
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Bill McClure Agreed to Pay $100,000 for
strange thing happened
Saturday night (Nov. 1) in the
middle of a T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference Dessert Party on the
show's final night at the
Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami
While chatting with some friends
there was a commotion on the stage
of the ballroom where the party was
underway. I looked around to see an
old friend, Coffee.org
owner Bill McClure, and three
top executives from the .CLUB
registry yelling
excitedly about something. It was an
impromptu celebration with no live
microphones on the stage so it took
a few moments to get a handle on
what was going on. After piecing
together shouts of "Coffee.club
$100,000!", "biggest
.CLUB deal to date," etc. I
went over to find out if what I was
hearing was true (after all it was
November 1st not April 1st).
climbed up the stairs to join the
group on stage where McClure and
.CLUB executives Colin Campbell,
Jeff Sass and Michele Van
Tilborg confirmed they had
completed a deal to send the domain Coffee.club
to McClure for $100,000, to be paid
out over 10 years at $10,000 per
McClure speaking during the Meeting
of the Chiefs session that
closed the final business day at
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 2014
Saturday (Nov. 1) in Miami Beach. |

(with coffee of course): We took
this shot immediately after .CLUB
officials and buyer Bill McClure
announced a $100,000 deal for
McClure to acquire Coffee.club
Saturday night in Miami Beach. Left
to right are .CLUB CEO Colin
Campbell, McClure, .CLUB
CMO Jeff Sass and .CLUB VP,
Business Development Michele Van
Tilborg. While
the deal was just finalized and
announced Saturday night, the two
sides had been talking about it for
some time. The free financing
arrangement was something .CLUB
already had in place with their Startup.club
offering that is designed to make it easier for
entrepreneurs to acquire and build a
business on a premium .CLUB domain.
Still, paying $100,000 for a new
gTLD domain over any
length of time is a major commitment
accompanied by a high degree of

Sunday morning, Bill
McClure (right) told
DNJournal's Ron Jackson he had
no buyer's remorse. |
make sure he didn't have any
buyer's remorse, I waited
until the next morning, at
T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s Farewell
Breakfast Sunday, to get back
together with McClure to see
if he was still as excited
about the deal as he was
Saturday night. He was, and
after talking with him, I
began to understand why he
believes he actually cut a
pretty good deal for
himself. In
almost all cases, when you buy
a domain name, you are on your
own to make something out of
it. Odds are you won't hear
another peep out of a registry
or registrar unless you miss a
payment or your domain is up
for renewal. That will not be
the case here. As it happens,
McClure is just |
kind of guy .CLUB needs. He is
an end user with a very
successful existing coffee
business whose new venture
will put the .CLUB extension
in front of a lot of people.
As such, McClure said .CLUB
has agreed to spotlight
Coffee.club in many of
their marketing efforts. Since
they are one of the few new
gTLD registry operators who
have actually spent
significant money on marketing
(in fact on Saturday they won
the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Award for Best
Marketing by a New gTLD,
as well as the Most
Promising New gTLD award)
that is a big value add to
McClure, |
is little doubt that despite
making a big sale. .CLUB has
as much on the line here as
McClure does. McClure and many
others at the party, including
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-Founder Rick Schwartz,
noted that Coffee.club will be
something of a
"canary in the coal
mine" for |

.CLUB. The name is a
perfect fit for the coffee
club McClure intends to build
on it and it will be backed by
a guy who already knows his
way around the coffee business
as well as anyone in the country. So
the thought many expressed out
loud was that if Coffee.club
can't make a new gTLD
successful then nobody can.
For that reason, every new
gTLD operator, not just .CLUB,
should be rooting for McClure to
succeed. |
who told me he had been thinking
about setting up a coffee club for
some time, doesn't plan to waste any
time in putting his plans for the
domain into action. He told me he
will have a live site up on
Coffee.club within a couple of
weeks. He has done that before -
a prime example coming just a year
ago when McClure bought Bouquet.com
at the 2013
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Las Vegas
conference and quickly had a
profitable business up and running
on it. Of course, that was a .com.
Can he do it again with a new gTLD?
And what about possibly losing
traffic to CoffeeClub.com?
The latter domain, registered in
2000, is currently an inactive blog
(the most recent posts are dated
2013) that has ownership information
shielded by WhoIs privacy. Right now
there are just as many questions as
answers - so it will be very telling
to watch this particular case play
out in the months ahead. |
Nov. 5, 2014)
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