I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but
for some reason Michael Berkens
(TheDomains.com) looked 30
years younger last night!
(left to right): Judi Berkens and Michael
and two kindred spirits
from the general public found each
other at the All Hallows Eve Party
last night.

here is a test for you. Before
you cheat and look at the caption, guess
who the famous domain investor and blogger
in the photo at left is. I know that with
the disco chain he may look a lot like Andrew
Allemann or Elliot Silver, but
it's not them so keep guessing!
guess some explanation is in order so you
won't think our friend wears this getup every
day (Of course, I'm not with him every day
so I can't really swear to that one way or the other!) People were invited to come to
the All Hallows Eve Party in costume
if they wished (since I already
look scary enough without an outfit -
actually especially without an
outfit - I declined that option). Having
said that, and knowing that all of
cheated and already looked at the caption
anyhow, yes that is indeed domain investor
and blogger extraordinaire Michael
Berkens of TheDomains.com
and MostWantedDomains.com.
Michael's defense he said his lovely wife
Judi put him up to it (or to be more
precise - gave him no say in the matter).
Everyone who knows Judi Berkens knows no
party really begins until she gets there!
And so it was last night. People flock to
Judi like moths to a flame, so in no time
at all another couple (non domainers) with
a similar appreciation for the 70s disco
era was at their side.
haven't seen so many masks and costumes
since the last time I was on Bourbon
Street in February. With all of the superheroes
running around it felt like a South
Florida version of ComicCon. There
was Batman and Superman and Iron Man and -
thanks to Michael - even Domain Man!
I bet the other superheroes thought his
uniform was cooler than theirs too.
course, the lady superheroes were
well represented too and though I'm sure they
had an array of amazing super powers I
know none of them could pull off the magic
Barbara Neu does in making a domain
conferene run smoothly.