
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Spain Ends Another Successful Run After
Attendees from 18 Countries Converged in
2014 Domaining
Spain Conference
concluded its three-day run at the Hotel
Sorolla Place in Valencia
Saturday. Show promoter Dietmar
Stefitz said attendees from 18
different countries came together
for the 6th edition of the annual
event in Valencia - a beautiful city
that overlooks the Mediterranean

at the 2014 Domaining Spain
Conference gathered on the front
of the Hotel Sorolla Palace
in Valencia for the show's
traditional group photo.

Spain Founder Dietmar
Stefitz (left) introduces
speaker Daniel Eisenhut
of EuroDNSin this photo from
attendee Joan Orquin's Twitter
feed. |
you would expect new gTLDs
were a prime topic of
conversation at Domaining
Spain, however Stefitz said
that even though all new
registry operators were given
an open invitation to
attend, very few took the
opportunity to come and talk
about their extensions.
Stefitz told us, "Only some
Geo and Community TLDs like .wien
and .hiv were
represented. .Wien
CEO Ronald Schwaerzler
noted that .wien already has more Sunrise registrations than
.berlin had (and .berlin
has become the second most
popular new gTLD released to
date, trailing only .guru in
total registrations."
added, "In general the audience
was disappointed about how
little money is being spent on
publicity in general for the
new GTLDs.
One audience member remarked
that they must be spending
everything on running auctions."
Stefitz said there was also
disappointment that, after
years of laying the
groundwork, Annalisa |
and Tim Switzer were
not able to get rights to
operate .green (which
wound up going to the highest
bidder in an auction). |
course, Domaining Spain had its
usual full complement of business
sessions covering all of today's
major industry issues. Stefitz said
there was a consensus that, for
continued growth, the domain
industry needs an awareness campaign
aimed at the general public, and
also needs more influence in
international bodies, especially ICANN.
said few doubt that .com will remain
the dominant extension for many
years to come, noting, "it will
likely be at least October before we
see any real development |

shot from the first panel
discussion at Domaining
Spain 2014 from the HasTraffic.com
Twitter feed. |
content on new gTLDs." However
he added that many believe that in
the long run new gTLDs will give the
Internet a better structure and will
provide accesses to millions of new
users with the introductions of
extensions in local alphabets (IDNs).
Spain also handed out its annual
awards. This year's winner
Nacional: Alberto Gutiérrez (MrDominio)
Domainer Europeo: Michele Neylon (de Blacknight)
Internacional: Thierry François (de namepropierties)
As with
all conferences, the biggest return
on attendee's time and money came
from the opportunity to build new
relationships and strengthen
existing ones. Domaining Spain
provided constant networking
opportunities in both business and
casual settings.

group of friends (old and new) get
together during a break at the
2014 Domaining Spain conference
(photo from Felix Mezcua's Twitter
feed). |
Now that the
2014 conference is in the books, Stefitz
is already thinking about the 2015 event,
one that he plans to make a "Mega
European Event." With six
popular shows behind him the groundwork
has already been laid for the giant leap
forward he is aiming for next time around.
May 13, 2014)
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