& Highlights from Saturday
Pre-Show Cabana Networking at THE
Domain Conference in Fort Lauderdale
& Highlights from DOMAINfest at
THE Domain Conference & TDC
Cabana Networking Sunday
and Highlights from THE Domain
Conference's Opening Night Party
Sunday Evening
& Highlights From the First Day
of Business at THE Domain Conference
Monday in Fort Lauderdale
& Highlights From the Final
Business Day at THE Domain
Conference Tuesday Including the
Domain Industry Award Winners
Farewell Breakfast that was open
from 8am-11am Wednesday morning was
a great way for guests to
fuel up for their journeys home and
say a leisurely goodbye to friends,
old and new, over a last cup of
coffee and bite to eat.

Sedo's Negar Hajikhani (2nd
from left) and Negar's sister (far
left) join Diana Jackson and Zane
Emilija (far right) in checking
out some of the breakfast
Braden Pollock (
and Elliot Silver (
admire the spectacular 360-degree
view of Fort Lauderdale from
the top of the Hyatt Regency Pier
66 Hotel.

A table for ten quickly fills
up at Wednesday morning's Farewell
THE Domain Conference Co-Founder
Barbara Neu with long time
friend Adam Dicker, the
owner who came down from Canada
to support the Neu family's new

Above:'s Ron Jackson
and Executive Vice
President Nancy Bianchi check
out the view looking out to the Atlantic
These ladies would brighten up
anybody's morning! Left to right
are Diana Jackson, Barbara
Sixto, Barbara Neu and Carmella Savanello.

(left to right): Broker and Chinese
market expert George Hong (
with one of the most successful
domain broker/investors of all time
- Larry Fischer (
and one of the industry's leading
attorneys and entrepreneurs, Stevan
Lieberman (
Barbara Dillman Neu makes sure every single attendee
feels welcome and right at home as industry newcomer
Steven Verdugo (son of veteran domain investor/developer
George Verdugo) found out at the
Farewell Breakfast Wednesday morning.
Barbara made sure Steven went back
to Kansas City with a very
positive impression of the domain
business and the people in it.

Above:'s team at TDC (left
to right): Aaron Kvitek, Victor
Pitts and Nancy Bianchi, get
in a little last minute work over
breakfast before heading home.

THE Domain Conference's three
Co-Founders - Howard &
Barbara Neu and their son Ray
Dillman Neu - were delighted
with the support and positive feedback
they received from guests and
sponsors at their first solely owned
show. As most of you know, all three
were instrumental in staging the
pioneering T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Conference for 10 years. When
Co-Founder Rick Schwartz
decided to retire after last year's 10th
Anniversary edition of
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. the Neus
decided to carry on with a new
show of their own - one they
have put their personal stamp on
with a formula everyone we talked
with agreed was a winner.
have already begun planning for
their 2016 show - most likely
at the same venue as it was a hit
with attendees, offering excellent accommodations,
good food and a great location - all
at a very affordable price. I
was also impressed by the fresh,
informative programming and a
much larger group of sponsors
in the Exhibit Hall than we have
seen in recent years. New gTLD
registries had an especially high
profile with lead sponsor .CLUB,
Inc., Minds+Machines
and others turning out in a big way
to support the event. The
quality of attendees (including
veterans and ambitious newcomers alike)
did not go unnoticed either. For
their first time out with TDC I
don't see how things could have gone
much better for the Neus, a feeling
reflected in their thumbs up
as the curtain came down Wednesday.