a picture perfect day
on Florida's Miami Beach
the 10th anniversary edition
of the pioneering T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference unofficially opened today
when early birds enjoyed the first
of two days of pre-show cabana
networking at the fabulous Fontainebleau

T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s Ray Neu &
Barbara Neu ready to welcome
conference early birds to pre-show
cabana networking at the Fontainebleau
Hotel on Miami Beach this
Vicente Gomar from
(left) and T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
Co-Founder Howard Neu
made a bee line for fresh coffee,
danish and refreshments when the
cabanas opened at 9am.

ongoing procession of good
food and fresh mojitos
drew guests into the central
cabana (surrounded by a
crystal clear full circle
pool) throughout the day, with
networking continuing well
past the scheduled 6pm closing
have been to almost all of the
more than two dozen
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. shows held
around the world over the past
decade and I would have to say
the Fontainebleau is the most
stunning venue
(in a long list of world class
facilities) that they have
visited to date. Truly a
fitting location for the 10th
anniversary edition of the
iconic event founded in 2004
by Rick Schwartz and Howard
Neu. |


Having a Fontaineblast today were
(left to right) James Wester,
Howard Neu, Eddie Sixto,
Ron Jackson, Rick Schwartz
and Jean-Noel Frydman.
The guys above have to be wondering
hw Ray Neu always attracts
the pretty girls! Seated left to
right (with Ray looking on) are Barbara
Sixto, Diana Jackson, Barbara
Neu and Carmella Savonello.

second day of cabana networking gets
underway Thursday morning (Oct. 30)
at 9am and will run all day as T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
East 2014 guests continue
arriving from around the world. The conference
officially begins with the
traditional Welcome Cocktail
Party at 5:30pm Thursday
- a major league blowout that will
be held on a gorgeous outdoor deck
overlooking the Atlantic Ocean to
the east and T.R.A.F.F.I.C.'s
private cabana and pool effort to
the west.

(left to right): Marty Kaulins,
Gerrit Huisman and Eddie
Sixto at today's opening round
of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. pre-show
cabana networking at the Fontainebleau
Hotel on Miami Beach.
Early birds came from near and far.
Left to right are Truc Tran
(Norway), Deepak Daftari
(India), Tracy Fogarty (Domaing
Holdings, Florida) and Jason
Schaeffer (New Jersey,

T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East conference will
continue through Sunday morning
(you can see the full
schedule here), when
attendees will head home after the traditional
Farewell Breakfast. Between
now and then things will be rocking around
the clock at the Fontainebleau.
As we progress through the week I'll
have daily photos & highlights
in this column for you.

those still on their way to Miami
Beach, among the friends waiting
to see you are (L to R) Negar
Hajikhani (Sedo), Sevan
Derderian (Uniregistry),
Tessa Holcomb (Igloo.com) and Deepak