DOMAINfest/NamesCon Co-Founder
Jothan Frakes put this one-day
DOMAINfest event together in a
unique co-operative arrangement with
TDC Co-Founders Howard, Barbara
and Ray Neu. This photo was
snapped this morning when Jothan
welcomed attendees to DOMAINfest at
The first session - aimed at industry
newcomers (of which there are
many in attendance) featured DNForum
owner Adam Dicker who presented
a great series of tips on how to
increase your chances for success in
the domain business.

Next up was a pair of highly
informative panel discussions on
opportunities in Latin America
and the Hispanic world - a
perfect fit for the show's South
Florida location. Barbara Neu helped
focus the panelists on the theme at
hand by handing out Cuban hats!
Left to right are moderator Jothan
Frakes, Pablo Rodiguez
(VP, Puerto Rico's .PR Registry), Jochen
Kieler (Key-Systems), George
Verdugo (VisitSpace.com) and Alfredo
Pinochet (CEO, LatinTLD).
While DOMAINfest was going on
inside, TDC Pre-Show Cabana
Networking continued around the
Pier 66 pool Sunday. In this shot,
Jodi Chamberlain (fresh off her
well received two-day Women's
Meetup at the same
hotel) is front and center. With her
at right are Eddie & Barbara

(left to right); Diana Jackson,
TDC Co-Founders Barbara and
Howard Neu,
and Susan Lawrence (Minds+Machines)
at the TDC cabana Sunday
At the NameJet cabana the
company's Director of
Scott Pruitt, held court with
his beautiful daughter Alysee.

often commented on how creative
people in the domain are -
demonstrating talent in fields
far removed from the domain
business. Michael Gilmour
(ParkLogic.com) - at far right
in this photo - is a prime
example. He just published his
first novel - Battleframe
- and is already working on a
seen here with Rob Grant
(left) and Eddie Sixto,
signed free copies of the book
during cabana networking
Sunday. Often that kind of
creativity is passed along to
the next generation. As many
of our readers know, Rob's daughter
is music superstar Lana Del
Rey, who latest hit album,
Honeymoon, was
released. |


At the Protected Parking
cabana, Hani Armstrong and
Dave Roberts were on hand to
answer questions about the company's
domain monetization platform.
After a lunch break both TDC cabana
networking and DOMAINfest business
sessions indoors continued.
DOMAINfest switched gears in
the afternoon running a triple-track
format that had three different
workshops going on simultaneously
every hour from 2-6 pm (a total of a
dozen sessions all together),
assuring attendees could gain
knowledge in the areas most
important to them. Brett Napoli
from Ambition Insight (facing the
audience) shared his expertise on Wordpress
in back to back sessions at 2pm and
3pm. The 2pm track also featured Jothan
Frakes on ccTLDs and Angie
Graves on Analytics & Tools.

The 3pm track also featured a
Domain and Law session moderated
by Stevan Lieberman from
Greenberg & Lieberman, LLC (top
center in blue shirt) with ICA Legal
Counsel Phil Corwin (in
yellow shirt next to Stevan) also
sharing his expertise. Also at 3pm, Chris
Leggatt (Media Trackers-Florida)
conducted a session on Domain
The 4pm sessions included one on Domain
Parking 2016 moderated by Michael
Gilmour (ParkLogic.com), who is
standing at left in this shot.

at 4pm, internet expert Angie
Graves from Web Group Inc.
(at left) covered the
latest Trends in the
domain world and the web at
large. The 3rd session at that
hour brought Chris Leggatt
back to talk about Broker
at THE Domain Conference
closed with a final round of
"Topic Grind"
sessions at 5pm including Jothan
Frakes on New gTLDs,
Stevan Lieberman in UDRP
Questions and Adam
Dicker on Domain
Investors. It was a very
ambitious daylong program that
should pay great dividend to
those who took advantage of
all the experts had to
it's on to the TDC Welcome
Party tonight (I'll have
photos and highlights from
that for you in my next post
Monday)! |