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August 27, 2012

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Here's the The Lowdown from DN Journal,
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to fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry. 

The Lowdown is compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson.

News Aggregator Domaining.com Organizes Domain Sale to Pay Back Bloggers

Domaining.com is a popular domain news aggregation site that allows you to view headlines from the industry's most popular blogs, news and information sites in one convenient location. 

When a headline catches your eye you can click on it and be taken to the original site to read the full article. It's a win win platform for all involved. Domaining.com gets its headline content at no charge and in return the content producers get additional traffic that is driven to their site from the Domaining.com links.  


Image: scottchan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Still, Domaining.com operator Francois Carrillo decided he would like to kick off the new year by doing something special for the content providers featured on his site. Carrillo knows that while a few of the top blogs and news sites do well financially through advertiser support, it is a labor or love for the majority who don't make a lot of money from their efforts (some no money at all). 

So, Carrillo, who also runs a domain sales platform at CAX.com, decided to organize a special domain sale with the commissions collected to be divided and distributed to the

bloggers that help spread the word about the event (Editor's note: we have declined a share of the proceeds as it is against our policy to accept compensation for any editorial content). 

The way it works is that anyone who wants to put a name up for sale in the event (only one name per person), can submit it for consideration here. Carrillo plans to put the 100 best submissions in a sales newsletter that will go out Monday, January 9, 2012 (this is a new date, one week later than the one originally announced). In addition to his own mailing list, Carrillo has also gotten support from  DNForum.com, DomainState.com and AcornDomains.co.uk who have agreed to distribute the sale list to their members. Sellers will pay a 10% commission on any domains sold with those proceeds going back to the bloggers. 

I think its a thoughtful gesture on the parts of Domaining.com, DNForum.com and DomainState.com - one that is fitting for the holiday season. If the sale goes well it should provide a nice belated Christmas gift to some of the men and women who have helped develop the domain industry's blogosphere into such a rich source of free news, information and advice. 

(Posted Dec. 29, 2011) 

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