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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Pair of $150,000 Sales From Rick Latona's Live Auction in Australia Lead This Week's Domain Sales Chart 

The past week was probably the year's shortest business week. America celebrated one of its biggest annual holidays, Thanksgiving, on Thursday and over the years the Thanksgiving break has expanded into a four-day weekend for many people in the U.S. As a result the business week was pretty much cut down to three days, Monday through Wednesday. 

As you would expect, with so many people away from work, that cut down on the number of domain transactions but we still have a decent number of high dollar sales on the new weekly chart because of earlier live auction sales that just closed over the past week.

A pair of domains that RickLatona.com sold in their live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Down Under in Australia Nov. 20 lead the pack. SanJuan.com and CR.com booked a healthy $150,000 each to tie for the #1 position on our new Top 20 chart. Latona also put Thinner.com on the Big Board (tied for 12th) at $15,000.


By Ron Jackson

NameJet.com had the top sales among the everyday venues moving #3 BikeHelmets.com for $50,000 and #4 ZL.com for $45,100. NameJet piled up four more entries on the second half of the chart in their best Top 20 showing ever. 

Sedo.com had the best non .com sale, #5 GiftIdeas.co.uk, at $37,950. There was only one other non .com on the entire leader board, $10 NetBet.org, sold at TDNAM.com for $16,005. That's quite a contrast from last week when country code domains swept 12 of the 20 positions on the elite list. This week .com was back in the saddle piling up 18 of 20 entries. 

Moniker's name dots the chart more than any other venue. They wrapped up half a dozen five-figure sales from the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York live auction and also added a sale from their website to take seven slots overall. Their top seller was #6 Trumpet.com, a name that hit a $35,000 high note in the Big Apple.

One other venue, the AfternicDLS, had multiple charted sales, collecting two Top 20 trophies. Here is how all of the leaders stacked up for the week ending Sunday, November 30:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Nov. 24, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 30, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 2


Sold For

Where Sold
SanJuan.com $150,000 RickLatona.com
CR.com $150,000 RickLatona.com
3. BikeHelmets.com $50,000 NameJet
4. ZL.com $45,100 NameJet
5. GiftIdeas.co.uk $37,950 Sedo
6. Trumpet.com $35,000 Moniker/
7. MusicStudio.com $30,000 Moniker/
8. AnsweringService.com $25,000 Moniker/
9. Delegates.com $17,000 Moniker/
10. NetBeg.org $16,005 TDNAM

11. TacaAirlines.com $15,600 NameJet
Thinner.com $15,000 RickLatona.com
LifeInsurancePolicies.com $15,000 Moniker/
14. Massager.com $13,500 Moniker/
15. ShotGlass.com $12,100 NameJet
16. PaintballGun.com $10,299 NameJet
17. Clickwork.com $10,000 AfternicDLS
18. HomeRemedy.com $9,411 NameJet
19. ByTrade.com $8,750 AfternicDLS
20. SiteScanner.com $8,200 Moniker

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


.Com Supporting Cast

NameJet paced the .com supporting cast with HashBrowns.com serving up $7,600. They also scored with BallShop.com ($6,700), MinkCoats.com ($6,320) and Naumburg.com ($4,611). SpyDepot.com spotted $3,209, Campeones.com contributed $2,626 and CleanHome.com swept up $2,600. NameJet also dispensed TexasHoldemTips.com for $2,100 and made $2,000 for MissionHomes.com

Sedo socked away $7,301 from the sale of Adel.com through their GreatDomains.com premium auction site. On their main venue Sedo rang up $6,731 for ParisPass.com, $5,100 for VideoPlaylist.com and $5,080 for Tiffi.com. Golf1.com tapped in $4,445, PuntaPacifica.com kicked in $4,200 and an IDN, Sprüche.com, sprouted $3,810

USAByNight.com lit up $3,188, GoldStrategie.com polished off $3,100 and VerticalHealth.com hit $2,800. Maxbupa.com bagged $2,750, Best-Brands.com brought $2,667 and UlusoyHolding.com drew $2,000

Moniker closed some additional sales from their T.R.A.F.F.I.C. New York live auction; NetworkingJobs.com ($7,000), MarriageTherapists.com ($3,000) and Scooper.com ($2,500). They also closed SEOProducts.com, a name sold in their SES conference auction for $2,000. In additional sales from their website they collected $5,149 each for BlogPolls.com and Jobstacles.com. NewMillenniumBank.com booked $4,149, Filtrate.com fetched $2,563 and two others; ArcuriForCongress.com and HealthyLivingShop.com landed $2,099 each. 

Back at the AfternicDLS, Xerone.com commanded $6,600, Venio.com dispatched $5,400 and OwnGold.com gained $5,000. StreamVideos.com downloaded $4,800, FlooringInstallation.com cemented $4,788 and Najem.com nabbed $4,500

BioFree.com bore $4,287, Artan.com took in $4,188 and XGraph.com mapped out $3,988. LuckyMan.com landed $3,675 while CustomGolfShop.com and PianoKeys.com posted $3,600 apiece. GlobalTradeManagement.com cornered $3,588 while three others; CareerExperts.com, OpenSales.com and Phillipsburg.com booked $3,500 each. NaturallySimple.com added another $3,388.

The AfternicDLS had 45 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,300. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $3,300
scitopics .com $3,300   mortgagecalifornia.com $2,500
ourchannel.com $3,288 familyskiing.com $2,488
financeplanet.com $3,188 personalnotes.com $2,488
beatsclub.com $3,088 detali.com $2,388
emergingproducts.com $3,088 ebooksmarket.com $2,388
buildingmomentum.com $3,000 affordablecomputerservice.com $2,288
dealsforyou.com $3,000 globecar.com $2,250
imaginarios.com $3,000 teamstores.com $2,200
isab.com $3,000 theshipyards.com $2,088
pebblebeachrealty.com $2,900 blackbean.com $2,000
baycommunity.com $2,888 budgetbikes.com $2,000
FHAAppraisal .com $2,885 camerads.com $2,000
iloft .com $2,800 fruitsalads.com $2,000
personalizedcommunications.com $2,800 futureplastic.com $2,000
asecondchance.com $2,788 globalpos.com $2,000
resourcezone.com $2,788 hdnx.com $2,000
leasemanagement.com $2,750 hdov.com $2,000
robowork.com $2,688 healthcarequality.com $2,000
wpdirect.com $2,688 hindumusic.com $2,000
skinfirst .com $2,588 populardownloads.com $2,000
skinfirst.com $2,588 showbizcentral.com $2,000
glassmaker.com $2,500 theawakened.com $2,000
kissinggame.com $2,500   

In a couple of RickLatona.com auctions Rowers.com docked at $4,250 and EstatePlanningLaw.com plucked $3,200. At TopWebNames.com USOnlineCasino.com raked in $3,750, RecycledAsphalt.com ground out $3,000 and AnimalHero.com hauled in $2,300

Elsewhere NameCake.com cooked up $5,400 for iBird.com while TDNAM secured $2,505 for SimplyCute.com and $2,155 for ForBreak.com

Afternic Domain Auctions

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

.Org was limited to five entries on this week's Global Contenders Top 20 but that extension scored big with the #1 domain, NetBet.org, sold at TDNAM.com for $16,005. .Net then took control of the leader board with #2 Inform.net (sold by Matthew Field for $8,000 in a private sale) and #3 Budapest.net ($7,101 at NameJet). .Net went on to pile up 10 chart entries.

The remaining five positions were split between .mobi and .info. .Mobi scored twice with #4 Media.mobi ($5,099) and #6 See.mobi ($3,900). Both of those were sold at Sedo. .Info hit the trifecta with their trio of charted sales led by #8 Clasificados.info, a name also sold by Sedo for $3,351.  

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending November 30:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Nov. 24, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 30, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Dec. 2


Sold For

Where Sold
1. NetBet.org $16,005 TDNAM
2. Inform.net $8,000 Pvt Sale
3. Budapest.net $7,101 NameJet
4. Media.mobi $5,099 Sedo
5. B2C.net $4,000 AfternicDLS
6. See.mobi $3,900 Sedo
7. Update.org $3,800 NameJet
8. Clasificados.info $3,351 Sedo
9. Ucar.net $2,988 AfternicDLS
10. Therefore.net $2,788 AfternicDLS

11. Moksha.net $2,625 Moniker
12. Babes.info €2,051 = $2,605 Sedo
13. Woohoo.net $2,600 AfternicDLS
AIPS.net $2,500 AfternicDLS
Furnish.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
Nomina.org $2,500 AfternicDLS
RedSea.net $2,500 AfternicDLS/Sedo
18. Chemist.info £1,600 = $2,384 Sedo
19. Gelbe-Seiten.net
("yellow pages" in German)
€1,785 = $2,267 Sedo
20. Miss.org $2,105 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were dozens of additional four-figure GC sales just off the chart with the AfternicDLS, as they usually do, accounting for the lion's share of those. They had 20 more GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,082. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000-$2,082
sparschwein.net $2,082   simplyyoga.net $1,388
90s .net $1,688 infozone.net $1,200
mimo.net $1,500 justnews.org $1,190
onlinediet.net $1,500 rockpoint.net $1,188
xlpharmacy .net $1,470 appenzell.net $1,000
hischurch.net $1,420 AssetTrader .net $1,000
sportz .net $1,400 emergencysupplies.net $1,000
audiotechnology.net $1,388 redlodge.net $1,000
lastlove.net $1,388 shareprices.net $1,000
madashell.net $1,388 thepeople.net $1,000

Moniker moved Joomla.info for $2,060 and added $1,100 from the sale of Wardrobes.org during their live auction at the SES convention. 

NameJet notched $2,001 for Suzhou.net, $1,599 for Bien.net and $1,100 for Pastel.net.

Sedo booked a long string of .mobi sales; Math.mobi ($1,750), Online.mobi ($1,550), CellPhones.mobi ($1,549), House.mobi ($1,300), Boys.mobi ($1,253), SexStories.mobi ($1,250), Anime.mobi ($1,150), Science.mobi ($1,100) and Support.mobi ($1,010).

Sedo added $1,610 for GlitterGraphics.org, $1,524 for Kinderarzt.net ("pediatrician" in German) and $1,420 for HisChurch.net.

Country Codes

Great Britain's .co.uk scored an easy win in the ccTLD race with GiftIdeas.co.uk soaring to the #1 spot on the Country Code Top 20 after a $37,950 sale at Sedo. Sedo went on to sweep every single position on the leader board! Their list included a half dozen Netherlands (.nl) domain sales, led by #2 Emirates.nl at $7,620

.co.uk claimed four chart entries while Germany's .de took three with #6 MedicalWellnessPark.de leading the German charge. France (.fr) and the European Union (.eu) each had two chart entries with the remaining positions going to Mauritius (.mu), the United State (.us) and Montenegro (.me)

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the week ending November 30:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Nov. 24, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 30, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Dec. 2


Sold For

Where Sold
1. GiftIdeas.co.uk $37,950 Sedo
2. Emirates.nl €6,000 = $7,620 Sedo
3. Geurtje.nl €4,860 = $6,172 Sedo
4. PCGames.co.uk £3,500 = $5,215 Sedo
5. Sex.mu €3,601 = $4,573 Sedo
6. MedicalWellnessPark.de €2,500 = $3,175 Sedo
BRT.eu €1,750 = $2,223 Sedo
Tradion.nl €1,750 = $2,223 Sedo
9. JUE.fr €1,700 = $2,159 Sedo
10. Move.us $2,000 Sedo

11. Pasos.eu
("steps" in Spanish)
€1,488 = $1,890 Sedo
12. Probability.co.uk £1,200 = $1,788 Sedo
13. Polacy.de €1,300 = $1,651 Sedo
TryGames.fr €1,250 = $1,588 Sedo
Uitzet.nl €1,250 = $1,588 Sedo
16. Vakantieinzuidafrika.nl €1,150 = $1,461 Sedo
17. Whiskies.co.uk £900 = $1,341 Sedo
18. Barcelona.me €1,050 = $1,334 Sedo
Condirect.de €1,000 = $1,270 Sedo
TopDomein.nl €1,000 = $1,270 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

Sedo had a couple of additional four-figure .de sales just off the chart; Schwangerschaftsdiabetes.de ("gestational diabetes" in German) for $1,207 and Derbach.de for $1,143.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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