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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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First Three Names on This Week's Top 20 Domain Sales Chart Total a Cool $1 Million

Retailers may be suffering through a dismal Christmas season but domains had a banner sales week with five names cracking the six-figure barrier. The first three names on our new Top 20 chart banked a total of $1 million on the dot. The top two, FinancialAid.com ($480,000) and FinancialAide.com ($320,000) were sold as a set at Moniker's live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York

Sedo.com accounted for the other three six-figure sales, scoring with Riva.com ($200,000), 25. com ($124,555.55) and Casas.net ("houses" in Spanish) at €87,000 ($120,930). As you might have guessed by the extra 55 cents at the end of the price for 25.com (a pricing pattern that is the signature of noted numeric domain buyer T.J. Demas) Demas is indeed the new owner of this domain. 


By Ron Jackson

The Casas.net sale ranks as the 4th biggest non .com gTLD sale of the year. It helped Sedo claim seven chart entries, more than any other venue. They accounted for three of the four non .com sales on the all-extension leader board, adding a pair of country code sales to their .net blockbuster. The ccTLDs were #12 Weihnachtsgeschenke.de ("Christmas gifts" in German) at €15,000 ($20,850) and #18 OnLive.fr (French country code) at €11,000 ($15,290).

The AfternicDLS racked up four charted sales, led by #7 JustInTime.com at $50,000. NameJet.com and SnapNames.com each scored twice. #6 PVP.com set the pace for NameJet at $60,099 and the leader at SnapNames was #13 CouponCode.net at $20,054

RickLatona.com also got on the board with #18 Pete.com at $18,000. Here is how all of the leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, December 21:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Dec. 15, 2008 - Sun. Dec. 21, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 23


Sold For

Where Sold
1. FinancialAid.com $480,000 Moniker/
2. FinancialAide.com $320,000 Moniker/
3. Riva.com $200,000 Sedo
4. 25.com $124,555.55 Sedo
5. Casas.net
("houses" in Spanish)
€87,000 = $120,930 Sedo
6. PVP.com $60,099 NameJet
7. JustInTime.com $50,000 AfternicDLS
Z7.com $35,000 Sedo
SchoolLoan.com $35,000 Moniker/
10. FileBox.com $27,000 AfternicDLS

11. Koop.com $21,288 AfternicDLS
12. Weihnachtsgeschenke.de
("Christmas gifts" in German)
€15,000 = $20,850 Sedo
13. CouponCode.net $20,054 SnapNames
MDD.com $20,000 Pvt Sale
ClickFree.com $20,000 Sedo
16. Pete.com $18,000 RickLatona.com
17. WebPark.com $15,817 SnapNames
18. OnLive.fr €11,000 = $15,290 Sedo
19. OfficeTrailers.com $15,000 AfternicDLS
20. SexTravel.com $12,450 NameJet

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were two more five-figure sales just off the chart; Sedo sold Babyplein.nl (Dutch country code) for €7,500 ($10,425) and Moniker sold HideMyIP.com for an even $10,000

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the 4-figure .com supporting cast with BayWeb.com at $9,000. Their winner's list also included Lector.com ($7,000), 4Drugs.com ($5,688) and FinanceInternational.com ($5,054). GRGA.com generated $4,668, Quotables.com clicked for $4,588 and two others; IslandSupply.com and TimeshareTraders.com took in $4,500 each. 

InTheHunt.com bagged $4,088, USInvestment.com returned $3,930, GolfView.com chipped in $3,891 and HousingMatters.com made $3,788. The AfternicDLS had 66 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,600. Those are listed in the table below: 

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $3,600
americanvoice.com $3,600   playallday.com $2,244
atpress.com $3,588 fairus.com $2,200
civilprocess.com $3,500 zision.com $2,200
governmentcareers.com $3,500 firewithin.com $2,100
anewera.com $3,300 logixs.com $2,100
faxdirect.com $3,300 replus.com $2,100
movefreely.com $3,200 duqu.com $2,094
investinusa.com $3,188 certifiedresumes.com $2,088
sunrail.com $3,188 contractorsinc.com $2,088
alphabody.com $2,988 energy-inc.com $2,088
footballcollectibles.com $2,988 essentialcapital.com $2,088
wickeddesign.com $2,921 phaseview.com $2,088
only-you.com $2,916 ziptaxi.com $2,088
investinahome.com $2,800 genomescreen.com $2,025
certifiedhealthcare.com $2,788 aquashape.com $2,020
fastsource.com $2,788 asiawise.com $2,000
tradehomes.com $2,750 brainarts.com $2,000
barterdirect.com $2,744 cityyellow.com $2,000
precisionagriculture.com $2,700 cleanspaces.com $2,000
naturesbalance.com $2,688 conceptanalysis.com $2,000
birdi.com $2,530 dailynewsletter.com $2,000
nobrokerage .com $2,500 digicube.com $2,000
healthcomplete.com $2,488 doctorshelp.com $2,000
housetrip.com $2,488 effectmarketing.com $2,000
seestream.com $2,488 fatloser.com $2,000
investmentsinternational.com $2,388 financialterms .com $2,000
membershipcenter.com $2,388 friendsworldwide.com $2,000
mineralart.com $2,388 fullservicemarketing.com $2,000
mobilemailbox.com $2,388 housesave.com $2,000
videonote.com $2,388 indiefashion.com $2,000
worldofgreen.com $2,388 powerbiz.com $2,000
dvise.com $2,375 prosperitygroup.com $2,000
ecallcenter.com $2,288 ptusa.com $2,000

At Moniker InnovationSupplyChain.com chalked up $8,200, ElectiveSurgery.com carved out $5,149 and KidsHaveThePower.com posted $5,075.

Back at Sedo, MyNewsBar.com served up $8,000, 3Min.com clocked in at $6,255 and Jovencitasnaturales.com ("natural girls" in Spanish) attracted $5,004. MyPokerBlog.com and StaffordLoans.com landed $5,000 apiece while Anyad.com added $4,600 and LetsFixDinner.com cooked up $4,500

HomeSend.com sewed up $4,410, JapanUnix.com yielded $4,350, ZQR.com rang up $4,309 and Loramyc.com sold for $4,170. Sedo had 33 more four-figure .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. You can check those out in the table below.

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000-$4,000
rubico.com $4,000   warmemorials.com $2,542
golfview.com $3,891 icooks.com $2,500
gopinoy.com $3,650 ihealthcheck.com $2,500
tobogan.com $3,614 ittips.com $2,500
mortgageworkout.com $3,500 momobi.com $2,500
buste.com $3,475 reliances.com $2,500
swebank.com $3,475 wconcept.com $2,500
uniteddomain.com $3,400 irefining.com $2,250
animalmate.com $3,308 clickbroker.com $2,230
holy-quran.com $3,000 voxcall.com $2,200
sportsalive.com $3,000 inkme.com $2,100
justinehenin.com $2,919 hunted.com $2,050
only-you.com $2,916 genomescreen.com $2,025
acrobatic.com $2,800 aquashape.com $2,020
sofashion.com $2,780 autoauct.com $2,000
vierges.com $2,780 perkinsloan.com $2,000

 At SnapNames MyLayouts.com drew $6,472, LiveContent.com captured $3,900 and GrandStreetInteractive.com dished out $3,604. FreeNudeDudes.com unzipped $3,404, SouthEuclid.com claimed $3,400 and MotorLodge.com welcomed $2,701

TheFootballForum.com kicked in $2,500, Zomervakantie.com cornered $2,450 and Uitzendbureau.com dispatched $2,350. Elreno.com commanded $2,151 and Stedenreizen.com raised $2,050.

At NameJet Overcoats.com pulled on $6,400, Networkers.com connected for $6,200 and HertzCarRental.com braked at $4,600. OQU.com called in $4,265, ScienceForum.com found $3,322 and Springboks.com buttoned up $3,300

ImmigrationConsultants.com billed $2,700, Vidro.com drilled $2,666 and RealtyProfessionals.com closed at $2,610. RITS.com rounded up $2,600, CuttySark.com quaffed $2,499, TireService.com deflated $2,347 and VisionSurgery.com focused on $2,210

RickLatona.com struck again with StockSymbol.com at $6,250 and eRealtors.com at $6,000. LasVegasGuide.com and GourmetChocolates.com gained $3,200 each and HandSoaps.com scrubbed up $2,000

At TDNAM.com EIV.com changed hands for $5,000

Afternic Domain Auctions

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

Casas.Net was the 800-pound gorilla in the Global Contenders battle this week coasting to the top spot on the weekly Top 20 with that blockbuster $120,930 sale at Sedo that we told you about at the top of this report. You also saw #2 CouponCode.net on the all extension leader board earlier. .Net went on to claim nine GC chart entries. 

The top sale you haven't seen yet is Apotheke.biz ("pharmacy" in German), sold for €6,000 ($8,340) at Sedo. That was one of three .biz domains on the board, joining #10 (tie) MLM.biz ($4,000) and BIM.biz ($2,225). The latter two domains were also sold at Sedo, a venue that swept 12 of the 20 chart positions.

.Info scored back to back wins with #4 Envelope.info ($8,340) and #5 Mack.info ($6,950). .Mobi also got on the board twice with #7 Gomez.mobi leading the way for that extension at $4,500. .Org didn't make its first appearance until P21.org claimed the #8 spot at $4,309, but the extension went on to take four entries overall. 

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending December 21:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Dec. 15, 2008 - Sun. Dec. 21, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 23


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Casas.net
("houses" in Spanish)
€87,000 = $120,930 Sedo
2. CouponCode.net $20,054 SnapNames
3. Apotheke.biz
("pharmacy" in German)
€6,000 = $8,340 Sedo
4. Envelope.info €6,000 = $8,340 Sedo
5. Mack.info €5,000 = $6,950 Sedo
6. Ardeche.net $4,750 Sedo
7. Gomez.mobi $4,500 Sedo
8. P21.org €3,100 = $4,309 Sedo
9. Consumerist.org $4,000 URLS.net
Gulf.org $4,000 RickLatona.com
MGAC.net $4,000 AfternicDLS/Sedo
MLM.biz $4,000 Sedo

13. Junk.net $3,800 Sedo
14. 1K.org $3,702 SnapNames
15. Qweb.net $3,588 AfternicDLS
16. ParisHotels.net €2,400 = $3,336 Sedo
17. ESEA.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
18. 136.net €2,150 = $2,989 Sedo
19. Report.mobi $2,250 SnapNames
20. BIM.biz $2,225 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were dozens of additional four-figure GC sales just off the chart. Sedo had the highest of those with Mehr.info at $2,224. They added $2,105 for Miss.org and $2,091 for CollegeBasketball.org (a name listed there by the AfternicDLS). 

Sedo had 17 more four-figure GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000. You can check those out in this table: 

Additional Sedo GC Sales Between $1,000 - $2,000
studentcreditcard.net $2,000   quiz.mobi $1,257
coctel.net $1,807 umweltplakette.org $1,251
anuncios.pro $1,500 6t.org $1,200
mascotas.pro $1,500 brainsurgeon.net $1,050
aion.info $1,390 lsl.net $1,050
pasos.info $1,383 stars.mobi $1,050
anwalt.mobi $1,352 recht.mobi $1,010
allemagne.net $1,304 glimpse.mobi $1,000
healthblogs.net $1,300  

NameJet tallied $2,110 for BrazilTourism.org and $1,350 for OhioWorkForce.org.  

The AfternicDLS.org  drew $2,091 for VDisk,net while EnergySystems.net generated $2,000 and Pascom.net notched $1,888. OneScreen.net scrolled $1,750, BlueWind.net produced a $1,688 gust and Downloaden.net located $1,670. FBII.net nabbed $1,475 and GreenPeople.net provided $1,000

URLs.net notched $2,000 for Consumerist.net and $1,000 each for Consumerists.net and Consumerists.org

Moniker sold ProfessionalSports.net for $1,800 at their CAC auction and Ken.org for $1,598 through their online platform. 

Meanwhile SnapNames moved a pair of .mobis, Studio.mobi ($1,100) and Grenadines.mobi ($1,050)

Country Codes

Germany's .de reigns over the Country Code Top 20 chart this week with Sedo's $20,850 sale of Weihnachtsgeschenke.de ("Christmas gifts" in German). .De went on to claim eight chart entries overall, more than any other extension.

You saw the first three names on the ccTLD chart, all five-figure sales, in the all extension section of this report earlier. The top sale you haven't seen is #4 Hochzeitsfotos.de ("wedding photos" in German) at $7,645. Sedo also made that sale - in fact Sedo scored a clean sweep, accounting for all 20 of the charted ccTLD sales!

The European Union's .eu had a good outing, running off four entries in a row starting with #7 (tie) Christmas.eu at $5,560. The other countries represented this week included France (.fr), the Netherlands (.nl), Spain (.es), Mexico (.com.mx), Tuvalu (.tv) and Austria (.at)

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending December 21:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Dec. 15, 2008 - Sun. Dec. 21, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Dec. 23


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Weihnachtsgeschenke.de
("Christmas gifts" in German)
€15,000 = $20,850 Sedo
2. OnLive.fr €11,000 = $15,290 Sedo
3. Babyplein.nl €7,500 = $10,425 Sedo
4. Hochzeitsfotos.de
("wedding photos" in German)
€5,500 = $7,645 Sedo
5. Partijen.nl
("parties" in Dutch)
€5,000 = $6,950 Sedo
6. Lamparas.es
("lamps" in Spanish)
€4,640 = $6,450 Sedo
Christmas.eu €4,000 = $5,560 Sedo
Fragrances.eu €4,000 = $5,560 Sedo
Mobiles.eu €4,000 = $5,560 Sedo
Perfumes.eu €4,000 = $5,560 Sedo

11, Bieten.de
("offer" in German)
€3,700 = $5,143 Sedo
12. eBuddy.mobi $5,000 Sedo
13. eMule.com.mx €3,500 = $4,865  
14. LiveBingo.tv €3,500 = $4,865 Sedo
15. Katamaran.de €3,100 = $4,309 Sedo
16, Plakat-Werbung.de
("poster advertising" in German)
€3,100 = $4,309 Sedo
17. TechnikMuseum.de €3,001 = $4,171 Sedo
18. Issues.de €3,000 = $4,170 Sedo
19. Handgepaeck.de
("hand" in German)
€2,975 = $4,135 Sedo
20. Airport.at €2,750 = $3,823 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

Sedo had 42 more four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart, ranging from $1,000 to just under $3,500. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000-$3,475
billigalu.de $3,475   griechenland-ferienhaus.de $1,738
bossard.eu $3,475 schwedenfeuer.de $1,668
energydata.de $3,475 cheapallinclusive.co.uk $1,617
insider-toplist.de $3,475 taschenwelt.de $1,603
lessig.de $3,475 stellen24.de $1,544
schlagerhits.de $3,475 concursotv.es $1,529
vinder.nl $3,336 doctors.at $1,500
myfirm.eu $3,197 ilike.com.mx $1,500
roman-blinds.co.uk $2,940 breslau.de $1,472
dance-party.de $2,780 alj.fr $1,390
virtualcitycasino.eu $2,780 belohnung.eu $1,390
quick-fit.de $2,433 coverparadies.to $1,390
gaia.eu $2,224 fortellinger.no $1,390
123video.fr $2,085 cameraad.nl $1,321
gutes-leben.de $2,085 kaufenverkaufen.de $1,251
htg.eu $2,085 stat.me $1,250
ihredomain.de $2,085 pinkplus.tv $1,200
sloboda.eu $2,085 onlinepropertylistings.co.uk $1,176
eli.eu $1,946 candellight-dinner.de $1,111
monimmobilier.fr $1,946 canvasprint.co.uk $1,103
novoline.de $1,807 protectit.de $1,043

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to [email protected].

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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