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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Jump Start: Domain Aftermarket Revs Up With a Trio of Six-Figure Sales Totaling More Than $700,000 

The domain aftermarket seemed to be stuck in first gear for the first month and a half of the New Year, but a trio of solid six-figure sales gave the sales engine a jump start this past week. Three of the six biggest reported sales so far in 2009 were unveiled over the past seven days. Sedo.com led the high end onslaught by handling a $399,990 deal for Forums.com. Appropriately enough, the seller was DNForum.com owner Adam Dicker

In other major deals #2 FreeQuotes.com changed hands for $210,000 in a private transaction and the $100,000 sale of #3 Wife.com was closed after Moniker auctioned off that name in their live auction at the Domainfest Global conference.


By Ron Jackson

Sedo led all venues by racking up eight entries on our weekly all extension Top 20 leader board, including #4 Primus.com at $33,000 and #5 Statoil.ru (Russian country code) at €23,400 ($29,718). The latter was one of three ccTLDs that crashed the usual .com party on this list. #12 Historia.pl ("history" in Polish) drew $16,531 in a private sale and #17 (tie) Mama.es (Spain's country code) attracted $15,000 at Sedo. Historia.pl (the cctLD for Poland) likely benefits from spillover traffic from an established website at Historia.org.pl.

The only other non .com domain on the Big Board was #15 Obama.net, a name that sold through the affiliate forum at WickedFire.com for $15,500

We rarely see a double hyphenated domain on the chart, but Top-10-Hawaii.com slipped into the #20 slot after selling for $13,010 through GoDaddy Auctions. The domain once hosted a developed site for tourists so residual traffic likely accounted for the price paid, rather than the unwieldy name itself (indeed similar names, like Top-10-Florida.com, are not even registered at the time of this writing. Of course, having mentioned it, someone will probably take that example now even though it has no inherent value!)

 Here is how all of the leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, February 22:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 16, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 22, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Forums.com $399,990 Sedo
2. FreeQuotes.com $210,000 Pvt Sale
3. Wife.com $100,000 Moniker/
Domainfest Global
4. Primus.com $33,000 Sedo
5. Statoil.ru €23,400 = $29,718 Sedo
6. Cristina.com $25,890 SnapNames
7. TravelJournal.com $25,000 Pvt Sale
8. DateFinder.com $19,000 Moniker/
Domainfest Global
9. PropertyMatch.com £12,500 = $17,766 Pvt Sale
10. EnterpriseGroup.com $17,500 Sedo

11. LeatherSofa.com $17,100 NameJet
12. Historia.pl
("history" in Polish)
61,000PLN = $16,531 Pvt Sale
13. TAI.com €13,000 = $16,510 Sedo
14. LegalWills.com $15,855 NameJet
15. Obama.net $15,500 WickedFire
16. ParisFrance.com €12,100 = $15,367 Sedo
Mama.es $15,000 Sedo
DelaMaison.com $15,000 Sedo
19. Crafters.com $14,120 SnapNames
20. Top-10-Hawaii.com $13,010 GoDaddy Auctions

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were seven more five-figure sales just off the chart, led by Sedo's $12,700 sale of Frey.fr (a French country code domain). Sedo also sold AFQ.com for $10,160 and, through their GreatDomains premium auction site, Cheetahs.com, for $10,099

Moniker also had a hand in three more sales at this level; Reserved.com ($12,500) and Fajitas.com ($10,000) - both sold at their Domainfest Global live auction, and Smartco.com ($10,200) from their online platform. The AfternicDLS also scored with RCSI.com at $10,000

.Com Supporting Cast

NameJet.com led the .com supporting cast with Rottin.com at $9,972. At the same venue, StopSigns.com braked at $9,000, GasolinePrices.com produced $7,987 and ClassBooks.com brought $7,600. Wallmark.com chalked up $6,889, Headband.com bagged $6,055 and Zealand.com located $5,900. Woodsheds.com went for $5,800 while EtchedGlass.com and CatalyticConverter.com kicked in $5,655 each. MusicChart.com drummed up another $5,600

NameJet had 33 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .Com Sales Between $2,000-$5,500
partsforsale.com $5,500   onlinepuzzle.com $3,201
sneakpeak.com $5,400 graduationgift.com $3,112
zootsuit.com $5,255 godsplan.com $3,099
ggk.com $5,100 easystep.com $2,855
musicstars.com $4,988 cameracrew.com $2,700
fhk.com $4,900 easysigns.com $2,600
storageroom.com $4,855 milonga.com $2,577
roofingshingles.com $4,600 torpedos.com $2,522
crusoe.com $4,011 bloopy.com $2,500
sureshot.com $4,000 phonerings.com $2,350
furnitureweb.com $3,970 babyblocks.com $2,322
silverring.com $3,850 xuancai.com $2,211
bengaltiger.com $3,833 executivelimo.com $2,150
masonjars.com $3,633 teendrivers.com $2,100
irishcream.com $3,600 mingers.com $2,050
weddingtoast.com $3,550 wrongway.com $2,050
vintagewheels.com $3,355  

Back at the AfternicDLS MLTD.com tallied $9,800 and RippleEffect.com fetched $8,000, a nice jump from the $2,938 that RippleEffect previously sold for at SnapNames in December 2005. AutomobileInsuranceQuotes.com contributed $6,750, Golosi.com grossed $5,188 and two others; Curiosa.com and ServerConsolidation.com corralled $5,000 apiece.

ExteriorPaint.com peeled off $4,500, AmpUp.com plugged in $4,288 and CompData.com commanded $4,200. The AfternicDLS had 63 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
interceptors.com $4,000   bizpass.com $2,200
certara .com $3,850 wecope.com $2,200
ntake.com $3,650 itsfinest.com $2,199
evotes.com $3,500 advancedlasercenters.com $2,188
islandweb.com $3,388 investorsassociation.com $2,188
mspworld.com $3,388 entrepreneurcenter.com $2,100
passtheball .com $3,300 factsfirst.com $2,100
sigmaplus.com $3,300 qdhr.com $2,100
employersweb.com $3,188 completeprotection.com $2,088
readytravel.com $3,188 cp-llc.com $2,088
virginiapeanuts.com $3,000 gpsmonitoring.com $2,088
retirementbuilder.com $2,888 motorcentral.com $2,088
globalgrids.com $2,788 pressbutton.com $2,088
laseropticcenter.com $2,788 roomworld.com $2,088
rawnews.com $2,750 vacationrentaldeals.com $2,088
dailyvitamins.com $2,700 123pharmacy.com $2,000
hostedsystems.com $2,600 awesomeworld.com $2,000
adventuregaming.com $2,588 cashrun .com $2,000
ehrconsulting.com $2,588 commercialconnection.com $2,000
ApparelOutlet .com $2,500 concreteblocks.com $2,000
dciusa.com $2,500 digitalshowroom.com $2,000
leadershipseminar.com $2,500 doctime.com $2,000
luum.com $2,500 floralcenterpieces.com $2,000
newswall.com $2,500 medactive.com $2,000
silicium.com $2,500 mywholesale .com $2,000
teakflooring.com $2,500 orthomedics.com $2,000
churchsermon.com $2,490 pluggable.com $2,000
web-house.com $2,388 projecto.com $2,000
oberst.com $2,350 propertybargain.com $2,000
chmod.com $2,300 tanningequipment.com $2,000
goodlifeguide.com $2,300 ww2history.com $2,000
galadinner.com $2,275  

At SnapNames.com MiniHotels.com booked $9,420, PhotoClub.com captured $8,240 and Verdi.com conducted $5,009. LetterOpener.com penciled in $2,901, FerrisWheel.com attracted $2,700 and Gudi.com claimed $2,600. BestColonCleanser.com evacuated $2,349, DenverAirport.com deplaned $2,229 and Kaxin.com coaxed $2,100

EOB.com led Sedo's supplemental list at €6,900 ($8,763), a considerable discount from the $14,000 this same name sold for last September (also at Sedo). OFB.com banked $7,550 and two others; FlyLink.com and Veristat.com staked out $5,000 each. VQU.com clicked for $3,999, Avanz.com dug up $3,937 and Ernaehrung-Diaet.com dispensed $3,810

Sedo had 21 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,800. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .Com Sales Between $2,000-$3,800
mylupus.com $3,800   unibook.com $2,540
wja.com $3,766 phone-books.com $2,500
aquaflare.com $3,550 verrazano.com $2,500
brazoria.com $3,500 balkon.com $2,395
easysem.com $3,500 numberdomainnames.com $2,250
zebramedia.com $3,300 youcash.com $2,050
atair.com $3,200 99s.com $2,000
doodlebox.com $3,200 artecasa.com $2,000
mdw.com $3,175 global-gate.com $2,000
primitiva.com $2,858 ssva.com $2,000
notremaison.com $2,616  

Sedo also sold 3D-Video.com for the AfternicDLS for $2,488.

Moniker closed several sales from their Domainfest Global live auction at the end of January. LawReview.com landed $8,000, PatioTable.com polished off $5,500 and two others; Devotion.com and SecondBase.com batted $5,000 apiece.  

PalmReadings.com revealed $4,500, Creeps.com cornered $4,000 and two others; Rumours.com and Smokin.com lit up $3,500 each. Carlita.com and ClayPottery.com produced $3,000 apiece, Chumps.com churned $2,500 and AutoInsurancePlans.com plucked $2,000

Moniker also sold Bings.com from their online platform for $5,149 and PornGuide.com for $3,500 through their live auction at Internext

Back at GoDaddy Auctions, AlphaSolar.com warmed up to $5,560 and LivingScape.com scraped up $2,583

Afternic Domain Auctions

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .name, .net & .org)

Obama.net is commander in chief in the Global Contenders category this week, taking the #1 position on our new Top 20 Chart. .Net went on to sweep 11 positions including #2 (tie) with Bikes.net at $7,000. Movie.info shared that spot, with both of those domains selling through Moniker's live auction at the Domainfest Global conference. 

.Org claimed four chart positions, with #5 Rap.org leading the way for that extension with a $5,900 sale at Sedo. .Info occupies three spots, including #6 (tie) with CirrusCasino.info at $5,715. The remaining two openings went to #9 (tie) England.mobi at $5,500 and #16 (tie) Bingos.name at $2,540

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending February 22:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Feb. 16, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 22, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Obama.net $15,500 WickedFire
Bikes.net $7,000 Moniker/
Movie.info $7,000 Moniker/
4. Diploma.net $6,000 Moniker/
5. Rap.org $5,900 Sedo
CirrusCasino.info €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
Glucksspiel.net €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
SportsbookReview.net €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
England.mobi $5,500 Moniker/
Lenders.org $5,500 Moniker/

11. Knee.info $5,000 AfternicDLS
12. PhotoStore.net $4,900 Pvt Sale
13. Konto.org €3,100 = $3,937 Sedo
14. TravelJournal.net $3,488 AfternicDLS
15. AllSport.org $3,000 AfternicDLS
Bingos.name €2,000 = $2,540 Sedo
Jackpot-City.net €2,000 = $2,540 Sedo
18. FWB.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
19. BirthControlPills.net $2,188 AfternicDLS
20. Creos.net €1,670 = $2,121 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were three dozen more four-figure GC sales just off the chart. The AfternicDLS had the highest of those with Paui.net at $2,088. They also sold Sphera.net, WhitePlanet.net and TheRevolution.org for $2,000 apiece. Cahoots.net brought $1,888 while ENEA.org and AdConnect.net notched $1,500 each.

Also at the AfternicDLS, FileTaxes.net returned $1,288, DailyDeals.net discovered $1,181 and two others; Executech.net and Postmark.org produced $1,100 each. LegalResources.net returned $1,088 while ArtsCafe.net and CheapInsurance.org generated $1,000 apiece. 

At Sedo the winners included Kore.net ($2,032), WirelessInternet.org ($2,000), Patrimonio.org ($1,906) and CaptainCooks.org ($1,905). UlcerativeColitis.net diagnosed $1,500, Domotique.com drew $1,270 and two others; Violence.org and JustFind.biz booked $1,250 each.  iSeek.net found $1,200 while Infomy.net and Infomy.org added $1,125 each. Bugi.net nailed $1,100 and UnionWorkers.org took in $1,000

At SnapNames Gardening.info grew $1,770, Mimi.net managed $1,550, VendingMachine.net dispensed $1,400 and LaRochelle.net rounded up $1,062.

At Name Jet, UML.net and EMSResource.net realized $1,300 each, Borders.org brought $1,211, GeneticEngineering.org dissected $1,190 and Nars.net nabbed $1,000

Country Codes

The country codes remain on a roll with a quartet of five-figure sales leading our new Country Code Top 20 Chart. We told you about all four of those names when we covered the leaders across all extensions at the top of this report. The highest ccTLD sale you haven't seen yet is #5 LastMinutes.co.uk, sold at Sedo for $8,193. Sedo went on to sweep 18 of the 20 chart entries. 

America's .us extension had the most chart entries with four, a quartet of gambling related domain names that commanded $5,715 each to tie for the #9 position. Those were OnlinePokerGames.us, Online-VideoPoker.us, Play-Blackjack.us and RouletteStrategy.us

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending February 22:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Feb. 16, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 22, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Feb. 24


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Statoil.ru €23,400 = $29,718 Sedo
2. Historia.pl
("history" in Polish)
61,000 PLN = $16,531 Pvt Sale
3. Mama.es $15,000 Sedo
4. Frey.fr €10,000 = $12,700 Sedo
5. LastMinutes.co.uk £5,770 = $8,193 Sedo
6. Automobile.cz €5,560 = $7,061 Sedo
7. Convena.de €5,000 = $6,350 Sedo
8. Spot.in €4,600 = $5,842 Sedo
OnlinePokerGames.us €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
Online-VideoPoker.us €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
Play-Blackjack.us €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo
RouletteStrategy.us €4,500 = $5,715 Sedo

13. MoviesTelugu.tk $5,500 Sedo
14. HotelBarcelona.es $5,200 Sedo
15. Interracial.tv $5,000 NameJet
16. Hausverlosungen.de
("House raffles" in German)
€3,000 = $3,810 Sedo
17. Perse.se €2,900 = $3,683 Sedo
18. Psychologies.es €2,400 = $3,048 Sedo
Dateorado.com.ar €2,000 = $2,540 Sedo
Euroweb.fr €2,000 = $2,540 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were 31 more four figure ccTLD sales off the chart and Sedo accounted for 29 of those including MShare.de ($2,540), iTicket.se ($2,400) and a pair at $2,286 each; ProWeb.de and TrendTravel.de

Sedo had 25 more country code sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,032. Those are listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000-$2,032
dachfenster.eu $2,032   keter.nl $1,271
horoscopo2009.es $2,032 mbd.de $1,270
estrategiasdepoker.es $1,905 mueslis.de $1,270
firmen-bewertungen.de $1,905 naturalizer.de $1,270
juegosdeblackjack.es $1,905 shopall.be $1,270
kaetzchen.de $1,905 tripmix.de $1,270
multijugadores.es $1,905 unternehmerinnenportal.de $1,257
redtube.com.cn $1,905 johannesburg.se $1,143
contractmobilephones.co.uk $1,846 venezia.me $1,143
ukbaby.co.uk $1,491 videoportal.tv $1,143
umzugsservice.ch $1,397 petit-electromenager.fr $1,016
contacting.me $1,334 adtrack.de $1,015
oohlala.co.uk $1,278   

Elsewhere, NetFleet.com.au sold PrivateSales.com.au for 1,900AUD ($1,228) and NameJet sold Filmes.tv for $1,100

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.



As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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