had an opportunity
to meet a lot of very interesting
new people a couple of weeks ago
when I went to India to cover
and speak at the 2nd
annual DomainX conference
in Bangalore. One of them was
Vaswani of BloggersIdeas.com,
who is one of the country's most
popular bloggers. I found Jitendra's
story to be especially interesting
because he has done something I've
always advocated domain investors
should do - pick a subject you are passionate
about and develop at least
one website on that topic. I've seen
many people create nice new
revenue streams for themselves
by doing that, just as Jitendra has
blog is one of the most cost
effective and quick ways to put your
idea online, but like anything else
that is worthwhile, it will take a
little planning and a lot of elbow
grease to turn your domain into
a money making business. In the
planning stage you need to determine
if you can bring something new
and interesting to a topic
that will let you stand out from the
crowd and attract an audience. That
is easier to do if your topic falls
in an area of interest that is
currently underserved by sites that
are already out there.

Founder, BloggersIdeas.com
said, "One needs to
find the right niche to write
about. My blog has a niche: SEO
and the business of blogging
itself. Blogging caught my
attention when I was in my first job
as an SEO executive. I learned
blogging from one of my friends who
told me I should start my own
because I was
at SEO. Once I
started I got very interested
in the process and started
experimenting on my blog. I followed
many mentors in my industry
like Neil Patel, Zac
Johnson, John Chow and
many other top marketers who
dominate the blogging world.
I always
try to learn from their
posts and how they
are making money from
main reason I
tell people who want to develop a
site to choose a topic they are
passionate about is that writing and
producing content is a lot of
work - work they will get tired
of doing, causing them to quit before
they gain traction, unless
they love what they are writing
about. It is a view Vaswani shares.
"Yes, the subject is very
important when starting a blog.
If you don't have the
right subject,
trust me, you will
never get interested
in writing a blog. I was interested
in SEO & digital marketing, so
compels me to
write about it a lot. I have
seen newbies not choose their
subject wisely. They make mistakes
and ultimately lose interest in

image form Bigstock |
bloggers find it difficult
to continually come up with
fresh content for their
site. Interesting
information isn't easy to
come by. Vaswani said,
"I do a lot of
research online to
write a piece of
content for
my blog. I
use Google Trends and
the Google Adwords
tool to search for good
content. You should
also strive to create great
headlines in order to
user attention. For
that, you can use title
generator tools like Tweak Your Biz Title Generator, HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator, Portent’s Content Idea Generator
and many more that are
available online. Headlines
can definitely increase user
engagement and will
help you to write
has another content tip that |
being successfully employed
in the domain industry's
blogosphere by our friend Elliot
Silver at DomainInvesting.com.
"People enjoy
learning from bloggers who share
their journey of success
and failures on their blogs,"
Jitendra noted. "I have
seen many top bloggers share
their stories and readers get
engaged because they
want to know the story
behind that blogger. I
analyze and incorporate all
these factors and develop my
blog according to reader's
requirements. I share my
real thoughts and the
internet lifestyle I am
living." |
addition to finding the right niche,
a successful blogger has to find
ways to promote their site and build
traffic. Vaswani pointed out several
methods he uses to do that. "My target
audience is from the digital and
online money making niche. So I use social
media channels to
promote my content,
especially Facebook, Twitter,
Linkedin, Reddit, StumbleUpon
and Google+
which is very important because it
is a Google property."
"I also
use some blogging
communities that I share my
content to: Blokube.com, Bizsugar.com,
BlogEngage.com, Indiblogger.in,
etc. These are some very active
communities where you can share your
content and get targeted
traffic. Join some Facebook
groups to share
your content, but don't
spam on Facebook otherwise they
will ban your
you really want to
get traffic
on your site your SEO
and social media should be
very strong. Also
build relationships
with fellow bloggers as this will
to get more traffic

Vaswani (right) with DomainX
Co-Organizer Gaurav Kholi earlier
this month in India.
(Photo from Domain
Name Owners Association of India)
got a nice
introduction to the domain
business at the DomainX
conference and was even motivated to
register a few new names of his own.
While Vaswani is much more a
developer than a domain investor he
has wrestled with a problem many in
our industry have. Domainers
often talk about how difficult it is
to explain what they do to
friends and family. In Vaswani's
case, the problem was a much
bigger one than that when he
decided to become a blogger. As a
profession that is barely a decade
old many outside the field don't recognize
it as a serious way to make a
living. "When I told
my parents about blogging, they
didn't agree with it," Vaswani said. "I was forced
to take a job because of societal
pressure. Parents don't
understand their children's needs,
they think about society first.
This is the main problem with Indian
turned that negative into a
positive, using their
disapproval as motivation to
succeed and prove them wrong. "They
encouraged me to leave blogging and
get a secure job but I never quit
doing it," he noted. "With
all of the family members against
me, and alone on my journey, I
wanted to prove I could make
enough money from blogging."
Vaswani has just about all the proof
he needs, having risen to a position
among the top couple of dozen
professional bloggers in India, but
he hasn't brought the matter to a
head yet. "I still I haven't
told my parents that I am doing full
time blogging - they still
think that I have a job and
while doing that job I am blogging
and freelancing. When the right
time comes I will tell them I am
a full time blogger," Vaswani
smiled (apparently confident his
family doesn't read DN Journal)!