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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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Country Codes, Led By the Highest ccTLD Sale of the Year, Dominate  High End Domain Sales Over the Past Two Weeks 

We were away covering the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Down Under conference in Australia last week so, in order to bring you fully back up to speed on what has been happening in the aftermarket, our regular weekly report covers two weeks worth of data this time out. Over that period Country Code domains turned in their best showing in the five-year history of the DN Journal domain sales report. The ccTLDs swept 12 of the 20 positions on our new all extension leader board, topping even the .coms.    

The country code onslaught was led by the biggest ccTLD sale of 2008, Kredit.de, a domain that changed hands at Sedo.com for a whopping €892,500 ($1,169,175). That also ranks as the year's third highest sale in any extension. Unister GmbH of Leipzig, Germany bought the domain from Markus Berger-de Leon of Abacho AG who also owns Kredit.com. Kredit.de will fit nicely among Unister's portfolio of prime generic .de domains that includes geld.de ("money" in German) and auto.de among others.


By Ron Jackson

Four more country code domains, all sold through Sedo, claimed positions on the top half of the Big Board including #5 Glow.co.uk ($31,015), #6 Internet.eu ($26,250), #7 Haarverlaengerung.de ("hair extensions" in German ) at $26,200 and #9 Mijn.nl ($25,545). Sedo went on to sweep 12 chart entries overall.

The ccTLDs also got a boost from the closing of two high end Polish domain sales involving names that were sold in the MeetDomainers conference live auction last month in Cracow. Those sales were led by #11 Adwokaci.pl ("lawyers" in Polish) at $23,800

The ccTLD dominance is timely as it coincides with RickLatona.com's announcement that they have licensed the rights to host a T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in Amsterdam June 2-5, 2009 that will focus entirely on the country code market. The theme will extend to the live auction at that event which Latona said will include only country code domains.

This week's .com roster was led by the $91,331 sale of Loto.com at SnapNames.com. NameJet.com landed three .coms in the Top 20, led by #3 (tie) Vida.com at $50,000. The AfternicDLS also had multiple chart entries, scoring with #12 Forage.com ($20,000) and #19 DoctorOnline.co.uk ($15,000)

Here is how all of the top sellers stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, November 23:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Nov. 10, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 23, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 25


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Kredit.de €892,500 = $1,169,175 Sedo
2. Loto.com $91,331 SnapNames
3. Vida.com $50,100 NameJet
4. ABL.com $50,000 Sedo
5. Glow.co.uk £20,010 = $31,015 Sedo
6. Internet.eu $26,250 Sedo
7. Haarverlaengerung.de
("hair extensions" in German)
€20,000 = $26,200 Sedo
8. Lets.com $25,700 NameJet
9. Mijn.nl €19,500 = $25,545 Sedo
10. EverestBets.com €18,500 = $24,235 Sedo

11. Adwokaci.pl
("lawyers" in Polish)
70,000 PLN = $23,800 MeetDomainers Auction
12. Forage.com $20,000 AfternicDLS
GGG.fr €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo
FlashPlayer.de €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo
15. Lekarze.pl
("doctors" in Polish)
€14,000 = $18,340 Sedo
16. GIW.com €13,500 = $17,685 Sedo
17. Chrome.co.uk £10,000 = $15,500 Sedo
18. Dangerous.com $15,188 NameJet
19. DoctorOnline.co.uk $15,000 AfternicDLS
20. Aparaty.pl
("cameras" in Polish)
42,000 PLN = $14,280 MeetDomainers Auction

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were five more 5-figure sales just off the chart led by 987.com, sold for $13,351 via the AfternicDLS. Sedo hit a trifecta with TowelBars.com ($12,000), FMN.nl ($11,135) and Shlomo.com ($10,000). NameJet also scored again with OrchardBankCard.com at $11,098.

.Com Supporting Cast

NameJet led the .com supporting cast with BeesWax.com ($9,400) and LaserTherapy.com ($8,200). Their winners also included IZZ.com ($6,200), LakeJackson.com ($5,156), Cipa.com ($5,101) and AllenIverson.com ($5,100).

NameJet had 22 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,950 that you can check out in the table below:

Additional NameJet .com Sales Between $2,000-$4,950
escripts.com $4,950   golferz.com $2,608
orthopedicsurgeons.com $4,100 planroom.com $2,410
brotherusa.com $3,602 flashcardmath.com $2,355
leucemia.com $3,510 selfsufficient.com $2,302
americanmortgages.com $3,255 tf2.com $2,300
dallashome.com $3,100 partenaires.com $2,266
motivating.com $3,100 satsuma.com $2,210
verision.com $3,100 buyfactorydirect.com $2,188
stupido.com $3,088 fleecefabric.com $2,110
revolvingcredit.com $2,911 insurancesoftware.com $2,100
teddybearfactory.com $2,700 aaacredit.com $2,000

Back at SnapNames, Xomax.com zipped up $7,750, GetCashBack.com banked $7,300 and LoveBaby.com booked $4,101. BusinessEmail.com brought $4,050, GlobalID.com drew $3,710 and AustraliaTube.com tacked on $3,209. WealthBuilders.com went for $2,200 and Lubnan.com lassoed $2,050

At the AfternicDLS Topsy.com tallied $7,600 while 1stBirthdayParty.com, Indebted.com and DrugRecovery.com returned $7,000 each. WebWebWeb.com connected for $6,900, YourCards.com yielded $6,830 and Portalis.com posted $6,375

JustLyrics.com drummed up $5,400, Subchannel.com chalked up $5,350 and four others; FastScan.com, Rehabilitate.com, Ribon.com and Sportville.com spawned $5,000 apiece. Crowdster.com cranked out $4,997, KitchenNet.com cooked up $4,788 and ClinicalSupport.com dispensed $4,288

The AfternicDLS had 145 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,200. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $4,200
limani.com $4,200   esoterika.com $2,500
camfx.com $4,188 getheat.com $2,500
christmasdeals.com $4,188 heke.com $2,500
securemessaging.com $4,188 imageline.com $2,500
superflirt.com $4,188 mediaoffice.com $2,500
time4u.com $4,188 metanetwork.com $2,500
drnet.com $4,050 pilotsonline.com $2,500
octonet.com $4,000 showfront .com $2,500
seminario.com $4,000 sporthouse .com $2,500
moneylive.com $3,988 vittorio.com $2,500
shoehub.com $3,988 vivalavida.com $2,500
acpro.com $3,788 openairtheatre.com $2,488
newmajority.com $3,788 traderart.com $2,488
csmpro.com $3,688 vtfinance.com $2,488
betterpay.com $3,588 ziboo .com $2,447
catchthespirit.com $3,588 camerababes.com $2,388
onlinephysicians.com $3,588 dragonarts.com $2,388
recordall.com $3,588 helpwithmycredit.com $2,388
dialtel.com $3,500 informationinnovation.com $2,388
lifestyleresort.com $3,500 scrump.com $2,350
healthanddisease.com $3,388 freshapple.com $2,300
mamaafrica.com $3,350 backupdrives.com $2,276
dreamdollars.com $3,300 drybones.com $2,250
privateuse.com $3,300 mozzarellacheese.com $2,250
rtsystems.com $3,300 stormhelp.com $2,250
vtod.com $3,194 thecomputerdepot.com $2,200
culturefestival.com $3,188 trustalliance.com $2,200
developyourself.com $3,188 americahelps.com $2,188
lifeonnet.com $3,088 sportlifestyle.com $2,188
qualitysportswear.com $3,088 usedcarshop.com $2,188
seedshop.com $3,088 integratedautomation.com $2,186
smartbridge .com $3,025 metalworkers.com $2,156
fairyglen.com $3,000 seattlestyle.com $2,115
marketstation.com $3,000 bagbuzz.com $2,088
picturez.com $3,000 budgetbooking.com $2,088
unifiedhealth.com $3,000 digitalbusinesscard.com $2,088
totalreviews.com $2,993 familypracticedoctors.com $2,088
blarge.com $2,988 genesispro.com $2,088
goldclick.com $2,988 goodygumdrops.com $2,088
loveandgratitude.com $2,988 healthstory.com $2,088
clearpix.com $2,900 heremedia.com $2,088
cultureexpo.com $2,888 investormatch.com $2,088
shenews.com $2,888 postersprinting.com $2,088
asphaltpavement.com $2,800 pulsenetworks.com $2,088
businessadministrationdegree .com $2,800 reviewsfinder.com $2,088
blogcolony.com $2,788 sabonetes.com $2,088
cityanimalhospital .com $2,788 strategicaudit .com $2,088
communityorganizer.com $2,788 strategicaudit.com $2,088
dressupparty.com $2,788 tripartist.com $2,088
healthyadditions.com $2,788 4x4world.com $2,000
renzos.com $2,788 advertisingmuseum.com $2,000
sprintracing.com $2,788 artappreciation.com $2,000
venturesite.com $2,788 caribbeanplanet.com $2,000
workatplay.com $2,788 cityscooters.com $2,000
newbuzz.com $2,700 citystudios.com $2,000
originalideas.com $2,700 ecoarts.com $2,000
sushiking.com $2,700 elitesquad.com $2,000
areaprop.com $2,688 embroid.com $2,000
fashioncritics.com $2,688 expertmoving.com $2,000
completerecycling.com $2,660 fitnessweightloss .com $2,000
impactdata.com $2,600 hunner.com $2,000
marketingstudio .com $2,600 imaginerecords.com $2,000
Blogsters.com $2,588 initsplace.com $2,000
genomicsnews.com $2,588 lancier.com $2,000
lotushealing.com $2,588 lassila.com $2,000
ukads.com $2,588 newspaperdelivery.com $2,000
foodmanufacturers.com $2,562 peakpetroleum.com $2,000
chooseyou.com $2,550 pyrogear.com $2,000
itechnologies.com $2,550 rcdesign.com $2,000
3dbiz.com $2,500 sanfrancisconow.com $2,000
diqu.com $2,500 triangel.com $2,000
drugcenters.com $2,500 votejohn.com $2,000
   worldofchildren.com $2,000

Sedo's supplemental roster was led by FYC.com ($7,500), Cortexa.com ($7,000) and TurboBet.com ($5,500). An IDN, Umschläge.com, added €3,990 ($5,226) while three others; GirlsGoneStyled.com, InvestorFlow.com and TurboPoker.com turned in $5,000 each.

Sedo had 23 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,625 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000-$4,625
qbz.com $4,625   mobilling.com $2,620
proc.com $4,400 vierges.com $2,620
umschlaege.com $3,930 kodacgallery.com $2,500
morrisongroup.com $3,500 mimip2p.com $2,400
onlineprofits.com $3,500 jiemeng.com $2,152
weirgroup.com $3,500 4retail.com $2,150
sdcards.com $3,112 flannelshirts.com $2,050
buypro.com $3,100 taxdebthelp.com $2,050
green4life.com $3,000 7nic.com $2,000
luxurytimes.com $3,000 carandsound.com $2,000
marketstation.com $3,000 swimchick.com $2,000
aceb.com $2,620  

Sedo also sold NewYorkers.com for $5,100 through their GreatDomains.com premium auction site.

Elsewhere Bankware.com changed hands for $4,500 in a private sale and RickLatona.com closed a trio of sales; Rowers.com ($4,250), CustomBoots.com ($4,100) and RicePilaf.com ($2,400)

Afternic Domain Auctions

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

.Biz scored a rare win in the Global Contenders race this week, claiming the #1 position on the GC Top 20 with Silver.biz at $9,500. Sedo.com handled that sale, one of four they placed on the chart. .Net then assumed its usual dominance, sweeping 15 of the remaining 19 chart entries, including #2 Teaching.net, sold at SnapNames for $5,500.

The AfternicDLS, who led all venues with 10 charted domains, followed with two more .nets, #3 UCHC.net ($4,388) and #4 MunicipalBonds.net ($4,288). .Org made its first of two appearances at #5 with TrailsFramework.org at $4,192 via TDNAM.com. .Info and .mobi each placed one domain on the elite list with #8 Treppen.info ($3,275 at Sedo) and #18 Smartphones.mobi ($2,400, also at Sedo) doing the honors. 

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the two weeks ending November 23:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. Nov. 10, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 23, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 25


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Silver.biz $9,500 Sedo
2. Teaching.net $5,500 SnapNames
3. UCHC.net $4,388 AfternicDLS
4. MunicipalBonds.net $4,288 AfternicDLS
5. TrailsFramework.org $4,192 TDNAM
6. Burgas.net $3,900 AfternicDLS
7. HDL.net $3,700 NameJet
8. Treppen.info €2,500 = $3,275 Sedo
9. InnerStrength.net $3,188 AfternicDLS
10. RJ45.net $3,188 AfternicDLS

11. Gulf.org $3,100 NameJet
12. OnlineJob.net $3,088 AfternicDLS
13. AdvertisingAgency.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
14. Pebble.net $3,000 AfternicDLS
15. BedroomSet.net $2,888 AfternicDLS
16. Grapes.net $2,550 Sedo
17. AntiSpywareUpdates.net $2,452 SnapNames
18. Smartphones.mobi $2,400 Sedo
19. FPL.net $2,300 SnapNames
20. FCSC.net $2,088 AfternicDLS

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.


There were dozens of additional four-figure GC sales just off the chart with the AfternicDLS accounting for the majority of those. Their list was led by DoctorsOnline.net ($2,028) and a trio at $2,000 each that included ACDA.net, CorporateGifts.org and PayTel.net.

The AfternicDLS has 41 more GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $1,929. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional AfternicDLS GC Sales Between $1,000-$1,929
mwbc.net $1,929   carpooling.net $1,288
freeproducts.net $1,900 internetdoctor.org $1,288
shoals.net $1,888 mihos.net $1,250
advertisingagencies.org $1,810 gfrg .net $1,200
asiaphoto.net $1,800 eventproduction.net $1,188
babyshowerdecorations .net $1,800 hostingcentre.net $1,188
familyconnection.net $1,800 privatesales.net $1,188
faiz.net $1,775 planefare.net $1,180
huser.net $1,688 doctoronline.net $1,100
lovenote.net $1,688 physiciansonline.org $1,100
onewire.net $1,688 freeprint.net $1,088
xerone .net $1,650 hostingdiscount.net $1,088
amra.org $1,500 loveyouforever.net $1,088
guestlist.net $1,500 suitelife.net $1,088
skitravel.net $1,500 wntd.net $1,010
brassbell.net $1,488 acservices.net $1,000
smsworld.net $1,488 astar.org $1,000
xlpharmacy.net $1,470 bethelbaptistchurch.org $1,000
sportz.net $1,400 fillers.net $1,000
uniquegifts.net $1,400 storytime.net $1,000
zerotolerance.net $1,388  

SnapNames rang up a quintet of 3-letter .net sales including ELN.net ($2,000), AOQ.net ($1,080), AXW.net ($1,080), CYX.net ($1,030) and XHT.net ($1,030)

Back at Sedo Feil.net fetched $1,500 ($1,965), AUX.net notched $1,700 and Candles.info lit up $1,600. Bondage.mobi tied up $1,502 while SRO.biz and UniqueGifts.net each nabbed $1,400. DTF.info dealt €1,030 ($1,349) and Flamingo.net nibbled on $1,150.

NameJet scored with Oroscopo.net ($1,905), NYS.net ($1,900) and FCG.net ($1,320). AGClimate.org clicked for $1,301, Fiat.net floored $1,211, IdeaPractices.org produced $1,109 and Concentrations.org contributed $1,009

Elsewhere RickLatona.com sold Oncologists.net for $2,000, TDNAM moved AthenaFoundation.org for $1,305 and IEA.biz changed hands for $1,200 in a private sale.

Country Codes

As I noted at the top of this report, the ccTLDs simply rocked the house over the past two weeks, ringing up a million dollar plus sale and a dozen more that cracked the five-figure mark. I told you about all of those in the opening section of the column, so the highest county code sale you haven't seen yet is #14 Pizzaria.de, a German ccTLD domain sold at Sedo for €7,500 ($9,825).

In another nice sale from the MeetDomainers conference in Poland, #15 Fotografie.pl
("photographs" in Polish) attracted 26,000 PLN ($8,840). The Netherlands' .nl extension notched three chart entries this week including #16 Huiswerk.nl ("homework" in Dutch) at €6,600 ($8,646) via Sedo.

Here is how all of the country code top sellers stacked up for the two weeks ending November 23:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Nov. 10, 2008 - Sun. Nov. 23, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. Nov. 25


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Kredit.de €892,500 = $1,169,175 Sedo
2. Glow.co.uk £20,010 = $31,015 Sedo
3. Internet.eu $26,250 Sedo
4. Haarverlaengerung.de
("hair extensions" in German)
€20,000 = $26,200 Sedo
5. Mijn.nl €19,500 = $25,545 Sedo
6. Adwokaci.pl
("lawyers" in Polish)
70,000 PLN = $23,800 MeetDomainers Auction
FlashPlayer.de €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo
GGG.fr €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo
9. Lekarze.pl
("doctors" in Polish)
€14,000 = $18,340 Sedo
10. Chrome.co.uk £10,000 = $15,500 Sedo

11. DoctorOnline.co.uk $15,000 AfternicDLS
12. Aparaty.pl
("cameras" in Polish)
42,000 PLN = $14,280 MeetDomainers Auction
13. FMN.nl €8,500 = $11,135 Sedo
14. Pizzaria.de €7,500 = $9,825 Sedo
15. Fotografie.pl
("photographs" in Polish)
26,000 PLN = $8,840 MeetDomainers Auction
16. Huiswerk.nl
("homework" in Dutch)
€6,600 = $8,646 Sedo
17. Sexkontakte.ch €6,300 = $8,253 Sedo
18. Guns.co.uk £5,000 = $7,750 Sedo
19. Welcome.in €5,200 = $6,877 Sedo
20. Ringtones.be €4,500 = $5,895 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Domain Name Industry Newsletter

There were dozens of additional four-figure ccTLD sales off the chart with Sedo accounting for the bulk of those. Their line up included FruitAndVeg.co.uk at £3,700 ($5,735) and a pair at €4,100 ($5,371) each; IDN Direktflüge.de and Pinksteren.nl. DietDrugs.co.uk drew €3,650 ($4,781) and Zalen.nl locked up €3,600 ($4,716).

Sedo had 37 more ccTLD sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 that you can see in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $1,000-$4,000
audemars-piguet.ru $4,000   onas.pl $1,572
outlook.fr $4,000 fiera.es $1,500
stadtlicht.de $3,930 enjoycornwall.co.uk $1,473
ocb.fr $3,133 misi.co.uk $1,472
freizeittipp.de $3,117 jobprofile.de $1,455
dietdrug.co.uk $2,947 faireparts.fr $1,441
uitnodigingen.nl $2,947 dagcreme.nl $1,379
classicalmusic.us $2,620 beispiele.de $1,310
mmogame.eu $2,620 meinfotobuch.at $1,310
onlinephysicians.eu $2,325 reward.asia.asia $1,310
digitalproof.co.uk $2,227 shopstar.de $1,310
videoondemand.ch $2,161 vibrationsplatte.de $1,310
travelling.tv $2,050 virtualisierung.de $1,310
college.eu $2,017 internetdoctor.co.uk $1,240
profimailer.eu $1,965 alittleextrahelp.co.uk $1,162
salairenet.fr $1,965 n-tech.co.uk $1,162
domainsearch.cn $1,900 bestbuyuk.co.uk $1,000
shoppingstores.co.uk $1,860 travelmix.ru $1,000
sport24.at $1,598  

TDNAM racked up a surprisingly high hyphenated .ws (Samoa ccTLD) sale with Satellite-TV.ws at $4,850.

Here is a table with some additional .pl (Poland ccTLD) sales from the MeetDomainers live auction in Cracow:

wagary.pl 11,000 PLN = $3,740
te.pl 9,000 PLN = $3,060
obiektywy.pl 8,500 PLN = $2,890
dv.pl 8,000 PLN = $2,720
qr.pl 7,500 PLN = $2,550
pary.pl 5,500 PLN = $1,870
ipn.pl 5,000 PLN = $1,700
walia.pl 5,000 PLN = $1,700
lekturyszkolne.pl 4,300 PLN = $1,462
wiosna.pl 4,000 PLN = $1,360
wedlina.pl 3,000 PLN = $1,020

At the AfternicDLS OnlineDoctors.co.uk prescribed $2,500, 80s.me mined $1,088 and Leaders.ca corralled $1,050.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of Domain Sales Center also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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