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October 16, 2013

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

All Aboard! The First Rolling Domain Conference Took Place Last Week on a Stunning Luxury Tour Bus in Berlin 

Over the past 7 years Christoph Grueneberg and Thomas Mueller have staged the largest German language domain conference - Domainvermarkter-Forum - eight times in their home country. 

The two partners are also active domain investor/developers and this year they got so busy with their showpiece ecommerce site - Sale.de - that they didn't have time to organize their usual  conference. So, being the creative people they are, they come up with a different idea - the first ever rolling Domain Stammtisch aboard a luxury tour bus (in German “stammtisch” means a regular meeting of people in restaurants

Thomas Mueller (left) & Christoph Grueneberg

or bars).  Dubbed the Domainvermarkter Stammtisch, the event was held a week ago today (October 9, 2013) aboard a deluxe Gourmet Liner in Berlin. Thomas and Christoph (who will be at next week's T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in Florida) were kind enough to share some photos from the unique event with us.


Domainvermarkter Stammtisch 2013 guests in front of 
the Schloss Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin last week. 

Domainvermarkter Stammtisch guests aboard the Gourmet Liner as 
the rolling conference cruised through the streets of Berlin.

Christoph Grueneberg told us, "This wasn't a typical city tour - it was a dining tour with cooking and eating in the bus. During the trip a three-course menu was served onboard and there were also plenty of drinks (these are domainers after all)!. Altogether over 30 domainers from Germany and Austria took part in the tour sponsored by Backorder.de, Domainers Registrar, InterNetX, Sedo, Hexonet and Realtime.at.

Cooks in the Gourmet Liner's onboard kitchen prepare the three-course meal 
served to Domainvermarkter Stammtisch guests during their ride around Berlin.

Grueneberg noted that Dima Beitzke, the new CSO (Chief Sales Officer) at Sedo GmbH, introduced himself for the first time (Dima succeeded the highly regarded Liesbeth Mack-de Boer in that position).

Sedo GmbH CSO Dima Beitzke (far right) with friends aboard the Gourmet Liner. Dima is holding one of the "I Love Sale.de" teddy bears that Grueneberg and Mueller brought along to promote their rapidly growing ecommerce site.

After the road trip the whole group continued on to the Spagos Bar at the famous Alexanderplatz. Many of the participants also visited the biggest German online marketing conference, OMCap, that  took place the next day.  At that conference there was a special Domainer Channel with lectures from  Christoph Grueneberg about the new Redemption-Grace Period at the German DENIC Registry and Markus Galler (InterNetX) on the subject New TLDs.

The Domainvermarkter Stammtisch looks like a great idea. When Grueneberg and Mueller are in Florida for T.R.A.F.F.I.C. next week maybe we can convince them to export this one to America!

(Posted October 16, 2013) 

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