promotion listing).

.Net had the most overall entries with 11. .Info also made the Top 20 with the $2,900 sale of #15 Bewerbung.info at SnapNames. Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending July 12:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. July 6, 2009 - Sun. July 12, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 14


Sold For

Where Sold
1. LED.org $8,000 Aftermarket.com/

HTML.org €5,000 = $7,000 Sedo
3. Lotteri.net $5,888 AfternicDLS/Sedo
Manuscript.net $5,000 AfternicDLS
BathingSuits.net $5,000 Sedo
SSRS.org $4,500 Sedo
F4.net $4,500 Sedo
8. Input.org $4,021 NameJet
9. MindBody.net $3,800 AfternicDLS
10. AWU.org $3,700 Sedo

11. HeavyMetal.net $3,534 NameJet
Koç.net (IDN) €2,500 = $3,500 Sedo
Fasto.org €2,500 = $3,500 Sedo
14. RightToPrivacy.org $2,990 AfternicDLS
15. Bewerbung.info $2,900 SnapNames
16. Koss.net €2,000 = $2,800 Sedo
17. Shareable.net $2,788 AfternicDLS
18. Guerilla.net $2,750 AfternicDLS
19. Dominos.org $2,600 NameJet
20. iTrip.net $2,588 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were many additional four-figure GC sales off the chart with NameJet posting the highest of those; SeeRecon.org for $2,422. They also sold Copia.org ($1,700), Ponies.org ($1,401) and Component.net ($1,214). Encoding.net added $1,010 and InsuranceJobs.net paid $1,000

Sedo's supplemental list included Vakanties.org ($2,100), Lignano.info ($1,820) and PhotoPrint.mobi ($1,800). o0.net was next at $1,620, GamblingSite.org sewed up $1,300 and Vakantiehuisjes.info found $1,260

BondageNews.net brought $1,150, Verzekeren.net nabbed $1,085 and two others; Bodendecker.info and Energiequelle.info went for $1,050 each. XOL.info added $1,005 and Althani.info chipped in $1,000

The AfternicDLS had a large group of additional four figure sales with six of those coming through their expanded promotion program. They used SnapNames to sell AsianDating.net ($2,088), EECS.org ($1,332) and Systor.net ($1,288). Sedo helped them move Entdecker.net ($1,300), Maguro.net ($1,288) and Trachtenmode.net ($1,057).

The Afternic DLS had 21 more sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
americanalliance.org $2,000   callway.net $1,200
ARB .info $1,997 weightlossproduct.org $1,200
helpingchildren.org $1,888 digitalprivacy.net $1,188
insuranceagency.net $1,750 moneytrail.net $1,100
davidyurman.net $1,688 energypartners.net $1,088
taxline.net $1,688 livewebcast.net $1,088
enviroscape.net $1,500 anagram.net $1,000
feelfree.org $1,488 bcmc.org $1,000
hotstone.net $1,400 conversionrate.org $1,000
turbos.net $1,294 yla .org $1,000
selfassessment.org $1,288  

Elsewhere GoDaddy Auctions banked $2,228 for TurboLyrics.net and Aftermarket.com closed the $1,000 sale of CommunityCollege.info from their Domain Roundtable auction.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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