"Zappy" Zapolin
along with his partners at Internet Real
Estate Group, was featured in our September
2005 Cover Story) has been involved
in the development and sale of some of the best
generic domain names on the Internet, including Music.com,
Beer.com, Computer.com, CreditCards.com,
Diamond.com, Silver.com and many
more. The serial entrepreneur and creator of the
Harvard Business School elective "eBusiness"
is now expanding into yet another field - documentary
and famous doctor/author/speaker Deepak
Chopra have joined
forces with producer Kurt Engfehr
(who co-produced Bowling for Columbine
and Fahrenheit 911) to put
together what they promise will be a highly controversial
film - The
Reality of Truth - a documentary
examining perception and reality that is due for
release this summer. Zapolin
and Chopra (who both have key on-screen

"Zappy" Zapolin (left) & Deepak
roles in the film)
maintain that "there is an expanding shift
in consciousness taking place right now, and
people are looking for a new understanding of
life. The "film not only identifies the
perception problem plaguing society today, but
also analyzes specific techniques to
break though to a new reality—one that is more
peaceful, tolerant and, when looked at properly,
Zapolin said, “Transcendence
is the key to taking off the filters that
separate and blind us, so that we can see things
as they actually exist. There are many
techniques people use to transcend—meditation,
prayer, dance, music, even psychedelics—and
for this film we set out to explore the
effectiveness of these different techniques.”

The film
features top religious gurus, thought
leaders and scientists, who discuss the
prevailing understanding of reality and
the methods they invoke to transcend
into an "alternate reality."
The documentary crew has already filmed
interviews in many locations including Maui
where they spoke with legendary
spiritual leader Ram Dass, who
was with Timothy Leary during his
infamous Harvard experiments. |
They also filmed a
panel discussion with Dr. John Hagelin, PhD and
Fred Travis, faculty members of the Maharishi
University of Management, and Dr. Norman
Rosenthal, author of New York Times
Bestseller Transcendence. The
panel was held in Fairfield, Iowa, where
thousands of people in the transcendental
meditation community meditate together each day.
You can watch a trailer for The Reality of
Truth on the official
documentary website and also follow
the project's progress on the
film's Facebook page.