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August 27, 2012

Domain Sales

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SkiResorts.com Takes Lift to Top of the Domain Sales Chart After $850,000 Deal

Moniker.com closed the $850,000 sale of SkiResorts.com this week, a deal that ranks as the fourth highest sale reported so far in 2008. Moniker handled the sale for Rick Latona who sold two other domains that landed on our Top 20 chart through his own site, RickLatona.com. One of those, StCatharines.com, completed the top ten after going for $19,000.

Sedo.com had a big week sweeping 11 of the 20 chart entries. Their roster was led by #2 Madrid.net at €28,000 ($43,920) while #4 Celibataire.com ("single" in French) and #5 Hoteles.info ("hotels" in Spanish) gave them three of the top five spots. Madrid.net banked €28,000 ($43,920) while Hoteles.info booked €19,500 ($30,607). Pool.com rounded out the first five with #3 Banks.ca (Canadian country code) depositing $41,000 in the year's 8th biggest ccTLD sale. 

By Ron Jackson

The AfternicDLS also had a solid outing with four names on the elite list including #6 ContemporaryRugs.com ($30,000) and #9 HowToInvest.com ($23,000)

This was a strong week for non .com domains as they took nine places on the Big Board. Three of those were .orgs, two were .nets, two were .infos and two were ccTLDS. That trio of .orgs was led by #7 Compraventa.org ("purchase" in Spanish), sold at Sedo for €18,000 ($28,253)

 Here is how all of the top sellers stacked up for the week ending Sunday, April 6:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. March 31, 2008 - Sun. April 6, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. April 8


Sold For

Where Sold
1. SkiResorts.com $850,000 Moniker
2. Madrid.net €28,000 = $43,920 Sedo
3. Banks.ca $41,000 Pool
4. Celibataire.com
("single" in French)
€25,000 = $39,339 Sedo
5. Hoteles.info
("hotels" in Spanish)
€19,500 = $30,607 Sedo
6. ContemporaryRugs.com $30,000 AfternicDLS
7. Compraventa.org
("purchase" in Spanish)
€18,000 = $28,253 Sedo
8. EDV.de €15,500 = $24,317 Sedo
9. HowToInvest.com $23,000 AfternicDLS
10. StCatharines.com $19,000 RickLatona.com

11. Motorize.com $18,000 AfternicDLS
12. JEU.org €10,300 = $16,156 Sedo
13. 657.com $16,101 Sedo
14. WeddingPlace.com $16,000 AfternicDLS
15. Vuelos.info
("flights" in Spanish)
€10,200 = $15,999 Sedo
16. MicroJuegos.com
("micro games" in Spanish)
€9,600 = $15,065 Sedo
17. Handyvertrag.net
("cell phone contract" in German)
€9,600 = $15,065 Sedo
18. UDVD.com $15,000 HuntingMoon.com
19. You.org $14,500 RickLatona.com
20. HitRadio.com €9,000 = $14,123 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

For the many newcomers entering the domain industry we also want to point out that the reasons why a domain name sells for a certain price can be varied and are not always clear to those who are unfamiliar with the domain market. If you do not understand why specific domain names command the prices they do, you are likely to make unwise domain registrations or purchases. We highly recommend that you do some basic research before you buy anything! As a starting point we have built a sister site specifically for you at NameNewbie.com.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were seven more five-figure sales just off the chart and Sedo had four of those; Fille.com ($13,339), Brandwidth.com ($11,500), Sejour-en-croatie.com ($10,200) and FreeMobileBanking.com ($10,000). The Afternic DLS sold Clean.net ($12,000) and GoMo.com ($11,000) and Genes.co.uk changed hands for £5,900 ($11,607) in a private sale.

.Com Supporting Cast

The AfternicDLS led the big parade of four-figure sales with CatOnline.com ($9,650), Business-Adviser.com ($9,588) and AcademyClub.com ($7,788). Brandings.com brought $7,500, TheFreeway.com drew $6,875 and ClaimProcessing.com produced $6,216. ProfessionalEthics.com dictated $5,945, ShopSpot.com bagged $5,600 and StorePromotions.com attracted $5,250.

FamilyCapital.com preserved $5,104, VIPShop.com catered to $5,000 and BikeFun.com braked at $4,923. Scandanavian.com docked at $4,800 and DigitalAudioPlayer.com cued up $4,749. The AfternicDLS had 152 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,700 that you can check out in the table below.

Additional AfternicDLS Sales Between $2,000 - $4,700
w4c.com $4,700   brandmate.com $2,888
commercialarchitecture.com $4,663 atlanticcitynightlife.com $2,888
commercialarchitects.com $4,663 americancontracting.com $2,888
vegetablemarket.com $4,657 globalterminals.com $2,800
geneticdata.com $4,657 ipolink.com $2,788
livetraining.com $4,641 ipoinvestors.com $2,788
tradeguide.com $4,640 ipoguide.com $2,788
jazzrock.com $4,640 germaninternational.com $2,776
meetnewfriends.com $4,575 collegetests.com $2,719
localhousing.com $4,575 bulletproofglass.com $2,719
duplexapartment.com $4,500 youthactivities.com $2,714
journalofmedicine.com $4,408 rideoutlet.com $2,700
universitytimes.com $4,401 hismajesty.com $2,700
msdb.com $4,200 kitchenredesign.com $2,691
softwareprogrammers.com $4,077 niceworld.com $2,688
tradecouncil.com $4,060 continuingcare.com $2,668
sportspress.com $4,060 maritalbliss.com $2,603
regionalmortgage.com $4,060 breathoflife.com $2,603
personalfinancing.com $4,060 irigroup.com $2,588
mastercopy.com $4,060 ipofile.com $2,588
golfprofessionals.com $4,060 vrbank.com $2,500
corporateleasing.com $4,060 private-school.com $2,500
woolproducts.com $4,053 merchantalliance.com $2,500
visados.com $4,000 globalcarriers.com $2,500
nenes.com $4,000 fireitup.com $2,500
worldtrust.com $3,995 elfmail.com $2,500
microprojectors.com $3,900 currentmusic.com $2,500
poolfun.com $3,770 brokerz.com $2,500
naturalwool.com $3,770 televisioncareers.com $2,488
kitchenexperts.com $3,750 insidemyhead.com $2,488
cashmerecoats.com $3,750 carstars.com $2,488
industrialpark.com $3,666 trafficanalyzer.com $2,400
bankwires.com $3,666 tranquillite.com $2,388
officediscount.com $3,596 shopsolution.com $2,388
spamlist.com $3,589 databasedevelopers.com $2,320
traditionalherbs.com $3,531 moisturizingshampoo.com $2,316
professionalliability.com $3,531 professionalathletics.com $2,313
newaccounts.com $3,516 spacelifts.com $2,300
citibug.com $3,500 ilsi.com $2,300
audioarchives.com $3,492 infinityconsulting.com $2,288
generalhardware.com $3,480 flamingohomes.com $2,288
brainimaging.com $3,480 e-wow.com $2,288
smallbusinessreport.com $3,415 colinbuchanan.com $2,288
formwizard.com $3,415 careliving.com $2,288
zapmeta.com $3,400 benheath.com $2,288
coffee24.com $3,388 americanresources.com $2,288
plantproducts.com $3,370 metromeals.com $2,270
nightclubreview.com $3,360 publicannouncements.com $2,262
digihouse.com $3,200 sportsnewspaper.com $2,259
sottocosto.com $3,088 compressednaturalgas.com $2,255
printen.com $3,088 accountingmanager.com $2,250
imageanddesign.com $3,088 worldequipment.com $2,188
pldn.com $3,075 longtermcarefacility.com $2,166
hardwarecenter.com $3,067 dietaryneeds.com $2,166
ethnicstudies.com $3,067 skazki.com $2,150
classicalcds.com $3,066 boatmortgage.com $2,139
newhomedesign.com $3,051 hardwaresecurity.com $2,101
sportycars.com $3,009 vetuk.com $2,100
completeautomotive.com $3,004 recruitingonline.com $2,091
totalinvesting.com $3,000 optionsystems.com $2,088
registerservice.com $3,000 firsttaste.com $2,088
moulds.com $3,000 chargeitnow.com $2,088
ihuman.com $3,000 yourfreereport.com $2,030
emailalert.com $3,000 raidserver.com $2,030
broadbandexchange.com $3,000 holywarriors.com $2,030
collegeteams.com $2,951 buildingengineers.com $2,024
anexpress.com $2,950 specialtyengineering.com $2,023
ipodirect.com $2,940 cordlesspower.com $2,016
cleanerair.com $2,916 popjam.com $2,000
totalstyle.com $2,900 monsterleads.com $2,000
softwaredrivers.com $2,900 hybridracing.com $2,000
kentbank.com $2,900 hscf.com $2,000
livingpictures.com $2,888 funeralhelp.com $2,000
instanttechnology.com $2,888 conva.com $2,000
informationstrategy.com $2,888 cinemagraphic.com $2,000
charternow.com $2,888 americanpromotions.com $2,000

Back at Sedo Vusu.com sold for $9,100 and DepositosBancarios.com secured $7,061. Pecheurs.com posted $5,230, WantToDo.com went for $5,000 and YouPC.com clicked for $4,600. RunningMan.com, ForexWeek.com, AllCarParts.com and Amaken.com kicked in $3,000 apiece while Zebit.com billed $2,750.

Athlete360.com turned in $2,640, Najwa.com captured $2,500 and Neroluce.com landed $2,400. Paquetazo.com penciled in $2,375, KGBCo.com commanded $2,200 and HideUs.com covered up $2,000.

At NameJet TopRingtones.com recorded $9,000, Accesories.com added $7,700 and PokerRankings.com dealt out $6,301. NameJet had 19 more .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $5,099 that are listed in the table below:

Additional NameJet Sales Between $2,000 - $5,099
sordos.com $5,099   adnet-plus.com $2,610
airsuspension.com $4,990 weddingville.com $2,600
snowboardreviews.com $4,200 blackskies.com $2,501
menzone.com $3,800 costadeleste.com $2,450
possums.com $3,655 buildingexpo.com $2,400
craftroom.com $3,600 Telesystems.com $2,200
evora.com $3,507 Londonpark.com $2,100
keyserver.com $3,400 netstyle.com $2,099
getvideo.com $2,700 epms.com $2,099
vegasflight.com $2,613   

At SnapNames.com Dotty.com connected for $7,530, Cubiertas.com closed at $5,900 and ForexGuides.com fetched $4,000. iZine.com paged $2,601, Microblogging.com penned $2,250, BettorsForum.com welcomed $2,107 and MySafeFlorida.com dispatched $2,050.

Elsewhere, AtoZDomainNamess.com sold HChip.com for $5,000 and SearchDomainsforSale.com moved MidCenturyModern.com for $5,000

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

The first eight domains on our Global Contenders Top 20 all cracked the five-figure mark and were covered at the top of this report. The top GC sale you haven't seen yet is #9 Affiliates.info, a name that attracted €4,900 ($7,690) at Sedo. That was one of three .infos in the GC top ten. As it usually does, .net had the most entries overall with nine, followed by .org with six.

.Mobi got into the act with #10 PCB.mobi at $4,995 and scored a second time with #18 Fibers.mobi, sold for $3,500 by the AfternicDLS.

Here's how all of the Global Contenders stacked up for the week ending April 6:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. March 31, 2008 - Sun. April 6, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect April 8


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Madrid.net €28,000 = $43,920 Sedo
2. Hoteles.info €19,500 = $30,607 Sedo
3. Compraventa.org €18,000 = $28,253 Sedo
4. JEU.org €10,300 = $16,156 Sedo
5. Vuelos.info €10,200 = $15,999 Sedo
6. Handyvertrag.net €9,600 = $15,058 Sedo
7. You.org $14,500 RickLatona.com
8. Clean.net $12,000 AfternicDLS
9. Affiliates.info €4,900 = $7,690 Sedo
10. PCB.mobi $4,995 Sedo

Ausbildung.net $4,860 AfternicDLS
12. Cameltoes.net $4,600 NameJet
13. DressUp.org $4,200 AfternicDLS
14. Dibujos.net $4,000 AfternicDLS
15. JazzMusic.net €2,500 = $3,922 Sedo
Motors.org $3,800 AfternicDLS
Alimony.net $3,600 Sedo
18. Fibers.mobi $3,500 AfternicDLS
19. Barbecues.net $3,441 AfternicDLS
20. Tomato.org $3,311 NameJet

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

As always, there were dozens of additional four-figure sales off the chart.  Sedo rang up two dozen of those sales, led by Premium.info ($3,137), Dorset.org ($2,951) and Coursier.net ($2,613).  

Sedo posted 21 more GC sales ranging from $1,000 to $2,500. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo Global Contenders Sales Between $1,000-$2,500
role.net $2,500   vols.mobi $1,569
fem.mobi $2,274 tanger.org $1,569
dose.info $2,196 aeroport.mobi $1,569
valencia.mobi $2,040 vuelo.info $1,554
ofertas-vuelos.net $2,039 quotation.net $1,449
tang.org $2,000 baukredit.net $1,349
gasum.org $1,961 complaint.mobi $1,160
eea.net $1,806 warranty.mobi $1,150
lieferanten.net $1,804 sweepstakes.mobi $1,150
rentmovies.mobi $1,610 omahapoker.org $1,098
character.net $1,600   

At NameJet CyberPartnership.org produced $3,055, Feta.org crumbled $2,655 and Alisveris.net notched $2,600. Anabolic.org generated $1,988, TOZ.net nailed $1,500, GWT.net returned $1,010 and FreshPornThumbs.net cornered $1,001.

Back at the AfternicDLS UsedParts.net stocked $3,000, REDC.net sewed up $2,888 and Verification.net delivered $2,700. Studia.net stood out at $2,630, Eneko.net nabbed $2,465 and GameNow.net scored $2,388.

The AfternicDLS  had 33 more GC sales ranging between $1,000 and $2,000 that are listed in the table below.

Additional AfternicDLS Global Contenders Sales Between $1,000-$2,000
troops.net $2,000   printen.net $1,388
progression.info $1,888 alerion.net $1,288
spinesurgery.net $1,800 septictanks.net $1,266
qam.net $1,750 stopp.org $1,200
481.net $1,750 hamish.net $1,188
unitedinsurance.net $1,688 windowcleaning.net $1,144
sportsgame.net $1,688 carpetcleaning.net $1,144
beefree.net $1,688 minoritybusiness.org $1,100
adix.net $1,688 eventi.net $1,012
busca.info $1,600 seacure.net $1,000
bsoft.net $1,588 ohmygod.org $1,000
videostore.net $1,500 nutritionalsupplements.net $1,000
pcwarehouse.net $1,500 megaland.net $1,000
motorize.net $1,500 linkme.net $1,000
lasereyesurgery.net $1,500 greatdebate.org $1,000
affiche.net $1,500  

At SnapNames ClosingCosts.net recovered $2,500 and Dohabank.com distributed $1,659.

Country Codes

The first two names on our Country Code Top 20 also made the all-extension leader board you saw earlier. We also told you about #3 Genes.co.uk going for $11,607 in a private sale but we didn't tell you that is the second time that domain has sold in the past 9 months. Last July it went for $6,000, so the price almost doubled by the time it was turned over again this past week.

Pool's $41,000 sale of #1 Banks.ca (Canadian ccTLD) ranks among the year's ten biggest country code sales. Germany's .de ccTLD, as it often does, had the most chart entries with six and one of those, #19 (tie) übernachten.de at $2,353 was an IDN.

Great Britian (.co.uk), France (.fr), Spain (.es), the European Union (.eu) and Canada all had multiple chart entries this week. In the race among venues, Sedo again dominated, taking 18 of the 20 chart positions. Here is how all of the ccTLD top sellers stack up for the week ending April 6:

Country Code Top 20
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. March 31, 2008 - Sun. April 6, 2008
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. April 8


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Banks.ca $41,000 Pool
2. EDV.de €15,000 = $24,317 Sedo
3. Genes.co.uk £5,900 = $11,607 Pvt Sale
4. Ouest.fr €5,000 = $7,844 Sedo
5. Haiti.de €4,600 = $7,217 Sedo
6. Skilled.co.uk £3,500 = $6,885 Sedo
7. MuscularDevelopment.co.uk €4,000 = $6,275 Sedo
8. Datenschutz.eu €2,750 = $4,315 Sedo
9. PopSugar.fr $4,000 Sedo
10. OLI.es €2,500 = $3,922 Sedo

11. Frost.eu €2,350 = $3,687 Sedo
12. Fleisch.at €2,050 = $3,216 Sedo
13. KeepIt.de €2,000 = $3,137 Sedo
14. Kidopia.de €1,810 = $2,840 Sedo
15. Opticalia.es €1,800 = $2,824 Sedo
16. DomesticViolence.co.uk £1,400 = $2,754 Sedo
17. North.ca $2,701 Pool
18. Multiply.it $2,500 Sedo
Inmediares.de €1,500 = $2,353 Sedo
Expo.es €1,500 = $2,353 Sedo
übernachten.de (IDN) €1,500 = $2,353 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

Sedo had 17 more four-figure country code sales just off the chart. Those ranged between $1,000 and $1,883 and are listed in the chart below.

Additional Sedo Country Code Sales Between $1,000-$1,883
macromedia.ch $1,883   vcds.de $1,522
poker-news.de $1,822 lula.tv $1,500
hôtel.tv (IDN) $1,726 sms.gy $1,300
chatmonitor.co.uk $1,600 internetbusinesses.co.uk $1,255
videoshop.eu $1,569 liquor.tv $1,250
travelmarket.es $1,569 naturopatia.es $1,098
toldo.es $1,569 craps.fr $1,098
rpo.fr $1,569 milk.tv $1,000
mobilesolutions.de $1,569   

In another sale 3W.ca changed hands for 1,500 Canadian dollars ($1,479 US) at Sibername.com.

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of DotCom Group, LLC also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.


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