baseball season
winding down several big name free
agents will be hitting the market
this fall. However, if you run a
domain company that could use a new power
hitter, one is available now!
one could have expected widely known
10-year industry veteran
account executive Susan Lawrence
to pop up on the job market
overnight but it just happened under
some most unusual circumstances.
After more than six years at DomainSponsor,
two at Above.com and the last
two at Nami Media (not to be confused
with NameMedia), not only did
Susan's job disappear, so did the
entire company!
the end of last week, Nami Media's
parent company, Lin Media, abruptly
decided to shut down Nami with no
advance notice (or severance pay)
for their employees. So,
Lawrence (center) during her
six-year stint with DomainSponsor
(photo taken at the 2007
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East conference in
Hollywood, Florida by Barbara Neu).
With Susan are Laura Mitchell (left)
and Rob McClinton (right). |