We arrived
back home to Florida in the wee
hours of Tuesday morning and, as noted
in my
last post from Spain, I came
home with a lot less hair than I
had originally crossed the Atlantic with
(none to be exact). PPX
International Chairman Gregg
"The Mad Barber" McNair
finally ran me down in Valencia and
persuaded me to give up my hair in
exchange for donations to The
Water School - a life saving
organization that we both support in
every way we can.
In new
photos that came out today (at
right, courtesy of TargetDomain.com's
Facebook feed) you can see how
things got off to a bad start and
quickly went downhill for me from there!
I thought about trying to wiggle out of
McNair's hot seat but once pledges hit
$20,000 I no longer had the luxury of
saying no because I know how far that
money will go toward eradicating
disease by introducing The Water
School's inexpensive clean water
solution in developing countries.
I am happy
to say that pledges passed $40,000
by the time we left Valencia and
donations can still be made at WaterShave.org.
I'll be getting some more information on
specific donors and amounts from Gregg
in a few days so I can recognize those
generous givers in this column.
I was also
happy that we were able to do this in
Valencia where McNair gave a terrific
presentation that showed domainers on
the European side of the pond how
important the Water School's work is.
The domainers there also showed how generous
they are by extending a helping hand to
those in desperate need of one.
getting back home, there was still one
bit of conference related business I
wanted to take care of. That was to send
a personal thank you note today
to each of the 20 people or companies
that helped Jodi Chamberlain
produce the surprise
video that was shown Friday
night after I was honored to
receive Domaining Europe's 1st Award for
International Communications in the
Domain Industry. Their
congratulatory messages made an already
special night truly unforgettable
for Diana and I. |

the lamb to slaughter - unlicensed
Gregg McNair (left) and Braden
Pollock (right).

thing bothers me - Gregg McNair
has way too much fun doing

may look pretty happy here but this
before someone handed me a
mirror! |