survey asked respondents to select one of
five options that best described how much
time they devoted to Facebook vs. the Rest
of the Web - 20:80 (20% to Facebook,
80% to the ROW), 40:60, 50:50,
60:40 or 80:20 (the latter
being 80% to Facebook, 20% to the
ROW). In March 2012 58%
selected 20:80, but by June that number
had zoomed to 71% now saying the vast
majority of their time (80%)
goes to the rest of the web. In March, 16%
of the respondents said they split their
time 50/50 between Facebook and the
ROW. In June only 4% divided
their time evenly.
the flip side, there are a few lost
sheep out there who not only haven't
figured it out, but are wandering further
off course. In March 0% (yes
ZERO) said they devoted 80% of their time
to Facebook, but in June 4%
said they have shifted 80% of their time
to Facebook. If I was in charge of
corporate advertising I would want to find
out if any of those 4% are on my team
working to build someone else's brand
(Facebook's) rather than my own.