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January 06, 2015

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

Are You Ready to Rumble? ParkingCrew Challenges All Comers to $100 a Match Foosball Throwdown at NamesCon - If They Lose the Water School Wins!

One thing we learned from the first NamesCon conference in January 2014 was that the Las Vegas show serves up business and pleasure in ample proportions. While we love the speakers, sessions and exhibits, what could be more fun that watching our industry cohorts try to rip each other's face off in a little friendly competition! 

Last time around a hard fought ping pong tournament broke out in the exhibit hall (with ICANNWiki's Ray King emerging victorious). When NamesCon reconvenes for its 2nd annual go round that starts Sunday (Jan. 11) at the Tropicana Hotel, look for some heated battles on a different field. It seems the  foosball wizards from ParkingCrew.com think they can whip anybody, anywhere and they are willing to put their money where their mouths are - to the tune of $100 a match

Now, as nasty as these guys look, we all know they are softies at heart. That $100 will be paid out as a donation to the Water School for every match a Parking Crew team member loses. You can sign up to play at the special Foosball and Water page that has been set up at the ParkingCrew.com site (you'll find all of the official rules there too).

If you are more a spur of the moment kind of guy or gal 


Above: Expect some pitched battles around the foosball tables at NamesCon next week. 

Below: ParkingCrew.com team members (clockwise from top left) Axel Axellent, Jim the Joker, Mario Machete and Rude Rudy will take on all comers. They will donate $100 to the Water School every time one of them goes down to defeat.

they are also ready to accept your challenge on the spot during some open windows they have set aside for that purpose. Those are Monday & Tuesday (Jan. 12 & 13) between 5:00PM and 5:30PM and Wednesday (Jan. 14) between 3:30PM and 5:30PM.

These guys talk a good game and they look pretty scary in those sunglasses but we know our readers are not easily intimidated. So, we are looking forward to seeing some of you taking them  down and relieving them of a big pile of C Notes to benefit the life saving work being done by the Water School!

(Posted January 6, 2015)

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