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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Sedo Sells Dollars.com for Over $380,000 in the Second Biggest Sale Reported So Far in 2009

With the general economy in disarray, high ticket domain sales have been few and far between in the early going so far in 2009. Sedo.com hit one deep this week though as they handled a €302,500 ($381,150) sale of Dollars.com. 

While it is good to see some activity at the top end of the market, the excitement over this particular sale will still be somewhat muted because this same domain sold for considerably more in July of 2007 when it was purchased by Switzerland's Virtual Network SA for $650,000. The domain has been monetized in different ways since the 2007 sale (including PPC) but it's not likely that it earned enough over the past 19 months to offset a price drop of more than $268,000 in the latest sale.

That was one of 11 domains that Sedo placed on our new all extension Top 20 Chart. They rang up 3 of the top 4 sales, including #2 PZ.com at $61,000 and #4 Trusted.com at $50,000. Trusted.com is another name that sold previously but in the case of that name - the latest sale represents a 33% jump over the $37,500 that was paid for the domain in a Moniker live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. in November 2006. 


By Ron Jackson

Speaking of Moniker, they had a hand in three charted sales this week including a pair that tied for the #5 spot at $40,450 each - FineWatches.com and CommunityCalendar.com. The AfternicDLS was the only other venue with multiple chart entries. They scored twice with #7 LowRate.com ($40,000) and #17 BodySculpt.com ($13,000)

The other four openings on the Big Board were split between SnapNames.com, NameJet.com, RickLatona.com and a private sale. SnapNames had the biggest dog in that pack, #3 ResortHotels.com at $58,830. The private sale involved #10 Adios.co.uk, a name that changed hands for a healthy £17,000 ($24,310). Three more ccTLDs, all representing Germany's .de, also earned spots on the elite list. 

With the exception of a pair of .nets; RockleyPark.net and DevonCliffs.net, that tied for #8 at $37,538 (both sold at Sedo), the remaining chart positions all went to .com (14 in all for the world's most popular extension).

 Here is how all of the leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, February 15:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 9, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 17


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Dollars.com €302,500 = $381,150 Sedo
2. PZ.com $61,000 Sedo
3. ResortHotels.com $58,830 SnapNames
4. Trusted.com $50,000 Sedo
FineWatches.com $40,450 Moniker
CommunityCalendar.com $40,450 Moniker
7. LowRate.com $40,000 AfternicDLS
RockleyPark.net £26,250 = $37,538 Sedo
DevonCliffs.net £26,250 = $37,538 Sedo
10. Adios.co.uk £17,000 = $24,310 Pvt Sale

11. AcaiJuice.com $24,000 Sedo
12. DiscountBedding.com $22,311 NameJet
13. LOL.de €17,000 = $21,420 Sedo
14. Roberts.com $19,500 RickLatona.com
VOIPReview.com $15,000 Sedo
Accumotive.com $15,000 Sedo
17. Bodysculpt.com $13,000 AfternicDLS
MMOSpiele.de €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
Brunello.de €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
20. XXXCartoons.com $11,000 Moniker/Internext

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were five more five-figure sales just off the chart, led by Dot.es (a ccTLD representing Spain) that went for $10,600 at Sedo. That venue also sold MichiganFootball.com for $10,000. The AfternicDLS scored with Cupids.com ($10,500) and NoMorePain.com ($10,000) while SnapNames booked $10,121 with Efectivo.com

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo led the .com supporting cast with Graubunden.com at €7,800 ($9,828). They added $6,300 for Trust-ID.com, $6,000 for Yalook.com and $5,000 each for DayForce.com and HoodiaGordonii.com. RentMyHome.com returned $4,500 and Stylight.com landed $4,410

Sedo had 16 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,933. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .Com Sales Between $2,000-$3,933
huiguo.com $3,933   vitalogic.com $3,000
cancunairport.com $3,500 guiamais.com $2,520
southbeachpilates.com $3,250 medicines360.com $2,500
hausverlosungen.com $3,151 pornmix.com $2,460
greenmax.com $3,150 collegeloanconsolidation.com $2,020
misterjob.com $3,150 breakingnewsreports.com $2,000
calendoo.com $3,000 rdcplus.com $2,000
slavecollar.com $3,000 takarajima.com $2,000

At Sedo's GreatDomains premium auction site, MRQ.com clicked for $6,001, UPW.com unwrapped $5,998 and Transporting.com trucked in $3,550

At NameJet, InfoWeb.com went for $8,865, MagicMoments.com conjured up $6,800, SecureEmail.com managed $5,400 and ThriftShops.com dusted off $5,100. Three other domains; GymShoes.com, ThirdWorld.com and VitalRecord.com rang up $5,000 each. 

NameJet had 24 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,400. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet .Com Sales Between $2,000-$4,400
geneticdisorders.com $4,400   fitnesscamps.com $2,900
spywares.com $4,254 selfcontrol.com $2,800
concessiontrailer.com $4,200 floridaaccidentattorney.com $2,655
movienetwork.com $4,000 CDStorage.com $2,600
fenderflares.com $3,922 dynaware.com $2,600
countrystores.com $3,888 gangwars.com $2,600
nailspa.com $3,801 26magazine.com $2,500
marketprice.com $3,800 ebatteries.com $2,400
usstates.com $3,600 closetweb.com $2,101
webschools.com $3,600 sleepstudies.com $2,100
gamearena.com $3,150 Breather.com $2,070
schoolaid.com $3,100 ariya.com $2,011

Back at the AfternicDLS, DesignerLiving.com lit up $7,688, ITCompanies.com kicked in $6,000 and Amnesia.com forgot $5,940. AirFox.com flew away with $5,791, USTraining.com drilled $5,400 and TrainingToday.com tacked on $5,188

The AfternicDLS booked $5,000 each for BackgroundInfo.com, JumboJobs.com and LaserSchool.com. ConvertFiles.com contributed $4,688 and BusinessAnalystJobs.com attracted $4,250

The AfternicDLS had 59 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS .Com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,000
dobr.com $4,000   vehicletitle.com $2,500
netdna .com $4,000 welcomeamerica.com $2,500
mercurion.com $3,788 xmafia.com $2,500
LookAt .com $3,700 supplymarket.com $2,490
criticalimpact.com $3,500 infonetworks.com $2,488
virginiahighlands.com $3,500 openlanguage.com $2,488
csrnet.com $3,488 streamingflix.com $2,488
insidecollege.com $3,488 archiverecords .com $2,400
dedico.com $3,250 globegreen.com $2,388
sigmatraining.com $3,188 sleepbook.com $2,388
mayam.com $3,088 storagesupplies.com $2,388
cellphonezone.com $2,988 whsusa.com $2,285
piccadillycircus.com $2,988 cyclingtours.com $2,250
plantperformance.com $2,988 magichome.com $2,200
spotrate.com $2,988 resultslive.com $2,188
nizl.com $2,936 MelodyFX .com $2,100
birdsi.com $2,900 birddeterrent.com $2,088
universales.com $2,810 costumeworks.com $2,088
playden.com $2,788 intelclick.com $2,088
headfones.com $2,588 personalagenda.com $2,088
physicianfirst.com $2,588 tapinto.com $2,088
rerere.com $2,588 dataentryservice.com $2,021
throughafriend.com $2,588 cashrun.com $2,000
alcltd.com $2,500 directfix.com $2,000
havealaugh.com $2,500 mlkmemorial.com $2,000
iacquire.com $2,500 pchgroup.com $2,000
lafayetteparish.com $2,500 referencecenter.com $2,000
parme.com $2,500 stadiumtickets.com $2,000
solartraining.com $2,500 whitelady.com $2,000
  yourlifestyle.com $2,000

The AfternicDLS sold two other domains through listings at Sedo; SportOutdoor.com ($2,988) and Visam.com ($2,091)

Elsewhere, in a pair of private sales, DomainList.com unlocked $9,000 and DNANews.com discovered $5,000

At GoDaddy Auctions, LasVegasHome.com welcomed $6,910 and VietNhinHanh.com hauled in $3,792

Back at SnapNames, the winners included HHX.com ($5,750), Runa.com ($4,800), ProxySite.com ($2,250) and JazzClubsNewYork.com, a name that drummed up $2,000

At RickLatona.com SafariAdventure.com rounded up $3,200 and LasVegasBlvd.com brought $2,250. Meanwhile back at Moniker, MySightings.com spotted $2,563

Afternic Domain Auctions

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

A pair of .net geo domains share the top spot on this week's Global Contenders Top 20 Chart. Sedo sold DevonCliffs.net and RockleyPark.net for £26,250 ($37,538) apiece. There was a big fall off in the GC category after those two though with Animation.net a distant third after changing hands for $5,500 through RickLatona.com.  

The .nets went on to sweep 15 of the 20 chart entries. .Org was next with four, including back to back entries at numbers 4 and 5 with F-I.org ($4,498) and DogDiarrhea.org ($4,075). The remaining opening went to a German language .info, #18 Rechtsschutzversicherung.info ("legal" in German) at $2,079 through Sedo. 

Sedo had the most entries on this chart with seven, including three of the top four. Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending February 15:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Feb. 9, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Feb. 17


Sold For

Where Sold
DevonCliffs.net £26,250 = $37,538 Sedo
RockleyPark.net £26,250 = $37,538 Sedo
3. Animation.net $5,500 RickLatona.com
4. F-I.org €3,570 = $4,498 Sedo
5. DogDiarrhea.org $4,075 Moniker
Handtaschen.net €2,850 = $3,591 Sedo
Watchable.net €2,850 = $3,591 Sedo
8. Counter-Script.net $3,500 GoDaddy Auctions
9. Portatiles.net $3,056 SnapNames
10. Tablespoon.net $2,788 AfternicDLS

11. Electromenager.net €2,155 = $2,715 Sedo
12. eSync.net $2,588 AfternicDLS
13. IECOnline.net $2,557 NameJet
14. Vivacity.net $2,388 AfternicDLS
15. Chair.net $2,360 SnapNames
16. NHO.org $2,101 NameJet
17. Winstrol.net $2,088 AfternicDLS
18. Rechtsschutzversicherung.info €1,650 = $2,079 Sedo
19. Uniosil.org $2,020 GoDaddy Auctions
20. Burro.net $2,000 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were 21 more four-figure GC sales just off the chart. Sedo had the highest of those with CasinoOnTheNet.org and PokerPacific.org raking in $1,890 each. A string of German language  domains followed; Bausparvertrag.info ($1,512), Kinderfahrrad.net ($1,323), Fluessiggas.info ($1,260) and Holztreppe.net ($1,260). They also sold Makers.biz for $1,260 and IlPunto.net for $1,008

At the Afternic DLS WebsiteMaintenance.net notched $1,750, NewYorkInsurance.net underwrote $1,400 and WebBooking.net banked $1,388. The AfternicDLS also scored with GEDTest.net ($1,300), Lobbying.net ($1,290), Outsiders.org ($1,275) and Defibrillator.net ($1,200). Three others; BayClub.net, Shopps.net and Repa.org posted $1,000 apiece. 

At NameJet BlackDown.org drew $1,600, Jax.net nailed $1,290 and ASCII.net nabbed $1,210

Country Codes

The country codes continued to flex their muscles this week with five solid five-figure sales. We covered those in the all extension section at the top of this report (with four ccTLDs making the Big Board and a fifth, Dot.es, listed in the additional five-figure sales regardless of extension). Those five lead our new Country Code Top 20 Chart.

The highest sales you haven't seen yet are Sedo's $7,560 sale of #6 Aktie.at (Austrian ccTLD) and Jim Holleran's $7,000 purchase of Moscow.tv in a private transaction. Germany's .de extension has the most chart entries with seven, followed by Great Britain's .co.uk with three.

Sedo once again led the race among venues, sweeping 17 of the 20 chart entries. Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending February 15:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Feb. 9, 2009 - Sun. Feb. 15, 2009
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Feb. 17


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Adios.co.uk £17,000 = $24,310 Pvt Sale
2. LOL.de €17,000 = $21,420 Sedo
Brunello.de €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
MMOSpiele.de €10,000 = $12,600 Sedo
5. Dot.es $10,600 Sedo
6. Aktie.at €6,000 = $7,560 Sedo
7. Moscow.tv $7,000 Pvt Sale
8. MeinTelefonbuch.ch €5,500 = $6,930 Sedo
Ausgehen.de €5,000 = $6,300 Sedo
Carver.de €5,000 = $6,300 Sedo

11. MyMail.co.uk £4,000 = $5,720 Sedo
12. Top-Preis.de €4,500 = $5,670 Sedo
13. WatchOnline.tv $5,105 GoDaddy Auctions
14. GSO.fr €4,000 = $5,040 Sedo
15. CleaningServices.co.uk £3,500 = $5,005 Sedo
16. Own.us $5,000 Sedo
17. VinciGratis.it €3,350 = $4,221 Sedo
18. BlackCard.nl €2,975 = $3,749 Sedo
19. ClubEden.de €2,750 = $3,465 Sedo
20.  Sex.bo €2,550 = $3,213 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

Sedo had four and a half dozen additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart, led by Bootsreise.de and Nosotras.tv at $3,150 each. Garten-Discounter.de added $2,961 and Faxen-Online.de delivered $2,699

Sedo had 50 more country code sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,500. Those are listed in the table below.

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000-$2,500
watchable.tv $2,500   schreiner-portal.de $1,260
meinepflanzen.de $2,489 tischler-portal.de $1,260
okapi.co.uk $2,288 windjammer.at $1,260
driversed.eu $2,268 zimmerer-portal.de $1,260
myflyer.de $2,268 hauzer.cn $1,134
lol.at $2,204 schülerpraktika.de $1,134
scottishpride.co.uk $2,145 tax.sk $1,134
fussballpokale.de $1,890 tiefpreis-garantie.de $1,134
taunusstrasse.de $1,890 clevo.de $1,125
versicherungjournal.de $1,890 farbsensoren.de $1,125
amivini.de $1,865 sk-munition.de $1,125
gladiatus.cn $1,800 bulldozers.us $1,125
dermakler.de $1,701 expomedia.es $1,121
schulfahrt.eu $1,701 creditguide.co.uk $1,087
oic.eu $1,575 tuttnauer.de $1,084
cocktailbars.de $1,525 underberg.sk $1,071
senrichir.fr $1,512 tbts.co.uk $1,055
mirorbingo.co.uk $1,502 mywedding.at $1,021
sportsmemorabilia.co.uk $1,502 rückenübungen.de $1,008
mjoy.de $1,499 sportzone.at $1,008
infoprop.com.ar $1,450 swisspower.de $1,008
tinyprints.co.uk $1,385 jugendherberge-online.de $1,007
erotikinserate.de $1,323 homeinsurancequotes.us $1,000
aurora.me $1,260 livebingo.eu $1,000
rueckrufe.de $1,260 roulette.ws $1,000

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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