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May 08, 2015

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

ParkingCrew's Axel Kaltz Acquires Kaltz.com in a Way You Never Would Have Expected

There is an old aphorism in journalism that says a dog biting a man isn't news, (because it happens every day) but a man biting a dog - now that's news (because it is something that rarely happens). I heard about a domain industry version of that kind of scenario this week (and thankfully it was an event that didn't leave any bite marks)!

If you are a really valuable client to a company odds are they are going to go out of their way to do

Image from Bigstock

something special for you to show how much they appreciate your business. But how often do you hear about a customer, who is so happy with the service they've received, that they go out of their way to do something special for a service provider? After all, the service provider is making money from them and that should thanks enough, right? 

Axel Kaltz
Managing Director, Parking Crew.com

Apparently not, at least as far as successful young European domain investor Tim Schoon of PEJ.com, is concerned. Schoon is a client of domain monetization company ParkingCrew.com and was so happy with what the company's Managing Director Axel Kaltz has been able to do with his account he actually gave Axel the domain name Kaltz.com, free of charge. And that's not all, Schoon even took the time to build a website on the domain to honor his monetization hero! You've got to admit that, as a token of one's appreciation, that is way better than a necktie or bottle of cologne! (and just for the record, this information didn't come from Kaltz or Schoon, neither of whom expected anyone else to make note of it).

Something like this wouldn't have been as surprising as say someone rewarding their domain broker for selling a 3-letter .com to a Chinese buyer for six figures because we are seeing those kinds of sales every week. But    

domain monetization revenues have gone down dramatically from where they were a few years ago, leading many to declare that parking is dead. That why Schoon's gesture was particularly unexpected, but if he is that happy maybe it's an early sign that things are finally turning around in the monetziation sector. That's the kind of news we would all love to see happen!

(Posted May 8, 2015) 

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