
August 27, 2012

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SnapNames Snares 12 Entries on the This Week's Top 20 Chart and the Transfer of Porn.com is Completed 

The $9.5 million sale of Porn.com was announced two weeks ago but we weren't able to chart the transaction until the transfer of the domain to MXN Limited was completed this week. That now ranks as the largest all-cash sale ever reported and, obviously, is the top name on our latest leader board. 

SnapNames.com also grabbed a share of the spotlight this week by sweeping 12 of the 21 positions on the Big Board (there was one extra spot due to a tie for the 20th position). For the second week in a row, SnapNames put a Korean IDN in the #2 slot. This time it was 핸드폰.com (the puny code is:
xn--hy1bj30dt7a.com), which translates to "hand phone" in Korean. That name fetched $42,250 in the biggest IDN sale reported so far in 2007.

By Ron Jackson

SnapNames swept six of the first ten positions, also scoring with #3 OwnerFinancing.com at $36,361. Afternic.com/BuyDomains.com  also had a strong outing with five names on the new Top 20 including #4 StockShop.com at $21,000 and #5 InternetMedia.com at $20,000. All three remaining openings went to Sedo.com whose roster was headed by #6 CLK.com at $17,500.

.Com just missing making a clean sweep of the elite all-extension list. A lone country code domain, #16 Wisely.co.uk, kept the .coms from pitching a perfect game. That British ccTLD went for €8,000 ($10,744) at Sedo.

Here's a look at the complete leader board for the week ending Sunday, May 27:


The DN Journal Top 20 
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. May 21, 2007 - Sun. May 27, 2007
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. May 29


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Porn.com $9,500,000 Moniker
2. 핸드폰.com
("hand phone" in Korean)
$42,250 SnapNames
3. OwnerFinancing.com $36,361 SnapNames
4. StockShop.com $21,000 Afternic/ BuyDomains
5. InternetMedia.com $20,000 Afternic/ BuyDomains
6. CLK.com $17,500 Sedo
7. YborCity.com $16,150 SnapNames
8. DansMovie.com $15,806 SnapNames
9. Courtyards.com $15,250 SnapNames
10. HomeTest.com $14,600 SnapNames

11. PlayItAgain.com $14,249 SnapNames
12. LifeInsuranceLoans.com $13,500 Afternic/ BuyDomains
13. HostingNews.com $13,250 SnapNames
14. Waterscapes.com $11,751 SnapNames
15. Seawise.com $11,000 Sedo
16. Wisely.co.uk €8,000 = $10,744 Sedo
17. FreeSexTrailers.com $10,564 SnapNames
18. USA300.com $10,361 SnapNames
19. TamilSexMovies.com $10,350 SnapNames
DoorCenter.com $10,000 Afternic/ BuyDomains
C5N.com $10,000 Afternic/ BuyDomains

Keep in mind that these are the highest value sales that have been reported to us in the past week. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

.Com Supporting Cast

All of the charted domains cracked at least the five-figure mark and as always there was a fleet of solid four-figure sales to back up the big boys. SnapNames had the top sale in the supporting cast with RightMatch.com ringing up $8,900. TheGardenOfEden.com grew $8,100, SellerFinancing.com secured $8,099 and QQgirls.com drew $7,900.

WashingtonDCRealEstate.com returned $7,055, PinkWorldSex.com provided $6,655 and DiamondGames.com dealt out $6,600. Another step back were TravelSexGuide.com ($6,150), SmallCondoms.com ($6,101) and SexVedeo.com (a typo at $6,100). Mobitel.com dialed up $5,955, SexyVedio.com (typo) tacked on $5,500, Trendspotter.com spied $5,299 and Salpar.com posted $5,250

SnapNames sold another 30 .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,700. You can check those out in the table below:

Additional SnapNames Sales Between $2,000-$4,700
asianwebcams.com $4,700   enewsline.com $2,803
firstnorthern.com $4,600 businesslodging.com $2,767
wifebeater.com $4,100 basicelectronics.com $2,766
acps.com $4,100 datec.com $2,500
engineeringweb.com $3,909 eengineering.com $2,426
chinesemasks.com $3,777 victoriandolls.com $2,400
xn--2d3b41x.com (IDN) $3,700 cine5.com $2,400
bscc.com $3,644 guarded.com $2,350
bankauction.com $3,500 gcaa.com $2,350
dnsservice.com $3,399 endometrialablation.com $2,338
stoneweb.com $3,300 fadein.com $2,250
virtualworks.com $3,200 nwsa.com $2,050
websitedemo.com $3,188 anatoli.com $2,049
epik.com $3,100 sunshinegirl.com $2,038
truelovers.com $3,000 internationalescorts.com $2,025

Back at Afternic/BuyDomains, the ActiveExchange generated a tidal wave of savory sales with Unquoted.com riding the crest at $8,500. Beurs.com ($8,000), FindLoans.com ($7,500) and ShopFront.com ($6,600) were right behind. IQAcademy.com contributed $6,000, HowHigh.com hauled in $5,950 and Clovers.com clicked for $5,350

ATBiz.com brought $5,000, SpanishTelevision.com tuned in $4,900 and Firelink.com connected for $4,530. ExclusiveRealEstate.com attracted $4,250 and ClubSMS.com claimed $4,088. Four other domains; RidingClub.com, PsychicCircle.com, CleverJew.com and BusinessCircle.com added $4,000 each to the cash register.

Afternic/BuyDomains had another 96 .com sales ranging from $2,000 to $3,488. Those are listed in the table below:

Additional BuyDomains Sales Between $2,000-$4,000
militaires.com $3,985   inspiredbyyou.com $2,500
superport.com $3,888 epolitico.com $2,500
spanishradio.com $3,850 enterprisedatamanagement.com $2,500
skibus.com $3,688 cofa.com $2,500
flagshipcapital.com $3,688 cfonline.com $2,500
rentinspain.com $3,650 freedomselfstorage.com $2,490
kisu.com $3,645 travelinfrance.com $2,488
fallenheroes.com $3,500 fohinc.com $2,488
saudischools.com $3,488 badcreditdebt.com $2,488
pan-am.com $3,488 art-posters.com $2,450
colwood.com $3,400 coloradohealthcare.com $2,388
eyeofthetiger.com $3,200 traininglogistics.com $2,300
menspants.com $3,188 mymosque.com $2,300
gpsdevices.com $3,123 languagetutors.com $2,300
spanishspeaking.com $3,088 boyclothes.com $2,300
intralogistic.com $3,088 umake.com $2,288
dropshipservices.com $3,088 stainedglassdoors.com $2,288
americanhot.com $3,088 somethingextra.com $2,288
twcd.com $3,000 bastianello.com $2,288
mediaholdings.com $3,000 acne-medicine.com $2,288
hyperlife.com $3,000 bluesign.com $2,285
expocity.com $3,000 newjerseyhealthcare.com $2,270
expocity.com $3,000 economicindicators.com $2,200
enterprisesupport.com $3,000 everythingbanners.com $2,100
cutprice.com $3,000 biglocal.com $2,100
spacommunity.com $2,888 advancedspanish.com $2,100
smarterchoice.com $2,888 priceof.com $2,088
pharts.com $2,888 oklahomalawyers.com $2,088
energymizer.com $2,888 hipevents.com $2,088
drknow.com $2,888 dogtime.com $2,088
bnconline.com $2,888 chartingthecourse.com $2,088
spanishservices.com $2,850 veteransrights.com $2,000
economicresearch.com $2,800 TheCoinClub.com $2,000
ecampaigns.com $2,800 terracasa.com $2,000
decentjobs.com $2,800 musclemail.com $2,000
golffirst.com $2,750 mediforms.com $2,000
sparkofgenius.com $2,700 macrental.com $2,000
ultimatecoaching.com $2,688 languagesupport.com $2,000
lifetimedigital.com $2,688 languageportal.com $2,000
healthypharmacy.com $2,688 languagelesson.com $2,000
medicalminds.com $2,600 greensourcing.com $2,000
engineeringstudies.com $2,600 fupo.com $2,000
weightlossdietpill.com $2,500 doke.com $2,000
specialrequest.com $2,500 datainsure.com $2,000
smartmeters.com $2,500 cotts.com $2,000
moneyquestions.com $2,500 businessshowcase.com $2,000
metasource.com $2,500 americanbanking.com $2,000
lawbreakers.com $2,500 aljareeda.com $2,000

As if that weren't enough, Afternic/BuyDomains booked over 300 more .com sales ranging from just under $2,000 all the way down to the $330 paid for SolarCatalog.com.

At Sedo, BestBonus.com banked $8,500, QuickLoader.com captured $7,500 and two others; TheFest.com and Iigloo.com, kicked in $5,000 each. QualitySheetMusic.com drummed up another $4,750

At TDNAM.com, TheDirt.com dug up $5,703, Pozadine.com provided $4,505 and TupacGraphics.com generated $2,420. At Pool.com, GADeptOfLabor.com discharged $2,656 and Virgimobile.com cornered $2,272

Global Contenders (.biz, .info, .mobi, .net & .org)

.Net owned the Global Contenders chart this week, walking off with 14 of the 20 chart entries, including the top domain, Promotions.net, sold for $8,100 at SnapNames. .Org grabbed four rungs on the ladder while .info and .mobi salvaged one each. At least .mobi made theirs count, with LDS.mobi soaring to the #2 slot with a $5,500 sale at Sedo.

#6 Tadalafil.org was the top domain for that extension, serving up €3,000 ($4,029) at Sedo. .Info was represented by #11 (tie) JobDirekt.info, sold for €1,750 ($2,350), also at Sedo. Here's how all of the GC leaders stacked up for the week ending May 27:

Global Contenders Top 20
 Highest Reported Non .Com Global TLD  Sales 
(.Net, .Org, .Biz & .Info) Mon. May 21, 2007 - Sun. May 27, 2007
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect May 29


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Promotions.net $8,100 SnapNames
2.  LDS.mobi $5,500 Sedo
Rodeo.net $5,000 Afternic/
OnAir.net $5,000 Afternic/
5. Rubbish.net $4,155 Afternic/
6. Tadalafil.org  €3,000 = $4,029 Sedo
Pillows.net $3,000 Afternic/
Doctorate.net $2,700 Afternic/
9. Poste.org $2,688 Afternic/
10. Hindus.net $2,500 Afternic/

JobDirekt.info €1,750 = $2,350 Sedo
DataDeveloper.net $2,088 Afternic/
13. MGPA.net $2,057 Afternic/
14. Colonoscopy.net $2,038 SnapNames
15. Nladr.net $1,960 SnapNames
16. SafetyFirst.net $1,888 Afternic/
17. Pleinair.net €1,390 = $1,867 Sedo
18. Dealership.org $1,827 SnapNames
HHC.net $1,800 SnapNames
FamilyFoundations.org $1,800 Afternic/

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were 29 more four-figure GC sales just off the chart and Afternic/BuyDomains took more than two-thirds of those (20 in all). You can see their additional Global Contenders sales in the table below:

Additional Afternic/BuyDomains G.C. Sales Between $1,000-$1,775
philosophyonline.org $1,775   freemed.net $1,275
ascon.net $1,775 financiallyfit.net $1,200
livesafe.net $1,500 thechurchontherock.net $1,088
flsc.net $1,500 moneyback.net $1,088
creditcardinfo.net $1,500 voiceline.net $1,000
christianmission.org $1,500 studio62.net $1,000
jewishlife.net $1,488 plexus.biz $1,000
ecenter.org $1,488 nationwidemovers.net $1,000
soccermoms.org $1,435 globalfocus.net $1,000
smartbuyer.net $1,300 firstunitarian.org $1,000

At SnapNames DRL.net notched $1,550, AbSex.net and DataOne.net downloaded $1,250 each, SYO.net yielded $1,151 and Lottozahlen.net unlocked $1,013. At TDNAM, DiveIntoOSX.org surfaced with $1,260 and at Sedo, eStores.net stocked $1,240 and Buz.mobi bagged $1,000. Another 3-letter .mobi, MPH.mobi was sold by WazooDomains for $1,100

Country Codes

Great Britain went to the head of the Country Code class this week thanks to the $10,744 sale of Wisely.co.uk at Sedo. However, Germany's ever-popular .de won the overall numbers game, piling up 9 of the 20 chart entries, including a pair that tied for the second slot at €6,000 ($8,058) each. Those names, Sommerreise.de ("summer travel" in German) and CodeGear.de, were also sold at Sedo, a venue that accounted for all but two of the charted ccTLD sales. 

Like .co.uk, the European Union's .eu had two names on the leader board while seven other countries each put one name on the list. The other nations represented this week were the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (.cc), the Netherlands (.nl), Spain (.es), Tuvalu (.tv), Austria (.at), France (.fr) and Switzerland (.ch)

Here's a look at the complete Country Code chart for the week ending May 27:

Country Code Top Sellers
 Highest Reported ccTLD  Sales: Mon. May 21, 2007 - Sun. May 27, 2007
Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Tue. May 29


Sold For

Where Sold
1. Wisely.co.uk €8,000 = $10,744 Sedo
("summer travel" in German)
€6,000 = $8,058 Sedo
CodeGear.de €6,000 = $8,058 Sedo
4. Safe.cc $4,000 Afternic/ BuyDomains
5. Lebensberater.de
("life consultant" in German)
€2,500 = $3,358 Sedo
6. BestPrices.nl €2,500 = $3,358 Sedo
("my photo" in German)
€1,500 = $2,015 Sedo
Guialegal.es €1,500 = $2,015 Sedo
9. StumbleUpon.co.uk €1,375 = $1,847 Sedo
10. Lottoreisen.de €1,200 = $1,612 Sedo

11. Ankara.tv $1,500 NamePros
Horror-Filme.de €1,000 = $1,343 Sedo
("purses" in German)
€1,000 = $1,343 Sedo
("executive" in German)
€1,000 = $1,343 Sedo
15. Englandurlaub.de
("England vacations" in German)
€950 = $1,276 Sedo
16. British-Shop.at €900 = $1,209 Sedo
17. Dragees.eu €880 = $1,182 Sedo
18. InternetMarketing.fr €850 = $1,141 Sedo
19. My-Adventure.de €800 = $1,074 Sedo
20. Online-bestellen.ch
("online orders" in German)
€750 = $1,007 Sedo

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

In another four-figure sale that just missed charting, Afternic/BuyDomains sold CommercialDirect.ca (Canadian country code) for $1,000. In other notable sales, Options.info went for $900 at Sedo and Santorini.tv was sold at the NamePros.com forum to the same buyer who picked up #11 Ankara.tv for $1,500.  

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past week, check out how the leaders stand year to date in all categories by visiting our Year To Date Charts page.


As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies, private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale made through any channel. To contribute information and help make this column better,  just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.

We truly appreciate the industry leading companies who share their sales information with us to help everyone in the business get a handle on current domain values. Richard Meyer of DotCom Group, LLC also provides invaluable help in collecting data for these sales reports each week.

Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that information and write this report for Tuesday night publication to give you the freshest sales report in the industry. 

Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.

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