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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Latest news of the domain name industry

Editor's Note: New Weekly Publication Time for this column - Between 1-2pm every Wednesday (U.S. Eastern time).  Our latest column (released Wed. July 8) is below. 

78K Deal at the AfternicDLS and a Wave of Completed Aftermarket.com Auction Sales Dominate This Week's Chart

The AfternicDLS takes the lead position on our new weekly Top 20 doman sales chart after handling the $78,088 sale of Rosary.com. That is the third highest sale of the year for the Afternic DLS, trailing only LAInsurance.com ($100,000) and Claim.com ($80,000), a pair of names they sold in March. 

Aftermarket.com swept 13 of 21 chart entries this week (the extra spot resulting from a tie for the final position) after confirming the completion of dozens of sales from three special events; live auctions at Domainer Mardi Gras and the GeoDomain Expo plus their live Domain Madness online auction.  

#2 Loco.com led the Aftermarket.com charge at $55,500. That is the third time that domain has changed hands since we started tracking domain sales six years ago. It first sold at GreatDomains in December 2004 for $17,500 then went for nearly three times more when Rick Latona let it go for $50,000 in April 2006. 


By Ron Jackson

In addition to all of their charted sales this week, we will be ranking Aftermarket.com's biggest sale of the year next week. At press time we learned they have just completed the $380,000 sale of Contests.com to National A-1 who won the auction for that domain at the Domain Roundtable conference last month in Washington, D.C. Our weekly charts (released on Wednesdays) reflect sales reported during the seven-day period ending the previous Sunday, so Contests.com will go on the board next week when it will obviously take a major blockbuster to keep it from claiming the top spot.

Sedo.com rang up four charted sales this week, led by the only non .com domain on the elite list, #8 Your.de (German country code domain) at $22,330. SnapNames.com was the only other venue with multiple chart entries. They hit the daily double with #6 GamingSingapore.com ($24,990) and #15 Lotomama.com ($14,999)

Here is how all of the leaders stack up for the week ending Sunday, July 5:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. June 29, 2009 - Sun. July 5, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 7


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Rosary.com $78,088 AfternicDLS
2. Loco.com $55,500 Aftermarket.com/
Domain Madesss
3. Reserve.com $45,644 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
4. SantaClarita.com $39,250 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
5. Longhorn.com $35,000 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
6. GamingSingapore.com $24,990 SnapNames
7. Suntanning.com $22,500 Aftermarket.com/
Domainer Mardi Gras
8. Your.de €16,065 = $22,330 Sedo
9. TextLinks.com $22,000 Aftermarket.com/
Domainer Mardi Gras
10. Ponce.com $21,000 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo

11. 434.com $18,500 Sedo
12. Jaba.com $18,000 Sedo
Stenography.com $15,000 Aftermarket.com/
Domain Madesss
SierraMadre.com $15,000 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
15. Lotomama.com $14,999 SnapNames
16. Credenzas.com $13,500 Aftermarket.com/
Domainer Mardi Gras
17. iVow.com $10,215 GoDaddy Auctions
TowerOfLondon.com $10,000 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
PlayCasinoGames.com $10,000 Sedo
IndiaTube.com $10,000 Aftermarket.com/
GeoDomain Expo
CandyCane.com $10,000 Aftermarket.com/
Domainer Mardi Gras


Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

.Com Supporting Cast

Aftermarket.com led the .com four-figure supporting cast with four $9,000 sales spread across three different events. Two of those came from the GeoDomain Expo live auction in San Diego where BocaRatonFlorida.com and TempeArizona.com booked $9,000 each. From that same auction, BrooklynJobs.com brought $8,000 and three others; Oakton.com, PiratesCove.com and TexasPersonals.com tacked on $7,500 each. 

Also closing were a trio at $3,500 apiece that included ArubaVacation.com, Talladega.com and Tiel.com. CarlsbadCA.com and TopekaKansas.com each kicked in $3,000 while Drammen.com drew $2,500, NewYorkLoft.com landed $2,250 and LosAngelesCondo.com commanded $2,000

In closed sales from Aftermarket.com's Domainer Mardi Gras live auction in New Orleans, Dreamy.com corralled $9,000 but that was a dramatic dropoff from the $43,250 that same name commanded at SnapNames in June 2006. 

In other sales from DMG, DCW.com desposited $6,500, Discretion.com crested at $5,250 and three others; AirlineRewards.com, DNSales.com and StorageFacility.com fetched $5,000 apiece. Two others, GolfSet.com and PetHospitals.com dispensed $4,500 each while TicketBooth.com took in $3,800. FinancialBailout.com rescued $3,750, Overwhelmed.com added $3,700 and ExerciseGuide.com generated $3,500. Also at DMG, an IDN, Décor.com, went for $2,900 and NurseCollege.com attended to $2,000

Moving on to Aftermarket.com's closed sales from Domain Madness, ePills.com swallowed $9,000, Antiseptic.com streilized $6,000 and VeryFast.com flagged down $5,200. Doodling.com doled out $4,700, PopupTrailers.com posted $3,800 and Calfskin.com captured $3,500. Cutout.com clipped $3,320, ITEmployment.com plucked $3,300 and two others; StayThin.com and Groomed.com each grossed $3,000. PartyToys.com pulled $2,600, StudentOffers.com and BirdProof.com billed $2,500 apiece and TrickOrTreating.com turned up $2,400

Back at Sedo, CampusPoker.com dealt out $8,590, Recepten.com returned $6,255, AcaiBerryJuice.com squeezed $5,800 and InvoiceTrack.com registered $4,865. Sedo had 16 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,500 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,500
esemplare.com $4,500   bee5.com $2,800
worldofdragons.com $4,170 health-angels.com $2,500
wopex.com $4,031 cleartogo.com $2,488
cookingisfun.com $3,892 itmustbelove.com $2,250
wikidi.com $3,892 fairfieldjobs.com $2,000
ROIQ.com $3,500 messagefromtheworld.com $2,000
maturebeauty.com $3,000 u2o.com $2,000
ootd.com $3,000 vkna.com $2,000

In sales from Sedo's GreatDomains.com premium auction site, OPZ.com clicked for $3,703, Piedras.com piled on $3,226 and RosesOnline.com attracted $2,550.

At the AfternicDLS, Kapre.com captured $7,588, STTI.com tallied $5,556 and two others; EngineeringSystems.com and Digisol.com each drew $5,000. YPSO.com yielded $3,800, KRAR.com cracked $3,788 and EDWY.com unwrapped $3,750. Three others; BestPhtographers.com, Cofounders.com and SkinPathology.com posted $3,500 apiece.   

The AfternicDLS had 50 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,440. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .com Sales Between $2,000 - $3,440
krch.com $3,440   imison.com $2,500
rayanderson.com $3,388 internationalfootball.com $2,500
sharegate.com $3,388 kidgear.com $2,500
mellowpages.com $3,300 parkrow.com $2,500
carsforall.com $3,188 customfunerals.com $2,488
spizy.com $3,088 adworth.com $2,388
bestbeers.com $3,000 elettromedicali.com $2,388
internetadvantage.com $3,000 computersnow.com $2,250
moviesguide.com $3,000 bizol.com $2,200
ozplanet.com $2,988 winandwin.com $2,200
coopshop.com $2,970 hotelsdowntown.com $2,188
gsgcorp.com $2,888 lightearth.com $2,188
krtrading.com $2,800 amazingplace.com $2,088
greenfever.com $2,788 creativeestate.com $2,088
weightlosssecret.com $2,710 flyerpro.com $2,088
krfr.com $2,706 infosonline.com $2,088
thetrophyclub.com $2,688 pinkpeach.com $2,088
generalcargo.com $2,672 rapidrecruiter.com $2,088
fornello.com $2,600 yourbucks.com $2,088
gamingarts.com $2,600 art-school.com $2,000
hrlab.com $2,600 bioregeneration.com $2,000
krinvestments.com $2,588 musichype.com $2,000
socialcontrol.com $2,588 needcare.com $2,000
krgo.com $2,553 provingground.com $2,000
biddeal.com $2,500 vanitystore.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS also sold LottoFever.com for $6,400 through SnapNames as part of their expanded promotion program. 

Elsewhere, Moniker.com closed the $8,000 sale of AllTerrainVehicles.com from their T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Silicon Valley auction and moved XTT.com ($5,000) and ShipFinder.com ($2,563) through their online platform. 

GoDaddy Auctions banked $5,350 for FamilyFlix.com and $4,888 for IslandDoctors.com

At SnapNames, ProSpeed.com produced $2,716 and two others; Ditco.com and HotelsGoldCoastAustralia.com booked $2,000 apiece. 

 Afternic Domain Auctions

Country Codes

This was .de week for the Country Codes. The popular German ccTLD had the top sale, Your.de at $22,330 and went on to take seven of the first ten spots on our new Country Code Top 20 chart (and nine positions overall). Sedo accounted for all of those .de sales and went on to pile up 19 of the 20 chart entries. NameJet kept them from making it a clean sweep by moving #3 Remind.me for $7,700 (.me is Montenegro's country code).

The only other non .de domains on the first half of the leader board were #5 Bra.in (Indian ccTLD) at $5,000 and #9 Saltcoats.co.uk (British extension) at $4,025. Two more .co.uk domains earned spots on the second half of the elite list.

Other countries represented this week are the United States (.us), Poland (.pl), the Netherlands (.nl), Austria (.at) and the European Union (.eu). Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending July 5:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: June 29, 2009 - Sun. July 5, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. July 7


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Your.de €16,065 = $22,330 Sedo
2. Vivid.de €7,000 = $9,730 Sedo
3. Remind.me $7,700 NameJet
4. MusikVideo.de €5,250 = $7,298 Sedo
5. Bra.in $5,000 Sedo
6. Zertifikat.de €3,200 = $4,448 Sedo
CashGold.de €3,000 = $4,170 Sedo
HotelBooker.de €3,000 = $4,170 Sedo
9. Saltcoats.co.uk £2,500 = $4,025 Sedo
10. Bilderdruck.de €2,600 = $3,614 Sedo

11. Marccain.us $3,500 Sedo
Topless.pl €2,500 = $3,475 Sedo
YourHome.de €2,500 = $3,475 Sedo
14. FleetCard.co.uk $3,400 Sedo
15. Goeroe.nl €2,400 = $3,336 Sedo
16. Umstandsmode.eu €2,350 = $3,267 Sedo
17. Golf-Balls.co.uk £2,000 = $3,220 Sedo
18. e-Recruitment.de €2,200 = $3,058 Sedo
19. Private-Lrankenversicherung.eu €2,050 = $2,850 Sedo
20. Fil.at €2,000 = $2,780 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Click Here

Sedo rang up several dozen additional four-figure sales led by FreePorn.us ($2,750), Pushup.de ($2,724) and Trouver.ca ($2,649). Messestand.eu added $2,641, UES.de delivered $2,572 and M.ly locked up $2,500. Concierto.es sold for $2,363, FXPro.gr grabbed $2,319 and Gentlemen.de drove home $2,224

Sedo piled up 37 more four-figure ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,085. Those are all listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000 - $2,085
deinekarte.de $2,085   tradenet.de $1,251
flüsse.de $2,085 blog.pe $1,250
pokercash.it $2,085 coimbra.tv $1,250
duesen.de $1,946 cdfs.co.uk $1,208
wir-heiraten.de $1,807 büroreinigung.de $1,195
pilotage.ch $1,738 wohnimmobilie.de $1,182
24handy.de $1,668 apuestasfaciles.es $1,112
brushless.eu $1,668 batterie.cc $1,112
khs.co.uk $1,610 reflux.nl $1,112
thefreewebsitedirectory.co.uk $1,610 tree.be $1,112
nrn.de $1,460 usbkarten.de $1,112
karrieresprung.de $1,393 theentrepreneur.co.uk $1,111
hair-extensions.de $1,390 prämie.ch $1,098
verde.es $1,389 fotozone.es $1,043
pennausb.it $1,334 gas-preisvergleich.de $1,043
sqm.de $1,334 coyote.us $1,000
retailers.de $1,321 employee.eu $1,000
reise-gutscheine.de $1,251 groomingsupplies.co.uk $1,000
shuttle.nl $1,251   

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .name, .net & .org)

This was a slow week for the Global Contenders. After notching the year's biggest .net sale last week (Descargas.net at $46,200), along with three more five-figure sales, none broke out of the four-figure range this week. The best reported sale was IceSkating.net, a name that closed at $7,000 after being auctioned off in Aftermarket.com's Domain Madness event. 

Sedo followed with a pair of .org domains; #2 Geldverdienen.org ("making money" in German) at $5,421 and #3 PokerOnline.org at $5,000. Overall, .net took 12 of the 21 chart entries (the extra spot resulting from a tie for the final position). .Org claimed the other 9. 

The AfternicDLS led the race among venues, having a hand in 14 of the 21 sales on this week's leader board. Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending July 5:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. June 29, 2009 - Sun. July 5, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect July 7


Sold For

Where Sold
1. IceSkating.net $7,000 Aftermarket.com/
Domain Madness

("making money" in German)
€3,900 = $5,421 Sedo
3. PokerOnline.org $5,000 Sedo
4. SimpleWellness.net $3,520 AfternicDLS
5. Vein.net $3,500 AfternicDLS
6. Betriebsrat.net €2,430 = $3,378 Sedo
7. WorldSexVideo.net $3,300 Sedo
8. Thymus.net $3,188 AfternicDLS
9. MexicanFood.net $3,000 AfternicDLS/Sedo
10. Badewanne.org €2,000 = $2,780 Sedo

11. Burnout.net $2,700 AfternicDLS
12. BPOC.org $2,691 AfternicDLS/Sedo
13. ThisIsIt.net $2,588 AfternicDLS
Scandium.net $2,388 AfternicDLS
Thousand.org $2,388 AfternicDLS
16. Ratgeber.org €1,500 = $2,085 Sedo
MedicalJobs.org $2,000 AfternicDLS
TheBestOf.net $2,000 AfternicDLS
19. FaithFoundation.org $1,900 AfternicDLS
HealthInsurancePlans.org $1,888 AfternicDLS
iReader.net $1,888 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were several additional four-figure GC sales off the chart with the AfternicDLS logging the majority of those including BPlus.net ($1,760), STTI.net ($1,747) and ClassReunions.org ($1,725). Their roster also included Spizy.net ($1,688), iPress.net ($1,588) and NewPerspectives.org ($1,288).

LooseDiamonds.org added $1,250, BioOcean.net brought $1,200 and TitaniumRings.net returned $1,188. Nion.net notched $1,084 and three others; CarRepairs.net, DiamondStuds.net and WorldCash.net nabbed $1,000 each. In sales through their expanded promotion program, the AfternicDLS sold Borra.net ($1,488) and SafariLodge.net ($1,088) through SnapNames and Schmiedel.net ($1,566) through Sedo. 

Aftermarket.com logged three more sales at this level; Antidepressant.net ($1,650), Tacoma.info ($1,300) and LowFare.net ($1,100)

Also, Sedo booked a quartet of their own; SlapNTickle.org ($1,500), StockPhotography.org ($1,275), GreenTeaWeightLoss.net ($1,050) and ArthritisTreatment.net ($1,000)

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday night or Wednesday morning we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Mondays and Tuesdays our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this article to give you the most comprehensive sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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